The Perfect Boot Strap Business:
   Easy to manage
    Income starts right away
    All efforts pay you, not others
    Give Life A Meaning Boost

    Small investment Large returns

Mega Power Additive above Distributor Business offers above average income  growing potential to the Distributor and reseller.Mega Power Additives offers above average income with a growing potential, for the local part or full time distributor, and their resellers.

Contact info:Call to ask a question, find out if a spot is open nearby. How to get started. Training details. George 512 665 3388

   It's The Perfect               Business 

Easy to manage. 

  • This business will give you a better life!  When I say "a better life," its because most businesses makes you a slave to it. Not this one! It may take years to breakeven. Not this one! 
  • You controll your time. Not a clock, or a manager. No complicated procedures! But its not for everyone. 
  • Sure, you can sleep-in if you need to. Help the wife with kids school bussing. Take a load off her hands doing housework. Do shopping. Play golf! Being casual is allright - 
  • But when doing business you are all get up and go. Is that like you? Are those freedoms you are after? 

Income Starts Right Away.

You can see from our conversations repair shop owners have no marketing skills. For them to grow their income, they need our progran to produce and bring home thousands more every month  - to make the dream of a business come true.  That's a very important point to refresh them about.

As for this business - when an account is opened, its usually from one of the salesbook offers of $500 to $2000 - typically agreed to, it would take a month to consume. And they pay you on the spot.

As you open accounts, you work down your inventory and out of the check to pay for them comes your profit. You could have 3 checking accounts:

  1. One to cover inventory replacement.
  2. One for Taxes.
  3. One for net income.

And the best part is, the income made from each accounts at monthly refills can come from a half hours work, and its profit is often more than a days work on a job.

All efforts pay you, not others

 I  admit, the first couple weeks while getting your feet wet looks daunting for any endeavor, but as you customize your presentation to show how it lessens their pain about income, opening accounts becomes easier. You would be on a quest to produce 50 accounts to 100. More would need a salesperson to help you.

Give Life A Meaning Boost

What you offer gives their business a new meaning - one they should have had when they opened their business. Fixing vehicles the way the customers want! No other business or product does that for them! No other waay for them to grow their buisness INCOME by $10,000 to $50000 a year. It makes their dream to, come true!

You will be appreciated for giving their life and business  a meaning by neans of the features in our product line no other has. You give superior meaning for their being.

 work from home - and you work your territory from home. True, it offers no health insurance, no paid vacations, and you do pay for the other half of your social security a big company would have to pay. However, you gain several big tax breaks to offset their cost - which also lower taxes. Highly organized, you follow a successful system for developing all the business and income you want. Every extra effort rewards you in your account building effort, not others.

Your first conversation with a prospect

At the first week of canvessing to see who are prospects in your area. You also hear all the NO answers and begin to figure out how your conversation turns them into "yes set me up."

At the same time , you are setting up your territory route book to recod your conversation on each visit. What points you want to make to entice a yes, next trip. record each months purchase. What to help them sell more to earn more.

Small investment Large returns

  • Each usage of the product provides $50 to $400 in extra profit that can add up to $2000 to $4000 each month and $12,000 to $50000- in haigher yearly income for your clients. 
  • At a profit of $100 to $500 on the average forprofit from each account, 10 months out of 12. Multiplied by 50 to 100 accounts serviced each month, you can see why this should be the opportunity for you to invest in. 

After you have more than you need of clients, introducing yourself to prospects slows down, filling up your day refilling low inventory's.

When Prospecting, you use your route book to show what others are doing to earn thousands more each month with your Mega Power Additive Program. Showing your ""Value Book"  how our product can make a big improvement in their business is key to showing prospects what your accounts are now doing using your products every day making more income -

Now is the time to boost product item cost by .25 cent to new customers.

That's the life a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity offers. But that's not all there is to it - NO!

You has a hand helping others have a better life.

  • Your Mega Power Product Line helps your clients add thousands to their monthly income by a crital marketing advantage that without, makes good businesses fail! What's that? 
  • Good marketing features in our products, competitor products don't have, makes this possible.  
  • When showing their weaknesses to helping prospects, you use your performance improving features in demos competiore products can't match. And install procedures for our products that you explain to cusomers fills the total repair need to add endurnce to their vehicles. It's explained by the tire burning takes off they experience Mega Power Additives provided. It's an eye operpener that become part of each service, repair, and explaination that what your clients do tuneing servicing and repairing is superiors to what other offer. 
  • Not having such features is now driving in and out and pass them to the benefit of their competitors. Good reasons to invest in your program you will keep them supplied with.
  •  This is how this business and its Distrutor Opportunity helps others have a better life no other Distributor Biness offers. 
  • Our products can supplu local part stores, auto tune and smog garages, gas stations, lube and oil changers, and repair shop owners. Items to offer our for sale or as part of their service and repair they see improving each service procedure. 
  • You by this means are helping these locally own people feel great helping their customers benefit from a real improvement they cn hear, feel, and enjoy! 
  • You are distributing a product line that makes driving more enjoyable, zippy, way less expensive. It keeps equipment expenses lower while adding hours to each  piece of equipments tank of fuel. 
  • It makes believers in the product benefits that keeps customers returning for a rare, protective kind of vehicle care to stop its downward trend oil can't prevent. 
  • A product line for solving automotive and equipment problems that stops them wearing down, while adding years more useful life to them. Giving vehicles a bigger engine feel, while adding 20 to 40 more miles to each tank of gas. 
  • Can a mega Power Distributor Opportunitydouble your income making ability? Easily possible. 
  • No other line helps people cut their wear and tear cost to a fraction, while adding thousands of dollars income to those that use them in their business. 
  • And the best part is this. You don't have to know a thing about vehicles. You are shown the success formula we created that makes known their benefits for a better vehicle operation and a better life from their usage.  
  • No other untapped market has a 9 billion dollar potential waiting to be filled. lwearn more: Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Part 2

Our program is for anyone who seeks a business opportunity in their local area willing to learn as you go. We supply people in every city a business opportunity to  help the many automotive repair shop owners what they are desperately seeking to  get to their next $1000 higher income level - using Mega Power Products as the way to do so.

No other investment offers a fail as you go, next day try a different way to help prospects see you are the someone to help them prosper they have been waiting for.

This helps mechanics repair shop owners and equipment owners and you a low-investment way that fits my one man business ideal, near home, using my energy, ambition, business reasoning skills, and selling skills to help me prosper. Knowing the insight of the challenges ahead, that they need you as much as you need them! The overall goal I'm to pursue follows a daily plan - like a farmer, working every day not for the days return, although there is effort every day involved, that later you are to harvest the bounty you, compared to those in a get paid weekly security with similar arduous employment cannot enjoy. Are you the type to know failure meand to try a different way to show your opportunity for them is what they are looking for. Discovered by a mechanic for his business that now has many such following his discovery to that next higher $1000 income level.

So where are you, friend, in the game of providing for your family and helping others do the same? Going for the "safe" income  - or venturous, going the calculated risk takers way, for the higher rewards it offers. Not afraid of failing, to fail a couple of times, yet recover each time as your gain your prospects trust you have something they need - 

For me to earn $1000 income instead of $500 I borrowed to from parents $10,000 to add to my $15,000 to secure the area. Took daily at first lessons, on record keeping of all contacts and diary of each conversation to recall on the next visit to remember to help open the account. I practice the close to see how it fit in to the right spot to make it open the account. I practice on opening conversation I was taught untiI I figured out how to make it work for me in opening accounts. It took a couple weeks before it happened! I can't tell you how happy it made me and spiked up my optinisum. It started me on my a goal of a $1000 a week income - that really has no income limits. It lets me feel good I'm also helping others in the same quest to earn  more than the average so their families too, can enjoy a better life, like I want for mined.

Hundreds of auto repair shop owners want a way to work less while making an extra $1000 a month income every month not possible now.

Every month customers reorder to maintain this higher level of income; and their family and mine enjoy a higher standard of living doing so." George Christ 

The Mega Power Distributor Income Opportunity can be visualize when you take a look at the hundreds of auto repair shops, diesel rig owners, and heavy equipment owners who are always looking for a new way to increase profit, to be more competitive, build more loyal customers, or avoid repair expense and downtime - our products can help them achieve. Once an account is opened,  they will represent  a $200 or more monthly source of income from restocking items used in the process of servicing and fixing vehicles.  With the potential to have over 100 or more such accounts  - who will treat you as a confident and business advisor, you and them will have a happier more profitable life.

