Engine Sludge Removal Tips...
Forget everything you heard about flushing your engine - It's all wrong!

Engine Sludge Removal is a distressing problem that upsets your life. 3 ways to end it. One is actually harmful. One is way cheaper,  and may be just what you and your engine needs for recovery.Engine Sludge Removal is a distressing problem that upsets your life. 3 ways to end it. One is actually harmful. One is way cheaper, and may be just what you and your engine needs for recovery. 2/2023 of 7/15/18

Sludge Removal Contact info:  If on a smart phone, to ask a question, or ordr products listed. Call me at 512 665 3388 ...george

If you have a sludge problem with a with a big diesel engine.Go here.

 Sludge Removal.

The easiest way to clean a dirty engine are with these products and their 2 steps.

Sludge Removal. The easiest way to clean a dirty engine are with these prodicts and their 2 steps.Sludge Removal. The easiest way to clean a dirty engine are with these products and their 2 steps.

Why Skip everything you read about engine flushing and sludge removal. That's old school.

Today's computer controled vehicles need new more sophisticated sludge removing methods.

This review shows how to go about it - and have your engine purring like a saasy cat  in 15 minutes or less - with our help.

The Best Engine Sludge Removal Method 

   To win oftener in racing, you need an edge. Its the same with owing vehicles. To avoid expensive repairs - you need an edge to ending their problems.

   Many use - the same one this race team discovered  -  to recover from a dirty engine sludge problem. 

   Not only is this a good engine sludge removal method, its the ideal way to add endurance to your engines and gears.

   It is avoiding those $4000 or more, new engines as the solution fora lot less money.

   Imagine using their method for your engine sludge removal and see it return to running like it use to 50,000 miles earlier. Its not a dream. How possible?

Skip the old way of doing so still in use.

    Since the Ford Model A days - when sludge required engines to be taken apart, and clean out of sludge every two year - people are still using that method - and its ruining more engines ....

   Since in the old days, mechanics used solvents to wash parts clean with. Why not rinse out the motor of sludge - with some solvent, just before taking it apart for easier cleaning, inspection, and repair. 

 Sure, mechanic's knew solvents caused additional damage by stripping away the oil film - and more raw friction between moving parts developed, but doing so reduced cleaning labor - and most parts were replaced.  So damage was not a problem.

However... in today's cars we have the Mega Power Chemical way to remove sludge and no harm occurs. 

   Engine Sludge Removal Contact info: On a cell phone, to ask a question, Order items listed. Call me, george...at 512 665 3388

In today's car engines with sludge, we have the Mega Power Chemical way to remove sludge for recovery. A safe way that also adds anti-wear endurance. No harm occurs.In today's car engines with sludge, we have the Mega Power Chemical way to remove sludge for recovery. A safe way that also adds anti-wear endurance. No harm occurs.

   Mega Power's Sludge Removal:  2 steps to engine recovery by removing engine crud choking the movement and life out of your engine. 

The best way may be costlier than your car!

     I guess you know, a new engine replacement is a common  and the best solution for a sludge filled engines at $4000+ cost. A good remedy. 

    However, many select our Mega Power Sludge Removal Treatment solution. While not replacing dirty parts, it cleans them up good as new. Therefore, it is a better, cheaper option. Cost - $107. Guaranteed, too!

   Now, you have optios With equal benefits but a wide range in price.

Which is best for you?

    The  Mega Power Sludge Removal Treatment method we promote. Why? 

  1.     With tens of thousands of satisfied users and no refund request, it seems to be an ideal solution to an otherwise costly solution.
  2. Is the repair cost an expense you may not want?

Review the Mega Power Treatment and its Promise.

 Mega Power comes in a box with 6 items and directions to remove engine sludge. Directions included. Its easy to use, don't fret it.

   What you then do is read about the process which leads you to the following.

   ...and no tools are needed. Driving and the product restores engine efficiency. And an oil change to rid the motor of sludge.

   Step 1 Add items 1, 2, and 3 to the gas and motor oil. This starts the healing and sludge removing process while driving - and turns it into a liqud to filter out and a few days later out in an oil change - done in step 2.

   Step 2: Add items 4, 5, and 6. $ is added just before the oil is change out to gather up the sludge for drain out. 

