An Engine Treatment that stops oil burning, exhaust smoke, oil consumption -  Even in older vehicles. 

Stops motor oil burning Contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, or to order products listed. Call me at 512 665 3388 ...George

     What people say:

    "I've found this product beneficial for overcoming older vehicle problems - in place of expensive overhauls - that can keep them going and oil loss way down, from oil change to oil change."   GC

    "Since I added george's Mega Power to my engine, my oil burning has almost stopped! My motor now run so nice - its music to my ears.  Mikes story.

     No tools or anything to take apart! 

    Over the years, I've sold thousands of what I call Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment to individuals that quickly stopped their engine oil burning loss. Even Combustion Blow-by, and black and blue exhaust smoke. Does so by an amazingly simple 2-step install method. No skills or tools needed. Now, Anyone  - EVEN YOU, having an engine with this oil consumption problem can get 101% positive results in as little as a day of driving. Even if you bought products off the shelf with these names for items in the stop oil burning treatment - they won't work if its not Mega Power's brand! Try it and see and let me know if they work!

What is the product that does so?

The treatment for controlling oil loss, drip and burning contains these additives - your engine needs them.  These by Mega Power stops oil burning between oil changes. And smelly black exhaust. Valve and lifter tapping also! More... No refunds requested last 265 days.

These 6 items are Mega Power's Engine Treatment To Stop Oil Burning Between Oil Changes.These 6 items are Mega Power's Engine Treatment To Stop Oil Burning Between Oil Changes. Order below.

  1. Fuel system Treatment and fuel injector cleaner.
  2. Intake manifold, combustion  carbon remover.
  3. Emission system cleaner. Catalytic muffler cleaner.
  4. Piston ring, valve head and stem cleaner, spark plug cleaner.
  5. Sludge remover. Oil screen, pump oiling system cleaner
  6. MC+ Worn surface filler, anti-wear engine life extender.

    George say.... I'm a mechanic!  

   That means - as a mechanic, I can fix wear problems engines have - but that cost over $4000 for parts, and a weeks time for overhaul. To keep them going... I put together this additive treatment that overcomes and frees the sticky piston ring problem making for more wear and oil burning conditions. Try it and see! Its what you are looking for if you read this far on the page.

    Getting more life out of my engine by controlling oil loss has help my budget, and even profited me in their resale, and by teaching mechanics who own a garage, and small fleet owners the additive benefits they offer. 

    I've  tried part store additives  - and they don't work! I've looked for, and found these better additives and figure out shortcuts in the form of additive treatments - to end oil burning, exhaust smoke and recover lost power  - made by 2 company's and I sell  Mega Power's - the one described on this page.

    I've found this product beneficial for overcoming other older vehicle problems - using it each oil change helping my cars avoid expensive overhauls -  for years. That I like as I can keep them going and oil loss way down from oil change to oil change.

 and in this way, have reduce my share of their wear and tear problems with them - and oil burning is a common problem. To make sure they have oil - to avoid running the engine dry... The problem....

    I check my oil when filling up with fuel, and always find my oil levels below the add mark on the dipstick. Knowing this I have oil in a gallon to top off the low levels.

    Older vehicles leak oil and fluids, spew out blue exhaust smoke, and that is true of most of my vehicles. To replace valve cover gaskets and engine seals where the connection to the transmission is - are all costly pain-in-the-butt . My solution to oil burning and other engine and gear wear related problems. A product you should have in every engine transmission and radiator. - if you want to avoid avoidable problems they have.

No tools or anything to take apart!

    Over the years, I've sold thousands of what I call Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment to individuals that quickly stopped their engine oil burning loss. Even Combustion Blow-by, and black and blue exhaust smoke. Does so by an amazingly simple 2-step install method. No skills or tools needed. Now, Anyone  - EVEN YOU, having an engine with this oil consumption problem can get 101% positive results in as little as a day of driving. Even if you bought products off the shelf with these names  for items in the stop oil burning treatment - they won't work if its not Mega Power's brand! Try it and see and let me know if they work!