With a learn as you schooling from us, and your own understanding of friendship, the repair shop owner can have the means to prosper more so with your supplying him tools in the form of additives that allow the mechanic to do more of the kind of repair the car owners is seeking.And more profitable ways to do so with the products you locally, and monthly supply and restock.


The shop owner sees by demonstration the variety of products to profit from he now misses and the buy-now set up process opening deal to start making more income the very next day! Two income possiblity's develop. One for them and one for you! The more whom you get to see the potential you offer the more will sign on to benefit the monthly income  both are looking for. 

The way I started was to look at the potential number of accounts within on day of home. I knew 1 out of 10 would buy on the first visit. I tried to do a demo at every stop. In the second and third week my sales presentation became smoother and the demo's more pointed to profit missing with out them. Profit making with the full line and the opening hard to resist deal offered, let me set up my first 10 accounts.  In the red after 30 days made me more aggressive and help me open more accounts. The record keeping diary help me return with a continuing education and more demos and the irresistable deal I wrote down just for them I knew would win them over.  As each sale made me $200 or more, I kept a mental tab on the next months $200 profit form all the new accounts, plus added the number of new accounts i had a feels for I would hope to get the next month. That total inspired me to as I could see in a few moths my breakeven was met, and now the growing number of accounts would start me on my $100,000 a year income quest. While that went on in my mind I encourage each account to look for new ways to use Mega Power to boost a sales here and there to add to their income growth, 

to that income point I ask prospects whats they need that's holding them back from earning a thousand dollars more income each month from Mega Power usage. Then showed them those things I was bing taught that did so. My way to do so? 

I would say, I'd like to take 10 minutes of your time to show you what a Mega Power Auto Repair Shop user can do to capture that $1000 in extra monthly income that has beem evading you. Where is your truck?  what I show you and the spiffy zippy results you will notice you didn't know yow was in your truck is what will start making you $1000 more to give your wife each month.  

Three places on his car get a treatment. Takes 5 minutes to install. He then drives the truck around the block and hot rods it as told and returns smialing at the improvement.   The oil, coolant, and transmission fluid is change and two protectors are put in with the new fluid. A trip around the block  zippy, strong, yet amazinglin quet operation and smooh shifting.produces more of a is change and two other

OK, that's the Mega Power Product usage opportunity to make you at least $1000 extra every month, at least $12,000 by years ends. Money you never would have made without my help,

This is how to get started :there are 3 plans. Which one looks like you can get started with to reach that $$1000 extra income range each month with

I'll supply and keep your inventory fills so you won't miss any opportunity. supply you that products needed eacallme to sse if your areas cn product 100,000 dollars income in your area.

george call me 512 665 3388ch month?

Two ideas pop up.

"Tell me first?"

"I have products like that and they don't work, so your won't either."

For each there is a reasonable response that sets up the account order.

The outcome is a $500 to $2000 order.

Repeated over 10 to 20 years, that new account as your Mega Power Distributor opportunity has a lifetime value to you of $25,000 income.

From the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity the shop owner sells your products for double cost to get his money back, and that $1000 he never would have made that month.

Over 10 years, your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity help can help him amass over $100,000 he would never earn were it not for you and income for Mega Power.

Of that amount you gross up to 50%.

Let's say that from this sale you made $250. 

Repeated over 10 years, that new account has a total lifetime value to you of $25,000 income.

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity provides the tool to use our products and our expertise to help the shop owner think about what could be, with my help.

One things that gets their attention is this statement.

If I could show you the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity way to make $12,000 more this year than last, without working any harder, what would you use $12,000 for at years end? 

The above requires a learning curve in several areas that must be mastered:

  • Your prospect hopes you win him mover, as he wins too, from your endeavor.
  • A "no" today, means your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity statements were not good enough to win him over. Try on another day with a more promising potential he can start using that day!
  • That idea you think, fell short of explaining, try on the next few prospect that very hour - before creativity in your mind dies off.
  • Demos are an important selling tool. I 'll teach you dozens of them worked. They made me reach the unlimited income dream.
  • Every business owners is looking for ways to do better.
  • Once you start acquiring new accounts the income curve feed itself every day so you have more business than you can handle. 
  • Upward opens and unlimited income potential.

For the man or women so committed to selling, this unique Mega Power Distributor Opportunity challenge, is the only product to provide an individual and unlimited income opportunity with a growing means for mechanics and repair businesses to profit off wear and tear problems car and equipment owners want corrected.

Mega Power solves a lubrication problem by ending wear problems.

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity offer its Distributors a broad range of exclusive wear and tear problem-solving products mechanics use to complete car tune and repair needs to return the car to its former like new performance and dependability. A value no other product offers.

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity and Mega Power Products fill the product-servicing need of auto repair shop owners, and new car dealer service departments. However, they don't know that until you show them the The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. 

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Income amounts are determined by your dedication to help mechanics expand their car repair and serving expertise. The more the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity income you help mechanics and repair shops to understand to earn more each week with, the more you earn each week.

Once Mega Power is in the fluids fuels and oils, the car and equipment  owner sees an immediate improvement in zip, take off, hill climbing, and sometimes 20 to 40 more miles distance on each fill-up.

That is The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Mega Power's products - and training, and marketing offers, second to none.

Your The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity marketing effort will help you prosper as you educate prospects of Mega Power's worth to them in these 3 areas :

  1. They do better with you.
  2. - as the only means possible to up their profit thousands of dollars a month.
  3. This is ongoing. its not a one time sale.

You do so by making the many local mechanics aware of The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity new education in marketing, new products from Mega Power, and how they help the mechanic add additional car care and customer pleasing wear and performance ending skills to his profit growing need.

You would supply the mechanic his original purchase and as his on hand  inventory to consumed and you refill each month. 

Do you remember what the average profit is for you and your client?

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity  provides products that helps avoid wear speed up. They end over two dozen performance problems and premature failures cause by wear and residues and growing friction. Negatives that suck up horsepower the car and equipment owner experiences. This preludes to years sooner overhaul or replacement expenses Mega Power avoids. I seldom tell that to a mechanic. 

Mega Power provides the newest, the strongest, and most unique  ingredients and packaging. Mega Power uses Hi-tech cleaning, conditioning, and friction modifying chemistry that impresses mechanics and their customers. More Mega Power Distributor Opportunity... 

George Christ. Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Info.
210 Durango St. San Marcos, Tx 78666

Call now to ask a question. Call me at: 512 665 3388

Thanx for taking a few minutes to check out the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. Call me to ask a question, for a Distributor Application. george christ Call: 512 665 3388

Investment Runs from $2000 to $25,000 for Distributor Business

Lets assume you're wanting to earn $100,000 a year income from a business. That's about $300 a day more or less.

Buying any business, and buying at distributorship which can produce unlimited income requires investment of money and time.

With Mega Power investment runs from a few thousand dollars to 25,000. Lower amounts put you under a distributor rather than being a direct factory distributor.

As the famous phrase says, "Show me the Money!"

How $300 income - referred to as net profit, is made with a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity.

  1. All distributors including Mega Power Distributors, have a way to reach customers. While distributors in general have a location where customers come to them. Others,  use a route system to delivered ordered items.
  2. Flyers and ads are involved  to acquaint local prospects of your offerings, by mail, as well as visiting such ones.
  3. You would be so ready - after a training session - which may be ongoing, until your confidence no longer needs it.
  4. You , sales literature, and educational demos are tools you learn to use to  educate prospects. Most prospects will see your  offering as an ideal program to up their expertise, customer pleasing, and loyalty building for their business.
  5. To show you're there to help him prosper, a second or 3rd visit helps likely prospects determine if you and your product is advantageous in their pursuit of raising income levels for them. That's called marketing.
  6. If a match is there, the prospect looks to you as a vendor to help him get started and for replacement of sold items in inventory.  Each visit by you for inventory control shows what is needed to be replaced -usually on a 2 week to a month visit.

When mechanics can grow their income and produce an extra $500 to $2500 each month using Mega Power  you profit by whats called mark up. For $500 to a $2500 monthly sale, your profit ranges for 33% to 100%. That is the purpose of the Mega Power Marketing Program.

