What People Say About Mega Power Car Additives

What This Diesel Owners Say Is His Repair-Avoiding Option:

Jerry, a fleet of trucks owner says....

    “The mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Service Treatment had on my older diesel engine - my daily user.

      He was amazed because.... the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby, exhaust smoke, and an oil burning problem. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not use your engine treatment additive to fix its problem.

     I’m amazed that over the months, your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments ended problems that use to require costly downtime an expensive repairs for me.

     Over 12 months, after seeing it solve that cat engine serious problem, I have now serviced every component on each car and truck the way you showed me to do. Since them, normal troubles with them just stopped! 

Thanx for introducing to me to an additive method of older truck care I've been searching for, along time for."      Jerry

 What a New Truck Owner say about my repair-avoiding option:

  • "On my One Year Old Ford Diesel Pick Up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!" Your additive tip and treatment avoided a $1500 repair the dealer wanted - 

  •  What a Car Owners say about my repair-avoiding option:

  • 98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 4 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, my engine needed a $2000 'piston ring job' to fix it. Online, I found your Mega Power Additive for oil burning. I ordered it thinking it was another rip off! Mega Power ended its oil burning in less than 30 minutes - as the smoke from the exhaust - showing its was doing so. My Honda been burning no oil for the last 6 months, and running great since then - and for a $100 additive, not a $3000 repair"


What A Diesel Rig Fleet Owners Say Happened After Installing

Our Engine Problem-Ending Treatment ...

Jerry, a fleet of trucks owner says....

    “The mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Service Treatment had on my older diesel engine - my daily user.

      He was amazed because.... tand to tell you the truth, so was I, as the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby, nasty oil blowing film all over the engine.  It had exhaust smoke belching out, and a 4 gallon oil burning problem. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not use your engine treatment additive to fix its problem.

     I’m amazed that over the months since then, your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments ended problems that use to cost me expensive downtime  - all  expensive repairs for me your Mega Power Treatments help me work out.

     Over 12 months, after seeing it solve that cat engine serious problem, I have now serviced every component on a dozen cars and trucks the way you showed me to do. Since them, normal troubles that ate my lunch money just stopped happening! 

Thanx for introducing to me to your additive method of older truck care I've been searching for, along time for. I can't tell you the relief it gives me ending, and now avoiding engine and gear troubles. Thanks again for selling a product - that does what it says it does!"      Jerry

 What a Vehicle Owner Says About The Stop Leak Treatment....

  • "On my One Year Old Ford Diesel Pick Up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!" Your additive tip and treatment avoided a $1500 repair the dealer wanted - to end the seal leak.

  •  What a Car Owner Says About Our Engine Oil Burning Treatment:

  • 98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 4 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, my engine needed a $2000 'piston ring job' to fix it. Online, I found your Mega Power Additive for oil burning. I ordered it thinking it was another rip off! Mega Power ended its oil burning in less than 30 minutes - as the smoke from the exhaust - showing its was doing so. My Honda been burning no oil for the last 6 months, and running great since then - and for a $100 additive, not a $3000 repair"

        "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't. And my mechanic wanted over $4000 to end it by overhaul"

      "Revitalizing Older, Even Worn Sluggish Engine Problems  -

       "I bought an older Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. I looked for a product to help it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!" Not any more, Thanks to your Mega Power Engine Treatment.

Ending smoky exhaust is easy by one Slo-Wear Mega Power Diesel Treatment.Ending smoky exhaust is easy by one Slo-Wear Mega Power Diesel Treatment.

 Informed car, diesel rig, diesel tractor, equipment, RV, boat, and motorcycle owners have been using variations of this updated Slo-Wear Mega Power Diesel Additive Treatment since the 1950's to give engines that tune up boost that ends their internal engine problems!

    With diesel owners paying billions for repair  - going into the pockets of parts makers, and dealer equipment repair shop owners  - averaging $2000 to $10,000 for repairs - when there are no broken parts - is a good reason to start using Mega Power  Fuel, Engine, And Gear  Additive Treatments.  They  prevent any internal engine transmission radiator and steering trouble - and emission smog problems? Sure!

Mega Power Diesel Fuel, Engine and Gear Treatment ends exhaust and engine problems. Stops gear grow

        "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't." Happy it worked customer.

      "Ended its sluggish, high mileage ways,

       "I bought my Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. I looked on like for a product to help it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!" Not any more, Thanks to your Mega Power Engine Treatment.

These New Mega Power Slo-Wear Products now end car, diesel truck, tractor rig, dozer, pusher RV, boat, motorcycle, machine, or generator operating, or mechanical problems.These New Mega Power Slo-Wear Products now end car, diesel truck, tractor rig, dozer, pusher RV, boat, motorcycle, machine, or generator operating, or mechanical problems.

     Engine Problem Reversal AS YOUR Option Is Our Way To Keep Your Cars Out Of The Repair shop. 

Taking Apart Verses Pour-IN Fix Options.

   DIY, auto tune up and repair avoiding, care and repair avoiding options - ends 9 out of 10  car problems, explained here by a mechanic, with steps to do so.

