Transmission slippage help and products to end slippage
Transmission slippage help
Transmission Slip Treatment Corrects Problem as You Drive. From Mega Power.
Transmission slippage help and products to end slippage. Techie stuff.
Transmission Problem Solving: Slippage.
- Slippage occurs when clutches fail to close tightly. There are several reasons for this:
- Binding
- Friction
- Sticky Residues
Mega Power has the 3 ingredients to correct slippage.
- MC+ Penetrant
- MC+ Friction Modifier
- MC+Cleaner
Directions: 2 Steps to stop slippage.
- Add the cleaner to the fluid. Drive around.
- Change out fluid and filter.
- To the new fluid add the Penetrant, and Friction Modifier
Ordering Info:
That is what Mega Power Transmission Slippage Help does for you! Its what you need now, before those dirty, worn parts wear-thru - like a wear wears a hole in the sole of your shoe!
Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
To order the Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Pictured above.
Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. 2-4 day delivery time. Just $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.
Transmission Slippage Help Treatment
Acids start slippage indirectly.So Mega Power neutralize acids, renders them harmless.A benefit that prevent seals leaks, and stops etching of gear teeth, shafts, bearings ending those contributors to transmission slippage. Many seals and O-rings actually cause transmission slipping. As acids and high temperatures cook, harden, and shrink seals and O-rings, internal leaks and transmission slipping occur. Mega Power removes the acid from the seals and O-rings and adds a revitalizer to return seals and gasket to their near original pliable sealing ability - stopping that cause of transmission slipping. Repairing transmissions.
- Smart transmission re-builders always soak gaskets and O-rings, in Mega Power so Mega Power conditions the transmission - where its impossible for anything other brand of additive or anything else to do so. seals work better, resist acids and its damage.
- Please note: Most repair shops just use Vaseline on seals - all old school thinking with no real anti-wear protection given to the car owner who's paying for the overhaul.
Transmission Slipping Help: Friction Eliminators.
- MC+ conditioning. Mega Power's MC+ uses a thin co-polymer coating to close wear gaps on the oil pump, ending fluid escape, and slipping.
- MC+ conditioning. Mega Power's MC+ Friction modifying. Deep inside your automatic transmission are multiple sets of gears that slide over and mesh with other gears to move you forward or backward.
- In time, friction from acid pitting and wear makes a ridge that builds on shafts gears must slide on. As the ridge builds, clutches and gears need to travel beyond the original stopping point. That ridge - will not quite let clutches close tight as they should be, and slippage occurs.
- Mega Power will smooth that ridge and smooth out and heal wear and acid-roughen surfaces - lowering friction as a transmission slippage help, and those harmful negatives they unknowingly cause - again allowing full travel movement of gears and clutches to fully close, ending slippage.
Mega Power's New Transmission Treatment Ends Slipping
This transmission slipping help problem-solving product may be doing a better job of ending transmission slipping problems - and for a way cheaper price, too - than us mechanics can!
Here's why you may want to try it in your car.
You already know transmission slipping, rough shift, slow shift, hangup and a sudden jerky shift, and slippage can occur when wear roughen surfaces, or sticky oil breakdown residues restrict, or bind one or more parts.
What if you could properly help your transmission run 50 degrees cooler - where it should be operating, instead of 300 degree temperatures.
And clean every sticky, residue binding part, so they move freely as when near new again.
And remove the acids, then smooth and coat every part to fill worn spaces, and revitalize those rubbery "O" rings and gaskets.
That would clean, smooth, and reduce friction so your clean, smooth, shinny, freely moving transmission parts had eliminated those causes of your transmission slippage.
That is what Mega Power Transmission Slippage Help does for you! Its what you need now, before those dirty, worn parts wear-thru - like a wear wears a hole in the sole of your shoe!
Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
To order the Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Pictured above.
Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. 2-4 day delivery time. Just $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.
Two Mega Power Transmission Slippage Help Treatment for two cars or trucks. 6 items. $115+ $15s&h= $130 total. Save $20
Six Treatments for 6 cars. Fleet or auto repair resell usage.
$240+$20s&h= $260 Total. Save $150. Shipped to your door or business. 2-4 day delivery time.
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