Cold weather engine and fuel additives Contact info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call at 512 665 3388.
Mega Power's Diesel Products assure engine, battery, starter, fuel, perform great in ice cold weather, all winter long.
According to:
"Additionally, CFP containing additives are often combined with Wax Dispersing Chemicals fully suspend the paraffin wax crystals up into the top of diesel fuels.
This prevents the wax crystals from falling to the low parts of the fuel delivery system where they would normally collect and be the first things pulled into the fuel filter when the engine is started.
If the paraffin wax crystals are fully suspended and a 'buffering agent' chemistry is also included in the winterizing diesel fuel additive, the wax crystals will remain small enough to pass through the fuel filter. The engine will start and operate properly even in the coldest temperatures" Gary Pipenger 260-489-2549
Mega Power's CFPP Cold Weather Engine and Fuel Additives with Wax Dispersing Chemicals and MC+ Friction reducers.
With Buffering features to keep you going no matter how cold.
If you're looking for additives for easier cranking, and faster starting and great everyday operation even in the coldest weather you need Mega Power Additives.
For those looking for the best cold weather engine and fuel additives.
Mega Power's cold weather engine and fuel additives ingredients offers:
Mega Power's CFPP Cold Weather Engine and Fuel Additives with Wax Dispersing Chemicals, and MC+ Friction reducers makes cold weather operation worth 10 times their cost.
In the Mega Power Cold Weather Engine and Fuel Treatment are cleaners, conditioners, friction modifiers, wax dispenser's, and fuel and oil flow additives.
They are installed in a certain sequence I'll show you to gain their cold flow, quick ignition, ready to go advantages.
When installed they remove:
Order now, Don't let below freezing weather get your equipment down.
Includes 5 gallons shown plus bonus radiator system protector. Includes Directions. Phone help if needed. And shipping and handling, usa.
Click cart button for ordering.
Just $450+$40s&h= $490 total. Radiator item not shown but included.
Ship to your door in about 3 days by FedEx.
Our Large Truck Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives Offer Positive Easy Start, Run Operation all Winter Long
Mega Power Heavy Equipment Cold-Weather Fuel an Engine Treatment. Treats a large truck or tractor for 2 motor oil changes. Or 1 oil change, plus transmission and power steering treatment. Treat 2000 gallons fuel to 40 below. 3000 gallons fuel at 0 degrees. 4000 gallons to freezing. Bonus $39 radiator protector, Free with order [limited time offer].
Order here: Large truck - equipment, cold weather engine fuel additives from Mega Power.
Includes 5 one gallons shown plus bonus radiator system protector. Includes Directions. Phone help if needed. And shipping and handling, usa.
Click cart button for ordering.
Just $450+$40s&h= $490 total. Radiator item not shown but included.
Ship to your door in about 3 days by FedEx.
Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Conditioners:
"After the install as shown, that's when when my truck cranked amazingly easier! it started up normally, and run great - while everyone else was jump starting their vehicles - spraying stuff into the carburetors, trying to get their rigs, cars, trucks and heavy equipment going this icy cold, morning." GC
Mega Power Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives.
Mega Power Engine Fuel Additives Anti-gel Directions, says george christ, tech expert on additives, calls for adding a quart of
That Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives will give you easier cranking in cold weather, avoids a big strain on critical engine parts that could bend or jam when stuck by solid muck and gelled motor oil, reduce stater overheating a big starter killer, and reduce hot spots in batteries that shorten their life. Order now, Don't let below freezing weather get your down.
The other alternative is to possibly suffer some engine harm - like metal migration - the most destructive, fastest engine wear, a $5000 plus engine overhaul years to soon.
Mega Power gets you by for under $500 - not $5000.
This Mega Power Cold weather engine fuel additives and oil conditioners comes with 4 items.
This diesel cold weather engine treatment boost horsepower as it ends oil burning, ending that problem. Lets trucks climb hills a gear higher, gain 40-80 more miles distance between fill-ups.
Ordering Mega Power Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives.
Choose packages that include power steering, gear box, differential, and cooling system protectors. See buttons for package coverage. Comes wit free tech phone help, guarantee.
Package for cars and pickups, large trucks and heavy equipment.
Order the Mega Power Anti gel engine fuel transmission and power steering service treatment...
The special Mega Power Complete Car Pick up Truck Treatment.
Treats a car or pickup fuel system, motor - top and bottom, transmission, power steering, and radiator system. Includes 12- 12 oz items needed. Shipping and handling, usa, Free for a limited time. NOW just $195 total. Save $50.
Mega Power Heavy Equipment Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives. The Treatment. Treats a large truck or tractor for 2 motor oil changes. Or 1 oil change, plus transmission and power steering treatment. Treat 2000 gallons fuel to 40 below. 3000 gallons fuel at 0 degrees. 5 one gallon size items, plus Free 24oz radiator treatment. Shipping and handling, usa, $450+$40 s&h= $490 total. Radiator item not shown but included. Call for drum pricing. Bonus $39 radiator protector, Free with order [limited time offer]. Now just $395 total 6 items. Order here.
Diesel Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives
for faster Starting more Power in Older motors.
This Cold weather engine helper avoids costly repair and downtime, by chemically ending wear and residue caused problem. See rest of story...
And by friction reducing by smoothing wear roughen surfaces.
Protection includes coating worn surfaces which restore lost performance.
These are features you want and need. Order below for them to enjoy the power and dependability you bought the vehicle for.
The way to push worry and repair expenses years into the future...
This is shown in this video
Diesel cold weather protection,
Do like others are doing to reduce wear, fuel waste, avoidable repairs, and downtime - with these tips and new products from Mega Power.
Diesel Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives and Fluid Conditioners
cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors.
