What additives do what?
These end operating and mechanical problems
What additves do what - Contact and Help Info. OK to quote my site, just add its page sorce credits. Search these pages. Learn about our Better vehicle care and repair options, alternatives, shortcuts and presevation options featuring Mega Power Additives. Purchase our car and diesel Anti-Wear, Problem-Solving, Bumper-to-Bumper Servicing-Products for your business, fleet, repair shop inventory. See menu. By calling 24/7 me, george, at 512 665 3388
Information from Mega Power Additives Research, where I was taught their vehicle product operating improvement significance.
And 50 years of street experience of what works and what won't help vehicle owners lower the cost of solving most engien and their component problems way cheaper. .
What works - we guarantee that result.More>
Our vehicles were purchased to make our lives easier. Fixing them with these Mega Power additives can now solve their wear and tear problems. Helping you keep older vehicles working as good new decades longer. Adding a new life to them.
Think about thousands of dollars that can be saved revitalizing your older vehicles for another 5 to 10 years strong life?
It is bought to assured less future problems.
Avoiding the many thousands actual repair cost.
Pocketing the savings and how to do so is the whole idea.
This is not some Madison Avenue Ad.
Its all what for 50 years I have found that works,
and can be repeated by anyone.
Bookmark this page so you can find it again.
Their install is easy for even any man or women and results are quick and permanent. Learn More below...> !
From 10 minutes to a day is all takes to end of a wear, operating, and mechanical problems. Usually in a few miles of driving after the product installed.
What can you expect?
A new-like return appears after initial conditioning - in an hour to a week depending on the component.
As anti-problem and conditioning bathes the component system troublsome parts are freed up, lubricated, and their surfaces smooth out.
This is what in effect starts to keep thousands of dollars in your pocket as the miles add on. This reversal is needed and important!
Our Mega Power treatments start ending the grinding away of wear in your vehicles components and the mechanical problems they cause.
In a sense ending the problem with Mega Power Additives is ipocketing what would be its repair expense. Mega Power Engine Servicing every 6000 to 12,000 miles keeps other problems away. All other components are serviced every 2 years.
FOR cars/pickup bumper to bumper treatment.
They run about:
For large equipment bumper to bumper treatment.
To treat a large size, 3 gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity vehicle.
$350 with fuel treatment for 6000 miles.
Retreats of each motor at oil change thereafter is $99.
Treating 2 or more large size, lowers the cost considerably.
Will it help my engine problem end?
Learn How below.
I'm here to show you HOW TO KEEP your vehicles going trouble-free, decades longer than the average repair!
Saves and make money doing so!
Note these benefits!!!>
Everone wants to reduce such cost. There is actually a way to do so. A real money-SAVER read this article.
Like vitamins and medicine, these five Mega Power Anti-wear, Problem-Solving Additive Treatments have been helping individuals, farm, equipment owners, auto repair shops for decades keep their vehicles healthy and robust. Those healthy ingredients are in a way, a real money maker, as I describe in this article.
Making money, in a sense is made by the the Mega Power Treatment avoiding the tens of thousands in engine and transmission repairs every vehicle has. Mostly, when they appear during its second 100,000 to 200,000 miles.
Robust healt and endurance. Imagine Mega Powers usage slamming the breaks on the second biggest car ownership problem?
Trade in: The common years-early, premature replacement expense is a problem Mega Power usage can avoid even at its present worn state. A burden un-Mega Power Treatment users miss out on. Mega Power users enjoy its action of imbuing a new life and vitality to. You no longer have to pay dearly for new vehicles when older vehicles can be so easily repowered chemically. Are you one of them looking that solution to avoid that problem. This is it!
What makes Mega Power Additives that good?
Our treatments include in the Treatment dozens of ingredients making it possible. The treatment includes:
Guarantee : Mega Power benefits resulting are in effect making the savings pocketed possible. THESE TREATMENTS DO SO, by their power to avoid costly wear problems and their repair expenses, non users DON'T ENJOY.
Our Promise: While the product may not appear to show all its doing, hardly ever does one ask for arefund for the values they se, are more that worth many times its price. A 90 day refund is offered.
More benefits: With its ability to keep wear and aging on-hold, Mega Power treated vehicles never lose their new-like ideal. Not only that, their keeping tar-like goo off moving parts, and by removing friction, ends drag and goo's reign to cause problems, and a shorter life. Vehicle owners see not only a boost horsepower making and delIvery, they see the gas pedal needing less downward force to to maintain freeway speeds. Imagine the savings in cash its 20 to 40 more miles distance giving on each weeks fill up of fuel offers, week after week. With fuel prices so high, this can offer one more way to profit by.
