Mega Power Worn Motor Directions. 

  The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment Directions.

  The easy way to use our cleaners to remove engine sludge, add conditioners to smooth out the motors roughness, stop  oil leaaks, stop tapping, oil burning, stop blowby leaks. The way to end hi-mileage engines sluggish ways.

Conditioners using our MC+ ingredients add to helping the motor back to its problem free state.

MC+.The best way to keep your older engines running great. Its  anti-wear protection will keep future troubles away - by their removal now, and future appearance supression. 

Added when you want a lo-cost way to end wear and tear troubles, keep troubles away.  Directions follow...

Article Contact Info : Mega Power Worn Motor Directions: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order this item by phone, call 512 665 3388

What you should know about these engine install directions. 

Thanks for your business - Call me if you have a question, and to reorder.

Below are the Directions for using the products you ordered.

Keep a copy in your cars glove box and home file, for future references.

Copy and print this page in your lnguage if you like.

Call me if you need guldence... george at 512 665 3388  - Say you need worn motor directions help. No charge to do so.

Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. Engine aid for High Mileage motors.Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment Directions. An engine aid to keep High Mileage motors running great, putting off their replacement need. Ending problems wear causes to keep them going.
Mega Power Worn Motor help starts by Step One: Add Fuel Treatment to gas tank.Step One worn motor directions: Add Fuel Treatment to gas tank

There are 2 steps to the Mega Power Engine Treatment.

  1. I put a number on the cap making it easier for you follow directions. 
  2. Step 2  occurs after a week of driving.  

Worn Motor Directions - Step One.

Step one adds 3 items to the motor in this way.

Item One of step one. Adds the red bottle to the fuel tank having the #1 on the cap.

Mega Power Worn Motor Directions #2.  Add Engine Cleaner Treatment to motor's oil.Mega Power Worn Motor Directions #2. Add Engine Cleaner Treatment to motor's oil.

Items 2 of step one includes adding the black bottle with #2 on the cap to your motor oil. You now have one item to installed. 

To finish Step One install item #3 on the cap, the yellow bottle in one of the following ways:

A. If an individual, add item #3 to the gas tank along with item #1; and you will drive the problem away during a week of using up the fuel in the gas tank. [ After the yellow bottle #3 is installed, drive the vehicle for 15 minutes to purge the system, and set the friction modifier - Try 2 or 3 low to high speed spurts, to remove carbon out of the system for better breating.

B. If a mechanic : Have it sucked into the motor by the motors vacuum system in some way - over a 5 minute time span. As shown with a vacuum, or injector cleaner feed tool hook up and its  directions. After item 3 is installed, perform a 15 minutes drive and during that drive perform 3 hot-rod speed spurts, I describe below.

C. For carbon knock only, during the last half of the liquid left in the feed container, open its fluid release valve to flood the combustion chamber with item #3 untill it stops the motor, or - stop the motor as its final amount is sucked in - if flooding won't stop the motor running. [B step just described is shown the next picture.]  After choosing one of the 3 ways for installing item 3 - do the following...

 A special feeder installs the item #3 carbon remover into the air stream by its suction.... See tool haging in pisture.

The #3 speed spurt diretions after its install.

Quickly press the gas pedal to the floor board - while moving slowly around 5 to 10 mph speed. Now, hold the pedal down as you speed up to 50 to 60 MPH. The gears will all shift.  Be safe in this procedure. Don't run into anybody!  Next. Worn mootor directions  for Step Two.

    Step Two is performed a week after step one, to let driving end the problem.  

    Cleaning continues as you drive during the week interval.

    Occasionally the motor may hesitate as residues are removed. It will smooth out. Your problem will soon disappear, also.

    Step Two Feeder Bottle details using the yellow bottle #3.

