Have a Valve tap noise?             We found three ways to end it. One could ruin your engine, the other two end the noise. One improves the vehicles  long life endurance: Our Review 

Sent to you home in 3 days to end your valve tap.

Worn MT feeder 6x6

Valve tap Contact Info for engine noise ending procedures. On a smartphone, to ask a question, order products listed, call me...I'm a Mechanic. I can help you. George 512 665 3388

Ending engine valve tap by means of additives are a less expensive way to do so.

I's not that difficult, but requires knowing and removing each negative.

This coordinated additive method is easy. 

The explanation takes the mystery to end your valve tap. It walks you through removing each negative. 

What you should know about valves to keep your vehicle working superbly:

Practical ways to end valve tapping.

Understanding the purpose of valves

Did you know: Your motor, transmission, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves to make your cars and equipment - and even your body function superbly? 

Valves - in your body, and your vehicles when clean and smooth give you and your vehicles added enjoyment to living.

... like doors, valves open and close a passage way to let something - fuel, air, combustion, oil, fumes, in, out, pass through, to make life more ideal.

Problems that upsets their operation affects the whole car.

Valves - to provide flawless vehicle operation, operate with critical timing and when enterfeared with, causes your tap. 

Three or 4 negatives interfear or upset valve operation. Some minutely. Others gravely.

They are:

  1. 2000 degree temperatures from combustion or friction.
  2. Friction.
  3. Lube failure causes by high temperatures, acids, friction, dilution, and their by-product of fuel and oil breakdown called sludge.
  4. Sludge.

Removing these by one of several ways are offered.

Removing the valve tap causes and ends it, and adds a beneficial tune up feature that returns a like new operation this page considers. 

If it sounds like a mechanic's wrench bouncing around in your motor tapping. The tap is no good of course and in some cars are the cause of rough idle and mysterious stalling. Remedies

One remedy

One remedy is what Part Stores sell in the form of solvent-based engine flush additives. Often harmful.  Part store flushes have their own problems.


Mechanics charge you to replace those affected parts is a common choice, but an expensive choice.

The 3rd way.

The 3rd way to end your engine valve tapping.

What you should know about valves: Ways to end tapping.

Did you know: Your motor, transmission, radiator, a/c, and power steering systems have a multitude of different valves. They are the primary cause of troubles in those units. Be sure that is address in the additives you buy. However...

Valves that tap - and sounds like its about to hammer your engine apart - it often does if not quickly resolved - This is that HOW TOO.

What happens is fiction acids, sludge and their tarry resistance appears and a space appears. As rotation occurs adjoining parts close the space with a hammer-like tap.

It sounds like a mechanic's wrench bouncing around in your motor tapping. The tap is no good of course and in some cars are the cause of rough idle and mysterious stalling. Remedies

The tapping valve - its usualy one of your engines 8 to 24 made to let fuel in, and exhaust out of your motor's combustion area, and inside each of the valves 8 to 24 lifters, when stuck by sludge, causes your tap. 

How the tap is produced. What happens is one of 3 dirty and friction dragging conditions slow their their snappy-closing speed.

Imagine a hammer head hitting a nail - that won't pound in - something similar makes your engine tap in this way.

Rotating at 600 revolutions a minute to 3000, a cam lobe swings around at eye bluring speeds. This mechanical function raises - pushes open the valve letting fuel in and exhaust out.  However, binding by friction drag and tar like sludge binds and slows the valves snappy, spring assisted cloesing speeds.

Dirty, tapping occurs as it is still closing by open a space betwen its pushing open parts. as the next rotation closes that gap the hammer-like tap tap tap repeat ocurrs.

  1. What mechanics do to end your motor noise.

  I know! I'm a mechanic! Mechanics are trained to take apart your motor. Remove, clean, and machine each of your motor's 8 to 24 valves - and replace their lifters. Its an expensive process that is a good fix. But leaves good, but half-worn, dirty parts along to let time cause their failure - and the next repair.  Cost start at $2500 for small engines. Up to $5000 for big engines. 

   2 -Valve tap Engine Flush Additives to stay away from.

    Bad Remedies are what I call "quick flushes." Sold in Part Stores and Quick Lubes. The idea is to rinse out residues - since they cause the problem. The idea is Ok but, quick flushes are solvents.

   The idea of using solvent engine flushes - sold in quick lubes and part stores - and the bad part of them is they clean to-good, but can't remove the friction part of the problem.