5 an 6 are added during oil change with the new oil and filter. They continue any mopup and keep the recovery going smoothly. This  engine cleaning method guarantees its unique recovery.

   Guaranteed safe and effective. 

     Contain no fillers or solvents like engine flushes in part stores and online sellers promote.  No complaints or refunds!

    100% active ingredients! Each offer a needed engine cleaning and healing power for quick recovery. Returns healthy engine operation to keep your car going strong and reliable - guaranteed! 

For sludge removal for heavy equipment Go here


    Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal 2 Treatment.  Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help if needed. Just $85, $15 s&h Tax 7= $107 total.

    A today's Bonus for ordering now... Have it at your door in 3 days. Includes directions, phone help, guarantee.

    6 items, plus a bonus extra today - total 7 items. How the Bonus protects your engine: Your radiator is the next place for engine trouble. Over heating is the cause. Protect your engine with this bonus. it keep overheating away from your engine as an extra bonus value with your order. It is our Mega Power Radiator Cool. A Cooling System Featured Protector. $29. FREE with your order right now! Add to coolant for protection. Great aid if towing or in constant hot city traffic. Lowers temps up to normal if rising un knowingly
     Just $135 plus $15 s&h = $150 total. Way cheaper than a new engine. Same results assured.

     Click cart button to order Mega Power's Engine Sludge Removal 2. Bonus item savings $29.

    Other Sludge Removal Options :  

    Other Sludge Removal Options :   Sure, sometimes a new engine is the sludge solution remedy - but not until one of these 3 engine restorers cleaned your engine - Then, if it has not change its bad operation, and not recovered its power choke-down - then get a new engine - or a new car!  

     Why one of these engine cleaning products should be tried first! Chose the one your engine seems like it needs...

 Sludge Removal with an engine power improvement.

Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Fast Flush:

    I feel this MP Brand 10 minute Cleaner is better because it has no solvents to damage your engine.

Steps to do:

  1. Drain out old motor oil.
  2. Fill crankcase with above gallon engine cleaner - Run engine 10 minutes .
  3. After 10 minutes, drain out the cleaner and add new oil and filter.  Drive car at slower speeds to let MC+ conditioners  left in engine build the power back up. 
  4. Sounds simple. Is simple!

Details: Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Fast Flush. One gallon treats up to 7 quart oil capacity engines. $49 and now Free Shipping. Click cart button to order this item.

Mega Powers' 3 way engine sludge remover  cleans top air fuel side of motor and removes sludge below for a nice recovery.Mega Powers' 3 way engine sludge remover cleans top air fuel side of motor and removes sludge below for a nice recovery.

    Does your engine need a more complex solution+  This 3 item engine sludge removal has combustion carbon removing features. This method cleans your motor and gets it running great by taking a holistic approach.  Does more than a flush along because it cleans the carbon out of the breathing and combustion areas... Details:

These Mega Power Fisc 3 area sludge removal items clean items combine top and bottom of your engine cleaning cleaning the power making source. Will have your engine running great in minutes. Because it features an upper and lower engine cleaning process you gain a like-new engine operation - just cleaning sludge out in the oil section leaves half the engine still dirty. Is this what your engine needs...

This 3 way cleaning features cleans the fuel injectors, and combustion area piston, piston rings, and valves, spark plugs removing sludge in the air intake so motor is clean from beginning to exhaust tip.

Is that what it needs...

Ordering details to remove internal sludge and carbon to return engine clean operation :

   This Mega Power Fisc 3 item Engine Sludge Removal kit comes with 3 items to upgrade the single method. Directions and phone help. Shipped FedEx to your door in 3 days. $95 Total.

 The Premium Engine Sludge Remover Giving Winning Edge To A Race Team From First Part Of Story

Mega Power offers The Premium Engine Sludge Remover. Includes top and bottom sludge removal, and adds additional protectors and adds cleaning power over the next 6000 miles.Mega Power offers The Premium Engine Sludge Remover. Includes top and bottom sludge removal, and adds additional protectors and adds cleaning power over the next 6000 miles to complete the cleaning process.

These 6 Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Products Pack The Conclusive Winning End To Your Engine Sludge Problem! Odd thing is....

  Mega Power leaves most of the sludge where its at mostly -for the time being - because : It's just sitting there doing nothing anyway. Removing en mass all sludge at once can cause oil delivery blockage elsewhere. Removing it slowly over time gives you your lost power right back - but takes the sludge out in 3 steps. 