  1. Us mechanics use the special feeder tool shown in the picture, to feed [install] the yellow bottle #3 contents into the motor for instant results. If you do not have a FeedeR Bottle Install method, my first way to add it to the gas tank works as well but peromances is not as noticeable. The feeder device can be bought or rented, and is shown on the: page.
  2. Tips of the install by feeder tool. Make sure the yellow bottle contents is slowly sucked into the motor – by adjusting its feed to work next to its off position. 
  3. If Hand Installing: As it is sucked in, give it a 6 seconds break between each oz installed - so this feed process last around a 5 minute time period. The motor should run rough with eash oz addition, then the breakin feeding will smooth out. Stopping the motor with the last portion aor if it stops motor - motor restat is easy and to continue the fee. 
  4. Call me, if you need help. That is what I’m here for. I’ll walk you thru thesen steps. It’s not difficult.
  5. The following are other ways of installing the yellow bottle #3. Remember take 5 minutes  duration to let the motor sucked in the product – not all at once. Got that! Let the cleaner work for ten second, between each entree of one oz or so of the cleaner - for its quickest improvment.
  6. Try the PCV Valve Method. Remove the PCV valve. Start motor, suction will be heard coming from the bottom of the metal PCV valve. Hold the opened bottle such, you can tilt the fluid flow on and off in tilts as suction pulls in an oz of the liquid - at a time. About 10 tilts or so until the liquid is gone. Reconnect the PCV valve; Perform the 15 minute road test described.
  7. Try the Brake booster Hose Method. Same directions as for PCV Valve instructions, but using this hose taken off the booster connection as the #3 product installation point. Cover hose with thum if engine wants to die between oz feeds.
  8. Or try the Throttle Plate Method. Remove the air duck, to expose the throttle plate. Start motor and let suction at that point pull in the cleaner as you till the bottle such. An oz is splashed against the throttle plate to gain entree. I use my finger over the bottle top to monitor the flow - its easier that way.
  9. Suggestion and tip…. Tilt the #3 bottle such the suction sucks in a one oz. at a time -its one second time factor. One oz or so at a time is sucked in over five minutes time until consumed.
  10. Add and Drive Method. Pour both red and yellow bottles into the gas tank – let them do their cleaning over a week of driving time on a full tank of gas.

A picture of how we install the yellow bottle contents via a special patented feeder tool is shown on our "tune up" page.[You can buy this durable feeder tool, $99 + $18 s&h cost, Rent it for a week for $25, by calling 512 665 3388] See web link below for picture of the feeder.

Step Two Worn Motor Directions using the MP Engine Service Treatment.

This step performs a "bottom of motor cleaning," adds conditioning, and anti-wear to reduce friction, wear, and then a coating for moving parts to slide on, fill worn spaces, build more compression – for a power boost.

  1. Pour contents of bottle marked "Engine Cleaner," with a #4 on the cap, into your dirty oil. [I pour it into the dirty oil, then go to a place to change my oil five minutes away.]
  2. Run motor for 5 minutes with the #4 in it working, turn off ignition. Then...
  3. Drain out and replace old oil and filter with new. Old Oil will be black and gooey - not watery, like it usually is when drained out. This shows it did a good cleaning job.
  4. Make sure your new oil level comes to the "full mark" on the dipstick, after running the motor, and check for leaks.
  5. Then add the two black bottles of "Mega Power, marked #5 and #6 to the new oil.

That ends the two-step, worn motor directions engine-problem-solver and protector procedure. Drive happier, now! Your engine will love you for following the worn motor directions given! You're done! Congratulations.

Call me when you need more. Be sure to ask for your repeat customer 10% discount. We have treatments for transmissions, power steering, radiator, and a/c systems - as well as industrial treatments. Distributors opportunities are available. Ask about them.

Recommend My Mega Power Worn Motor Directions and Treatment to your friends. I would appreciate those new customers. They need this type of help, too!

Why Mega Power?

    Mega Power is the best car and equipment maintenance product ever invented. It is the Rolls Royce type care compared to common maintenance you are use to. - Contact info..

    On a smartphone, need help, to ask a question or order items listed, call me at 512 665 3388 or text me...George

    Mega Power is a 2 step system of anti-wear any man or women can easily install, for engine wear - and transmission, wear, also - to remove residue and friction, as a problem-solving advantage when changing oil.

    - added to your oil change procedure to end or prevent specific problems. Order Now! Get on down the road of life with a great Mega Powered treated car - for years more driving pleasure - not repair worry. Ordering info

    Order now!

    Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment -

    Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $75+ $15 s&h= $90 total.

Buy two treatments, protect both car engines. Includes 12 items shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by Fedex$140 total, Save $40.

Protect your engine and transmission with this Combo Treatment. Includes the Worn Motor Treatment $90, described above- and our 3 item Transmission Service and wear problem-solving protection your transmission needs, just $75. Both now, $125 total. Save $40 today.

Worn Motor Directions
George Christ Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer. 210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666 Call to ask a question or purchase at 512 665 3388
Order by check, MO, to address in this box.

If Ordering by check, M O, do so to address below.

George Christ Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer. 210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666 Call to ask a question or purchase at 512 665 3388

Order by check, MO, to address below.

Compare Mega Power features.... to part store sold products...

Instead of using a thick sticky syrup like Lucas, STP, or Restore type products - why put honey-like stuff in today's motors requiring water thin oils? On the other hand...

Why use solvent type additive cleaners - engine flushes, and stop leaks sold in parts stores and quick lubes, that clean well - to good, in fact,- that actually strip the lube film out from between your moving motor parts? Not good, of course.