In my case, and that of other Distributors, we determine an account produces $100 to $400 income for us every month - yet we spend only an hour or so with him after the first month as he gets the profit making part and needs little incentive from you after that.  50 to 100 accounts are usually developed over a years time. A simple record keeping system is used  for all this.

Each account will buy from you once convinced you are their best source for extra income and profit growing. Friendship ensues.

My lifetime income off accounts run $5000 to $30,000.

So, that is the start of how you can earn $300 net, a day average,  after nice tax breaks.

Is it for you? > Could be!

It may not easy to sell mechanics as you are not a mechanic. That is true of all vendors.

Some negatives is the fact mechanics are brainwashed to believe all they need to do is do good honest work at a fair price.  Just doing that is all they need to have customers line up at the door with fist full of money to give them. Not so, they find out.

Other negatives is this: Some mechanics have a pet additive and feel is all they need. Surprisingly, they become my most profitable customers! Once you show them the money, like I'm showing you!

More negatives to overcome...

Mechanics are prime hits for sales people. After buying various worthless ads programs and items touted as good sellers that prove otherwise, this makes  some mechanics distrustful, but a few minutes reading and listening to your statements easily provide the door to questions that need answered - you and Mega Power will provide convincingly.

Reread this from the top and count how many auto type businesses there are in a 100 miles radius. or the city you are in.

Figure out if 10% are customers - how much is that producing a year? If 15% ? If 20%? That shows how the money can be made.

At this point, you show how you solve the problem of how to make more income to have their wife quit beaching at the first of the month, about not bringing home enough money to cover home expenses.

After a bit, they see more than being honest and air prices is needed to up their income where they need it to be.

And mechanics are not interested in schemes that rip off customers.

So we show them the  Mega Power Distributor Opportunity for them, and will solve their money making problem by solving hidden wear and performances problems customers gladly pay to have someone end for them - rather than the alternative, which is an engine or transmission overhaul, or need for a premature new car purchase.

With Mega Power. the mechanic can count on one out of 4 customers buying such a service. At $50 profit for 4 sales a week he earns an extra $200 a week.  When he gets good at the confidence level that shows Mega Power is a great customer pleasing service, he will make $100 or more off a Mega Power service and take home $400 a week extra income he never could make except from your help.

So - off such an account who will buy 16 Mega Power Services you will earn $300 - more or less. I use too call on 5 to ten accounts a day,  once or twice a month. That is the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity.

I've had many accounts make me $300 a month income off them for years as they need me and Mega Power for them to keep up their income levels.

Developing 30 to 100 accounts puts you on easy street - but the fare you pay to get there 30 to 100 accounts is the price you pay in the form of helping mechanics become convinced you know how to help them take home more income every week.

Most business people, including mechanics are on the lookout for ways to increase income.

If you are friendly, and know how to meet and greet people and you understand a little about salesmanship, writing up orders, making deliveries, and social graces.

You would PERFECT for this distributorship opportunity.

You do not need to know how to fix cars.

Mostly auto repair businesses who do tune up and motor repairs, some transmission shops, a few independent parts stores. and small fleet independent owners are your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity markets.

To sell them, you got to show "them the money." No one is going to dump this kind of money in your lap unless you show them they can make a $1000 or more a month income from your program.  That's the system!

When I got started, and had lousy response and few accounts, In would canvass all the business around the likely prospect, who was not convinced.

Then suggest they have the mechanic order the product so they could get it installed by the mechanic. That strategy still works!

With Mega Power we have dozens of what I call "attention getting strategies" to win over mechanic to Mega Power. Mega Power is the business move they can make to grow their business.

Can you do what is listed above? if you can, you can make unlimited income - You must spend 6 months getting accounts. That is the tough part, but the reward is better than hourly

A typical auto repair business who wants to increase their income by $1000 - finds that almost impossible to reach!

They would love to produce $12,000 extra this year - and to do so need the following:

They need more than a program like our Mega Power Distributor Opportunity advertising on the web, in phone books, and direct mail flyers - and that easily cost them $1000 a month, and only gets their name mixed in with all the other competitors after the same business. To distinguish themselves as better, your prospects need the Mega Power Business Opportunity, too

Our  Mega Power Distributor Opportunity program works backwards in 3 steps

  1. We teach them that to sell more services to customers in the shop, and end up with $1000 extra income each month, they need to educate customers about new car problem-solving products and services.
  2. We have an advert program that draws customers like metal to a magnet.
  3. A guaranteed monthly income is assured.

That is what the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity offers you and them.

Your client invest $1000 each month for our product and Mega Power Business Opportunity program to get back $2000. Otherwise, they have to chance on advertising to bring in extra business. Or they go it alone, and they know that's not working. he is investing that much somewhere - but its not making him $2000. But our  Mega Power Business Opportunity does! To get him educated and started...

If this Mega Power Business Opportunity sounds workable and you want to jump in, we will walk you thru the first six month learning curve to speed up your client account numbers - you will have 50  accounts in 6 months more or less. Up to 200 will happen in 2 years. That is where your business is.

Some Mega Power Distributor Opportunity education in sales and our hot program is needed

  • That is the Mega Power Business Opportunity we sell. It is shown to prospects to make them aware more is involved to get their customers to buy more. Education for the client and for him to teach each of your clients customers about hidden wear problems cutting off years of their customers engine transmission radiator and a/c system. life if not stopped with our inexpensive services by the mechanic
  •  Your clients need the Mega Power Business Opportunity to attract good customers away from competitors
  • They need the Mega Power Business Opportunity to gain new customers looking for a mechanic with the best value - all of which our direct mail pieces do for your account
  • They need the Mega Power Business Opportunity and a free web site  that does for him that shows he is better knowledge in car care that competitors [with our products help]
  • A direct mail piece is sent out to locals and your clients customers reminding them, and educating them the mechanic has a car care expertise competitors do not have that will help them avoid motor and transmission overhaul - others to not have. Included in the Mega Power Business Opportunity
  • Of such an account, your client buys $1000 to get all the above and $1000 extra income the Mega Power Business Opportunity can produce - selling services he never could or knew about before. Income he never could produce by any other means, which we guarantee to him.
  • off that $1000 you make between $200 and $300. The rest goes for product and direct mail and web site hosting.
  • you are now asking yourself, just how many auto repair shops will buy this Mega Power Business Opportunity program?
  • what you are asking is this: Can I show them They need the Mega Power Business Opportunity to earn the money.
  • That depends on how well you understand the the Mega Power Business Opportunity phrase - show me the money. Some discussions with your wife and with local mechanics will tell if your wife and the mechanic understands you can "show them the money."
  • The market potential for car servicing neglected is around 50 billion. They need the Mega Power Business Opportunity
  • Actual market sales around 1 billion
  • actual use of additives to make extra income from the average mechanic - almost none. They don't get the potential because they have a flawed business model. Not anything like the Mega Power Business Opportunity
  • They wait for a broken car to come in so they can fix it. That's their model. That's all the money they can ever make off the customer until another thing breaks or wears out. That's why that's a fatal flaw in their thinking and can ever earn more or be truly successful as they dreamed about at the start of their business.
  • You would change that thinking with the Mega Power Business Opportunity
  • The Mega Power Business Opportunity program works because the products do what the customers wants done. The money is unlimited for you and them.
  • To change their model, they need to "see the Mega Power Business Opportunity money"

The Mega Power Business Opportunity Area to cover.

Your Mega Power Business Opportunity area is nearby to work. If you work my area or another s, because the grass is greener, you become their salesperson and make 10% less for 6 months working under them.

Handling business. Do you want to take orders and deliver the following week or do so on the spot. pick one.

Who buys this product? Mostly auto repair businesses who do tune up and motor repairs. some transmission shops a few independent parts stores. some fleet independent owners.

To sell them, you got to show them the Mega Power Business Opportunity money.

For a  Mega Power Business Opportunity to seem feasible to "show you the money," it must fit your perspective on income making now, and its greater potential to meet your needs and lifestyle, later on in life.

Like the skill of fishing, selling has tools and tricks of the trade, you might say, that catch the fish.

What's the Mega Power Business Opportunity "money? What's the "fish?" What are the "tools and tricks of the trade?"

The Mega Power Business Opportunity money potential is unlimited.

The fish is anyone who services and repairs cars, trucks, tractors, and equipment - usually the repair shop owner.

