Octane booster additives. Boost more horsepower on demand.  

Octane Boost Additive. Contact Info: On a smartphone, to order, ask a question, call me... george at 512 665 3388Octane Booster Additive. Contact Info: On a smartphone, to order, ask a question, call me... george at 512 665 3388

More horsepower to get you to the finish line oftener.

 And longer car life, too!

 In just 15 minutes gain the winning edge you are looking for!  And longer car life, too!

Unlike other OB's that just boost octane a few points,  but are caustic, Mega Powers OB Treatment is not caustic! You need less caustic - not more!

Mega Power is loved because it 
boost horsepower 10% to 15% by its MC+ absorbed horsepower 
releasing ingredients.

Feels like a bigger engine when the gas pedal goes to the floor!

Yet, offers a longer life creating advantage doing so.

Offers years longer life slamming-the brakes-on-wear out, while providing more power to pull a loaded trailer easier, when carrying full loads up and down hills, for winning oftener at the tract

 More power, maximum vehicle protection - internally!

You gotta love a product like that!

Order our Engine Horsepower Boosting Treatment.

Or just our octane booster.

Mega Power Horsepower Booster TreatmentMega Power Horsepower Booster Treatment

Mega Powers Horsepower Boosting Treatment is the way to boost horsepower.  With its ability to end horsepower sucking friction in your engine, you increase compression horsepower and release horsepower friction is sucking away.

Includes 6 items. 3 for the top of the motor. 3 for the bottom. Easy to install instructions. Guarantee. Just $90+ $15 s&h= $105 total. Shipped FedEx to your door in 3 days . 

Our Special! Order Now!  Save $100!

Mega Powers Horsepower Boosting Engine Treatment 6 items, and Bonus. Get 12 12 oz Octane Boost Free!  A $100 value - Free! Order now! Boost power! Save $100. Just $105 total - while supplies last! 18 items total. 


Mega Power Octane Booster Treatment 12 ozMega Power Octane Booster Treatment 12 oz

Select this octane boost Special to help boost your horsepower!

Mega Power Octane Boost Specials.

12 pack just $4.00 each - with free shipping on all orders this week. Reg price $8 to $14 retail.  In stock 8 cases.

The price is right so stock up!  Order 12 12 oz = $48 Free shipping usa 48 states. Save $30 total today.

Click Cart button to order this Special:

Mega Power gained! Gained releasing horsepower in the fuel, engine, and gears now absorbed by friction and holding you back from a winning edge. 

Unlike other OB's that just boost octane a few points in fuel, Mega Powers OB Treatment is safer, and boost horsepower 10% to 15% to the wheels. 

Mega Power also promotes longer wear-less life for years more  service 
by releasing friction holding you back from its winning edge. 

Mega Power offers cleaner combustion for more horsepower production. You see the exhaust is clean  - not black!  Lowers smog. 

Mega Power removes friction in engine and gears. Eliminates Hot Spots that grind life away. Go for the Cool and more wins that way!

Review. Products to boost power by removing octane lowering, power robbing, motor, transmission negatives. 

Octane Boosters and Engine Treatments produce more horsepower for gears and wheels. 
More to get to the finish line oftener.
Octane booster additives release absorbed horsepower. Go for the win! Review. Products to boost power by removing octane lowering, power robbing, motor, transmission negatives.

Mega Power Octane Booster Treatment 12 ozMega Power Octane Booster Treatment 12 oz

Octane boost additives. Our Review.

   Some of us just gotta have more horsepower, zip, and performance from our cars, trucks, equipment.

   Sometimes older cars and heavy equipment need revitalizing.

   This option fills both needs.

   Compare mechanical-to-chemical horsepower boosting:

   Hot Roding your engine for more horsepower mechanically will boost horsepower with...

    Bigger pistons, and milling of heads for higher compression, by racing cams, and addition of a super charger. All boost horsepower. 

    Cost run to $20,000. But there are less costly ways...