These are the real Mega Power Worn Motor Directions advantages to benefit your car and your budget. Order now! Results guaranteed as listed.

New options, new advantages to help preserve engines and transmissions during the Problem removing stage

Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment Directions follows two specific steps and uses a over a dozen proprietary ingredients easily installed, including Mega Power MC+ discovered to end specific friction caused problems - much like specific medicine a doctor would give you or a loved one to cure their specific problem.

Before you get to the directions below, I want you to know this point...

    Your Mega Power Treatment solves a number of important different problems all motors and transmissions have.

    So, I've given four different names to this treatment because that seems to help the buyer feel, "it’s for their problem." Not very many products are so versatile as Mega Power.

    Order now!

    Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment -

    Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $75+ $15 s&h= $90 total.

Buy two treatments, protect both car engines. Includes 12 items shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by Fedex$140 total, Save $40.

Protect your engine and transmission with this Combo Treatment. Includes the Worn Motor Treatment $90, described above- and our 3 item Transmission Service and wear problem-solving protection your transmission needs, just $75. Both now, $125 total. Save $40 today.

So, trust the Mega Power Worn Motor Directions steps spelled out below and your problem will end; your car will run great, for many years.

What to expect. What you should feel while driving.

    The motor will sound and run smoother as cleaning end and friction excess disappears. The 1st road test will show a sudden burst of power not present before.

    The next morning, notice starting will be a bit quicker and cold running a bit smoother. Most people notice better take-off from red lights, and more zip - zipping around in traffic when cold.

    Going up and down hills will also be like it use to be when newer as cleaning and anti-wear friction reducing frees rings and valves and cleans catalytic converters - for top engine breathing efficiency again.

Like medicine: Mega Power Worn Motor Directions.

    A doctor gives you to end your stuffed-up nose and lung congestion - to help you feel better, and to encourage healing, Mega Power does the same to restore and develop full horse power again for your motor. It does so in 6 - not just one of your motors sub systems, as other products can only do.

And because the Mega Power Worn Motor Directions removes those dirty, friction increasing negatives, those parts can again slide, rub, roll, and push you may notice two more benefits:

  1. Sometimes you will gain an extra 20 or so miles more distance on each fillip.
  2. Oil stays clean far longer and you can run each oil change 6000 miles or for 6 months - instead of three.

Please send me an email of your experience with permission
to pass it along. I would appreciate that.

How to proceed with the worn motor directions

    Your worn motor directions has two separate steps. The first to do most of the cleaning. The second - a week later, to smooth, heal, coat, and protect. The two steps with these ingredients have been found to do what works - and will end your problem.

    One other thing. They are the other, internal half of a good tune up and repair. So replace defective parts, if needed.

Step One Worn Motor Directions:

    Uses 3 products I marked with a # 1 #2 and # 3 on their caps to follow my directions easier. They clean the top of the motor, wherever fuel, air, combustion and exhaust go - using the MP FISC Product. Perform this step first, as directed below.

Step Two Worn Motor Directions:

    Is installed a week later, using the Mega Power Engine Service Kit RS3. I marked #4 #5 and #6 on their caps. It is performed during an oil change.

    Both steps clean and free the dozens of dirty, sticking, fast wearing piston, bearings, valves, lifters, and gears. Both steps is what returns worn-away smoothness to every engine part and coats them so your motor will run quieter, even better – as long as you want to extent the improvement.

    Mega Power Worn Motor Directions...

    A picture of how we teach mechanics to follow the worn motor directions yellow Combustion Flush #3, installation.

    This special patented feeder tool, pictured above besides the Treatment pictured on this page, hooks up to a engine suction/vacuum hose and feeds this engine combustion cleaner in automatically - as the motor runs. This tool does what I show you to do by hand, as directed below.

    Purchase this durable feeder tool for your own usage as needed. $99 + $18 s&h cost. Rent it for a week for $25, by calling 512 665 3388. See web link below for picture of the feeder. -You can order this tool by phone by calling me at 512 665 3388... george

Let's begin Step One Worn Motor Directions Top-side Cleaning

  1. Add the red bottle with #1 on the cap to the fuel tank.
  2. Add the black bottle with #2 on the cap to your motor oil, before adding #3.
  3. The yellow bottle contents with #3 on the cap needs to be sucked into the motor by the motors vacuum in some way - over a 5 minute time span. Several ways are given below.

After the yellow bottle #3 is installed, drive the vehicle for 15 minutes to purge the system and set the friction modifier - like this.... During the 15 minutes do 3 hot-rod speed spurts, like this: Quickly press the gas pedal to the floor board - while moving slowly around 10 to 15 mph. Hold the pedal down as you speed up to 50 MPH. Take foot off gas pedal around 50 mph or so speed.