Install Mega Power now for a tune up like service of both portions of your motor, top and bottom. Includes motor and - gear boxes conditioning, for less drag, clean out of power robbing residues, more horsepower to the wheels with a bit less fuel, while doing so.
Friction modifying gives you years longer engine life before overhaul. For winter, gain easier, cold weather cranking, faster starting, smoother idling, greater pull power up-hills.
How to install Mega Power Cold weather engine help, hard starting, fuel and oil conditioners in your new and Hi-mileage diesel motors.
Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors. Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment below.
Ordering Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives and Fluid Conditioners
This Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel additives help, hard starting, and oil conditioners Treatment comes with 4 items.
This diesel cold weather engine treatment ends oil burning, helps the truck climb hills a gear higher, gain 40-80 more miles distance on fill-ups.
Ordering Mega Power Cold Weather Engine Fuel Additives and Fluid Conditioners
Choose packages that include power steering, gear box, differential, and cooling system protectors. See buttons for package coverage. Comes wit free tech phone help, guarantee.
Package for cars and pickups, large trucks and heavy equipment.
Order the Mega Power Anti gel engine fuel transmission and power steering service treatment...
The Mega Power Complete Car Pick up Truck Treatment. $195 treats a car or pickup fuel system, motor - top and bottom, and its oiling system, transmission, power steering, and radiator system. 12- 12 oz items. Shipping and handling, usa, Free for a limited time. $195 total. Save $50 over individual pricing.
Mega Power Heavy Equipment Treatment. Treats a large truck or tractor fuel, motor top and bottom, transmission, power steering. Bonus $39 radiator protector, Free with order for limited time. 5 one gallon size items and 1 less than gallon radiator item. Shipping and handling, usa, $450+$40s&h= $490 total.
Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors.
To purchase Cold weather engine help for hard starting, fuel and oil conditioners by phone or ask a question about a problem or product, call 1 512 665 3388. george
Ends cold weather slow cranking, poor power when cold problems. Adds smoothness, economy, great up-hill pull power
How to install Mega Power
This info applies to all cars and big rig trucks with cold weather starting and running problems.
Add one oz Mega Power Diesel Treatment to each gallon fuel once a month.
Add a half gallon Mega Power Conditioning Cleaner to your motor oil. Drive as usual for a week.
A week later, add a half gallon Mega Power Conditioning Cleaner to your motor oil and after a hour of motor running more or less, do an oil change.
To the new oil add on gallon Mega Power Oil Treatment.
Driving will show problems ended. Like-new power recovery.
Remember when new,
That is when they produced the most power, had the best fuel economy, and the most zip and performance. it did not take much to zip it down the road.
Tips #5-Think inside the motor.
Its electric starter motor requires 300 amps [power] to spin and start the motor.
It ran smooth and easily speed off down the road
Tips #6-With each oil change the dirty, watery oil drains out, but leaves behind films of sticky, wear-increasing goo.
As those piston and bearings rub, their surfaces become rougher. Between more friction and sticky residues, resistance to free movement occurs, combustion is less effective, and increasing amounts of friction drag absorb power- all this drops the speed.
All this put a strain on cranking and starting - which Mega Power removes and ends - to make cold weather operation not drag down starting and running performance.
Mega Power cleans where oil and gas cannot go. Then smooths, frees, coats and protects those parts so they move freely and smoothly again.
You get the picture! Is that what you want for your motor?
Mega Power Fuel Treatments restore frigid weather cranking, faster starting, smoother idling, greater power up-hills. Reduces fuel requirements.
Here are two cold weather engine helpers that will amazed you when you crank your engine on a cold, cold morning.
This reports shows what to expect from Mega Power diesel, and gas Fuel and Engine Treatments.
Mega Power Diesel Fuel & Oil Treatments.
After treatment with Mega Power starter motor amp draw requirements are reduced. An amp meter on the battery shows a 10 to 20 percent drop in amp draw during the crank, in cold starting. However...
You can see and hear the improvement easily in cold weather. Driving performance is even more impressive after the treatments.
Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors
Your money back if not delighted!
Why better than part other brands. Why very different!
Mega Power Fuel Conditioner:
Other advantages.
Makes moisture burnable - rather filtering it out.
Neutralizes acid formation [acids sours the fuel= bad]- which sweetens [sweet is good]the fuel. Cleaning properties no one can beat. This ends sticky carbon buildup in the combustion area.
Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors
Mega Power Oil Treatment:
Mega Power Oil Conditioner prevents sludge cluster formation as the oil becomes dirty - oi flow easily up to the time its replaced. This takes the drag out of the oil so the motor spins as if warm - when cranking and running when cold - when the oul runs pass extended drain intervals - which may happen more times than you like.
Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors.
Super ingredients
MC+ ingredients actually reduce friction drag of upon metal-to-metal contact Diesel cold weather engine help for faster Starting more Power in Older motors.
Ordering Mega Power.
Some packages include power steering, gear box, differential, and cooling system protectors. See buttons for package coverage.
Package for cars and pickups, large trucks and heavy equipment. The Mega Power Complete Car Truck Treatment. $195 treats a car or pickup fuel, motor top and bottom, transmission, power steering, and radiator system. 12- 12 oz items. Shipping and handling, usa, Free for a limited time. $195 total. Save $50 over individual pricing.
Mega Power Heavy Equipment Treatment. Treats a large truck or tractor fuel, motor top and bottom, transmission, power steering. Bonus $39 radiator protector, Free with order for limited time. 5 one gallon size items and 1 less than gallon radiator item. Shipping and handling, usa, $450+$40s&h= $490 total.
To purchase by phone or ask a question about a problem or product, call 1 512 665 3388. george
To purchase or ask a question about a problem or product info call 1 512 665 3388. george