    1. Using an octane booster and engine friction reducing treatment from Mega Power is a less expensive way to boost horsepower, zip, and speed. 
    2. Cost? Under $250 if a mechanic installs Mega Power. About a hundred dollars cheaper if you do so. Its easy to do so.

Octane Boosters.

While its known most octane boosters are caustic, the Mega Power brand is not! It can be used in every fill-up. 10% horsepower increase assured. MPG increase also.

Other Low-Cost Horsepower Boosters.

  • Another Horsepower Booster: Install Mega Powers Friction Eliminating Engine Treatment.
  • This product, a service treatment will also create more horsepower by removing horsepower decreasing dirty valves and piston rings, and by removing horsepower absorbed by friction.

Select those horsepower-boosting products: On sale now!

Mega Powers Horsepower Boosting Engine Treatment. Sends horsepower to wheels now absorbed by residue, friction drag.Mega Powers Horsepower Boosting Engine Treatment. Sends horsepower to wheels now absorbed by residue, friction drag.


    Mega Power Engine Treatment.

      Gives to 20% more horsepower instantly.

    Dyno-proven. Service your engine with Mega Powers combustion and octane booster, and its engine friction modifiers - their engine treatment - shown above...,

    And you will have a sudden, powerful tire burning takes-off from dead stop!

    And a great powerful zippy perfomance  - to  get in and out of traffic easier.

    Any engine new or old, with performance to last as long as you want, guaranteed!

    Just service as shown in the instructions: Add to your fuel tank - and motor oil, then hang on!

Great extra power and problem-solving when:

  • Towing.
  • Racing.
  • Having and engine or fuel problem.
  • To revitalize older, worn engines.
  • Great..way to save a diesel engine.
  • When you want tire-spinning, racy power on demand.

Select one, or both of these octane boost products to help boost your horsepower!

Mega Power Octane Boost Specials.

12 pack just $4.00 each - with free shipping on all orders this week. Reg price $8 to $14 retail.  In stock 8 cases.

The price is right so stock up!  Order 12 12 oz = $48 Free shipping usa 48 states. Save $30 total today.

Click Cart button to order this Special:

Not just octane boost:
Other ways to boost power.

Mega Power Octane Booster TreatmentMega Power Octane Booster Treatment

Mega Power's Octane Booster Treatment is another interesting way to boost horsepower with its ability to end horsepower sucking friction in your engine.  And by increasing compression. Includes 6 items. 3 for the top of the motor. 3 for the bottom. Easy to install instructions. Guarantee. Just $80+ $15s&h= $95 total. Shipped FedEx. 

Our Special! Order The Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment Get 12 12 oz Octane Boost Free! Order now!

Other ways to boost horsepower

    About boosting engine power - inexpensively - and helping to add years more life to your cars.

    Two videos.

    The first one shows an interesting test on octane boosters. Down below, I want you to see my video about what I use to boost engine power.

    View this test-lab video, then read the rest of this article for our take, and see what you think, afterward.


What you need to know.

What is an octane? Why is an octane boost important....

    Answer. Gas burns real fast. To fast for much good out of it.

    Octane-boosting ingredients "slow" the burn-rate of fuel during combustion. That makes gas work better for our need.

    Octane can be liken to a ruler.

    A ruler list increments of inches. You want 10 inches cut off a board, the ruler shows you where 10 inches length is. Was your cut accurate? Pretty much so.

    An octane number measures how slow an additive slows the burn time. Gas is 87, 89, and 93 octane. The higher the number the slower the burn, the more power it can produce, to push the piston down more of the way down.

Most cars run on 87 octane fuel

    - a place where the lease amount of smog is produced and the car can run as good as it gets.

    Putting 93 octane fuel in the tank will not make any difference. But if you put 87 octane in a car requiring 93, it will ping and run crappy.

    Piston compression is a factor here. Less compression, less octane is needed. And higher compression - you know, needs more octane.