They clean to well stipping the lube film between parts, away - and  rinse loose the sludge around the engine - in hopes that will quiet the problem. It never can.

By removing sludge just sitting there, mixing it in the oil it now circulates with the oil  - often resettling and pluging oil flow, creating more knocks a new problem that shows up a few days later. 

Read, Part store flushes have their own problems for More on quick flushes. That is our reason to say, stay away from solvent flushes as they can make for a bad remedy.

  How chemistry zero's in to end valve tap. The best solution!

 3- Chemist have mixed ingredient that are problem-specific, yet offer other beneficial tap ending engine solutions  - any one can end tapping with. 

    Mega Power, is that additive maker. whose products, Mega Power Engine Tap Treatment ends valve tap. It includes other internal car wear and tear problem reovers including frition removal, also an aid to ending the valve tap.

    To do so, The Mega Power Valve Tap Treatment contains 4 cleaners and 2 lubrication enhancers that penetrate clean smooth every surface. 

    This action working in the hottest temperatures frees and cleans the vlv stem - allowing it to close in its designed snappy way - ending the tap.

areas removing residue blocking oil delivery.  And by freeing the stuck valve causing the tap in the process. Protectors condition every part surface so every part last even longer than new parts would - ending the valve tap problem for years to come.

    In those ways Mega Power's Valve Tap Treatment iis avoiding a $3000 engine replacement of dirty valve tap problems.

Other Mega Power ingredients fills worn surface areas with a slippery film for added engine quietness.

Mega Power's ability to also clean and free the oil pump valve raises the  engine oil pressures. This keeps your valve adjusters tight and quiet ending that source of tapping.

Tapping stops in minutes.

That's my experience with several cars and trucks and that of thousands of Mega Power users. Success rate is high and comes with a guarantee of satisfaction. You want that of course, too!

Have Mega Power Valve Treatment in 3 days by putting in your order right now. Its easy to insatll. Nothing to take apart. Just add it to the gas and oil and start drt driving. 

Cost is about $250, if a mechanic installs Mega Power - some do. Most dislike the product as it beats them out of a $300 repair.  Car owners can install the product themselves and quiet their valve tap for under $100. Includes 6 items need and directions and a guarantee of stisfaction.

Men and women car owners install Mega Power themselves - its that easy to do to end valve tap. Click to Order below. 

Engine Valve Tap 3 item Treatment and 2 set order, Bonus items. Total 6 $190 value. Today $150Engine Valve Tap 3 item Treatment and 2 set order, Bonus items. Total 6 $190 value. Today $150

"Mega Power Engine Valve Tap and Tune Up Treatment

  6 items, Today $90.

   The engine tap ending service and tune up Treatment. Why 6 items needed.  3 are engine cleaners for top, bottom, and removal of valve tapping causes. And 3 are friction eliminators, Surface Protector with MC+. Worn space filler to seal over each surface. A  complete top/bottom protector, while stopping the valve and lifter tap problems.  

    Order 2 sets for both your vehicles and save $50 today! Total 12. Just $150 total. Save $40. Protect both engines and radiators. Click cart for this stop valve tap  2 engine protector special.

Mega Power End Valve Tap ProductMega Power End Valve Tap Product

Just the Valve Tap Solution:

   No one expects engine trouble - but it happens. This one - a horrible hammer-like tapping is the most distressing.

   You shut the engine off and restart - hoping it won't happen ... and tap tap tap rattles your engine and your head again.

   You rev up the engine speed to hope that will take it away... It doesn't. Later...on,

   You have the oil changed... the next day its still there! 

   Your mechanic gives you bad news about engine. "It needs serious engine valve repair to correct the problem. Cost? Over $2000." 

    The internet brought you here for our remedy.    Any one can now quiet valve tap with this product - an engine service product called Mega Power Stop Valve Tap...

   Not just for mechanics. Anyone can easily install it.  Add it as i show you - below. Then a drive around the block. That starts the quieting process - amazingly.

   Mega Power is not a harmful Part Store Additive solvent flush-rinse, nor a thick,molasses-like additive, but full of powerful ingredients to get to the source of the problem - and takes it away! That ends the tapping!

Works every time.

   Mega Power uses engine forces and chemistry to reverse the problem. The quietest running gas or diesel engine results! Stays quiet permanently, Too. With its MC+ engine protection features.

   Any catch?

   Thereafter, order a lo-cost $49 touch up treatment at future oil changes. Still way cheaper, than the next best idea ... a$3000 engine overhaul to end the problem. So... order now! Get Free-Bee's for total engine protection.