    I do 3 quick hot-rod-ing speed spurts during the 15 minute drive. That seems to helps clean even better. That ends step one. Select a safe place to do the speed spurt - and Be safe in all this, OK?

    Cleaning continues as you drive during the week. Occasionally the motor may hesitate as residues are removed. It will smooth out. Your problem will soon disappear, also. Step Two is done, a week later. Restored power should seem to reappear.

Here are several ways the yellow bottle #3 is commonly installed.

  1. Us mechanics use the special feeder tool shown in the picture, to feed [install] the yellow bottle #3 contents into the motor for instant results. You will use one of the methods described below which are just as effective. The feeder device can be bought or rented, and is shown on the: page. 
  2.  Tip. Make sure the yellow bottle contents is slowly sucked into the motor – what ever way it is sucked in, with a few seconds break between each oz - so this feed process last over a 5 minute time period. The motor should run rough, then smooth out with each dose of #3. 
  3.  Call me, if you need help. That is what I’m here for. I’ll walk you thru them. It’s not difficult. The following are other ways of installing the yellow bottle #3. Remember take 5 minutes to let the motor sucked in the product – not all at once. Got that! Let the cleaner work for ten second, between each entree of one oz or so of the cleaner - not all at once.
  4. PCV Valve Method. Remove the PCV valve. Start motor, suction will be heard coming from the bottom of the metal PCV valve. Hold the opened bottle such you can tilt the fluid flow on an off as suction pulls in an oz of the liquid - at a time. About 10 tilts or so until the liquid is gone. Reconnect the PCV valve; Perform the 15 minute road test described.
  5. Brake booster Hose Method. Same directions as for PCV Valve instructions, but using this connection as the #3 product installation point.
  6. Throttle Plate Method. Remove the air duck, to expose the throttle plate. Start motor and let suction pull in the cleaner as you till the bottle such, an oz is splashed against the throttle plate. I use my finger over the bottle top to monitor the flow - its easier that way.
  7. Driving Method Pour both red and yellow bottles into the gas tank – let them do their cleaning over a week of driving time on a full tank of gas.

Suggestion and tip…. Tilt the #3 bottle such the suction sucks in a one oz. at a time. One oz or so at a time is sucked in over five minutes time until consumed.

Buy two treatments, protect both car engines. Includes 12 items shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx$140 total, Save $40.

Protect your engine and transmission with this Combo Treatment. Includes the Worn Motor Treatment $90, described above- and our 3 item Transmission Service and wear problem-solving protection your transmission needs, just $75. Both now, $125 total. Save $40 today.

Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment Item #3 metered into combustion area by this Feeder Tool.Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment Training. Item #3 metered into combustion area by this Engine additive Feeder Tool.

A picture of how we install the yellow bottle contents via a special patented feeder tool is shown on our "tune up" page.[You can buy this durable feeder tool, $99 + $18 s&h cost, Rent it for a week for $25, by calling 512 665 3388] See web link below for picture of the feeder.

Step Two Worn Motor Directions using the MP Engine Service Treatment.

This step performs a "bottom of motor cleaning," adds conditioning, and anti-wear to reduce friction, wear, and then a coating for moving parts to slide on, fill worn spaces, build more compression – for a power boost.

  1. Pour contents of bottle marked "Engine Cleaner," with a #4 on the cap, into your dirty oil. [I pour it into the dirty oil, then go to a place to change my oil five minutes away.]
  2. Run motor for 5 minutes with the #4 in it working, turn off ignition. Then...
  3. Drain out and replace old oil and filter with new. Old Oil will be black and gooey - not watery, like it usually is when drained out. This shows it did a good cleaning job.
  4. Make sure your new oil level comes to the "full mark" on the dipstick, after running the motor, and check for leaks.
  5. Then add the two black bottles of "Mega Power, marked #5 and #6 to the new oil.

That ends the two-step Mega Power Worn Motor Directions.

worn motor directions engine-problem-solver and protector procedure. Drive happier, now! Your engine will love you for following the worn motor directions given! You're done! Congratulations.

Call me when you need more. Be sure to ask for your repeat customer 10% discount. We have treatments for transmissions, power steering, radiator, and a/c systems - as well as industrial treatments. Distributors opportunity's are available. Ask about them.

Recommend My Mega Power Worn Motor Directions and Treatment to your friends. I would appreciate those new customers. They need this type of help, too!

    Order now!

    Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment -

    Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $75+ $15 s&h= $90 total.

So, trust the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment steps spelled out below and your problem will end; your car will run great, for many years. Call if you need help with these steps by calling my cell, 1 512 665 3388... george.

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