One other thing about nasty o gas

    It wants to ignite prematurely. This pre-ignition negative consumes a bit of the fuel trapped, compressed, and ready for the spark plug to ignite. Less fuel, less push-down on the piston. The slower you go. Ping sounds like soda bottles rattling under you hood.

    Ping takes the wind out of combustion and shortens the burn. So, the gasoline company adds octane boost, which prevents pre-ignition and makes your car, truck, boat, race-car, run great - depending on its octane need.

    Uncle Sam checks the octane to see if its up to snuff, or not. To keep the big boys honest - would you believe that!

That ends Octane Boost 101; the class lesson, not boost number.

Octane boost secrets I shouldn't tell you, and don't pass them on.

Octane Boost Class #102

Now, its time to let you in on how to have more zip, and much better performance improvements, and why its possible - my way.

Watch this video first, then read the rest of the story below. See how Friction Modifier MC+ adds power.


So, lets review - and I'll share my octane boosters secrets you should be trying.

The more octane boost you add - up to a certain value, determined by Government Test Standards:

    The slower, and the longer the time it takes for the expanding forces of combustion to complete its burn. We want a slow burn duration.

    Ideally, you want the duration of the burn to keep expanding so as to slam the piston down and up and down and up again. At that last up point, its time for another explosion to repeat the cycle.

    If the push downward runs out of burn before it pushes your piston all the way down - less power output is developed. You drop speed and zip. Or you burn more gas to make up the shortage.

What does rob your car of horsepower? How can you get it back?

What does rob your car of power is

  • An increase in friction drag

  • Dirty slow closing valves

  • Dirty spark plugs

  • Mis-fire

  • And residue-choking, sticky goo that gums-up critical operation of your motor in 6 tune-as-you-go sub-systems.

There you have your problem

Consider those conditions to be allergies or the flu your car has. It can't run great, just as you can't run down the basket ball or soccer field all plugged up inside.

    Those conditions sap the cars breathing and horsepower development and then steals some of what's left away from the wheels.

    Reverse all this, and your car will run with its near-new zip, performance, and dependability again.

    Or, you can continue to let all that run it faster into the ground!

So what else is there that's harmful?

    Humidity and age lowers the octane value in gas and diesel fuel.

    By adding a product capable of removing moisture, capable of neutralizing acids, and capable of dissolving oily molecules that collect as clusters in diesel and gas, the burning duration will be cleaner - and longer. A power-improving benefit.

    The fuel additive we found will dissolve clusters of molecules which acids form, [sulfur found in all fuels makes acids] cluster the fuel into sludge. Clusters do not burn and weaken the burning process - which is not good for combustion power development.

    The treatment recommended below provides cleaning, fuel, combustion, friction reducing, and other power boosting benefits. Each adds one more anti-wear, anti-friction value. This is what permits more power to go to the wheels previously absorb by those conditions. A long-term restored power and protection is gained.

To boost your power, zip, and performance, and have the smoothest running car ever - why not remove, or end what is stealing horsepower away from your car - and wearing it out faster?

Introducing: The Mega Power Octane Booster Treatment.
The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment removes

  • All 6 causes of octane-lowering, power-robbing Conditions

  • All wear-increasing friction drag

  • Slow closing valves, spark misfire, excessive blow-by, compression loss in your motor, transmission, fuel, air and exhaust systems.

MP Worn Motor Treatment. Includes 6 items. 3 for the top of the motor. 3 for the bottom. Easy to install instructions. Guarantee. Just $60+ $15s&h= $75 total. Shipped Fedex. visa m/c Order desk number. 1 512 665 3388.

Removing those negatives is the job of The Mega Power Octane Booster Treatment. Lean more. Reread this review. Check out the other links. You will find the secrets to what of us car buff, mechanics and fleet owners use to have great running vehicles, years past any other method of car care can give.

Not octane booster, this is better

Removing carbon a sure way to boost power.
Power boosting help for older worn, motors

Octane Boost Home Page

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