Ignore everything you read about removing engine sludge! That is 50 year old still bad, advice!
So what is needed?
Some say a new engine - from $3000 to $5000 expense. if overhauled for less - no guarantee!
Others say try a quick flush! Worst ideal ever!
[Did you known, Car parts makers own most of the additives offered for sale - in part stores and online...
mmm, wonder why?]
Your engine needs more than a quick rinse - called an engine flush.
Why this engine sludge removal methods.
Your engine needs a new, more sophisticated cleaning method - to save it using products like shown above - that also removes sludge from 6 areas - not just one as the common method.
Removing sludge in 6 areas is the proper way to do so.
How to removes sludge, and restore your engine performance.
So, Mega Powers Engine Flush is the only engine cleaner to use anti-flocculants and friction eliminators to prevent sludge damage when removing the goo.
6 items installed in 2 easy steps do this. Just add and drive.
Inventing a penetrating lube that slices-thru-sludge. This sends a powerful anti-friction lubricant called MC+ to your actual piston and bearing surfaces, freeing and cleaning and protecting them first. Isn't that the product your motor needs right now? Sure!
Your engine and budget need Mega Power.
What results is an instant healing benefit as your engine smoothness returns. A sure sign you are eliminating residue buildup harm.
6 Mega Power ingredients - the reason for the 6 shown, then remove sludge progressively - not instantly like all other products do. All that is unique to saving your dirty engine and cleaning it up to run great again.
What it needs are 6 kinds of cleaners the 6 areas where sludge collects and needs to be removed - to work:
That removes sludge from gas tank, filters, fuel injectors, and intake manifold so fuel stays vaporized to burn right..
Combustion cleaner remove sludge from top piston ring, top of piston, valves, spark plug.
3. Emission sludge removing cleaner. Black item. $69
1, 2, and 3 is top of motor sludge removal items.
Now, lets remove sludge from the bottom of your motor to complete the sludge removing process.
Bottom sludge removing steps:
Now its time to remove sludge from oil screen, oil passage ways, and remaining piston rings. This is what the yellow item does above. That makes this the 4th areas sludge is needed to be removed.
4. Oiling System Cleaner area sludge removing: Item 4. Yellow item in carton. $39
An oil change is done shortly after item 4 is added to the motor.
5. Black item #5, anti-wear cleaner and friction reducer is added to new oil to continue removing sludge during this oil change period. $99
6. The 6 item sludge remover continues cleaning and removing varnish and residues not removes yet, as you drive to finish the sludge removal. $39
This system has a high success rate. If you feel it is what your engine needs, find out more below at the ordering info line.
One Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Total over $300 now on sale!
Includes Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help if needed. Just $85, $15 s&h Tax 7= $107 total.
Today's Bonus: with your order.
Order NOW Bonus: Protect your Radiator with our Cooling System Protector. $29. FREE with your order right now!
7 items total. Just $85, $15 s&h Tax 7= $107 total. Bonus item savings today, $29.
Click cart button to order this special.
Why this engine sludge removal methods.
Your engine needs a new, more sophisticated cleaning method - to save it using products like shown above - that also removes sludge from 6 areas - not just one as the common method.
Removing sludge in 6 areas is the proper way to do so.
How to removes sludge, and restore your engine performance.
So, Mega Powers Engine Flush is the only engine cleaner to use anti-flocculants and friction eliminators to prevent sludge damage when removing the goo.
6 items installed in 2 easy steps do this. Just add and drive.
Inventing a penetrating lube that slices-thru-sludge. This sends a powerful anti-friction lubricant called MC+ to your actual piston and bearing surfaces, freeing and cleaning and protecting them first. Isn't that the product your motor needs right now? Sure!
Your engine and budget need Mega Power.
What results is an instant healing benefit as your engine smoothness returns. A sure sign you are eliminating residue buildup harm.
6 Mega Power ingredients - the reason for the 6 shown, then remove sludge progressively - not instantly like all other products do. All that is unique to saving your dirty engine and cleaning it up to run great again.
Ps return to sludge removal bonus page - click here.