The Mega Power Business Opportunity tools and tricks of the trade are a special kind of education the mechanic needs and having the best of the best that fits the mechanics own version of, " if I don't promote  Mega Power, the Business Opportunity, I'll lose customers and income I need! He will buy if that's the Mega Power Business Opportunity is the thing to makes more money with. It is.

Make more money means most customers will buy the product or service were it available.

We go directly to that spot to show him the money, so he can catch more more and have you as his tools of the trade in more money making.

it's my estimation 100 accounts could earn $100,000 annually by their need to buy from you a dozen products that will produce $500 to $2000 extra income from them each month. you earn $10 to $20 of each product.

OK, so that's the money for him and me? Yep!

Here's the thing. if everybody could do this, it would be so cut-throat, no one would make a dime. Few can anyhow, or want to as they want a paycheck for doing little. The millions are made off their backs.

So, to be lucky yourself, you need to believe in your product. You need to know how to tell the mechanic he needs to believe in the product.

What does the product do? The answer is that the car owner in the shop needs to see that if he doesn't buy it it will be much costlier to not have it. Enough so, he will cry over the missed opportunity to buy it.

When new cars have the most zip performance and fuel economy because the pistons bearing valves and gears are clean, shinny, smooth and fit together nicely.

The mechanic who fixes cars never knows what that was, nor the cost to buy such for the customer. That is too bad! Why? Because, when the car comes in for repair, the mechanic has not been asked to return the car to the original like new performance - just fix it so it runs like it did before the failed part occurred.

That is the blank in his money growing system that you will fill for him.

You see, the customer would like the like new slow wearing zippy performance in his car when older but no one ever showed him it was possible - until now.

That is what you got to see  happen.

Mega Power, like most products, have several levels of pricing. To illustrate this point, a loaf of Bread cost 20 cents, Yet, you pay anywhere from $2 to $4 for it - what happen?

Distribution runs up the cost. that's what it takes to do business.

In each point of distribution someone earns a profit - including the store you bought the bread from. You - or the end user pays for all of it to enjoy bread on his table - and buys several loafs of bread each month.

In such repeatable bought and sold products volume is high and profit is low - say, compared to a house, or a diamond ring, where purchases are rare and volume is low - but profit is really large.

Since there are different preferences and needs for bread, the grocer stocks a dozen kinds to meet the needs of the public.

Similarly, a mechanic in a repair business inventories or has a nearby source for items he needs to fix cars. He makes a profit off the parts needed. And he makes a profit - called labor charges, off the expertise he uses to get the car back on the road for the customer.

The factors of success you are given with a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity

Like most service businesses - who sell a product, it is the education they provide to their customers that makes the product sell - and provides the income desired. Being local gives you a foot in the prospects door - strangers don't have, and that's good for you.

Another factor that is true of a Mega Power Distributor. You are more than a supplier of common additives.The "More" part is your reason for being a distributor and helping local auto repair businesses prosper. What do I mean by that?

While we do supply your the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity with the best quality additives, we make our income off a specialization of supplying 4 conditions the mechanic needs help with:

  1. The mechanic needs to be more competitive to keep and attract customers. Our product offers that advantage.
  2. He needs to grow his per-customer profit volume. Our product offers that advantage.
  3. And he needs to make sure that, at the end of the month, what money is left over after all business expenses - is around $5000 to $10,000 - more or less - to cover his family financial needs. Our product offers that advantage.
  4. He does not have the specialty skills of marketing to reach those goals fully - and needs help to do so. You will be shown how to offer that advantage to each mechanic in your area.

The "more" of those 4 Mega Power Distributor Opportunity benefits you supply better than anyone else, the more your income will grow. That is what you are buying as a Mega Power Distributor.

Like most service businesses - who sell a product, it is the needed education they provide to their customers that makes the product sell - and provides the income desired.

While this "needed education" advantage is sold by franching companies and you buy for tens of thousands of dollars, with a franchise purchase - Your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity purchase has no franchise fee, is not a franchise. It is the right to represent Mega Power in your area - with expense to you comon business expenses, and the cost of the products you buy from us - which are very low- compared to what other offer.

Distributors of Mega Power Products are provided videos, literature, and an ongoing educational material from a master distributor over you - besides the Mega Power Company providing you the best mouse trap in the world - the mechanic needs  - All that is what the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity supply's you for your success.

So, How does that get you started in this Mega Power Distributor Opportunity business?

It so happens that once the mechanic understands Mega Power and YOU, he sees in you the best way for him to be:

  1. More competitive as a customer attracting feature.
  2. And the means to  produce more profit from his customer based, faster. 
  3. And to make sure that, at the end of the month, what money is left over after all expenses - is and extra $500 to $2500 more than otherwise possible by anyone else.
  4. And your service as Distributor does that for him.

Since no business effort is easy - nor any worthwhile effort is easy. Diligence and a proven plan is needed to be on the fastest road to success. Knowing what you need to overcome is also part of the success effort and its rewards. The real problem here. Can you master it and remove it?

With a big demand on the mechanic time by other salespeople looking to make a buck. And being fooled by many of what turns out to be shallow promises of money making, the mechanic is weary of all such salespeople, vendors, and money-making claims. They become gun shy.

The Mega Power method overcomes this problem and in doing so will build a strong growing business income for you. The amount is unlimited.

Mega Power uses a five step method to overcome that shyness, and creates curiosity in mechanics about the Mega Power claim - to see if its worthy of a look see, and test of it worthiness as a product to promote - that more than satisfies customer car care needs, makes him look good - and best of all - lets him take home to his wife, an extra $500 to $2500 every month.

What effort do you provide?

How much income will it provide you?

Is this the business opportunity Mega Power will let you become part of?

Lets consider the last question first.

Mega Power invents additives that problem solve wear and residue caused problems in anything mechanical - not just cars.

While there may be a hundred such products, Mega Power is better than all of them! Why is that?

"All of them" - additives, are based off old formulas that just don't work for the mechanic. Mostly, because they contain light-based cleaning oils, solvents, detergents, and sticky thick oil conditioners - all of which do little good for today's cars.

Mega Power is a chemical based product with several specialized cleaners with anti-wear properties - besides that of cleaning. These were developed to correct specific wear and residue caused problems. About 25 of them.

We make our income by educating the mechanic on Mega Power promotion and primary usage in his service and repair outcome - as far as growing his profit making skills can go.

He is taught from our educational material we pass out about additives difference, what competitors do he does not do, why his choice is best for the customer - not competitors, about pricing, and sales info that gets the customer to see the mechanics recommendation is in the best interest of this car, and other good working cars. The customer is shown that following the mechanics expertise in car care, tune up, and repair, The mechanics use expertise in all of this produces higher dollar volume from each customer, and does so by saving the customer thousands of dollars in future and present avoidable repair and replacement expense.

That Mega Power Distributor Opportunity philosophy is what we sell and is what can make $500 to $2500 extra income and over $50,000 extra income he will need over the coming 60 months business cycle - no one else can.

Want to learn more about this Mega Power Distributor Opportunity? Contact me for a free report. George 512 665 3388

I'll give you the rest of the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity story you can immediately read on line and print out if you want. Your wife or partner can also she how this will improve your income producing ways.

Each mechanic will consume about $300 to $1000 worth of Mega Power each month in this effort. Over the next 60 months, each mechanic you have as customer will buy $20,000 dollars or more from you.

Off each $100 of product of product sales, you earn $15 to $50.

That is the business we are in.

Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, local business opportunity.