   A great Valve Tap Product I, and thousands use. Order here.

   Have it in your motor working 3 days from now. Comes by FedEx. Includes Directions, free phone help if needed. Guarantee. Avoid a costly engine repair. 

   Just $67 plus $20 s&h totals $87.  Includes Free Bonus items to protect your radiator valued to $69. Total  for all 4 just $87. Save $69.

Crazy Special:

   Order 2 sets at the special offer to protect your other good engine, and get 2 Radiator Protectors for Free, too! Totals $87. 5 items included per set.

   Extra 2 radiator bonus items come with order for two treatments - 12 items totaling $154.

   Click this cart button for one valve tap special.

Valve Tap Products Like Mega Power End Valve tap in this area of the motor.Valve Tap Products Like Mega Power End Valve tap in this area of the motor.

3 Engine Valve Tap Ending Solutions

Contact info: If on a smartphone, to ask a question, order products listed, call me...george  at 512 665 3388

End your engine valve tap and noise problem with this Mega Power Product that ends tapping. Do so as you drive. Saves your engine and money!

The 3 ways  to end your engine valve tapping.

What mechanics do to end your motor noise.

  • Mechanics take apart your motor to remove and clean each of your motor's 8 to 24 dirty valves.
  • They also replace their lifters. Both can make the tap noise - a $2500 + method that ends the problem

Valve additives: Stay away from these:

  • Not All Additives are Bad.  
  • However "Quick Flush Additives" are mostly solvents, and they are harmful. 
  • And the reason for their short stay in your engine. They cannot end the tapping. Avoid part store and quick lube additives with solvents as their main ingredients.

 How Mega Power Chemistry ends valve tap. The better way.

Mega Power Valve Tap Treatment assure valve tap stops permanently.Mega Power Valve Tap Treatment assure valve tap stops permanently.

Chemistry comes to the aid of car owners with additives to end tapping issues in several ways. Mega Power's Valve Tap Treatment is such a product. 

  1. Mega Power has the ability to liquefy and Hold sludge suspended in the motor'e oil, for filtering and drain out. 
  2. Each cleaner is a natural lubricator also -  chosen for its penetrating ability to crawl thru and unblocked oil passage ways to get pressurized oil to the lifter to close its gap, and stop tapping.
  3. With Mega Power MC+Tap Eliminator adds friction reducing lube to end those tap causes. You're assured the problem won't come back!

These unique Mega Power features solves the tap tap tap problem with a simple install of 6 items, 3 at a time in the gas and oil, a week apart.

Closing the gap advantage returns a like-new quiet operation! A guaranteed promise or your money refunded. 2 refunds last 276 days.

Does so when nothing else can - except a $3000 engine replacement of dirty valve parts. This is what your motor needs! Order Mega Power as our recommendation to end your valve tap.


Cost is about $250, if a mechanic installs Mega Power - some do. Most dislike the product. Car owners can install the product themselves and quiet their valve tap for under $100. Its easy!

Order your Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment here:

Ordering Info

Order One Mega Power Valve Treatment 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. 
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Men and women car owners install Mega Power. It's performs a complex task, but with a simple install.  Shown here. Order below. 

Mega Power's Chemical Valve Tap Treatment. A better way to quiet engine performance.Mega Power's Chemical Valve Tap Treatment. A better way to quiet engine performance.

Directions to end valve tap

A simple 2 step method is followed and any non-mechanic male or female car or equipment owner can install the product as shown. Nothing to take a part! And then driving the car ends the tap! No taking your motor apart to do so. Driving does the actual fix. Your car and your budget needs this fix!  


  • "My car again runs quiet as new! and the install of Mega Power  in the transmission smooth it shift out as good as when new! Thanx, George for the help and tips and great product!"

  • "The Mercedes mechanic said, 'cost for an engine overhaul to end the tap runs around $4500. I bought your Mega Power Product on line. After a bit of driving, it ended the tap . And for under $200. Not $4500."

  • "When the car started one morning, this tapping started. Several part store additives like Lucas an BG didn't do any good. I found your web site and read it several times. Then, ordered the Valve Treatment. It works just like you promised. Thanks for a great car care invention."

Order One Mega Power Valve Treatment 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. 
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Men and women car owners install Mega Power. It's performs a complex task, but with a simple install.  Shown here. Order below.

Order Two Mega Power Valve Treatments for 2 motors Reg $190.
12 items as shown, Just $135+ $15 s&h= Now just $150 total. Save $40

Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor [$90,] and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 [$75], for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $30. 

