Easy Fix For Your Radiator Cooling System Leaks, Overheating Problems 
A better way makes it eaiser to do. 

Mega Power Radiator Treatment is the Best way to fix cooling system leaks and overheating problems. Services the system as it ends its problem.Mega Power Radiator Treatment is the Best way to fix cooling system leaks and overheating problems. Services the system as it ends its problem for years of protection.

Radiator cooling system: Contact info. On a smartphone, if you Have a question about ordering items listed, call me ...george at 512 665 3388 

 I know radiator problems can drive you crazy!

This is the easiest way to end them!

And it's an easy 15-minute service.

    There are 2 steps.

    1. Add the cleaner and acid neutralizer [white bottle] to the coolant or water in the radiator. After running the coolant for 10 minutes, drain out the old anti-freeze and rinse the system with water. Drain out...And
    2. Refill the system with anti-freeze and the 2 blue Mega Power Stop Leak and COOL aid items. Leaks and overheating stop as you drive. Driving ends the problem.

    The 3 items make for the most accessible radiator cooling system service to end overheating, stop several kinds of leaks, and protect your motor and transmission from overheating.

    It's what your cars need! Order online or by phone at 512 665 3388 ...george

    Have the Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Fix sent to your door in 3 days. 

    Online Ordering Info

    One MP Radiator Cooling System Service #RS3.
    I'd like to point out that 3-item system service as described above. Includes easy-to-follow directions, free phone help, and a guarantee. I shipped FedEx to you in just 3 days. Just $65 +$15 s&h +6 tax Total $86.

  • Acid removal of the system is essential as much as ending their problem. We use no dangerous toxic chemicals. Be sure you read the warning labels to avoid products listed as harmful if you are not using this one.
  • No problem or issues while ending head gasket, manifold, heater, block, or radiator core leaks.
  • And ending overheating problems is no problem for Mega Powers scum and residue-removing cleaner.
  • I recommend Mega Powers Radiator System Fix, Explained below.

Removing the primary cooling system troublemaker:

All cooling system troubles start with acids.

Acids form from the decay of anti-freeze fluid and the metals in the system. Mega Power neutralizes the acidic causes. And removes the scum coating acting as a blanket preventing heat transfer. Then, it ends the leak, if any, while ending overheating issues.

  • Non-toxic. The Mega Power Additive inventor Bud Esterlin showed me a half dozen radiator flush cleaners, including Item One in his kit. They all warned of the toxic dangers - including Mega Powers. But Mega Power is less harmful, and I clean pennies with it in the palm of my hand. 
  • Easier to use. I could imagine it ending my car's overheating problem by removing the scum in the cooling coils while neutralizing acids causing holes in the system like it did the penny. 
  • Can't plug up the heater and radiator tubing.  Bud then showed me a half dozen radiator stop leak brands. They were full of lumpy fibers or pellets. He had a soda can with holes and water leaking from it and poured a teaspoon of each brand of the stop leak into the leaky can - the can run out of water. 
  • When refilling the soda can, it started leaking from the holes. Bud poured His Mega Power Stop Leak - a clear liquid, into the water. The leaks stopped the Can half full. I thought that was even more amazing than his radiator cleaner. So will you! 

    Its Mega Power Radiator Cool. A service product to keep engines and transsmissions working cooler. It ends the heat sink problem with its "COOL" ingredients.

  • Higher radiator temperatures means higher working engine and transmission wear. Just running pass 250 degrees weakens transmission lubricating values as it returns from the radiator still hot - increasing wear out. 
  • Our Mega Power Radiator service product ends this problem with its item "COOL" ingredient.

How MP Cool works to protect the engine and transmission.

  • Hot transmission fluid is sent to the radiator for cooling.
  • Cooling aid COOL removes excessive motor and transmission heat, 50% faster than antifreeze alone. 
  • It does so removing free oxygen from the system. This packs molecules in the fluids closer together. 
  • This closeness allows cool more contact against the metal - and faster heat transfers occurs. 
  • An aid when towing, and lowers coolant temperature when in traffic, up to 40 degrees. Adding one more means of protecting the engine and transmissin. 
  • one more reason why we like Mega Power Radiator Servicing Product. It will help you end your gasket, and leaks. 
  • Recommended for new car servicing every 25,000 miles. 
  • Order it to rid your system of its problem. Avoid costly to repair troubles.

