Transmission jerk? A new product ends jerk, rough shift, and converter hang-up helping car owners enjoy smooth shifts while driving

Mega Power stops transmission jerk fast

Transmission jerk Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order this product, call me at 512 665 3388... george

Here's how a new product from Mega Power stops transmission jerk, rough shift, even transmission converter lockup jerk at 45mph. Just add, drive - driving does the fix!

    Usually, at the transmission shop, they will pull your transmission oil pan off - the pan collects debris and exposes the filter for replacement servicing - the pan is always full of sparkly metal, and that is normal as there is lots of movement in gear shifting and specs of metal appear from that process. Don't have them scare you into thinking your transmission is ruined from such evidence. It's not!

    What else you need to know

    Any jerk or rough shift comes from dirty, or wear worn parts.

    Sticky residues on your dirty shift valves - the other likely troublemaker - and from wear roughen surfaces caused by friction and acid pitting. Mega Power corrects those problems and ends jerk and rough shift doing so.

    Those wear and tear negatives - which cause engines similar wear-out problems are the making for a $2000 to $3500 gear repair bill - if not stopped. Yes, that is now possible chemically.

    Any rough shift or jerk, at any speed, can now be remedied with by Mega Power, a chemical anti-wear cleaning, smoothing, friction modifier - which also includes MC+ - a slippery coating that fills worn spaces.

    Mega Power's special ingredients give you the advantages needed to thereby remove those dirty roughen part hangs up problems, restoring shift smoothness again - Hopefully for years more dependable life.

    Transmission jerk? A new product, Mega Power ends  transmission problems - with professional results - no wrenches needed!

    Mega Power is the product your car and your budget needs!

Aren't those the cleaning and protecting advantages you would want to end your transmission jerk? Sure! Mega Power is easy to install. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual fix.

Transmission product to end rough shif, jerk from Mega Power

Mega Power Ordering Info

    Order one Mega Power Transmission Treatment.
    Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time. Cost $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

    Two Mega Power Treatments for two cars or trucks. 6 items. $100+ $20s&h= $120 total. Save $30.

    For Fleet/Auto Repair/Transmission Shop: Six Treatments for 6 cars.
    $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time.

    Order Mega Power Treatments to protect your motor and transmission.
    9 items. Regular price $165. Now just $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $30. Simple install directions, phone help, and guarantee included.

    To order by phone, or ask a question, call me... george at 512 665 3388

    Email: Prompt replies always
    By Mail: Address. 210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666. include items wanted. Check money order, CC# Name, address, phone number.

What you should know: Cleaning AND Freeing

    Most additives that clean like those sold in parts stores and quick lubes, use a solvent cleaner, or detergent additive. Solvent cleaner additives have cause transmission failure because solvents clean to well, and strip the lube film away from between moving parts. Solvent based transmission additives clean well, but the tradeoff is increased friction - a disadvantage Mega Power avoids for you.

    Detergent additives have problems too! Like solvent additives, detergent additives like BG have no lube or friction reducing advantages. Since excessive friction is a prime negative you don't want in your engine or transmission - All Mega Power for lube oils have its MC+ "metal conditioner" ingredient to take that friction away for you. Detergent additives are proving to be transmission trouble makers in today's cars.

    What is needed is a safe cleaner and metal-surface smoothers and conditioners. That is what is in Mega Power. Order Mega Power below.

Transmission jerk, Rough shift additives, tips: Cleaning conditioners

    The special Mega Power cleaner conditioner is a Hi-tech chemical anti-wear cleaner that enhances lubrication, yet quickly removes harden residues that stick your shift valves and parts. Just the opposite of solvent cleaners and detergents.

    New friction modifiers - one for metal surfaces, and one for the fluid required by the manufacture, and the Mega Power MC+ co-polymer, offers complete help to turn your wear roughen gears and abrasive shaft surfaces, back to smooth - ending their cause of your shift problem.

    So, by cleaning, and enhancing lubrication, and by smoothing of your gears and such, the causes of jerk and rough shift at any speed is eliminated. However,...

    If you do nothing and wear proceeds to that break point, repair cost may run over $2500 - and a week juggling around without a car. It would be to late for Mega Power! Order Mega Power on line.