Income Potential

  • Understanding and solving the mechanics problem.
  • Solving the problem that limits a mechanics income thre Mega Power Way can earn a good unlimited income for you, as their local Mega Power Distributor.
  • Conditions that must be changed in a scientific way for a mechanics income to double or triple.  That is the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, local business opportunity method.
  • Mechanics are trained to identify problem parts among thousands of good ones and replaced them. This knowledge is their "hammer," and they look for "nails to pound" - that nail is a customer coming in with a car problem. 
  • In a sense, they advertise that they are on "stand by," waiting for people with car-trouble to find them. They hope that enough people looking for such expertise will find them as special, and flock in to them - making their cash register rings with abundent cash.
  • The mechanic knows that  as their business potential - if every car needing repair had the services the car needs actually done, could earn them a hundred thousand dollars extra yearly income. Most mechanic make less than half that! And....
  • Competition for that same customer dollar is forosious and reduces their income, as their customers shop competitors for deals. The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity business is one of them.
  • Supposed solutions abound. Bigger ads. More ads. Nicer looking location. Having a franchise name of worth. Special equipment. Being in a chruch, a social group. Each of those have a value. Mostly, the value keeps their name out there in the public mind [as one of many] - and hopes are, the law of averages will work out that customer business is spread around their way, too.
  • The, My Mega Power Method, as the best income solution for you and the mechanic. The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity.
  •  Successful businesses are such because they have an edge the majority of people recognize as a better value, compared to the same type business without-such-a-value.
  • If true, the offering of more-value, if it could be shown and become as a public point of view, would place such a business in a better public light as the place to go, and be the biggest edge a business could offer. 
  • That is the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, local business opportunity, and what we sell. We sell the edge needed for the mechanic to produce 50k to 250k extra income.
  • When shown, that to increase their income, by say, $50,000 - they need to see business in a new way - a new way that uses their car repair expertise such, customer gladly order additional car care services the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, and Mega Power Products provides the means for an unlimited income potential.  Even if you're not familiar with the auto repair and servicing field. Nor know a gas cap from a radiator cap, nor the ability to fix cars.
  • I mean, by the term "unlimited income," income is not restricted to some level, like hourly wages somewhere. Of course, Larger income is not given to you. You earn as much as your talents and motivation and creative ability helps others grow their expertise and money earning ability. Through your efforts and the Mega Power Product potential you and your clients can grow an income as you master Potential.
  • The more your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity knowledge you give, the  sincerity and motivation is directed to those efforts, the more around you will buy more from you, oftener.  In this sense the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, land ocal business opportunity, is called compounding income.
  • That is a needed effort as this report shows:

...."the Number one reason Auto Repair shops go out of business is: NOT CHARGING ENOUGH TO STAY IN BUSINESS. An auto repair shop should make a minimum of 10% Net profit after payroll, parts and taxes are paid.

It is the 10% net profit that allows the repair shop to take care of warranty issues and purchase new equipment and training for their staff.

The average independent auto repair shop only nets only 2 to 3%. Automotive technology is changing daily in our industry.

My question to you the shop owner is, “Are you ready to change the way you run your shop?” If not, then your customer will go elsewhere for their vehicle repair/maintenance needs when they buy that newer vehicle."



So, as you can see, your prospects for Mega Power products and your ability to help them meet today's competitive needs would be your job.  They don't know that Mega Power is one of the best ways to meet their needs.

Your efforts to teach Mega Power's profit-building-techniques  - we teach you to teach - the shop owner, nobody else provides. You find and grow your customer based from prospects you talk to about income growth problems, and who see in your message, you are not after their dollar, no! They will see in conversation, you are capable of helping them earn additional income - that has been elusive to them, by using the Mega Power Marketing program. Filling that need in that way, there is opened to you, many new friendships who also provide you an unlimited income potential.

True - It's scary of course to get started. So is jumping with a parachute! However, our "lead getter's" - like parachutes, gently land you into the conversation - conversation which gets you those prospects ready to try Mega Power - in hopes it uniqueness will improve their success and incomes. More customers will will come on board as you show them proof of profit from the first couple months sales of those you already help get started with Mega Power. That's how I do it and got started. Do you think Mega Power will help them - from what you know? Believing it will is your motivation.

  • Taking the scary first steps - and will show you are new at this, but well-informed - true! And, auto repair shop owners are trained to have a listening ear, and problem solve. So, most will be attentive to listening for the point you want to make. Once you make that point, the ball is in their court. The ball is hit and sent back to you by their asking a few questions - you will be prepared to answer - and demonstrate how Mega Power meets their needs. That need, the need to produce more business from your customers, is produced after your customer understands the real value of your using Mega Power in their cars - instead of poor-quality products sold elsewhere.
  • Your need to help someone else is a soul-enjoying aspect that makes life rewarding. Trying - like trying to swim the first time - may cause you to sink, maybe swallow water and choke, as you master each conversation. Trying more perfects the system - saving you from drowning. Once learn or mastered, like riding a bike, adds to your money producing ways. You need that income like you need to swim to stay alive.  This is the best thing for the mechanic and you!
  •  The Mega Power way will establish you as the number-one valuable vendor in your area. Your income potential can be  realistic - based on these ideas.  The idea that your are buying a method and product line to help others grow their income, not possible without you. Mega Power has done just that for me - I'm here to help you do so....
  • The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity has a busload of unique business generating ideas. Each offers an important engine and power-train [transmission/differential]wear and performance problem-solving advantages - that makes Mega Power a new and valuable repair tool for the mechanic to use to satisfy the sub-conscious car care needs of the car owner. With that idea in mind...
  • Income comes from near-by auto repair and servicing businesses who learn from you - new and better marketing methods you and your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity open up to them. Then buy Mega Power from you to fill and replenish their customers car and equipment - now exposed wear and performance needs. This your client, the business owner can now end -  as a result of  your help.
  • Following the Mega Power Distributor Opportunity's unique ability to end wear and performance  problems - you open the auto repair owners vision to how Mega Power can add $50,000 to $250,000 to his income over the next 60 months - not possible in any other way. That is the need you will fill for those businesses near you, and Mega Power provides to produce your own unlimited income.
  •  Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Info details.

With a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Business, This is How You Fill the Auto Repair Owner's Need

  • The Auto Repair Owner's Income Need. His need, like yours, is to have the potential to double his income  and Mega Power will fill both needs.
  • With competition from many known and unknown sources, the garage owner finds his business static or declining, while expenses climb. Your first step to have him acknowledge that fact is a need he needs help with. Why so?
  • He has exhausted the traditional ways to gain more business - and does not know that you, and Mega Power are his real profit improvers. He has been schooled to ignore as bad, the Mega Power Method because the old method produces for part stores and car dealerships owners more income for them, and a loss of family income for the shop owner. That's the bad part!
  • Your Mega Power program teaches him how to uncover those negatives. You show him who his real competiotrs are  - for one thing.
  • And you show him, by his learning the Mega Power way to uncover hidden wear and performance problems - his customer have a sub-conscious anxiety about, no one else can end for them, the shop owner opens up  a new profit  source with each customer in his shop, he cannot reach in any other way.
  • His new income-growth-need is filled by the promise you and Mega Power provide by his selecting one of 3 started Mega Power Inventory Programs you show him to select from.
  • So, in those ways your Mega Power Distributor Opportunity will fill your need for a growing income by your showing prospects Mega Power fills their income needs - not possible in any other way.  Does this Mega Power Business Opportunity make sense to you?
  • More help is given you at this web site as Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. This web site teaches your prospect in a way they become customers giving them the technical side - which you will learn, as your need to do so appears. And that growing knowledge will help you produce more new accounts as time goes on.

Mega Power's unique wear and performance problem-solving advantage is what they need to prosper -show how so!

  •  The additional unique ability to keep the Mega Power user’s equipment running years longer, at a restored, full, like new performance - is unique!
  • Both the seller and buy - The astute person deciding on Mega Power usage will thereby also be avoiding costly, avoidable wear out and repair problems - by ending of that problem, or by pushing the need for its repair years down the road.
  • The smart car and equipment owner sees this value, and chooses Mega Power to spread their car cost per-year expense, per vehicle over more years. Doing so by seeing the  as hid means to do so. Mega Power helps the shop owner earn extra income...
  • In effect, Mega Power usage reduces your total operating expense so repair avoidance money is available for repair owners customer to use for the family's school education, business expansion, savings, or more money to enjoy that year.
  • The same goes for you! What’s not to like about getting into a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity Business that provides all that?

    You will be selling that idea because that idea will help you quickly produce a strong new customer relationship, based of 50 to 200 customers, with a monthly repeat business local auto repair business clients need and appreciate, to help them succeed in a competitive marketplace. And you, a possible $100,000 income.

    $100,000 income? Let’s say, from my experience - and I’m below average, you have developed 100 accounts after a year of promotion.
  • You made money each day you make a sale, of course. But now, you are average 100 accounts after one year and they buy 5 cases of product from you every month, that amounts to your making $75 gross profit per case. Net profit before taxes of $65 per case.  $35 net if a sales person and not a distributor.

    $65 times 1 case per account each month amounts to $6,500.   
  • $65 times 5 case per account each month amounts to $30,000 profit per month.
  • Sales people earn half that amount with their distributor supporting them.