Ordering Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Service Product

    Mega Power comes with three products shown, easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped FedEx, direct to your home, business, or shop in 3 days. Order online or by phone. 1 512 665 3388.

    Ordering online:

    One MP Radiator Cooling System Service #RS3. 
    3 item system service as described above. Includes easy-to-follow- directions, free phone help, guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your in just 3 days. Just $65 +$15 s&h +6 tax Total $86.

    Click cart button to order... Our Other Specials below. 

More...Radiator cooling system: 
Problems start when acids buildup, cause holes, gasket failure - leaks, leading to overheating.
Engine and transmission results -  This service reverses the damage.
- Acids are responsible for holes and gasket failure - and leaks, leading to engine damage - as well as overheated transmissions - and their premature failure. Our Mega Power Radiator Service Product ends this problem with its "Stop leak" ingredient.
Last year it is estimated that 12 million engine transmission failures was due to excessive heat. This product avoids that happening to your equipment.

Mega Power's Radiator Cooling System.  Stop leaks, Reduces Overheating.Mega Power's Radiator Cooling System. Stop leaks, Reduces Overheating.
  • Removing acidity a must do:  The Mega Power Radiator Service neutralizes acidity as it removes scum to end their problems.
  • Make sure your cleaner says it neutralizes acids as it removes scum. Make sure the label says it not caustic! Our Mega Power Radiator Service Product ends this problem with its "Flush Additive" ingredient.
  • Sold as the recommended service for cooling systems every 4 years.
  • Its more than a Service Product! Its your system protector!

Stoping coolant leaks

  • Mega Power Stop Leak stops existing leaks in head gaskets, heater core and radiator core.  
  • Stops the smell of coolant from the a/c and heater.

Ending  motor overheating 

  • Cooling aid COOL removes excessive motor and transmission heat, lower temperatures twice as fast as antifreeze alone. Packs anti-freeze molecules together for faster heat transfer. 

Towing Aid and police cars

  • An aid when towing, and long idling police cars as it limits coolant temperature rise.
  • Lowers coolant temperature when towing and in traffic, up to 40 degrees. 

Protects your transmission from overheating

  • Keeps Transmission fluid cooler for longer life

The best radiator system flush

  • Mega Power is not caustic and is self-neutralizing. 
  • Includes an oxygen remover anti-rust which packs anti-freeze molecules together for faster heat transfer. 

Other features of Mega Power Rdiator Cooling System Kit

  • Coverage. Often purchased for its ability to stop head gasket seepage, radiator heater core, and heater drips on carpet.  
  • Lubes pump seals and valves. 
  • Exceeds car makers warranty servicing requierments.
  • Cost is an investment in the protection of the two costiest componets in a vehicle.
  • Directions: Add Mega Power Cleaner to old coolant. Run motor or drive for 10 minutes. Drain and replace old coolant with new. Add Mega Power Stop Leak and Mega Power Conditioner with new anti-freeze coolant. Leaks stops instantly. Driving add other benefits.

Just $65 +$15 s&h +6 tax Total $86. Auto Repair shops, Radiator Shops  and equipment fleet owners can stock up on these Service items at a 50% discount.

It's what your cars need! Order on line or by phone 512 665 3388 ...George

Ordering Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Service Product

    Mega Power comes with three products shown, easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped FedEx, direct to your home, business, or shop. 

    Ordering info

    One MP Radiator Cooling System Service #RS3.
    3 item system service as described above. Includes easy-to-follow- directions, free phone help, guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your in just 3 days. Just $65 +$15 s&h +6 tax Total $86.

    Order here... Specials on 2 or more sets below. 

2 Treatments for both of your cars: Just $95+$15s&h= $110 total. Save $20.

6 radiator Treatments for fleet or resale. 18 items. Just $200 +$15s&h= $215 total. Save $115.

To order the Mega Power Engine, Transmission, and Radiator Treatments - to service and protect the whole power train, as described above.