  1.  It begins cleaners and conditioners to heal your ailing motors wear and damage parts.
  2. It adds a layer of MC+ filler for the quietest, most powerful response. 
  3. Its 4 cleaners start the cleaning on critical parts so they move freely again.
  4. Sludge is then drained out. New oil added.
  5. Anti-wear smooths out any friction.
  6. A co-poly continues cleaning well every moving part is given individual cleaning - for a perfectly good operation from then on.

It is the safest, fastest way to return your engine to its great running state again.  

  • Us mechanics take apart engines to hand remove sludge, then rebuild it.
  • Cost can run over $4000 and a weeks time in the shop.
  • Mega Power cost about $250 if a mechanic sell the service.

If you do it, it runs under $100 and is guaranteed to please!

Order  this premium engine sludge remover below and in a few days your motor getting it back to normal again.

 It's easy to do and your motor and you will have good reason to be in good spirts again. Nothing to take apart. 

Engine sludge removal continues as you drive between oil changes packing your filter with sludge removed.

Order This Mega Power Premium Engine Sludge Removal Treatment here.

This Mega Power item comes as shown, 6 items needed. Cleans and helps extend engine life. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $135 plus $15 s&h = $150 total.

You will smile to after engine sludge removal by Mega Power puts your engine back to normal. Saves the engine. Saves Money

Order Mega Power to protect both cars. 12 items. Just $149 total shipped to your door or business. Save $40 during our special!

Protect and service both your engine $135 and transmissions $75 to.

with Mega Power. A 9 item treatment. Smooth's and assures smooth shifting as it slams the brakes on faster wear out - for years longer trouble-free life. Just $135 for each car. Save $35.
XXDirections: 2 steps:Step 1. Add the 3 items marked, to the gas and oil.Drive as usual for a week.Step 2. At an oil change a week later, install the 3 remaining items to the oil. That's it!Mega Power's 6 different complex anti-wear chemical cleaners have a way to get your engine sludge removal going, as it lubes your dry, now oil-starved dirty surfaces.Mega Power  takes away the grinding loud noise  that makes  your motor sound like your grandma's sewing machine and gets you on down the road of life again - at a fraction of the cost of overhaul.Mega Power leave the muck mostly where its at and proceeds to work on the following to get your  car truck tractor motorcycle running good as can be again:Mega Power cleans the oil lines so oil flows again.Mega Power crawls where oil can go from the fuel air and oiling side of your motor! Power returns as spreads.As it cleans, every surface is conditioned with MC+. This restores smoothness to rubbing surfaces on valves and pistons and provides chemical lubrication to every other part for free movement of your engine again. Your car needs that help! Next.. Mega Power...Removes sludge from your engine oil pump check valve so full oil pressures is restored.Hydraulic lifters are cleaned, freed and primed, raising their valve adjuster. This is what will be quieting down your noisy tapping sounds.Piston rings are cleaned so they expand and stop blowby -  a major cause of sludge - and power loss - which will return.Cleaning continues as you drive between oil changes, packing your filter with more sludge is removed - after the initial cleaning. Order Mega Power now!In that way, Mega Power does what flush products cannot!Order Mega Power's Engine Sludge Removal Treatment Now!To Order: Mega Power comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days.
X-XOur privacy 

Alternatives to replacement.

Of them all, well, we like this one from Mega Power . It is more complex in its cleaning than any other product, But easy to install.

Mega power owes its success to 6 ingredients that work on cleaning and freeing critical, but dirty troublesome moving parts - that sludge directly bogs down, rather than the goal of just removing all sludge in sight.

This is where some lose interest, however, read on to see why this is the best way to clean your motor to get it running great again. Avoid that expensive repair the mechanic suggested.

First of all, as cleaning begins ingredients quickly stops any damage in progress, and a healing feature smooths each surface part.

Mega Power works on even brand new cars pickups, especially diesel motors, like in large trucks tractors, even boat motors and motorcycles  having a carbon, residue, and friction problem.

The fact is this: Sludge is forming in your motor, transmission, radiator and power steering from the day you drive your car off the dealership lot - brand new! It just builds and collects slowly - waiting to catch you by surprise.

Sludge will most likely be the silent cause of both your engine and transmission failure.  Acidic conditions from oils and combustion start the residue making problem.