  • With  New Products to now end yourcar, diesel truck, tractor rig, dozer, pusher RV, boat, motorcycle, machine, or generator operating, or mechanical problems..
  • You can add them to your car to end your engine, transmission, radiator, steering, power take off, and a/c operating problems with a SERVICE I'll Show You - instead of by costly repair.
  • You avoid its repair by doing so - and cut its expense to pennies.
  • Tune away major vehicle operating problems with additives is the new way to end today's wear and tear, and upsetting internal mechanical car and equipment operating problems - 
  • So new, [ yet in use by a few million car and diesel owners who learned about it ].  It won't become local in part stores for many years. Online and in some repair shops who found the system and took its training. With a 100% try it to see guarantee!

ME: Contact info : Auto tune up and repair options contact info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, get repair advice for free, order items to end your car and equipment operating problems -call me - I'm george chris at 512 665 3388

      Mike: “I can’t believe the products George sold me made my noisy  tapping, oil consuming old engine I thought was on its last mile, could run sweet, strong, quiet - and not use $20 oil between oil changes! It's been over a year and my old car still runs sweet and strong!” ...Mike 

     Greg : “The estimate price to rebuild my diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe that in minutes the blowby fumes pouring out of the engine and black exhaust smoke just receded. I followed your tip to add some of the product to the gear boxes and rear end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to a smooth shifting, and great running engine was possible from any additive - and I tried them all. For a fraction of what the repair shop said was needed, you fix my problem. Following your treatment directions is simple - for solving such a complex problem.” Greg.

    Susan: “ I found your engine sludge removing product online, and with no complaints. It’s sold with its guarantee - no other product has one! My sludge choked down engine has a full recovery. The performance is great and I really can't believe it. The new car dealer said, a new $5000 engine was the only fix. My car is not even worth that - and I didn’t want to go in debt for $25,000 for a new one. However, your $150 Mega Power Brand sludge remover engine revitalizer had it running good as new in a week!  I’m so happy - I'm glad I bet on your product making it so.” ,.. Suzy

     You should know that I have an additive treatment from Mega Power Additives available to end most any vehicle internal, automotive engine transmission radiator steering an a/c problem deep inside. No matter what, even one causing a serious operating problem.

The good the 6 kits has meant for car and equipment owners is …  a new option to consider. Is it worth it to install these additives as a possible lo-cost alternative, or go for the costly repair option?

If so, look for links to your problem and order the items listed.

    A word of warning.
      However,  millions of motorist and equipment owners spend thousands of dollars unnecessarily because they and their mechanic are not aware of this option. 

      Part stores - to make a quick buck, sell knock off products with huge markups that confuse the vehicle owner. Such part store and quick lubes products have proven harmful. Stay away from them.
      Don't go for magic powders, micro ceramics, gooey fluids either. What's needed are products with  any combination of: 

1- A problem part varnish remover.
2- A fuel system injector cleaner.
3- Safe sludge remover.  Problem remover.
4- A lube enhancing conditioner.
5- A specific Friction Remover.
6- Asurfce smoother smoother, worn space filler. 

     They are out there but we improved on them and kitted them for easy usage. \

      My local quick lube refused to promote my products - with a lower profit point, and chose a solvent engine flush service. After several engine failures, the machine sits unused. 

     Such experience with knock offs may sour such ones from trying the original treatments. However...

       Millions have used or are using  3 bands of additives to end hundreds of vehicle wear and tear, residue, sludge, and friction caused problems.  

       Auto tune up and repaire originals. And to learn about them. A place to try them with a guarantee.

     Auto tune up and repair options is a new option to help you solve your car, diesel truck engine transmission radiator steering and a/c operating problem - yourself.  The links and Menu explains the history and you have me to walk you thru the install and satisfactory fix.  you need to do so. Click her to go to that page. 

options is allowed to promote Mega Power Brand Additive. It is for those wanting a place to purchase th

    No tools needed! Just add and drive to end the problem.

    It introduces a treatment method of care, and repair that is faster, cheaper, better.

      To solve and to avoid costly repair of wear and tear vehicle problems I put this information for you.  I’m a mechanic turned marketer of these options because no one else is doing so. Some just sell products - you pic to try to solve your problem. 

     My auto tune up and repair option shows what products do so and those harmful to avoid. options 

How this option came to be.

      Car Buffs Carl Wynn, the Justice Brothers, and Bud Easterlin have discovered and marketed products to end complicated and costly-to-repair fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering  and a/c problems. Mechanics put out better quality work that customers feel at the gas pedal. Fleet-owners can now keep their vehicles going  years longer, at lower cost per mile.

 Car Buffs Carl Wynn, the Justice Brothers, and Bud Easterline have discovered and marketed auto tune up and repair options and products.

Their products help-mechanics and fleet-owners solve and remove wear, residue, friction negatives to keep vehicles going longer, at lower cost per mile. 

These products perform specific functions to solve problems on the pistons bearing, valves, gears, exhaust, and sensors wherever oils, air, fuels, fluid, and exhaust go - to remove the problem.

Since these products are sold to the mechanic, the person who can service his own vehicles does not have access to them, the education in them, or source to order them.

Their products end complicated and costly-to-repair fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering  and a/c problems.

And car buffs and mechanics like me train mechanics and repair shop owners how to install these products and methods to remove the causes of  the auto tune up and repair options 

These lo-cost - what I call They offer the car truck owner a lo-cost way to end running, shifting, oil burning. Lousy operating, compression loss, blow-by, tapping, fluid leakage, leaks, and overheating negatives.  I'll help you!

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