Order all 3 treatments: one for your radiator, one for your motor, and one for your transmission. 12 item total. $140 plus $20 s&h= $160. Save $75.

Order above Whole Car Treatments for 2 vehicles. 24 items total. $200 plus $15 s&h = $215 total. Save $90 and service and protect both your vehicles for years to come.

To order, Or ask a question about your car problem by phone, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388 

What you should know Radiator cooling system fixes:

For heater, manifold, and head gasket stop leak.

  • Stops the most severe leak using new non-clogging stop leak.
  • Has no fibers, strings, metal particles needed. 

Reduces high temperature running motors

  • Reduces coolant temperatures - a towing aid. 
  • Keeps motors cool in hot stop and go traffic, protecting the motor and transmission keeping them cooler operating.
  • A proper service product to protect good radiators and motors.

No one like radiator and cooling system troubles!

What you should know about your cooling system and radiator that will prevent costly problems - and the best and easiest way to end such problems it may have now!

They are:

    Most people know that just replacing anti-freeze is good - but more is needed.

    That thought surfaces when their cooling system fails in some important way - and their motor ends up over heated.

    The thing you think is that anti-freeze is protecting your motor - However....

    - anti-freeze, causes all your problems.

    Such as leaks, over heating, motor and transmission irreparable damage. How so.....?

    Anti-freeze turns acidic pretty easily. Acids eats anything.

    It eats gaskets first - the weakest part of your motor.

Since acid is an enemy

This review covers Mega Power's 3 Best Radiator Cooling System Fixes and Care for Car and Heavy Equipment cooling systems.

About Your Radiator

And your motors cooling system...

    - it is also developing in your engine oil and transmission fluid

    Neutralizing acids and healing its damage are both ingredient goals you should be adding to your car care serving in those fluids

    The leader in neutralizing acids, stopping leaks they cause, and for improving coolant efficiency, thereby providing the remedy, and the longest time of protection possible for your radiator is Mega Power.

    Is so scaled down, 33% of its former size is gone! Taken away to help reduce your cars weight, improve fuel economy, and put more profit in the car makers wallet - not yours.

    For this reason, it takes very little to overpower your cooling systems cooling ability - and ruin both your engine and transmission - you would never know its happening - until its to late. I wonder if the car makers and part suppliers know of that weakness?

    The product we favor - Mega Power, cannot be beat for its cooling system preventive and problem solving advantages.

Mega Power's Radiator Cooling System.  Stop leaks, Reduces Overheating.Mega Power's Radiator Cooling System. Stop leaks, Reduces Overheating.

Don't fret your car's leak or overheating problem because

    This page and I will help you avoid that expense - and thousands of dollars more avoidable car and equipment repair expense - 

    You'll find, these repair-avoiding tips and products provide the easiest Do-it-yourself methods and best possible products and remedies. And help from Mega Power's new anti-wear radiator, engine, and transmission treatments make it so!

    Of course, if your car or tractor has ran overheated, and cooked its oil to sludge - and stopped overheated, go elsewhere. But, if it operating ability is certain - I think you would have a feeling if its not. You are with the countries Car Care Expert - and I know what works and what does not on this - to get you running great again - and avoiding a costlier alternative.

Here's what what to do and know about auto-tune-up- and- repair-options radiator help

Sudden overheating occurs, and overheating results in motor and transmission destruction. And those $3000+ overhauls - you didn't see coming. 14 million occurrences, one source reports.

I'll show you the problem - and the best, and just so happens, the cheapest remedy to end, and prevent, the 3 hidden causes of overheating, leaks, and cooling problems - no one else can. For under $100 - not $3000.

The best cleaners, stop leak, and overheating prevention products sold in the market place come from Mega Power.

    While other brands stick to 50 year old caustic radiator cleaners - their labels suggest you need a Haz-Mat suit on to shield your eyes and body from the caustic - during the cleaning process. Mega Power does not. Yet, Mega Power cleans better!

    And, Mega Power does not use 50 year old ingredients other brands use, like fibers, or metal particles to stop your leak, either. Instead....

Mega Power uses

    Special, new non-caustic cleaners and non-fibrous stop leaks, which are 100% effective, stops leaks without plugging the radiator, and cleans to end overheating causes.