Sludge, cooked with high temperatures cause sticky piston rings and valves.  High amounts of raw friction results. Blowby also occurs.

You can read about that on this "blowby" site - after you order the product below.

What mechanic's say...

"I never seen engine sludge removal by tear-down cleaning that did you any good," says mechanic, George Christ

That's because the sludge causes problems in a hundred places in the form of varnish and wear roughen conditions all over the motor!

Just removing sludge by hand does not free rings and valves, nor remove horsepower absorbing friction it causes through out your motor and transmission.

Even those part store flush products sold as engine and transmission flush - mostly made of solvents, do little good -  and have too many horror story's about those solvent type flush products locking up engines.  

What works is a complex engine sludge removal product from Mega Power with- no-harmful-flush solvents! its a 6 item treatment, easy for any man or women to install that produces immediate cleaning results and running improvement!

Order below. Be up and running great in a few days.

While everybody's idea is to remove the muck covering every engine part, Mega Power's idea is to use a special kind of cleaning chemistry and complex conditioners that:

  • Removed varnish between moving parts.
  • Opens oil passageways to bring fresh oil to starved engine parts sludge blocked off. Especially free and clean piston rings, valves, and valve lifers affected by sludge.
  • Mega Power's MC+ included, smooths wear roughen surfaces ending your motors [and transmission if installed in it] raw frictions on critical parts harming your engine.
  • Then add a slippery co-polymer to fill worn spaces like on pistons and cylinder walls where blowby now escapes to sludge up your clean oil.
  • Your motor and your budget needs this form of car. In the short and long run of things Mega Power benefits you and your car both ways. Order it now!

Complex engine sludge removal product is easy to install. Gets car back up running great, quickly. Avoids costly repair to do so.

Other Engine Sludge Removal MethodsAdd this Mega Power Brand Yellow Sludge Remover to the dirty oil -  shown.Run motor 5 minutes. Change out oil and filter for new. Add the black Cleaner Protector to the fresh oil. Shown. No caution given. $49 + $10 s&h = $59 total.XXMulti-Service Engine Sludge Removal MethodAdd this Mega Power Brand Yellow Sludge Remover to the dirty oil -  shown.Add the Red Fuel System Flush to the fuel tank. Run motor 5 minutes. Change out oil and filter for new. Add the black Cleaner Protector to the fresh oil. Shown. No caution given. $59 + $10 s&h = $69 total.XXPremium Top and Bottom Engine Sludge Removal Service.Add this Mega Power Brand Yellow Sludge Remover to the dirty oil -  shown.Add Fuel System Cleaner and Combustion System Cleaner to fuel tank.Run motor 5 to 10 minutes. Change out oil and filter for new. A week later replace oil and filter. 5 minutes before oil drain add Quick Flush to oil  Run motor 5 to 10 minutes. Then replace oil and filter. Add the 2 Cleaner Protector- Friction Modifiers tot he new oil. No caution given. $89 + $10 s&h = $99 total.XXEngine sludge removalIn case you missed it TODAY is your last chance to take advantage of a very special deal on my Sludge Removal Program – in fact, you only have a few hours left.This system reveals my most potent engine sludge removal strategy…so powerful that they ought to require a mechanics permit!Here’s a quick glance at what you’ll discover inside:How to NEVER PAY for an avoidable engine problem again and, instead, have you a racy running car when other similar need to replace their car equipment off for new.You’ll no longer be viewed as a sucker for high repairs.How to effortlessly solve most any internal trouble on your own terms, as you prefer—without resistance or complaint. I’ve designed my services to do those things, and over 10,000 follow my system every day.... and I’ll show you how you can have that very same power using My #1 cure for sludge removal —with 99.2% success.This is a powerful sludge removal strategy at discount price that’ll instantly get any dirty, rotten-running engine to run great again - or no cost to you!If you feel this is advice you can trust and follow simple instructions  My 2 step simple and easy sludge removal breakthrough, I accidentally stumbled upon during my 40+ years in tune repair business avoid the 3 giant mistakes too many make by flushing out sludge to thoroughly meaning, they make the sludge problem worst.And this engine failure is all due to committing these three mistakes that can be easily fixed by our sludge removal treatment.Mistake one: They use a solvent - this cleans to much to fast and ends up plugging up oil delivery - ours will not do.They only clean one engine system when 6 need it. We clean all 6 with out method.No one provides protector, friction modifiers, and conditioners to save your engine like our sludge removal treatment does. It’s 100% guaranteed to work for you and has a collective one billion dollars’ worth of sales standing behind it as literal proof it works. Why not let it work for you?So don’t delay Order this product here now and save half on one for your good running other car you want to protect.Dedicated to your success, PS: Included as a “this week ONLY bonus is my transmission cleaner and protector -  a $39 value - 2 of them - one for each car with today's 2 car order.A value of $347, but now only $150 plus $25 2 day Free shipping to your door.There are 5 minute rinses cost $25 to $50.  And there are more expensive, but Slower Cleaners that free up affected parts causing your trouble.Slow Cleaners requires a few days of driving to free affected parts.The following products free affected parts while driving.XA complete sludge removal treatment from Mega Power. Works as you drive, then continues cleaning after an oil change.XContact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order this product, call me...george at 512 665 3388... 