What you should know about tapping.

Because residues, or carbon deposit blocks oil to the valve lifer they collapse and tapping occurs.

Or carbon hold the valve open and a space appear making the tap as the motor rotate. Solvent can't reach that area. 

Mega Power solves both problem to quiet your valve tap.

Part store type engine flushes complaints of many car owners whose engine sized up a few weeks later is what Mega Power prevents with MC+.

Read  Part store flushes have their own problems. For this reason, stay away from solvent flushes as they can make for a bad remedy.

Did you know: Your motor, transmission, a/c, power steering, and radiator systems have a multitude of different valves?  However...

When they make a tap noise, that is not good!

This explains the cause, and our remedy - you will love!

Valves that you hear tapping - are those that let fuel in, and exhaust out of your motor's combustion area.

And when dirty - as shown above, slows down their closing speed - this slowness creates a space, causing the parts that move them to smack them with a hammer-like blow. A very disconcerting tap tap tap results. 

That's not good, of course. and if its your engine problem, here's what you need to know to end the problem.

What is needed and what works are Mega Power's special problem-solving chemicals that clean using engine heat, friction and movement to end your tap - not solvents or detergents.

  1. to remove those residues and free, and return the "fast-closing valve movement speed they had when new and quiet operating. Your engine needs that type of product! And we have it for you to order!
  2. Since valves become dirty from 3 directions -  it takes 3 different kinds of cleaners to clean them from those 3 ways when dirty.[ Covered in other reports on this site.]
  3. Here, we clue you in on the product and its easy usage to end your valve tap! 
  4. The 2 pictures below show the Mega Power Brand of 6 cleaners and conditioners that clean and lube using high temperatures Mega Power Products work as a quieting treatment to clean and free your sticky valves. Those 6 return clean smooth movement to every engine part and the 6 sub-systems they operate in.
  5. Besides cleaning, Mega Power also adds a slippery-clean film which sheds future residues to keep your valves free of residue. Many car owners service their good car and equipment engines and transmissions with Mega Power - to keep these units running trouble-free - almost indefinitely.
  6. Mega Power, a company that specializes in internal service care products that clean and condition engines transmissions, radiators, steering and A/C system - beside many industrial applications, is known as the best product around for providing the lowest cost per mile operation, and also the quieting of engine valve tap. Mega Power is what you should consider ordering to end your valve tap, too. And for your transmission - and other components to protect for a longer life of trouble free service.
  7. While Mega Power is meant to be a professional product installed to end tapping for about $250 charge  by mechanics - avoiding a $3000 for the car owner. Mega Power is install is easy by any man or women - and cost under $100.  Just add the products as shown to the fuel and oil. Driving then ends the cause of your tap problem. The product is called Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment - shown in this picture! This is what your cars need! Order Mega Power below.
Valve tap ending product from Mega PowerValve tap ending product from Mega Power

Mega Power - shown in the picture above is the only product known to safely end the tap - other than an expensive $3000+ engine overhaul by your local mechanic. How it works...


A simple 2 step method is followed and any non-mechanic male or female car or equipment owner can install the product as shown. Nothing to take a part! And then driving the car ends the tap! No taking your motor apart to do so. Driving does the actual fix. Your car and your budget needs this fix! Order now!

Order this product below. It takes about 3 days to get it to your door by FedEx, comes with easy to follow directions anyone can follow, free phone help, and a satisfaction guarantee. You can't lose!


"My car again runs quiet as new! and the install of Mega Power  in the transmission smooth it shift out as good as when new! Thanx George for the help and tips and great product!"

"The Mercedes mechanic said, 'cost for an engine overhaul to end the tap runs around $4500. I bought your Mega Power Product on line. After a bit of driving, it ended the tap . And for under $200. Not $4500."

"When the car started one morning, this tapping started. Several part store additives like Lucas an BG didn't do any good. I found your web site and read it several times. Then, ordered the Valve Treatment. It works just like you promised. A great invention."

Order your Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment here:

Ordering Info

Order one or more treatments from these specials, get on down the road of life trouble-free again... Save lots of wampum and avoids worry!

One Mega Power Valve Treatment 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. 
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Two Mega Power Valve Treatments for 2 motors Reg $190.
12 items as shown, Just $135+ $15s&h= Now just $150 total. Save $40

Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor $90, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15 s&h= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $30. 

Have a Valve tap noise?                    We found three ways to end it.