    Mega Power also protects against future, hidden problems - now brewing in your cooling system.

    Mega Power requires no special safety rinsing measures like caustic cleaners require, and no neutralizers to stop any damage part store type caustic cleaners cause.

    Ordering info

    MP Radiator Cooling System Service #RS3.
    3 item system service as described above. Includes easy-to-follow- directions, free phone help, guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your in just 3 days. Just $65 +$15s&h +6 tax Total $86.

New Radiator Cooling System Problem Solver, Problem Preventer from Mega Power. A simple way to solve and prevent radiator, motor, and transmission problems. A similar Treatment protects your motor and transmission, stops their leaks, and add power improving long term anti-wear, too!

Order Mega Power below. Your car and your budget needs this Mega Power service!

How to install Mega Power to end your leak, or cooling problem.

    There are 2 steps.

    1. Add the cleaner, acid neutralizer [white bottle] to the old anti-freeze in the radiator.
    2. Drain out old anti-freeze and rinse with water. Add new anti-freeze and the 2 remaining Mega Power items. Drive. Driving does the fix.

    That is the radiator cooling system service you need to end overheating, stop several kinds of leaks, and protect your motor and transmission from overheating, from now on.

    It's what your cars need! Order on line or by phone 512 665 3388 ...george

    It's what your cars need! Order on line or by phone 512 665 3388 ...George

    Directions: Add Mega Power Cleaner to old coolant. Run motor or drive for 10 minutes. Drain and replace old coolant with new. Add Mega Power Stop Leak and Mega Power Conditioner with new anti-freeze coolant. Leaks stops from instantly to overnight. driving sets stop leak - which crystalizes when hitting air.

    Ordering Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Products

    Mega Power comes with three products shown, easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped FedEx, direct to your home, business, or shop. Order online or by phone. 1 512 665 3388.

    Ordering info

    One MP Radiator Cooling System Service #RS3.
    3 item system service as described above. Includes easy-to-follow- directions, free phone help, guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your in just 3 days. Just $65 +$15s&h +6 tax Total $86.

2 Treatments for both of your cars: Just $95+$15s&h= $110 total. Save $20.

6 radiator Treatments for fleet or resale. 18 items. Just $200 +$15s&h= $215 total. Save $115.

To order the Mega Power Engine, Transmission, and Radiator Treatments - to service and protect the whole power train, as described above.

Order all 3 treatments: one for your radiator, one for your motor, and one for your transmission. 12 item total. $140 plus $20 s&h= $160. Save $75.

Order above Whole Car Treatments for 2 vehicles. 24 items total. $200 plus $15 s&h = $215 total. Save $90 and service and protect both your vehicles for years to come.

To order, Or ask a question about your car problem by phone, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388 [ Mention this page for these prices. Canada and Mexico add $25 to shipping amounts].

To order, or ask a question about your car problem, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388 [Stateside pricing. Mexico Canada add $25 shipping.]

What you should know

A special kind of cleaning, stop leak, and protector is critical when having a leak or overheating problem. I found this out by research - and first-hand experience.

To show Mega Power's cleaning advantage.... to skeptics

I show this by pouring

    Mega Power over the dirtiest, old penny in the palm of my hand, I can find. In a minute, the penny turns shinny clean! There is not even a redness on my palm, afterward.

    Those old fashion radiator products sold in parts stores, quick lubes, and in use by your local mechanic -will peal the skin in your palm right off! Not Mega Power, though.

    Mega Power's cleaning ability includes removing a paper-thin film scum on the radiator cooling tubes - other cleaners leave behind.

    Removing that film is one important secret you need to know about.... That is what that little demo shows people. Anyhow...

That film in your radiator

    Is a paper thin scum which formed as a result of anti-freeze breakdown. Scum film contains oxygen and tiny metal specs other brands do not remove during radiator flush.