    As a Mega Power Distributor, you have, and offer unlimited income opportunities for yourself and your customer clients. You will offer the Mechanic and Repair or Service Business Owner a twofold Mega Power marketing benefit.

    Mechanics and Repair or Service Business Owners will have a new up-sell of services with Mega Power, amounting to $500 to $3500 extra monthly income - not possible by any other competitive means or product.

    The ability for mechanics and repair or service business owners to offer their customers a much better way to maintain their cars, by showing both hidden and observable wear problems and suggesting they have them serviced with Mega Power, helps the car owner's cars end their common power deterring, performance losing, hidden conditions - in 5 car serving areas.
    This, car owners see as the means to helping their older cars last longer before more expensive alternatives become possible - than by any other method of care can provide.

It is those Mega Power advantages that produce business not possible before, that makes you a very valuable vendor of his, and will make for a loyal, repeatable monthly business opportunity for you - as a Mega Power Distributor.

Growth for you occurs as your clients become loyal to selling more Mega Power and more customers become loyal repeat Mega Power users. Profit  grows as new accounts join in to supply benefits only Mega Power can produce to their customers. The word gets around.

Mega Power’s Income Potential
The potential I see with Mega Power is to double my income from $50,000 a year to $100,000 a year -  and to maybe do so in less than 12 months. The potential with Mega Power as the means to doubling my income and gaining one or two or 3 extra months of freedom during the year suits my charitable and family interest  - Those I pursue as “my life” and is better than any 8 to 5  job can provide.  It is a calculated risk with odds in your favor growing as you talk up Mega Power to everyone.

While lots of goods and services can do that, and hourly jobs are out there that pay much more, few of those opportunities tare open to me. So I work with what is - and decided to grow-to-love the Mega Power choice for its social, financial, and free-time making rewards - that my limited skills and  knowledge provides. Sure, I would like to have a billion dollar growth with a lucky adventure -but, Mega Power is more re-assuring for its smaller, but better potential I can grow-to-love, all around me.

Many garbage collectors who pick up trash/garbage in New York City, a reports shows, have been picking up smelly garbage -  most find they would rather starve tha do that-  have been doing so for twenty years or more. They learn to love picking garbage as NOT their best choice, but, for the sake of income and security for them and their families, they made that choice and grew to love it - the love comes from filling a need that benefits others. Lo, more than 20 years - would you? If not, Mega Power is not for you! Go find some other rainbow, elsewhere, for your pot of gold.

Does that make sense to you? Are you in the same frame of mind as a garbage collector? Mega Power is not garbage. It is a pot of gold you can start dipping your hands into. It is selling - and sales people  - being thought of as pushy people wanting you to sign a deal that you are being taken for - have given it a bad appearance. Does that sound like what I want you to get into? No! So, ignore that opinion of people who themselves, are selling you to be lazy - or lucky, like them.

So, How do you set your mindset to sell Mega Power?  By “need filling with a perceived value producing a greater loss than the cost to buy Mega Power, that’s how!

You already been introduced to our perceived value - in PQ#3. Now, you need each little step in the process - to be hand-held, until like a newborn, can crawl, then walk, then run. You want to open your first account - a big huddle!

You do that by reading what it is the mechanic and auto repair owner really needs he has not obtained yet, and show him you can fill it better than anyone else. And that it is costlier to not do so.

For that, you have already been shown what those needs are up above. Study this letter for a week and talk about each point to others to get their point of view. That will shape your motivation to help your target, see you have what they need and will write you a check for  $500 to $2000  for a onetime trial to test if what you say is so. Then, every few days, go in and review what you talked about to help him get his message across to each of his customers - our literature helps him on that side of the equation.

As you read this letter over, and discuss these point with your wife, you will see weak and strong points to chose and ignore in your quest to make that first sale. The sales are out there and they have money to spend - who will not spend $500 to get back $1000? They have no money to spend if you have not showed them how Mega Power doubles their income from a $500 expense - it becomes an expense - if you have not made that point clear. Of course, no one is willingly going to go for a non-profitable expense if they don’t have too.  So, you prospect needs to have it made clear what’s in it for him, and he will make sure you earn what’s in it for you! Got that?

Mega Power Details: Mega Power fills several of what I would call critical profit-making-needs for me personally, for the mechanic, for the auto service and repair business owner, and their customers, better than competing products.

The money park - understand that to mean, income potential. The money part is based on sub-conscious needs of all concerned - mined,  yours, the business owner, his customer.

You know my needs - $50,000 extra yearly income and more months of freedom to do other pursuits.

The auto repair business owner’s financial need is to do the same - What is he looking for - he may NOT find as the ideal, but, will decide to grow to love, if it helps him to earn $50,000 -extra income?

He’s tried expensive advertising, expensive tools, hiring help -but all that does not work to double his income. What’s missing is what some might call a special kind of tool to satisfy more of auto repair customers car care needs - where those customers will be open to spend more money to fill more of the customers car care needs. Needs on that car care area of his life - so other, more important areas of his life will be enhanced, or at the least, not be hampered. That is what Mega Power opens the auto repair owner up to. Tell him so - often.

It is on this basis that the auto repair owner will b3e able to show each customer hw knows how to save the customer a many times much larger amounts of avoidable expenses, avoid some critical loss of his car, his time, and in all, reduce the hidden, sub-conscious anxiety he has about his cars hidden trouble makers.

I happen to know each of those needs 3 needs personally. Yours. The auto repair owner. His customers. And how Mega Power and me will fill each of those needs! By working under me, I will teach you those needs and how best to meet them to meet your doubling of income needs.

We do not sell to Wal-Mart’s, chain part stores, or discounters. We sell to the little guy who competes with those places. They are drawing his customers money away to them. We stop the flow and funnel it to the little guy near you for his well being - and yours.

For me: The auto service and repair market and its little niche offers and unlimited income for me, in that in any city, there are more than enough auto repair businesses around to go after as my customer to make me all the money I want and need. It does require effort and persistence - as even Rome was not built in a day.

This is not a get rich effort where you have people seeking you out to buy what you have. That would be nice. In that market, it attracts competitors who lower price to steal your customers and is cut throat. So, a quick get rich program this is not.

We are all in this quest to fill a need with the best available ease, best quality, and possible potential to do so oftener. Like a hard developed garden you harvest regularly with ease.

For me, as a Mega Power Distributor, I see my little world as a nearby river with fish many are trying to catch on a daily basis to feed their family‘s with. In this case, the river is composed of motor vehicles - small fish, and those who service them - larger fish. I go after the larger fish. To catch fish, you need more than a hook or net. You need the kind of bait fish have an inkling for, in a certain way. Mega Power gives me the bait I need for them to bite my bait rather than another’s.

Certain fishes are more preferable. For me - that is my niche. For me, as a mechanic - and one looking to improve profit making and my competitive edge - I notice you win a horse race by a nose, a ball game by a point, a race by a second.  Your competitive edge is Mega Power.  

With Mega Power you  a dozen new ways to service 6 car areas: motor, transmission, radiator, power steering, A/C system. Those are services with problem solving ability for those who repair cars, trucks, tractors, heavy equipment, boats, motorcycles, and many industrial machines. This unique marketing advantage gives you a lifetime of employment with a strong, more productive future.

Look around your home area. Look at all the cars. Think of all the things that go wrong with them, caused by friction and sticky residues - Mega Power will end. That is your opportunity. Mega Power makes it possible. As you learn and grow in Mega Power so will your income. There are better, easier ways to makes a living - but none as creatively possible as this one.

5 areas are open.
1- Factory Distributor starting at $12,000.
2- Working under a distributor, $2000.
3- Sales rep $200.
4- Retail and end users buy wholesale thru one of the above.
5- Retail online opportunity available, $4000 up.

Call me, and tell me your investment amount and How you can get started with a Mega Power distributor area in you town. Call 512 665 3388 christ

This page: Will help you find what's best to end your car or equipment wear and performance problem with Mega Power. A profitable top quality product line. Exclusive market. Unlimited growth. Unlimited income. Small investment business opportunity. Great ROI. For details call me at 1-512 665 3388 ...Mr George
The Field and its potential.

The Field:
Mega Power develops and packages automotive and equipment additives and sells them to individuals who become independent Distributors of Mega Power Products in their local areas.

The Market
Auto service and repair
The market for Mega Power are owners of auto service and repair businesses who find Mega Power the best product around to increase their repair and servicing expertise and income. That is a huge market.