Valve Tap Ending Treatment from Mega PowerOrder the Valve Tap Ending Treatment from Mega Power

What mechanics charge to end your motor valve tap noise.

You can pay to have your motor taken apart to get to the valves to hand clean them - a 50 years old method that will set you back about 2 months wages...

...or take advantage of this new product that ends the tap by chemical cleaning as you drive - for $250, if a mechanic installs the product. Under $100, if you know how to add gas and oil to your car, and install the treatment yourself.

Here is what to do to end your valve tap.

Order the Mega Power Valve Cleaning Treatment shown below

Directions - are easy to follow.

The Mega Power Valve treatment contains 6 cleaners. 3  are installed in the gas oil and air intake. You then Drive for a week. In a week Do an oil change using the 3 other products as shown in the directions. That process ends your valve tap.

If a mechanic does the install
Right now, those items - worth over $250, is the charge he would charge you. if you do the simple install yourself its just $80 plus $15 shipping stateside.  A bit more for shipping elsewhere.

That is way less than a mechanic's price of taking your motor apart to clean the valves - at $1500 to $4000 in cost. Mega Power cleans your motor and its valves in the easiest, best, and fastest way - as you drive - most times in minutes.  

Video shows Mega Powers ability to reduce friction as it ends valve tap

Order your Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment here:

Ordering Info For Fleet or Tune and Repair Shop Resale Pricing

Order one or more treatments from these specials, get on down the road of life trouble-free again... Save lots of wampum!

One Mega Power Valve Treatment 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Two Mega Power Valve Treatments for 2 motors Reg $190.
12 items as shown, Just $135+ $15 s&h= Now just $150 total. Save $40

Six Treatments for 6 motors for Fleet usage or, auto repair resale.
36 items. $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180.

Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor $90, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $30.

To ask a question or to order, call me day or eve at 1 512 665 3388. ...george

Your order is shipped FedEx or USPS with 3 day delivery to your door.

For phone ordering Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Valve Treatment." Either way, Mega Power comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic, and I'm here to help you.
How Mega Power Quiets the valve tap

Directions to install Mega Power

Step One cleans. You simply install Mega Power, following my easy to follow directions that come with it, in the gas and oil and air intake. Driving then forces the cleaners to every motor valve and valve lifter part in minutes. Covered in detail below.

This is a chemical anti-wear product that is thinner than oil. It is not a solvent. It goes where even synthetic oil cannot go, cleaning and freeing, and that restores the fast closing speed of the valves. 

That 3 entree points of cleaning penetration travels to the valves in seconds and permits the valves to once again close much faster and again ride on the cam and lifter parts, that open and close the valves - as designed. Cleaning in this method frees your valves and eliminates the negative space, tapping problem.

Step Two installed a week later, starts by adding item 4, a special motor flush to your oil. This anti-wear cleaner removes the residue collected off the now cleaned valves, and is drained out, 10 minutes later, with the dirty oil.

To your new oil and filter, you add Mega Power's item #5 and #6. These ingredients add more kinds of anti-wear plus a protective coating that resist sludge residues from sticking the valves in the future. <B>

That is how to end your engine valve tap successfully! Phone help comes with your order if you have a question or need a little schooling. A $75 value, given free with your order - now for a limited time. Order Mega Power Now! You and your car needs it!

Order your Mega Power Engine Valve tap Treatment here

Ordering Info

Order one or more treatments from these specials, get on down the road of life trouble-free again...

One Mega Power Valve Treatment 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Two Mega Power Valve Treatment. 12 items to Protect both cars. Easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee included $135+ $15s&h= $150 total. Save $30

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order the above Motor Tap Treatment, 6 items shown, for your motor $80 plus $15 s&h=$95, and - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission you want to protect: Both $170, Now just $110, plus $15s&p= $125 total. Save $45.

To ask a question or to order, call me day or eve at 1 512 665 3388. ...george

Your order is shipped FedEx or USPS with 3 day delivery to your door.

For phone ordering Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Valve Treatment." Either way, Mega Power comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Now is the best time to end your engine valve clicking, yourself, and get on with life! You will be proud of doing so. Your car will last longer, doing so using our Valve tap, Engine noise, motor additive way! Order Now!

Online Ordering  Fleet, or auto repair resale
Order Six Treatments for 6 motors Fleet, or auto repair resale.
36 items. $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180.

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor $80, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $45.

To ask a question or to order, call me day or eve at 1 512 665 3388. ...george

Your order is shipped FedEx or USPS with 3 day delivery to your door.