    Mega Power Transmission Treatment cost under $100. Direction come with it explain the 2 easy steps. Delivered by Postal or FedEx in about 3 days. includes guarantee, and free phone help if needed. Nothing to dismatle. Driving does the actual fix.

Mega Power ends transmission jerk

Aren't those the cleaning and protecting advantages you would want to end your tranmsmission jerk? Sure!

Mega Power Ordering Info

    One Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Pictured above. Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time. Cost $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

    Two Mega Power Treatments for two cars or trucks. 6 items. $100+ $20s&h= $120 total. Save $30.

    For Fleet/Auto Repair/Transmission Shop: Six Treatments for 6 cars.
    $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time.

    Order Mega Power Treatments to protect your motor and transmission.
    9 items. Regular price $165. Now just $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $30. Simple install directions, phone help, and guarantee included.

    To order by phone, or ask a question, call me... george at 512 665 3388

    Email: Prompt replies always
    Address: 210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666

Mega Power returns normal smooth shifting - and ends the jerk problem.

Mega Power stops rough shift, transmission jerk, converter lock-up jerk, and gear slippage.

Why the problem? What works. What don't.

The problem.

    Over time, transmission fluid breaks down. As it does, gooey residues and friction increase.

  • Gooey residues is one reason for the jerk.

  • Friction drag is another.

  • Fluid leakage around worn parts causes causes slipping.

    New products end these problem.

The most common repair fix may run up to $2500.

    Your mechanic will take apart the transmission and replace all worn parts with new.

    That's good - and that's one way to end your problem.

The Mega Power Worn Transmission Treatment is another for under $100.

Why Mega Power Works

    Mega Power has the only 3 ingredients known to stop the 3 causes of rough shift, slippage, and jerk.

    Simple Install Directions. Quick results

      The yellow "cleaner" product in the picture removes problem-causing residues in 5 minutes. Just add to old fluid, run motor 5 minutes to circulate and remove sticky residues.

      Change fluid.

      The two remaining products are added with the new fluid. Problems solved and end as you drive in a few miles.

Transmission jerk, rough shift tips: What you should know

Not broken parts - but 99 out of 100 times

    Your shift, jerk condition is caused by friction and a sticky shift part, o-ring, or shift valve problem. any of these can bind the movement in your transmission - then a sudden release occurs to make gear shift jerk you feel.

    That can't be good for the life of your transmission can it?

    Well, we have just the product you need to end the problem yourself for under a $100.

The Mega Power Transmission Treatment.

    Mega Power contains 6 ingredients [2 in each item] found to end the harmful transmission jerk
    1. Some ingredients clean, free, and condition sticky shift parts that cause binding
    2. Some revitalize harden o-rings to stop leaks, and chafing, so affected moving parts again slide easily to eliminate hangups
    3. Others chemically smooth wear roughen pistons, bearings, and gears so Mega Power ends friction drag.
    4. Finally, a co-polymer protective coating and anti-wear covers every part so critical moving parts can again slide freely on the protective coating - ending the problem.

      Explained below. A simple fluid change using Mega Power ends this and other transmission problem.

    No wonder car and truck owners like Mega Power. So will you!

    Aren't those the cleaning and protecting advantages you would want to end your tranmsmission jerk? Sure!

    Mega Power Ordering Info

      One Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Pictured above. Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time. Cost $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

      Two Mega Power Treatments for two cars or trucks. 6 items. $100+ $20s&h= $120 total. Save $30.

      For Fleet/Auto Repair/Transmission Shop: Six Treatments for 6 cars.
      $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business. FedEx 2-4 day delivery time.

      Order Mega Power Treatments to protect your motor and transmission.
      9 items. Regular price $165. Now just $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $30. Simple install directions, phone help, and guarantee included.

      To order by phone, or ask a question, call me... george at 512 665 3388

      Email: Prompt replies always
      Address: 210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666

    Mega Power returns normal smooth shifting - and ends the jerk problem.

    More info at the Link below where Mega Power can also be ordered.

    Mega Power stops transmission jerk demo

    In this way Mega Power Product advantages ends transmission jerk, and - helps you avoid costly repair. You can install the product yourself easily to end your transmission problem.

    End transmission jerk, Rough shift, additives, tips review. Mega Power for heavy equipmment transmission problems

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