Car lots: Those Maga Power direct savings may be more valuable than stretching the new-like operation decades pass the average. But, both are gained. Car lots who bumper to bumper service their vehicles with out treatment see a 33% faster turn over. The explanation for its bit pricier cost is welcomed by customers as a future advantage to this cars ownership endurance.
I've sold vehicles for huge profit, bought cheap for their engine problems thought expensive to fix. Gave them the bumper to bumper service, and seed their amazing recovery take place dozens of times. Now, possessing a new-like quiet motor, quick,velvety smooth shifting, and a zippy gas pedal response, I always have people pay me top dollar for them. Making a couple thousand dollars off them and selling their future way to keep them that way is a good money maker, for many who learn to spot Mega Powers solvable problems.
Auction carss? Of course, cars bought cheap with such troubles at auctions seldom can be helped, I've noticed. Not that good of success.
Putting off overhaul for years is a profitable feature. Like what this is showing? Want to pocket those saving too?
Stop the hammering of wear out: In these ways car and equipment owners dearly pay as for allowing wear to hammer away their life. A poor outcome choice Mega Power Additive Treatment users want to avoid. They do so following our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com service adviseries.
Easy to install: Service your vehicles the Mega Power way is easy. Often ends, or reduces to pennies problem ending. Avoids most repair suggestion needs. Adds an instant zip and power return.
Servicing new to old vehicles is the same. Provides five bumper to bumper treatments every time the components oils and fluids need replacement. Doing so implements the paying you for their benefits. Ending the present care not providing them. Their install is easy for even any man or women to do.
How soon will I see an improvement? Good question! The end of a wear, operating, and mechanical problems start appearing in a few miles of driving with the product installed. A new like return appears after initial conditioning - in an hour to a week depending on the component. As anti-problem and conditioning bathes each component system and their parts you are in effect starting to pocket thousands of dollars as the miles add on.
Start pocketing the expense by ending the grinding away of wear in your vehicles components by these five treatments. Engines servicing every 6000 to 12,000 miles. All other components are serviced every 2 years.
FOR cars/pickup bumper to bumper treatment.
They run about:
For large equipment bumper to bumper treatment.
To treat a large size, 3 gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity vehicle.
$350 with fuel treatment for 6000 miles.
Retreats at each motor oil change there after is $99.
To treat 2 large size, 3 gallon to 10 gallon vehicle. $350 with fuel treatment for 6000 miles.
Fleet barrel pricing call for pricing of amount needed. Barrel install help given.
Ever wonder, if there is an easy way to maximize your vehicles endurance and new-like operation?
Our superior Mega Power Brand automotive additive line are the options that do just that!
Enjoy their quickness to tackle, then end a cars toughest operating problems.
Enjoy a new driving pleasure their protection offers to keep troubles away.
They are your vehicles solution to add trouble-avoiding endurance.
As you read a few pages, our option for this tyrpe bumper-to-bumper care and problem removing appears. Containing the power you can esily use to keep your vehicles, from brand new to old, even worn out, in a healthy and zippy state, regardless of the miles that never goes away?
That's our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com purpose.
Lets get to it. Start at these two Ways!
1- Maximize Your Vehicles Heathy Robust Performance. Order Our
High Performance Impact Bumper to bumper Additives
Order from these options.
2- Chose the links, and Menu Buttons for your specific problem!
or call me at 512 665 3388
They come from the inventors, and my experience as a mechanic learning of their teckie side, and thousands of mechanics in repair shops who bought them off me with my schooling for their usage, and their many discoveries by experimenting, and then, it becoming the new fix norm I call auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com - for you, who may want that form of repair an care.
They not only offer an inexpensive, simple, yet unusual way to fix most complex problems.
They not only provide fast results for what is often a serious operating or mechanical problem.
But in doing so end the causes of mechanical and operating problems.
Imagine having cars and diesels like your neighbors, and yours just run great for years on end while theirs are in their 2nd 100,000 miles are in the shop for engine, then transmission work, then expensisve replacement. While yours just run great day in day out year after year.
They look down on you when suggesting they try our options. Their method adds debt. Something these periodic tune up and anti-wear additives avoid. These are enjoyed by many who give them a test. Time makes them believers as the only and best care and repair method.
Not just as an oil or fuel additive for their benefiit - which it is.See its features on the pages yu go to.
But as anti-wear added to fuel, oil, and fluid components to return and keep ithe vehicle in its new like pristine state, as long as you want.
Little-known, but very effective alternatives, for your car, truck,
farm tractor, machine - RV, motorcycle, even boat.
No matter the component, the brand, size, even if thought worn out!
Added to a component it will instantly run like new. Do a bumper-to-bumper service and your whole car, diesel rig, farm tractor - no matter what, will run stronger and go futher on each tank of fuel -
And the repair made if bought for that purpose is permanent using my options.
What People Say:
"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor
Auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com Home Page. Index to our compendium of automotive care and repair aids.