For phone ordering Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Valve Treatment." Either way, Mega Power comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

And if you want, see how to add Mega Power to your other car components we show you HOW-TO, will have your car running quiet, smooth, and more powerful, years past what any other type of car and equipment care can provide! You'll want that help, and its given here.

The troublesome valves we're after - are those that sound like hunks of metal pounding in your motor with a beat.

They are your motors fuel-intake, and exhaust-valves - and their automatic valve-adjusters. Your motor has 8 to 24 of each of them.  When dirty - they get that way over time, their dirty condition causes them to fall out of step in their closing sequence. You seen marchers in a band out of step. It looks odd.

With your engine valves their dirty condition slows-down their closing movement. This creates a space such, when the space closes, your tap tap tap noise appears.

We found 3 ways to end those annoying engine valve taps

  1. Have a mechanic do a "engine valve service," $2000+, where your motor is dismantled and every part is hand cleaned, valves machined, and new valve lifters replace.
  2. Pour in an engine flushing compound to rinse out the motor of sludge. Not recommended.
  3. Try our new product from Mega Power with Hi-tech chemistry that frees sticky valves and lifters. 

Our engine tap remedy Review...

Of the many valve-additive products sold in the market place; some have a dubious history that actually increase wear out, we found a new product that quiets the tap quickly when nothing else

does!  It is sold with a guarantee, also!

The same Valve tap, Engine noise, motor additive product - our choice, helps make your motor "stronger." By a special kind of friction conditioning advantage it ends your motor tap noise, and "promotes years longer life" doing so, users say, and because it

- one of the other causes of valve tap. Friction speeds up wear-out by several years. So a reduction should promote longer engine life. Those are good benefits!

This "valve tap ending treatment" from Mega Power, will end your motor noise and tap, and protect your motor, because it goes where oil and other products cannot, in a new and different way, and that advantage ends your problem.

Lets take a look at your engine valves, their problem, the Mega Power Remedy

Your motor has 8 to 24 piston-related valves - and valve lifters, depending on the number of cylinders. Each valve has a
"lifter" and each cylinder has 2 or more valves. Some motors have 3 or four valves and these help fuel and exhaust work better. One or one valve-set lets in fuel, and the others exit spent combustion out your exhaust pipe.

Residue buildup will cause those motor parts to tap. Residues and friction may makes your motor sound like a sewing machine. See picture.

There are also a valve in your motors oil pump. When sticky oil pressure lowers and starves the lifters of pressure needed to keep them adjusting tightly taking up any wear slack.

When oil starved, or stuck and residues won't the tiny piston - the adjuster part  move to close the gap, a tapping or clicking noise as the lifter smack the valve occurs. Got that?

What starts your valve tap and engine noise problem?

Note the arrows in the picture. Note the double ended arrows showing two way activity. Sticky valves will close slowly and allow some fuel to escape back into the manifold - a power losing effect.

Note arrows going down along the piston. Those shows how your motor's combustion escapes pass your sticky piston rings - instead of helping to push your piston downward.

That escape is called "blowby" and speeds up oil breakdown and causes sludge formation. Guess what causes your oil pump, lifters, and valves problems?

Yep, now you know the problem and the remedy.

Ordering Info

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

Order One Mega Power Valve Treatment. 6 items as shown.
Comes with easy-to-follow instructions. My phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
$80+ $15 s&H=$95 total.

Two Mega Power Valve Treatment. 12 items to Protect both cars. Easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee included $135+ $15 s&h= $150 total. Save $30

Six Treatments for 6 motors. Fleet service, auto repair resale.
36 items. $300+ $15 s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too!
Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor $80, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. [Regular price for both $155] Save $30.

As you can see, Mega Power is complex in its problem solving, but, I'll show you its amazingly simple for you to install the product in your motor for great results

Simple 2 Step Mega Power Install Directions

  1. Step one. Add the red bottle I put a #1 on the cap, in your gas tank. Add the black item with #2 on the cap, in your oil. Add the yellow item with #3 on the cap to your air intake - or in your gas tank, also. Drive, as normal, letting those Mega Power ingredients travel and clean every valve and passage way. In just a few miles, the tap or click may start to go away.
  2. Step two. A week later - at an oil change. Ten minutes before your oil change, add item #4 yellow bottle to your dirty oil. run motor 5-10 minutes to let this product remove what has be soften up, deposit it in suspension in your oil, then do an oil change.  With your new oil, add items #5 and #6 to the new oil. They complete the cleaning, freeing, smoothing, and 

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