Shipping-Guarantee Information and Requirements for Products.
Shipping-Guarantee. Please Note: To ask a question about shipping to your country's location, or about our product guarantee, call or email me, please at 512 665 3388 Email:
Shipping charges: More shipping-guarantee info
For items purchased and delivery is beyond the 50 USA state area.
- Your original order has a paid ship charge to the USA Border.
- If you live beyond that area we will send you email on ship charge to your location, less what 's already included in your order.
- Reply by Email we send you if OK difference pay by your cc.
- Most times if you double order, you pay half for second item and postage is just a bit more even though weight is double.
- Your email has those choices explained.
- Email us for the amount to your location:
- Call my USA cell # 512 665 3388
- Ship is by USPS.COM or FEDEX
Guarantee Information: More shipping-guarantee:
Thank you for your interest in Mega Power Automotive Products for your car. truck, equipment, and industrial use. However....
Product Satisfaction Guarantee. More shipping-guarantee:
Product Satisfaction
Shipping Guarantee:
We do not warranty or guarantee our products performance to customers outside the United States. However, we are here to help explain your problem and its options for repair, if the product filed to work.
As for what we guarantee. We guarantee the uniqueness of our products, and its application should show improvement you can see, hear or feel when driving.
- Actual broken, or failed part fix excluded.
- Car lot auctioned purchase cars excluded.
- Like paying for a second opinion for some to assure the vehicle owner they did not need repair, as this was the fix needed.
- It failed and indicates need for repair. Your conscious in this case lets you ignore, or ask for refund.
- The product should make starting seem a bit easier and faster.
- The idle smoother.
- Motor operation a bit quieter.
- Add a bit more zip and performance from stop, up hills, under full load.
- Perhaps 20 to 40 more distance miles to each tank full of fuel.
- The ending of your problem, if the problem if caused by friction, binding, or residue we guarantee to end, or put on hold not to go worst over some months time.
- Only dismantling reveals if a part is beyond those caused by friction, binding, or residue influences. Or, those conditions actually cause failure. And there lies the problem. Who knows for sure?
- I do! if-the-problem-just-starts happening, fix success is likely. as we know from many thousands of street application.
- If The problems been going for some months, less likely and 50/50 likely. We'll chance your purchase on the basis you might try our products in good cars as the real test of their value.
- Didn't do any change after the install. A repair is then needed!
- Send us a repair invoice stating correction of the problem for refund. This idea we know cuts out free loaders for which it is so stated. No problem sending us a copy by text or email.
- Your Satisfaction means doing your part to provide us proof of the claim the product did not do as advertised by providing a paid receipt of the problems fix by repair.
- Over the years this repair invoice data sent in has helped us discover what improvement in our formula needs changing to do the fix as conditions inside engines and power train component evolve.
I'm sure the problems our products remedy will end your wear problem.
Our products are the fix or remedy, or are the inside part of a engine tune up, repair, or repair service to the engine, or power-train running or performance decline negative.
Shipping-Guarantee. Guarantee:
If are products don't work as advertised.
Let us know. Our tech advice can help you lower the repair cost.
If so, we trust that will be sufficiency for not asking for a refund
For a refund. Please send us a paid receipt of repair work done that fixes your problem. Do so by texting or calling
Contact info
George Christ. Phone 512 665 3388
Mega Power Automotive, Industrial Product Distributor
210 Durango Street
San Marcos, Texas USA 78666
shipping-guarantee Factory web site product demo.
End: shipping-guarantee information.
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