People ask:Why does my engine have sludge?What's the benefit of a quick flush.What will a mechanic do?Why is this method better?
How the best engine sludge removal products work.

They add a 1, 2, 3 cleaning punch with a racy tune up result!

    Engine  sludge buildup trouble is very upsetting. It can cause an unexpected roadside breakdown worry. Repair time and expense add more worry.     

For such vehicle owners, this Do-it-Yourself engine sludge removal method from Mega Power may have your motor back to normal, because it cleans differently! With its 3 knock-out sludge removing process - done twice, at a fraction of what mechanics rip you off for to remove it,  and it 3 instant recovery conditioners, you are assured of the best, most successfully sold engine sludge removing product around!Engine flush additives.    While part store engine flushes can be more harmful, and a week in the repair shop can run up a $3000[car engine] to $5000 [for diesels] bill.

Directions:   2 steps, where you add what's shown, cleans as you drive!   With conditioners reversing damage present, the cleaning and recovery occur as you drive. often in as little as 15 minutes to an hour with the chemistry in the engine.  

 Is this for your sludge solution.   While this seems easy - it is! 

Just add the treatment items in the package to your motor, then do drive with the product in the motor. This treatment may be the best way with its absolute opposite way engine cleaning method  to remove sludge.

 Do and oil change to float out the sludge. Repeat in 3000 miles if more cleaning is felt needed. Anti-wear and anti-friction ingredients assure a safe cleaning method.

How to order this product online here.

Ordering Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment.
To Order: Mega Power comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped 3 days by FedEx to your door. Just $80 plus $15 s&h = $95 total.Click cart button for quick delivery.

  Repair Cost by Mechanic.
    Not $3000 like the mechanic wants - just over $100 and sold with a money back  guarantee, too! See ordering details at the cart button below.

How the install process is done. 

If you don't know much about removing sludge, read the following:

Compared to quick 5 minute engine flush removal  products.

Engine flushes use solvents to remove sludge. Solvent clean well. To well and that's their problem. Remving to much to quick often plugs up the oiling lines - starving thr berings of oil/ Engine life deterioates quickly when that happens  so stay away from them!

A 5 minute or less engine flush.  Damage occurs anyway.

Sludge comes from "combustion" escaping into an engines motor-oil. Heat and acids form trouble-causing sludge. 

Normal amounts are removed during oil changes, and with chemicals designated to clean all parts of the engine during recommended service intervals sludge is avoided.* If this complete service is skipped, sludge soon overpowers and wears down engines performance.

This article offers the complete engine service for sludge removal. This method includes causing dirty and lazy operating piston rings, valves, and smog systems to allow much more combustion to form sludge in the motor. That is how engines become full of sludge. * The product offered in the review exceeds piston, ring, valve smog service and sludge removing specs. 

If piston rings and valves and smog systems are serviced every 2 years with any product similar to the 6 items listed above, they will be able to keep the motor's sludge away!

3 engine damaging negatives then occur that Mega Power removes no engine flush can:     

  1- Mega Power frees those sticky rings so they again block combustion from making sludge in your oil - ending its acidic  combustion cause - allowing oil lubrication to every part again.Mega Power neutralizes those acids as it cleans.        

  2- Acids also etches away the shinny smooth surfaces and increase  friction as they  touch.  Mega Power carries with it MC+, a super  surface-smoothing co- polymer.            