Those two, oxygen, and rusted metal particles, cause you two major problems in this way

  1. Oxygen in the scrum film and high heat makes oxygen travel in larger orbits - if you can imagine that. And this creates tiny air pockets, which act like an internal insulation film and literally blocks your engine heat transfer. That's one problem. The other is this...
  2. This extra heat hanging around settles in the motor and reduces combustion in the top part of your motor, and thinns your motors oil so it fails to lube and keep parts sererated as it should. See any daaaaanger in all this? Sure you do. And Mega Power ends those problems for you. NOT ONLY THAT... This negative scum insulation factor causes your transmission interior gears and parts to run-up to 100 degrees hotter - and that heat critically weakens your transmission lube film strength. That's a secondary, hidden heat danger... Mega Power avoids for you.

Your motors higher heat load

    Causes your motor oil and transmission lube film to fail, and starts a new set of wear problems for you.

    Under those conditions your motor and transmission's pistons, bearings, valves, and gear surfaces touch each other oftener, grind away at each other with friction oftener.

    Those are how you radiator causes those unexpected and costly, $3000 motor, transmission repair problems - you may have had - and Mega Power in the motor, transmission, and radiator avoids.

How Mega Power Makes it Simple to Protect Your Whole Vehicle.

Not just end your radiator coolant problem

    Radiator Cooling System Protection

  • Mega Power loosens and removes those rusty metal particles. it takes about 5 to ten minutes in the simple flush procedure - we show you to follow.
  • The Mega Power cleaner also neutralizes acids. Acids increase the making of holes in fiber and metal gaskets - a big problem. And future leaks, by a leak-making process called electrolysis - which Mega Power stops by this 10 minute cleaning process.
  • Motor and transmission oil and ATF oil heat levels, if above 200 degrees, weakens their lube film strength - the ability to keep moving parts apart. That means more metal-to-metal contact occurs, and this increases friction abrasion and faster wear out.

Transmission cooling.

Did you know

    Transmissions cool by sending its fluid to the radiator to cool, then returns cooled to lube again?

    When that fluid is returning - not cool, but still hotter than normal, oil-breakdown occurs faster, and friction increases. This is the hidden cause of what's eroding your transmissions life, years sooner.

    Did you know that?

    The resulting wearis what causes shifting and leak problems along the way, too. Which Mega Power also ends as it protects!

Those are your cars hidden causes of overheating and engine, transmission wear, that Mega Power product ingenuity and invention ends for you - from your motor's cooling system.

How Mega Power Stop Leak and Cool Ingredients Work

    Mega Power, stops and prevent leaks using new chemistry that works like blood - it coagulates when it seeps out a hole or crack automatically stopping the leaks, upon contact with air. Stops manifold and head gasket existing leaks instantly and permanently.

More Radiator, Motor, and Transmission help

    Mega Power is a treatment. Mega Power includes a chemistry called Radiator Cool. One of our items in our 3 part Radiator Service Kit #RS3.

    Mega Power Cool removes air spaces and packs more hot coolant against the radiator tubes - permitting more and faster heat transfer.

    Both Cleaning, Stop Leak, and Cool product advantages allows more coolant to lay against the cooling fins and dissipates heat up to 20% faster. Often, more than needed to ending common overheating problems.

2 Treatments for both of your cars: Just $95+$15s&h= $110 total. Save $20.

6 radiator Treatments for fleet or resale. 18 items. Just $200 +$15s&h= $215 total. Save $115.

To order the Mega Power Engine, Transmission, and Radiator Treatments - to service and protect the whole power train, as described above.

Order all 3 treatments: one for your radiator, one for your motor, and one for your transmission. 12 item total. $140 plus $20 s&h= $160. Save $75.

Order above Whole Car Treatments for 2 vehicles. 24 items total. $200 plus $15 s&h = $215 total. Save $90 and service and protect both your vehicles for years to come.

To order, Or ask a question about your car problem by phone, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388 [ Mention this page for these prices. Canada and Mexico add $25 to shipping amounts].

To order, or ask a question about your car problem, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388 [Stateside pricing. Mexico Canada add $25 shipping.]

Did you know...

Unknowingly, driving with higher than normal coolant temperatures was the #1 killer and cause of 14 million engine, transmission failures last year. Source: Transmission Repair Association.

The radiator cooling system top problem and remedy.

What you should know.

We discovered:

    Several problems in radiator cooling systems that traditional radiator,[and engine, and transmission additive and recommended serving did not address and correct.