Fleet markets
Mega Power is an upgrade servicing product helping fleet owners extend the time by many years between costly overhauls. Those that practice cost-per-mile accounting can see Mega Power Advantages. That is a huge market.

Individuals car and equipment owners
Car and equipment owners need Mega Power to prevent costly and avoidable overhauls. For them, Mega Power stops the speed-up of wear out years prematurely. That is a huge market.

Other sales opportunities for Mega Power also producing a steady market are Mega Power to restores performance worn away by friction, ends seal leaks, oil burning, lost compression, rough shift, shift slippage, overheating, and other problems causing their car to run poorly, as Mega Power returns their vehicles to their former strong dependable usage.

How To Steps to introduce Mega Power to each of those markets
You don’t go to a business and ask if they want to try Mega Power, No! You  talk a little to feel them out and then as  several questions for the prospect to explain a need exist and time spent will produce a sale.

What the competition like? How do flyers from competitors  sent to every home affect his business?. Do the dealer, or bigger shops attract more customers and make it harder for him to earn a living . Are people more prone to spend $200 for tennis shoes that won’t last 6 months than $100 to avoid his engine transmission or radiator from developing a costly $2000 repair? Why customers buy cheaper deals elsewhere than from him?

Spending full time at first talking to 5 to potential customers each day as you prospect street by street - keeping a log I’ll show you, is time well spent.

When ever the prospect talks and wants to know what you offer, that is the time to have him go online and load down out PV report. Show him how to do so, then tell him you will show him some new profit makes customers like in a couple days.

You have a log book of each call and keep a diary of each conversation on that call and what you promise to do for him to help him.  You record teaching each of his mechanics and ones you want on your side. A spiff program gets them promoting MP.

You have a book showing opening inventories new accounts can chose from to suit their budget and business. Each comes with a $99 monthly marketing educational point and promotional deal to learn to use to make $500 to $5000 profit for that month.

A opening inventory choice gives the prospect easy entree into becoming a MP independent local distributor to his clientele.  Our web site teaches them the educational means to do so. You set up to replenish his inventory and continue to  teach and help him do more business with each customer - as his profit improving aspect.

You may be wondering:
What is this Distributor Opportunity, and the company offering that’s really unique?
That is, Why should I pick up the phone and investigate this offer?
"What do I have to do to make the money" - is another way of putting it?
Before you get that answer, look at this Mega Power Additive Demo. Then call me.

You just seen
A few of the desirable product advantages that will help the many mechanics in your area increase their tune up and repair skills and income.

What mechanic is not interested in quality work, and more income? They all are!
Mega Power is sold by the mechanic to their customers as part of the service or repair the customer brings their car in for.  A boost of income results per sale.

For example, I teach the mechanic to add $95 for Mega Power to the estimate for tune up or repair cleaning and conditioning since the motor or transmission is probably full of sticky rings and valves with this mileage on it.

When reviewing the total of the customer's estimate, the mechanic points out "Mega Power is for cleaning the rings and valves, fuel injectors, sensors, and catalytic converter. Hand cleaning all that would be $500.

MP does more and adds power improving advantages just cleaning cannot do. Their car will run good as new again as every part slides on anti-friction to help slide and roll on a slippery film. It will give more years of good service. Every car gets this service its that important."

On the Mega Power Service, they earn $50 to $150 extra. On those cars where Mega Power is installed more servicing will be picked up as this is part of the needed service the customer appreciates.

Their profit picture:
10 cars on MP will add $500 to $1500 profit to the mechanic's monthly income. Mega Power makes that possible.

Once the mechanic learns to follow the MP script and sees favorable customer feedback, they will order $500 MP from you every month.

Your profit picture:
With 100 such customers, you will earn for yourself $5000 to $30,000 a month. That is worth working for.
Distributor set up cost runs $12,000 to $25,000 for product. Training runs $3000 plus. Call to see if your area is open. Call me 512 665 3388

More ways to look at the possibilities with MP.
Right now, here's how your Distributor Opportunity income part starts, and grows.
Lets suppose your Mega Power income goal was to produce enough sales to earn $100,000 profit this next year. There is no top limit. This amount is a good goal. Twice that is just as easy.

This is for illustrations purposes - and not a guarantee or promise. It should not be unreasonable to earn $100,000 in a year with a Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. That amount breaks-down to $2,000 a week income or - $400 a day average profit.

Lets break that down into how many customers you would need to make $400 profit everyday. We will start by reviewing what could be an average account - Joe's garage. Let's say you called on Joe, who became a customer, an average product user. Joe's garage uses about 3 cases of our product every month - Joe pays about $500 for 3 cases of different products he needs. You deliver them to him. He writes you a check. This is mostly a COD business. For Joe to produce new or additional business that would help Joe earn $500 to $1000 additional income each month, he needs at least that much product from you.

Your gross profit off Joe that day is $200. over a span of 5 years, Joe's account can produce an income for of over $10,000 for you. This is the potential of each account. They need vendors to help them be a success, and you would be doing one of the great deeds by helping them. Our products, and your educational and financial encouragement will convince more of the many hundreds of Joe's to buy from you. You would have be shown dozens of ways to ignite the interest of these prospects into becoming Mega Power customers.

So, if you could become optimistic about the potential-
How many accounts would you need if the average income from all accounts amounted to $200 per account, per month? It takes about 3 hours to establish an account. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to service, and provide encouragement as a sales plan for them each month. There are banners and literature for this. I've service 5 accounts day in day out, and prospected for 5. That is what you do like its a garden. you weed, water, fertilize, and harvest - if you please.

Many distributors have well over 100 good accounts and another 100 so-so ones. I think you can do the same - with Mega Power's see, hear, and feel characteristic that make cars suddenly run like they have a bigger motor.

Mechanics and people are continuously impressed with that! Can you see, and do you feel Mega Power can become a powerfully creative marketing advantage for you?

You introduce yourself as, "with a company that helps businesses like theirs earn an extra $50,000 income, by showing the owner a simple method that gets customers to order services you cannot give a way now. They say what is it. … YOU SAY, The method is not important as knowing this information first. Read it and I’ll come back to answer any questions it raises as to if its for you or not!

 Read it over a couple times, let your wife read it, then we can explain how this simple method, will help you produce $12000 more income this year. $50,000 you would never have made, over the next 5 years. Your family needs that extra money, and we'll show you how to earn. See you in a couple days." That is a good door opener, wouldn't you say so? Sure! The demo you just seen is a big another influence - but, what does it prove? Its is impressive. Well, here is what it does for a Car Diesel trucks with smoke problems Helps solve these engine, transmission, power steering, even hi-mileage vehicles.

Like any business where quality must be shown, you just add these to your selling skill. The training given by our company, our ongoing support, and your progress in the learning curve. Those are essentials, however, you should think of what you and Mega Power Distributor Opportunity can do for those who become your customers - that is key in all this. They have a way to produce good extra income they can't in any other way. That is your value to them.

Your accounts, and your value to them Joe's garage, if typical,
Will earn maybe, $60,000 extra income during the 3-6 years - he never could have, as a result of his putting your Mega Power suggestions to test. The products have a great virtue to help you and Joe show the customer, Joe knows really how to make cars run better than any one else. Joe depends on you for Mega Power. Eventually, Joe will purchase more of the product line as he sees they cannot be beat.

No other Distributor Opportunity can do what is possible with Mega Power. For you, and the Joe's near by.

Joe quickly learns, Mega Power are special products - that they are good for him, his customers, his ability to produce extra income.
Hey, I'm not saying this is a piece of cake - right off the bat. No!
Here is your first Distributor problem you will encounter. It will pass.
At the first, you are the new kid on the block selling - not proven worthy yet. You know what I mean. So, the first garage has to take a chance and try Mega Power, as you showed him too.

You will find that 1st customer. And his favorable results produces reorders - this is what will supercharge you confidence. it proves you have what they really need. Then, certain vibes will emanate as you talk to prospects, that they too should test you out. You want them to test Mega Power.

That's the way this Distributor Opportunity begins. That is the first hurdle. Mega Power will never let you down!