With MC+ every rough surface gets a smoothing treatment. 

 Instantly has every part is operating smoothly again. This is the   second power-losing problem ended.         

3- Valves and lifters may start making tapping noises. They are  scary problems. Tapping helps lose more power.  MC+ and  cleaners will quickly stop the dirty tapping condition.

 Anti-wear and anti-friction ingredients assure a safe clean out

 Mega Power carries with it MC+ super cleaning conditioners to  every part. This Super MC+ Lube and surface smoothing  additives instantly has  every part operating smoothly again.                   

This is the third power-restoring engine problem Mega Power does for you engine sludge recovering  problem develops.    

 Mega Power leaves most of the sludge where its at mostly. It's just sitting there  doing nothing anyway. Removing en mass can cause oil delivery blockage elsewhere.

Removing it slowly over time like Mega Power does, well its cleaners and condition heal your ailing motor is the safest, fastest way to return your engine to its great running state again.  

Us mechanics take apart your engine to hand remove sludge, Then rebuild it. Cost can run over $2000 and a weeks time in the shop.

Mega Power cost about $250 if a mechanic installs the service.

If you do it, it runs under $100 and is guaranteed to please!

Order below and have in a few days and in your motor getting it back to normal again. It's easy to install. Nothing to take apart. 

The Mega Power method for engine sludge removal is quite different. Shown here. It avoids the costly $3000 engine overhaul your mechanic suggest as the solution. its a good one, but other options are just as good.

You might be shown engine flushes.And as you will see, compared to both ideas, Mega Power is very effective in bringing your motor back to life - in about 15 minutes; which is really what - other products just can't do!

And does so at a fraction of the price of an overhaul.  Compare Mega Power benefit differences and why you should :

  • One way Mega Power is different is it uses 6 chemical cleaners that leaves most of the sludge where its at - at first, but concentrates on cleaning the oil filtering screen, oil passageways, getting lubrication and additives to free stuck valve lifters, cleaning  piston rings - and valves first. Then goes removing what's left slowly, elsewhere.
  • Where as, all other flushes immediately starts stripping away the sludge from everywhere - which you might think is a good idea - but, its not! Its so strong that method wipes away the oil's lube  film between your motors moving parts.Removing that oil lube film, as it removes non-troublesome sludge elsewhere causes metal to metal friction drag. 
  • That becomes a new wear problem - where as, Mega Power add an anti wear hi-yield lube factor to every part, right from the start to avoid, or end this problem - create it. Why remove sludge not causing a problem? Its just sitting there doing nothing anyway. 
  • Why awake that sleeping engine killer? That's the trouble with other additives - like those sold in part stores, and quick lubes - they awaken that engine killer! How? 
  • They rinse everything mucky loose - and that sludge often resettles blocking the oils pickup screen - and then you can lose all lubrication. That is no good, of course. A simple 2 step procedure - easy for anyone to do - not just mechanics, gives guaranteed professional amazing results! Why?
  •  As this picture shows, more precise cleaning is an important reason why Mega Power Cleans in a completely different way. To get to affected problem area of your motor - something all other sludge remover products just cannot do! Mega Power's difference avoids removing sludge all at once, en mass like other products do - which never gives the parts having problems the help your car needs. It often causes oil delivery blockage elsewhere - Mega Power avoids for you.

In as little as 15 minutes, so most customers see their motor begin returning to its older better running state - and continues over the next week to the next oil change, avoiding the need for a costly overhaul in doing so. That's  the difference you want - don't you?

So, from their experience Mega Power found a way to remove sludge slowly, over time while taking care of cleaning, freeing, lubing of stuck parts,  this gets your motor running great quickly, as the engine sludge removal proceeds on a safe, controlled removal.

Those several reasons for the difference Mega Power has. This makes it a great product for you to get to know better and install to get your motor cleaned and protected faster. A great service addition for your good cars protection, also, to prevent such trouble in good engines!

Directions for sludge removal call for 2 cleaning steps:

Step 1. Add the 3 items marked, to the gas and oil to clean the top of your motor parts.

Drive as usual for a week to perform this sludge removal step 2.

Step 2. At an oil change a week later, install the 3 remaining items to the oil. This adds conditioners and more protection and continues the cleaning process.

