New motor oil conditioner reduces oil burning, valve tap Better than motor oil treatment

You'll like this motor oil conditioner. In with 4 engine cleaning conditioners ends oil burning, and engine valve tap. "Puts off costly overhaul" car and truck owners tell us. Instantly restores what you thought was worn away power.


You don't put your dirty clothes back on after you take a shower, right?

In your motor's situation, it doesn't make sense to add a thick sticky honey like Lucas type additive to your already dirty, sticky problem-causing pistons bearings valves and gears, does it? Many do to their later regret.

Why - if you want to end your oil burning - use these cleaners first!

Every mechanic knows 3 problems 

  1. Sticky piston rings
  2. Leaky valve stem and seals.
  3. Cylinder wall wear.

causes oil burning as the picture below illustrates, and this new product from Mega Power covers all three of them to end oil burning - and a related dirty motor valve tapping problem. Those 3 problems Mega Power helps end are:

  1. Your motor's sticky piston rings. In time, your motor oil, even the best synthetic oil can't keep your piston rings clean. So, becoming sticky, your motor's 12 to 24 piston rings no longer flex to act like a good windshield wiper blade does, to swoosh your motor's oil back down off your cylinder walls into the motor's pool of oil anymore. That oil left behind is what gets sucked into your motor's combustion process - referred to as oil burning. Other ingredients described below end oil burning from your worn valve guides and their oil leaky seals. 
  2. Oil Weakening causes oil burning: Two other ingredients. Mega Power's motor oil conditioner is one included item. Not a thickener, Mega Power prevents or greatly reduces oil weakening. Oil loses its film strength from blowby contamination. this allows freed oil molecules to slip pass piston rings to burn - and permits more combustion blowby to slip down into your oil, to sludge oil quickly. Mega Power fortifies your oil film strength and extends motor oil life with its motor oil conditioner, doing so limits oil burning.
  3. Wear spaces causes oil burning: Mega Power also includes, and MC+ co-polymer motor oil conditioner to add a film to worn clinder spaces as you drive. This film closes the wear gap space where oil can slip by to burn. That is the 3 ways Mega Power helps your motor run as if newer.  All shown in the picture.                                                                                          Mega Power motor oil conditioning advantages includes a friction reducing value. More friction happens. Friction consumes horse power that should be pushing you down the road. Friction also cuts years of good life away from your motor and transmission. Mega Power is among the best anti-friction  and wear reducing motor oil conditioner products ever invented.                                                                        

Mega Power's cleaners are chemical anti-wear cleaners -not solvents. By simply adding them to your gas and oil in a week apart 2 step treatment - it's simple and easy to do.

The Mega Power cleaners, added to, and conditioning from the fuel and your motor's oiling side, uses your motor's combustion heat to clean and free your sticky piston rings and valve stems. Becoming clean and free again, excess oil is removed so none is available to burn, and oil burning disappears. Your motor oil will amazingly stay at or near the full level for 6000 miles or more, customers tell us. That's my experience,too.               

                                                                                                Mega Power - shown above, is a great improvement to help you end your oil burning compared  to the old idea from STP, Lucas, and Restore type products. Their method is that of thickening your oil is the way to reduce oil burning.  

Mega Power's  uses 4 cleaners and 2 motor conditioners and do not thicken your oil, yet end oil burning, valve tapping, and piston blowby - while it restores lost power

How The Mega Power Motor Oil Conditioner Treatment Works 3 ways so your oil can't get sucked up into the combustion cycle. Your motor needs the following help!

Order Mega Power for all your motors to restore what wear and friction is taking away from them. End oil burning, valve tap, and engine combustion blowby. And Mega Power conditions to smooth out and end rough jerky shifting - or prevent its occurrence in your transmission. Doing so in the same way as described for your motor.

Your transmission needs serviced every four years and Mega Power is the best idea to do both and gain years more trouble free driving enjoyment for both components. Guaranteed to please or your money back.

We are not opposed to the best way to help your motor - which is a $2500 motor overhaul.  Sometimes that is your only alternative. For those whose motor is pass the Warranty Period, on tight budget, feel the rest of the car is still OK, and they don't mind a little extra upgrade car care twice a year, Mega Power is an ideal fix to keep their car or truck running dependably for under $100 for a few more years - like Mike did.

Mega Power is a motor oil conditioner turned into a treatment to stop wear and residue caused problems. Mega Power Motor Oil Conditioner is a treatment using 6 items, described above. Comes with simple-to-follow  directions and Free phone help. Results are immediatly noticeable.  Order now!

To order One Mega Power Motor Oil Conditioner Treatment. Includes 6 items. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $70 plus $15s&h= $85 total.

To order two Mega Power Motor Oil Conditioner Treatments for 2 motors. Includes 12 items. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx.  Same guarantee. Just $135 plus $15s&h= $150 total. Save $20

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