Every now and then
My Joe mechanic customers tells me a story about how the product impressed the customers.
I found, in the first few weeks of door knocking, such a story like that, increased my ability to open new accounts - as I related how other joe's - down the street, had great success with mega Power.
I pass those stories around like fertilizer to prospects, letting them know what my products and me do for the other Joe's. That story - and the extra profit making ability they produce win more accounts to try an initial order of $500 to $1000. I throw a couple days of demos to their customers to help get the momentum going.
About your customers, new Mega Power potential, to add $1000 additional income to their monthly average. We show you how that works so you can convey - your not selling, your helping them make more $!

Competing products, oh yea, there's lots of them. But, we're the Rolls Royce of additives - see, it says so on my business card. Side by side comparisons prove we are the best. You are taught this!
My "Joe' customers" are a valuable, precious resource for me. I'm willing to help Joe prosper and to help insure his success - to insure mined. These special products and me do that for lots of Joe's garages.

That sums up the Unique Distributor Opportunity we offer and is what shows what is needed to earn $100,000 a year income.
Why don't you give me a call and let me answer your questions about all this. That is what I'm here for. I'm George Christ My cell is 512 665 3388. I will help you in an ongoing way to master what you need to grow your income, in your area.

A Personal note.
This type Distributor Opportunity business helps me do greater things in life an 8 to 5 job cannot.

I've spend a lot of time involved in charity work that - time wise, is more rewarding. I also spend 2 months a year visiting relatives and my kids and grand kids, and going places and doing things in a family way with them.

Mega Power is the opportunity I found that gives me that freedom.
I believe this Distributor Opportunity is a very valuable consideration that's unique for such a lifestyle.

It works for my point of view about money, which may be different than yours. Let me explain...
To me, what good is an extra a pile of money in my bank account if I miss-out on my charity work, and family personal help, and loving.
I see their life is much easier with such help. I think they need that help more than what things given, can provide.

Making money, and not being with my kids and grand kids, is a loss I feel all of us lose out on - when we are 24 hour slaves to our job. if it has to be, it has to be. Mega Power frees me from that routine. Right now, my kid don't need drugs to feel secure. They feel secure because of what Linda and I do in all of this, that keeps us focused to help them.

They may have a happier life because of it. That can't hurt. But not being around as parents and grandparents and guardians of their mental and physical health could be, I believe.

My Mega Power Distributor Opportunity makes that possible.
I believe - if you read this far down the page, it may for you, too!
If my need for $ is greater, I go out and look for more Joe's to teach what my products can do to help them, and pledge my helping to add to their success - so, I help myself, too.

That's what I think is unique about this Distributor Opportunity, and this rare business opportunity. How about you? What's your thinking.

Pick up the phone and call my cell 512 665 3388. Lets see if this will work for you! I'm george christ.

I'll try to detail it out all best I can, to past on why it works for me, to help you see if the mentality required for success in this business, matches your ideals. Show what you must expend to gain the potential income opened by it.

What we're offering.
We offer a unique business opportunity with these features:
A Distributor Opportunity: Automotive additives and filters. A low investment. A high return on investment.

Distributors with this company enjoy a rare price structure from the manufacturer. They enjoy the benefits of a broad range of highly profitable, specific products - each filling a specific need - all vehicles require. An arrangement from factory to retailer like this is called vertical marketing Distributor Opportunity. This is not not MLM.
This company is not by a hard-nosed, out of reach, goal-pushing company. We have goals. One of them is to encourage, and help you excel in your own style. That's it!

We gladly fill in the blanks – on an ongoing basis; so you have what you need to succeed – not what we need to succeed.
This, Distributor Opportunity offers an excellent product line that supports any income amount your willing to work for, grow for.
Our product advantages help to bring out in our distributors the qualities of persistence, determination, and a bit of friendly flair. That is what is needed.

Are those qualities you enjoy, and that spur you on to help you excel? If so, we invite you to investigate this business and its potential. It may be just what you’re looking for.

Call us to learn more about our products, their unique advantages, and your qualities of persistence, determination, and friendly flair can help you as a distributor, succeed.

If you’re that way, I believe those who will become your customers - will have a hard working disposition like you have, and they buy from people who think like that, too.

Income? $100,000? Higher, if you want - less if you aren't that good. The potential can give you the drive and desire to go many times that. This is a business opportunity with income growth, unlimited. It is ideal for the individual with requiring an above average income - and working hard and smart does not bother them in that pursuit.
Investment for this Distributor Opportunity.

Any amount up to about $25k – or none! Of course, none means you come on board as a sales rep under a distributor. Distributors are what we call a stocking inventory distributor.
If you become a Distributor, your Investment pays for training, territory, mostly hot selling products, and marketing material.
We offer a buy-back guarantee. And you may have ability to sale your business for a profit, afterward.

There is no soliciting of your friends to go to ra-ra meetings to get them to sign up under you.
All accounts you find and develop under you are your customers, your business. We are suppliers of the product.
You don’t have to depend on friends of superstar talent to find other superstars, before you make a dime.

This is for a man or women whose nature is friendly, outgoing, but of a business-acumen nature.
You would be the type of person whose livelihood and motivation to make a success of a job or business is to-keep-working-the numbers and small goals every day - mentioned above.
Call me now, if you are better suited to work the freedom, excitement, and income potential that the field of selling, and of being a distributor provides.

Give me a call, lets see what you have, and if this is for you. I'm George Christ. Factory Rep for Mega Power. My cell is 512 665 3388. Call any day or evening.

Questions, about a Distributor Opportunity, to ask your self.
Does selling a good, highly profitable, repeat product line; to customers who love your products, match your preference as a desirable means of self employment?

? Does having no-limits on daily, weekly or yearly income motivate you to work harder? Is this one more aspect you're looking for in a business opportunity?

? Is selling to nearby clientele also a plus? You would be a small business owner, providing products to help other small businesses profit and succeed.

? The ideal him or her candidate for this opportunity is not, does not have to be a college educated person – but some are. Young to retired have come on board.

This type person has a stick-to-it stamina. They may believe the law of averages works in their favor. They possess a can-do attitude. Those qualities work well with this Distributor Opportunity.
Prospect rejection means – not failure, but that you failed to make your point advantage clear, on that call. You will try again – if you know they will buy, and make your point. You both will appreciate and benefit from your efforts and our products - once the point is understood.

About your ideals and work ethic and beliefs on all this.
Do you believe that to succeed, you must have a product you can believe in? If its the best for your customers – and you can prove it? Do you want a product that is superior? One you can willingly challenge competitors with, to prove your products worth, over theirs? That is true selling in our field. Can you stand for your hard earned ideals being insulted? Because they don't think they need your help? We keep trying. Persistence pays. That is more so true of us, our products, this Distributor Opportunity.

I believe you must have the best interest of your prospect and customer at heart. What you do is for their greater success, not yours? Yours is a result of the success you provide others with! Our product line is one that provides such results.

What you should do right now is to call about this Distributor Opportunity. I invite you to call to learn more, while you are at this point in your life…

I invite you to call and discuss with me what fears you need addressed, what desires, preferences and investment goals you need to have, and to learn of the details of why this may, or not be a good business opportunity for you. That is fair to you and me - and gives both the answer we need.

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. Availability for Your Area

To learn more about Mega Power Products, this Mega Power Distributor Opportunity, and the options available as a Distributor, or salesperson, call me now. I'm George Christ. My cell# is 512 665 3388.  Call me. Lets get your new future started!

The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity.
The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity. About Mega Power. The product and inventor. 

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The Money? An above averag income where you are the Boss and determine your income. Making it easy is our job. Enjoy a business where you help auto repair shops improve their weak marketing skills to help them double their income making ability. Our Programs does that and is what being a Distributor For Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is all about. Imagine earning 5000 to 10,000 thousands dollars every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? Find out! No obligation to askquestion or try it out to see its potential for yourself.

Request a report to learn how to get started. Perhaps, if not for you, you may know someone who could benefit from this opportunity. Send them a note with our phone number. Add its info on your blog, website, forum, Facebook or Instagram account by using the HTML link code below. Thank you for considering this opportunity. George. 512 665 3388

Sales positions.PNeed more income? Can you sell? 

Imagine a part-time monthly income, making you hundreds, even thousands in EXTRA monthly income while you sleep, play, do other things.  

Like this idea? We are looking for local reps to open and service towns and areas across North America with our products. Above average income can make your life better. 

That's the life we have, enjoy, and offer. Learn about its freedom. Its has unlimited income potential. Offers a satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many locals - who will become your clients profiting off our products. 

Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

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