    So, our research department tested and developed the above products. They prevent and end cooling, radiator cooling system leak problems not possible before, for years more trouble-free driving.

The failure of anti-freeze to protect your radiator cooling system

    The failure of anti-freeze to do more than prevent.

    If you're like me, you read the label on an anti-freeze product.

    It gives you the impression that is all you need. Right! Well that is wrong - and there in is your problem.

    Some marketing department wrote all that to make you feel you have a "cure-all," a complete, all you need product. Pour it in and forget about it. But, that is not so!

    Last year, over one hundred thousand engines and transmission failed because of overheating, or rather, the not doing of what you thought your coolant should do.

How to rid your car of the 3 engine killers inside your radiator

    Here is what our research discovered

    Over time, a paper-thin, blanket-like coating, almost like battery acid, from antifreeze breakdown, coats the motor and radiator tubes.

    You look at it, and you would not suspect it to be your cars second worst enemy. It is and it needs to be removed every 3 - 4 years - or else!

    That is the unusual cause of overheating and the cause of leaks.

    Just flushing out old coolant and replacing it with new - the common way its done; seems OK, but it skips the cause of today's hidden cooling system problems.

The radiator cooling system remedy

    Our Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Service Product.

    The product that work! Plus, our education and our tips will have you up and running - and you can do it yourself - or have a mechanic do it for you [$50 labor charge]. If you have a dirty problem, leak, overheating problem - this product ends them.

    Mega Power Radiator Service Product to properly remove buildup, stop leaks, while adding chemistry to increase heat transfer away from the coolant, 30%.

    Mega Power Radiator Servcing Kit

    Other radiator cooling system product advantages include: Present and future stop leak ability. Neutralizes acids - the major cause of leaks. Conditions hoses, and the water pump shaft-seal, to resist dry rot, cracking, and leaking. Comes with your choice of stop leak booster, or cool booster - not shown.

Ordering Mega Power Radiator Cooling System Products

    Mega Power comes with three products, easy-to-follow instruction, and our guarantee. Shipped FedEx, direct to your home, business, or shop. Order directly from our mechanic/tech at our order desk: 1 512 665 3388.

      One- MP Cooling System Service #RS3.
      3 item system service as described above.
      $50plus $15 s&h= $65 total.

      3 Treatments for 3 cars: $95+$20s&h= $115 total

    To order

      the Mega Power Engine, Transmission, and Radiator Treatments - to service and protect the whole power train, as described above:

      Tell us you want to order the motor protection: Cost $65+ $15s&h=$80 total. Transmission protection: Cost $65+ $15s&h= $80 total. And Radiator protection: Cost $60+ $15s&h= $75 total.

      Order all 3 treatment, one for your radiator, one for your motor, and one for your traansmission. 12 item total. $140 plus $20 s&h= $160. Save $75.

      Order above 3 treatments for 2 vehicles. 24 items total. $200 plus $15 s&h = $215 total. Save $90 and protect both your vehicles. Mention this page for these prices.

    To order, or ask a question about your car problem, call me... george at 1 512 665 3388

Popular engine, transmission problem-preventers

Radiator Cooling System

More Radiator cooling system fixes. Tips.

Have your mechanic "re-torque" your engine heads. Lose "head bolts" is a cause of mysterious coolant loss. As well as a water-pump shaft seal - which may require water-pump replacement, as the cure.

How to Test Pump Seal and Radiator Cap.

    The mechanic will connect a special device to the radiator to apply a 7lb negative suction to the system.

    All hoses will collapse and hold suction 5 minutes. If air is being sucked-in, the air entry will cause the hoses to creep back to normal.

    He will advise as to remedy at that check. As well as do two checks two see if your radiator cap seal, pressure-holding, and bleed-back function work, or not.

    A weaken radiator cap will cause coolant loss. Replace it for about $6.

Newer vehicle leak? Newer vehicles have head-gasket or manifold-gasket leaks. This is because the coolant turns acidic too quickly. What to do....

    Use a radiator flush and conditioner "kit" like the Mega Power Product shown above to fix the problem right - and avoid expensive repair.

    Newer vehicles may also experience their coolant temperature rise above boiling temperatures. Use our radiator flush and conditioner "kit," the Mega Power Product shown here for this service.