Directions to stop oil burning engine problems. 

 Over the years, I've put together 6 bumper to bumper service  care and repair aid treatments to cover the fuel problems, engine problems, transmission problems, radiator problems, steering and a/c problems. 

Directions that quickly stops engine oil loss and or: Blow-by, exhaust smoke. Does so by an amazingly simple 2-step install method. 3 items following directions with them are added to the gas tank and motor oil.  Drive your vehicle for a week and do an oil change following step 2 directions of adding the last 3 to the oil. One before, 2 marked for adding with fresh oil. That starts the control of oil burning process.  Can you get that procedure - read it over and I'm by the phone for any questions.

No skills or tools needed. Now, Anyone having an engine with this problem can get 101% positive results in as little as a day of driving. Shown below.

Price of engine overhaul - the real solution! $4000 to $7000 if diesel. If diesel go to this page.

Price for Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment for cars pickups. Includes directions, phone help if needed, guarantee, 3 day delivery to your door.  Just  Do-it-yourself price $95 + $15 s&h= $110 total. Click cart button to stop oil burning in your engine.

Mega Power Engine Treatment. Stops oil burning, its smoke, and ends its power loss factors.Mega Power Engine Treatment. Stops oil burning, its smoke, and ends its power loss factors.

What you should do about engine oil burning solutions:

Mega Power Ends Engine Oil Burning By Unsticking Piston Rings - The cause of oil burning and oil loss by their allowing oil escape into the combustion between oil changes.

When sticky, piston rings - e bracelet like steel rings cannot expand outward, which is what they should be doing to block oil escape. As residues stick piston rings the ability to flex outward into the space to block your motor oils escape - is lost. It is sucked to the top of your pistons, burns in the combustion cycle, and spews out your exhaust as smoke. Of course your motor won't run right. 

        Until recently, the way to slow down oil burning was to Buy a new car. Or..

    Or get a $4000 plus motor overhaul. Now, there's a new option.

Budget tight motorist are ending their oil burning problem successfully by using a new, under $265 chemical  treatment - an around $100 if you install it yourself - shown above.

This engine transmission anti-wear product  - yes it stops transmission problems too, from Mega Power avoids a $2000 to $4000 motor repair  for replacing stuck piston rings - the problem causer.  However, they can also be freed as Mega Power becomes your oil change treatment. doing so keeps the problem away as long as you want!  Saving your engine and your money with an additional step to your oil change procedure.

Customers tell us, it both "stops oil burning," and "makes their motor run great again."

Once you see the new way it stops oil burning, from several areas of your motor... not just one. You will want to use it in your good motors and transmissions to avoid this dirty problem in your good vehicles.

Solving your oil burning problem chemically

    Removing residues that stick your piston's rings - is one way to end your motor's oil burning problem - reducing worn cylinder wall spaces is another. And, interestingly, smoothing wear-roughen surfaces is another Mega Power way to stop oil burning.

    To end those problems in your motor, a new product - called the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, is what you need.

    Mega Power uses 4 cleaners which are friction reducing and two other ingredients that heal and coat worn surfaces - as the method that stops oil burning.

    Mega Power starts by freeing of your sticky pistons rings, then by friction modifying, and by adding of a co-polymer - a slipery coating substance that fills worn cylinder spaces. In that way Mega Power provides years more car service as it shuts down your oil escape, out the exhaust pipe.

    So mega power does a brand new car service required at 25,000 - Same thing stops oil burning. Good reason to buy several kits ans treat all 3 cars. See deals below.

Compare cost of Mega Power compared to a repair.

    Good tune up cost run $300 to $1,500.

    Engine rebuild run $4000 to $8000.

    Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment at a garage cost $200 to $400.

         Do-it-yourself price $95 + $15 s&h= $110 total.

    Easy Do-it-yourself instructions and phone help given.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment $60 plus $15 s&h= $75.

Order an engine and transmission treatment, save $40

For both: $100 plus $15 s&h= $115 total. Save $40

Mention this special to get it when calling in your order.