The 2 steps gives the motor a great tune up effect.Mega Power [see picture] uses 6 different complex anti-wear chemical cleaners - no other product has!

This protects your motor from new troubles - Well moving sludge generally over time in a controlled way. This causes no problems - just ends those present ones affecting performance. So removing all sludge at once does no real good!

As other conditions need real attention, so Mega Power takes care of them first!

Then adds several crawling lube-aids to where oil may be blocked from lubrication. Motor smoothness is seen and heard, showing the troublesome parts are cleaned and again oiled.Its chemical cleaning action crawls into every surface even where oil can't go!Install is easy!

Action is beneficially complex. Cleaning improvement given - the sign of help needed, is seen in a few miles of driving.This is the best and only way known for your engine sludge removal, as it lubes your dry, now oil-starved dirty surfaces. 

Transmission's are also serviced - in this same Mega Power way, if you want that component protected, also.
That is what your motor really needs! Those choosing other engine sludge removal alternatives have been disappointed!Tearing apart your motor  for clean up can run over $3000 and 5 to 10 days time with no car.How to order this product online here.
Ordering Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment.
To Order:  Mega Power comes as shown, 6 items needed.  With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $80 plus $15 s&h = $95 total. 


Order Mega Power Sludge Removal Treatment to protect both cars. 12 items. Just $149 total shipped to your door or business. Save $40 during our special!

Protect and service your engine$95 and transmission $75, too, with Mega Power. A 9 item treatment. Cleans, smooth's and assures smooth shifting and great running engine service as it slams the brakes on sludge and wear out - for years longer trouble-free life. Just $135 for each car. Save $35.

Alternatives to replacement. 

Of them all, well, we like this one from Mega Power . It is more complex in its cleaning than any other product, But easy to install.Mega power owes its success to 6 ingredients that work on cleaning and freeing critical, but dirty troublesome moving parts - that sludge directly bogs down, rather than the goal of just removing all sludge in sight.

This is where some lose interest, however, read on to see why this is the best way to clean your motor to get it running great again. Avoid that expensive repair the mechanic suggested.

  1. First of all, as cleaning begins ingredients quickly stops any damage in progress, and a healing feature smooths each surface part.
  2. Mega Power works on even brand new cars pickups, especially diesel motors, like in large trucks tractors, even boat motors and motorcycles  having a carbon, residue, and friction problem.
  3. The fact is this: Sludge is forming in your motor, transmission, radiator and power steering from the day you drive your car off the dealership lot - brand new! It just builds and collects slowly - waiting to catch you by surprise.

Sludge will most likely be the silent cause of both your engine and transmission failure. Acidic conditions from oils and combustion start the residue making problem.Sludge, cooked with high temperatures cause sticky piston rings and valves. High amounts of raw friction results. Blowby also occurs.You can read about that on this"blowby" site - after you order the product below.What mechanic's say..."I never seen engine sludge removal by tear-down cleaning that did you any good," says mechanic, George Christ 

That's because the sludge causes problems in a hundred places in the form of varnish and wear roughen conditions all over the motor!Just removing sludge by hand does not free rings and valves, nor remove horsepower absorbing friction it causes through out your motor and transmission.Even those part store flush products sold as engine and transmission flush - mostly made of solvents, do little good -  and have too many horror story's about those solvent type flush products locking up engines.  
What works is a complex engine sludge removal product from Mega Power with- no-harmful-flush solvents! its a 6 item treatment, easy for any man or women to install that produces immediate cleaning results and running improvement!Order below. Be up and running great in a few days.
While everybody's idea is to remove the muck covering every engine part, Mega Power's idea is to use a special kind of cleaning chemistry and complex conditioners that:

  • Removed varnish between moving parts.Opens oil passageways to bring fresh oil to starved engine parts sludge blocked off. 
  • Especially free and clean piston rings, valves, and valve lifers affected by sludge.
  • Mega Power's MC+ included, smooths wear roughen surfaces ending your motors [and transmission if installed in it] raw frictions on critical parts harming your engine.
  • Then adds a slippery co-polymer to fill worn spaces like on pistons and cylinder walls where blowby now escapes to sludge up your clean oil.
  • Your motor and your budget needs this form of car maintainence! 
  • In the short and long run of things Mega Power benefits you and your car both ways. Order it now!

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