Radiator cooling system, fixes: Ambulances, police vehicles, tow vehicles that see a rise of temperature - are experiencing poor heat transfer. The Mega Power Product shown above will instantly restore a vehicles cooling system to it normal mode - ending its problem.

More Radiator Cooling System Help

Radiator Cooling System Care. Why we favor Mega Power.

Our Mega Power Engine Service Kit Plus, corrects all the above problems. Let me tell you about the product:

    Let's start with a little education.

    Lets do leaks and overheating problem-solving. And what a good radiator service should do for you.

    Leaks occur because the coolant turns acidic - in about two years. The first thing you want to do is stop the formation of acids, and stop any leaks that developed. The service does both!

This Radiator cooling system Service Adverts Further Damage and Provides Future Protection.

After "cleaning" the Mega Power Flush Method Way.

  • Replace and refill the system with a 50% water, 50% coolant mixture rate....
  • Add the two remaining products included in the Mega Power Radiator Service Kit.

  • One of the two is the MP Stop Leak. The product is different than all others on the market. Most other brands use a grit-like substance.

  • Mega Power Stop Leak is almost clear. It works - not by adding particles to your coolant. Instead, it makes coolant act like blood when exposed to air. It coagulates and seals at the leak point - stopping the leak. No fear of particles plugging up your radiator with this product.

  • The other Mega Power product in the kit [not shown], is a conditioner to increase heat transfer to 30%, for maximum cooling protection - and motor and transmission protection.

The radiator cooling system kit protects for two to three years. Repeat ever three years.

To have one or more kits sent to your home or business, call me, at 512 665 3388. Each Mega Power Kit Plus, is $35 plus $15 s&h.

Have your credit card info ready. Re-sellers, mechanics and fleet service receive 40% off with purchase of 12 kits. 6 kits 25% off.

For heavy duty trucks and equipment. Use one kit to each 4 gallons coolant. If coolant is run through a re-cycle machine, this kit will replenish all protectors. Call in your order now! Protect that big, expensive motor!

Orders called in before June 30, receive Free Shipping. Mention this ad for this special. Please mention this page for discount. We are testing page readership and response determines the page worth to readers.

Want more, Radiator cooling system fixes. Read on...

Acids eat on everything - and the weakest parts get a hole and the leak. Rubber hoses may also degrade and cause a leak. The water pump, with its water pump bearing and its shaft pulley seal, are causes of leaks. More on this, below.

More radiator cooling system fixes. Options, tips, help.

Danger. Protect yourself! Facts to remember.

Antifreeze and or water coolant temperature operate in the boiling hot 250 degrees temperature range. That is 40 degrees above pure hot steam - Please note:

Never take the radiator cap off to check the coolant level when hot for any reason. Let it cool down for an hour - to avoid injury.

Water turns to steams in a pot, on the stove, at about 212 degrees. Under pressure, such as when your radiator cap is on tight, the cap raises the boiling point of the liquid coolant to 250 degrees. However..under pressure, it remains a liquid.

If the motor and coolant is hot - or the motor overheated and fails to run properly don't take the cap off to check or add coolant for one hour.

Here is why! When you take the radiator cap off, the suppressed coolant liquid always explodes like a bomb.

That explosion of 250 degree coolant to steam will instantly cook the skin off any body part it touches.

If this happens – You might have to strip-off coolant-soaked, hot clothes first - as quick as you can – or the cooking hot clothes continues to cook your skin.

Then, immediately flood those areas with cool water and keep doing so for 10 minutes, while someone gets you help.

Radiator cooling system fixes.

Radiator leaks: Where is your overflow tank?

The overflow tank serves three purposes: 1- You add coolant to this container when coolant is below the Cool-level-low-mark. There is a, it's full, mark to bring the level up to.

2- Another purpose is this. When the engine coolant expands it forces coolant pass the radiator cap and into the overflow tank for storage.

3- Overnight, or after 3 or 4 hours, the coolant cools. This action shrinks the coolant. As it does, a slight vacuum opens a one-way-valve in the cap and coolant from the tank is drawn back into the radiator - keeping it full automatically.

Replace broken or leaking reservoir tank.

