The Mega Power Power Steering Treatment Product. A treatment to return smooth, quiet steering operation.
This service product usially avoids pump and rack replacement part cost.
Directions included with your order, along with phone help. Delivered by FedEx in about 3 days.
Order now - Give your power steering a life trouble-free again, and keep more $ in your wallet -by avoiding this costly repair.
The Mega Power Treatment #PS-2. 2 item product treatment. Directions included with your order, along with phone help, guarantee. Delivered by FedEx in about 3 days. Just $75+$15 s&h= $90 total.
Detailed directions here and included
The Mega Power Treatment #PS-3 is a 2 step treatment.
Directions included with your order, along with phone help. Delivered by FedEx in about 3 days.
Order now - Give your power steering a life trouble-free again, and keep more $ in your wallet -by avoiding this costly repair.
The Mega Power Treatment #PS-2. 2 item product treatment. Directions included with your order, along with phone help, guarantee. Delivered by FedEx in about 3 days. Just $75+$15 s&h= $90 total.
Order Mega Power "Engine" "Transmission" "Radiator" and "Power Steering Treatments" for complete servicing of all a cars unit as required.
A $330 value for $200 IF ORDERING TODAY!
Guaranteed to please PREMIUM SERVICE PROTECTING and HELPING your cars run better - LONGER!
A $330 value - Now $200 while 100 sets, set aside for this offer last. Save $130. Just $200 an Free Shipping!
Directions for ending power steering problem.
There are two steps to using the power steering Treatment.
Begin: Remove the old power steering fluid from its PS reservoir - using a suction gun [$5, most parts stores], and add the 12 oz MP System Cleaner in its place of fluid.
Start motor, turn steering wheel all the way left to right 4 times. Stop motor, remove the dirty fluid in the reservoir and refill using fluid in 64 oz bottle. Again Start motor, turn steering wheel all the way left to right 4 times. Stop motor, remove the dirty fluid reservoir using the 64 oz Fluid. Again Start motor, turn steering wheel all the way left to right 4 times. Stop motor, remove the dirty fluid and refill reservoir with the Mega Power 64 oz Fluid. This process flushes out the problem and remains as its normal protective fluid.
Mega Power will fix wear, residue, and friction caused problems - which are 99% of all power steering problems. That ends the service. Check and top of system with this fluid in the future.
Small systems like a four cylinder car and some 6 cylinder cars may only require a half bottle of each of the 2 Mega Power products. You can tell by the reservoir size.
That ends the service.
As you Drive leak and roughness, and whine problem disappears. Enjoy Mega Power as it keeps your cars going strong again.
The Mega Power, Power Steering Service Treatment. Shown Above.
Ordering info
Order 1 or more Maga Power 2 step Power Steering Service Products. Works fast. Easy. Includes Flush and Fluid and Conditioner, having it as a System Rinse, Anti-wear, Stop leak and Seal Conditioner. Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Phone help, if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in 3-4 days.
Mega Power Power Steering Service 2 part Kit #PS2. $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total. Request 2 or mores treatment.
End your problem with this Mega Power Steering Service
That is the way to service any power steering - which should be done every 4 years - along with your transmission and radiator, every 2 years. If you love your car and avoid a hit to your budget!
The Mega Power, Power Steering Service Treatment. Shown Above. Ordering info
A simple, very effective, 2 step method that works fast.
Includes Flush Conditioner, System Rinse, Anti-wear, Stop leak and Seal Conditioner, Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Phone help, if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in 3-4 days.
The Mega Power Power Steering Service 2 part Kit. #PS2-Just $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.
Fleet and auto repair parts inventory for on call readiness. Case of 4 kits, for 4 cars, or two large trucks with 1-3 gallon P S fluid capacity. $160= $40 s&h= $200 total. Shipped FedEx to your door or business. Labor: add $45
To ask a question, or to order,`Call 1 512 665 3388
This quick-service treatment works every time.
At your local auto repair place, repair expense for a power steering repair can run from $450 to nearly $2,500.
This Problem Solver from Mega Power, if installed by a mechanic who knows about it, runs about $195 for the product and service that goes with it. Comes with a one year guarantee.
You can do-it-yourself.
in about 20 minutes in your driveway - no tools needed, for half that! Just $75.
Its easy, its foolproof, and its also guaranteed one year!
Do it yourself... In your driveway in less than a half hour.
This "treatment" will help you avoid having to fork-over $1000 to $2500 to replace some expensive steering parts. This is because most power steering systems just need this "tune up chemistry" from Mega Power - TO FIX IT?
Have this product shipped to your door in 3-5 days. To order, have a question answer, call me at 512 665 3388. ...George
The Mega Power Power Steering Service 2 part Kit. #PS-10
A simple, very effective, 2 step method that works fast.
Includes Flush Conditioner, System Rinse, Anti-wear, Stop leak and Seal Conditioner, Instructions, Guarantee
$60+ $15 s&h= $75 total. Shipped FedEx to your door or business.
Fleet and auto repair. Case of 4 kits, for 4 cars, or two large trucks with 1-3 gallon P S fluid capacity. $160= $40 s&h= $200 total. Shipped FedEx to your door or business.
To order,`Call 1 512 665 3388
What people say
I've seem this "treatment" correct the problem in dozens of cars, and even one big road grader. I have many garages stocking the product in inventory so its on hand just for this reason. This simple service avoids the need for an expensive repair.