Order Today! Your satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

To purchase this product:

Call me at our order desk. 1 512 665 3388

What product users say:

    "My car runs like it use to after using your Mega Power, and the 2 quarts oil the motor use to burn no longer disappears."

    "Its been six months and my car's motor has not required the addition of any oil. So far, it stop consumming oil like it use too! Compared to those part store additives that never did anything, I writing this note to let you know I'm very happy with your product."

A new and better way to end exhaust smoke.

    Ends oil consumption in any age motor, regardless of size.

    Instead of using a thick, gooey product like Restore, STP, and Lucas type oil thickening products, harmful to lubrication.

    Mega Power works on the idea of going to the problems area of your motor - to fix the problem there, to stop oil burning. In this case, freeing your pistons sticky rings so those piston rings get back to flexing and blocking your motor oils escape into the combustion cycle.

    Mega Power works on piston rings with 4 different cleaners, cleaning and freeing your dirty, sticky piston rings. When rings are sticky, they tend to jam-close in their pistons ring slots, and not flex outward. So, the cleaners restore thier flexing outward ability to block the flow of oil into combustion burning process.

    That is one way Mega Power helps to stop oil burning.

Here is another way Mega Power Helps to stop Oil Burning

    Freeing sticky piston rings is one way, and adding a coating to fill worn spaces is another.

    This Mega Power coating, a co-polymer, adds a slippery coating thickness to your motors worn piston skirt and cyclinder wall.

    This esentially closes the worn-away space between the piston and cyclinder wall. That smaller space, like when new, prevents the easy transfer of your motor's oil up to burn, and on out of the motor, via the combustion process.

    To gain these advantages, Mega Power tested different ingredients and ended up with 6 ingredients - installed in two steps. This has been found to be the best, all around way to slam the breaks on your engine's oil burning problem.

    This treatment is what your motor needs to end its problem, and gain a few more good year of service. Ordering info below.

Mega Power Motor Treatment stops oil burning in worn motors

*No refunds last 267 days.

That is how Mega Power stops-oil-consumption and at the same time, restores and insures years longer, dependable service to your older, even worn motors - and transmissions, too!

Compare cost of Mega Power compared to a repair.

    An engine rebuild runs from $2000 to $5000.

    Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment at a garage cost $200 to $400

The Do-it-yourself price, $95+ $15s&h= $110 total.

    Comes with easy Do-it-yourself instructions and phone help, if needed.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment $60 plus $15s&h= $75.

Order an engine and transmission treatment, save $40

For both: $100 plus $15s&h= $115 total. Save $40

Mention this special to get it when calling in your order.

Order Today! Your satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

To ask a question, or purchase this product:

You can call me at our order desk. 1 512 665 3388

Fedex shipped to your door with instructions, guarantee, and my personal phone help - if you need it....

Other Benefits Mega Power provides-

    While sealing and filling the cyclinder to stop oil burning, more combustion stays to push your pistons down a bit more - a power improving benefit. More power also bounces back by reducing actual friction, and by restoring the snappy piston valves closing action - discussed on another page.

    And by a special slippery coating that fills worn spaces - all blocking oils path out of your motor.

    So, you can see its different in a good way and benefical.

Introducing: the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment

    This new product helps end your car or truck oil burning, and stops exhaust smoke. And oil consumption. Due to hi-mileage, and wear and tear.

The Company

    Mega Power is a leader in the motor, and power train care, and problem-solving.

    Their products help mechanics end oil burning problems as well as helping car and equipment owners extend the life of older, out-of-warranty, cars, trucks, and equipment.

Mechanic Approved

    I'm a mechanic. I certainly approve it! A lot of us do.

    At first, mechanics were suspious and spoke against the product because it seen to good to be true. However, there is a growing change in this thinking as thousands of repair garages are using Mega Power Products to solve problems a repair can't.

    This product may become a very profitable inside half of what makes a good tune up or repair service to stop oil burning in older vehicles.