More, Radiator cooling system, fixes.

Radiator leaks: Ways to find mysterious coolant disappearance.

By pressure test. A special pump tester is attached after the cap is removed. About 20 lbs pressure is added into the radiator system. About 4 to 10 lbs above the radiator cap pressure designation. This is what the test calls for.

Any leak from a hole will cause a steady pressure of twenty pounds to drop to a lower or zero number - indicating a leak. Find and fix it.

Coolant disappearance can come other causes. It can come from head or gasket failure - A major engine repair is needed. It can come from a water pump seal failure - replace the pump.

A worn water pump seal may suck-in air. Doing so, pockets of air develop the size of a football displacing coolant. The pocket pushes coolant out. That extra amount pushed-out may be dump over onto the road while you drive and not be noticed.

That air pocket will create steam. Steam is force out and into the overflow tank. There it evaporates. You cannot notice this disappearance. However, you will add coolant every so often as a result of a water pump seal sucking in air. Replace the water pump.

If overheating occurs due to a leak - the leak may be easy to spot if coolant is seen leaking. However, a head gasket leak cannot be noticed until the engine is almost ruined from overheating. See above tip on "Head Bolt" tightening for this.

[Did you pay attention to the above warning on radiator dangers?] You are warned again! Be careful.

Radiator cooling system fixes. Testing

Radiator leaks: Common test of the cooling system. What they look for.

Above, we told you above about one test - a system pressure test.

The cap is check with the same instrument for pressure holding. The cap is checked to see if the suction bottom is tight. Its rubber gasket is checked to see if its damaged. Caps last 5 -6 years.

A Plugged radiator core is checked when hot to feel with you hand or with a special temp sensor. This is to make sure the radiator coils are all hot - cool sections means they are plugged and need radiator replacement.

A cold motor is checked after five minutes of running to see that the thermostat opens to let coolant circulate to the radiator.

Thermostats often jam close. This action causes plenty of boiling pockets of air which dump - all of a sudden, the coolant out the overflow tank. Replace the thermostat.

A temp sensor is used to check thermostat temperature with is less than 250 degrees - if working properly.

Radiator cooling system, fixes. Radiator leaks: Head gasket leak.

The motor head sits on a gasket on top of the pistons. For a seal, head bolts are tighten to a specified torque. These bolts may stretch causing a breach in the gasket, a leak and overheating.

Acids may also dissolve or eat head and other gaskets causing an internal, external leaks. Flush the system info here.

This is a job for a mechanic. A mechanic removes this part. His training tells him the cause of the problem. He corrects it.

Radiator cooling system, fixes. Tips to stop leaks.

If not serious, try a stop leak additive. Go here for tips.

Radiator cooling system fixes. Coolant mixes, additives tips, including stop-leaks.

Coolant last two years. Coolant anti-freeze is always mixed 50/50 with water.

Replace hoses when the vehicle is five years old - along with belts. Do so when the the coolant is replaced.

Special stop leak additive should be added at each fluid change after age 5 of the vehicle. Used the type that has no strings or pellets. Go here for that info.

A product that helps coolant transfer heat faster can also help cars that run hot. This is great for commercial vehicles, tow trucks, ambulances, police cars, vehicles that tow. Go here for that info.

It usually cost about $50 more to buy a new radiator than to unplug one. That is a good way to correct a radiator cooling system problem.

Radiator cooling system fixes. Radiator leaks: When a coolant flush is a rip-off and when not!

A fluid exchange machine is a quick way to replace old coolant.

I feel it is a rip-off when only the fluid is sold and replaced.

The right way is to add a pre-cleaner advertised as an acid neutralizer and scale remover just prior to the fluid replacement. This cleans the system and removes the number 1 & 2 problem makers along with the old fluid.

Always pay for a pre-cleaner which is added five minute before the coolant is replaced. Go here for that info.

Radiator cooling system fixes.

This review covers the 3 Best Radiator Cooling System Fixes for Cars and Heavy Equipment.

About Your Radiator

And your motors cooling system...

Is so scaled down, 33% of its former size is gone! Taken away to help reduce your cars weight, improve fuel economy, and put more profit in the car makers wallet - not yours.

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