This is another great Mega Power Brand Invention I love. To see why this treatment is so successful, read about the uniqueness of the product and about the inventor. See what's in this product that "fixes"
power steering problems....
Garages and mechanics order our entire line at wholesale.
Call me at 512 665 3388 to have filters and products shipped to your business. Visa M/C. Instruction for you and employees provided along with marketing material at lo-cost.
See these pages for other problem solvers Power steering Home Page Index
Click cart buy button below for fast service.
Fleet and auto repair. 4 kits, for 4 cars, or two large trucks with 1-3 gallon P S fluid capacity. $160= $40 s&h= $200 total. Shipped FedEx to your door or business. Labor: add $45
To ask a question, or to order,`Call 1 512 665 3388 This quick-service treatment works every time.
At your local auto repair place, repair expense for a power steering repair can run from $450 to nearly $2,500.
This Problem Solver from Mega Power, if installed by a mechanic who knows about it, runs about $195 for the product and service that goes with it. Comes with a one year guarantee.
You can do-it-yourself.
in about 20 minutes in your driveway - no tools needed, for half that! Just $75.
Its easy, its foolproof, and its also guaranteed one year!
Do it yourself... In your driveway in less than a half hour.
This "treatment" will help you avoid having to fork-over $1000 to $2500 to replace some expensive steering parts. This is because most power steering systems just need this "tune up chemistry" from Mega Power - TO FIX IT?
Have this product shipped to your door in 3-5 days. To order, have a question answer, call me at 512 665 3388. ...George
The Mega Power Power Steering Service 3 part Kit. #PS-10 A simple, very effective, 2 step method that works fast.
Includes Flush Conditioner, System Rinse, Anti-wear, Stop leak and Seal Conditioner, Instructions, Guarantee $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total. Shipped Fedex to your door or business.
Fleet and auto repair. Case of 4 kits, for 4 cars, or two large trucks with 1-3 gallon P S fluid capacity. $160= $40 s&h= $200 total. Shipped Fedex to your door or business.
To order,`Call 1 512 665 3388
What people say
I've seem this "treatment" correct the problem in dozens of cars, and even one big road grader. I have many garages stocking the product in inventory so its on hand just for this reason. This simple service avoids the need for an expensive repair.
This is another great Mega Power Brand Invention I love. To see why this treatment is so successful, read about the uniqueness of the product and about the inventor. See what's in this product that "fixes" power steering problems....
The following procedure describes the two-part, simple way me, and lots of mechanics, and individuals install to fix this annoying steering problem. Doing so nearly always avoids an expensive repair. IF NOT, IT LESSENS IT SO ITS NOT A PROBLEM ANYMORE.
It is the easiest and only way I know to correct those steering problems - in a half hour time. Its easy to install. Results occur quickly.
Directions for 3 part treatment
This Mega Power Treatment #PS-3 is a 3 item product Kit.
There are two steps to using the 3 products. A flush and rinse step. Refill with 2nd &3rd products & new fluid; included.
It comes with a special 12 oz cleaner conditioner, and 32 oz replacement fluid - which is used as the flushing fluid also. A Oil Treatment for wear treatment; 12 oz.
Works on all vehicles. Large size equipment need 2 treatments.
Begin: Remove the old power steering fluid from its PS reservoir - using a suction gun [$5, most parts stores], and add the 12 oz MP Cleaner in it place.
Start motor, turn steering wheel all the way left to right 4 times. Stop motor, remove the dirty fluid and replace using the 32 oz replacement fluid to refill.
Again repeat the above 3 to 5 times or so. Each of those times, stop motor, replace dirty fluid until finally the last of the contents 32 oz fills the reservoir. That's it! Simple. Effective.
As you Drive the problem disappears. Enjoy Mega Power at work!
Ordering Info....
The Mega Power Power Steering Service 3 part Kit. #PS-10
A simple, very effective, 2 step method that works fast.
Includes Flush Conditioner, System Rinse, Anti-wear, Stop leak and Seal Conditioner, Instructions, Guarantee $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total. Shipped Fedex to your door or business.
Fleet and auto repair. Case of 4 kits, for 4 cars, or two large trucks with 1-3 gallon P S fluid capacity. $160= $40 s&h= $200 total.
To order `Call 1 512 665 3388 Visa M/C
Garage and lube shops: Suggested labor charge for this service, $45 to $100. ..........
Garages and mechanics order our entire line at wholesale.
Call me at 512 665 3388 to have filters and products shipped to your business. Visa M/C. Instruction for you and employees provided along with marketing material at lo-cost.
See these pages for other problem solvers
For worn, tired, hi-mileage motors
Power steering Home Page Index The Mega Power, Power Steering Service Treatment. A new PS service product that ends PS problems, too!
Does your steering wheel turn jerky, is there a squeal?
Feel a roughness or hang-up as you turn the wheel?
Does it leak? Mega Power Ends those and these problems.
Any of those conditions will end with this Hi-tech, simple-to-use new product from Mega Power. Ordering info and actual directions anyone can follow - below.
Steering problems like a jerk or bind, or roughness, as well as a harder turning of the steering wheel is caused by a buildup of harmful residues in the valve control and by friction abrasion - both of which, this Mega Power Product removes, and the Treatment quickly ends. Works in transmissions; any hydraulic powered system like tractors have, and such.