International respect

    In some parts of the world you void your Mercedes Benz New Car Warranty if you don't use their oil.

    Chrysler found their product to be the only one in the world to end premature friction wear-out in brand new cars. So have some Engine re-builder's, also.


    Most additive brands are harmful if installed in the transmission - and visa versa. Not the Mega Power Oil Treatment.

    Mega Power treatments works equally well to preserve, and end power steering, engine, transmission, 4x4 and drive gear wear and tear products.

    An amazing invention that works equally well to also help race cars, big trucks, RV's, boats, even huge industrial machinery will suddenly work better, smoother. Call for help with your needs.

George Foremen. Mega Power Moster Truck

How this product is installed

    What's involved is a few minutes time, added to your vehicle care at oil change. Comes with easy-to-follow instructions.

    The install is as simple as adding gas and oil to your car. Driving does the fix.

    You begin with 3 problem-ending products that goes where oil can't!
    Conclude using the 3 remaining products during an oil change.

    Driving does the actual fix - with the chemical help.

    Note in the picture - the treatment uses 6 products. Because that is what works.

Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment

What people say about Mega Power

    "This Oil Burning Ending Treatment is an effective, permanent method of automotive care to reduce oil burning, exhaust smoke, leak, tap, fuel waste, and restore worn-away power. It seems to maintain the improvement that way indefinitely.

My experience.

    I'm a mechanic. 8 years in Ford and Chevy Dealerships, Twice that in my own shop. I've trained hundreds of mechanics in the use of Mega Power in their shops. Thousands of just plain car and equipment owners.

    I guess I've bought 50 hi-mileage, oil burning cars and trucks cheap - to resale, because they sounded and drove like wore out. After this treatment was installed in the engine and transmission they suddenly run as if just overhauled.

    I always tell the buyer - what I did and give them a treatment. They finds my vehicles exceptionally great running - compared to other with the same mileage, and pay much more for them.

What's in Mega Power?

    This product includes:

    * Four unique, heat-activated cleaners that quickly free sticky rings and worn valves, ending the primary cause of oil-disappearance, exhaust smoke, and sluggishness.

    * A special chemical conditions and give a slight enlarging to seals, gaskets, and valve-stem seals, ending the second cause of lost of oil, exhaust smoke, oil consumption, and oil leaks.

    * A third bonding chemistry layers itself on top of worn-away areas. This advantage stops excessive oil consumption and exhaust smoke due to wear gaps, and restores lost compression, doing so in minutes.

    * A fourth special chemistry smooths wear roughen piston, bearing, valve, lifter, and gear surfaces reducing excessive friction drag, which slams the brakes on rapid wear.

    Those two product advantages is what adds years more dependability to your motor.

    * Guarantee of Satisfaction. Thirty day, money back if not as advertised.

    *No refunds last 267 days.

    This is how Mega Power stops-oil-consumption and at the same time, restores and insures years longer, dependable service to your older, worn motors - and transmissions, too!

Compare cost of Mega Power compared to a repair.

    Good tune up cost run $300 to $1,500.

    Engine rebuild run $2000 to $5000.

    Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment at a garage cost $200 to $400

Do-it-yourself price $95+ $15s&h= $110 total.

    Easy Do-it-yourself instructions and phone help given.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment $60 plus $15s&h= $75.

Order an engine and transmission treatment, save $40

For both: $100 plus $15s&h= $115 total. Save $40

Mention this special to get it when calling in your order.

Order Today! Your satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

To purchase this product:

Call me at our order desk. 1 512 665 3388

Fedex shipped to your door with instructions, guarantee, and my personal phone help - if you need it.... george This is how Mega Power

    Stops-oil-consumption and at the same time, restores what was worn-away power and an oil burning problem. Many of us Mega Power users enjoy years longer, dependable service out of our older, worn motors - and transmissions - and so will you!

    Order Today! Your satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back.

    End review: Call me to ask a question or place and order.... call 512 665 3388 ... george

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    Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

    Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it.  And thanks for passing it along. george...