Megapower Additives:
Products to end wear and residue caused performance problems. 

For cars pickups large trucks equipment boats motorcycles. 
Just add, to let chemistry do the fix!

Megapower additives car pickup diesel truck  tractor RV boat motorcycle running, operation, to end wear and tear problems.

For Problem solving. For Resale or Fleet Service. Description Ordering Info. Contact Info

Megapower-additives are helping motorist, equipment owners, and mechanics end wear and tear problems, reduce repair need, slam the brakes on premature wear out.Megapower-additives are helping motorist, equipment owners, and mechanics end wear and tear problems, reduce repair need, slam the brakes on premature wear out for less costly vehicle ownership.

Megapower additives: to ask a question, or to order products listed, Call me at 512 665 3388 ...George

Megapower additives car pickup diesel truck  tractor RV boat motorcycle running, operation, to end wear and tear problems.

Specific Megapower-Additives and Tips to Protect Your

  1. Radiator Help Click here
  2. Fuel system problem solver Click here
  3. Motor problem solver Click here
  4. Transmission problem solver Click here
  5. 4X4, Stick shift, Differential Gears Problem Solver
  6. A/C compressor system help, here

The argument for and against additives

    How my perspective about additives will help you.

    The country's expert on the use of additives. and other web sites I promote offer you the only educational way to learn about alternative  additive care and repair.

    Protection to keep your cars and equipment running as good as new - However, this page option offers the product fix needed 

    No one has found a better product yet! its because Megapower additives avoid or put off need for years of repairs, perhaps your  mechanics say are needed for the fix.  Not additives!

    We are talking about help for  chemically correcting known and unknown internal parts in engines transmissions, power steering radiator and a/c systems and their problems we found a fix for.

    For parts that become worn, sticky moving, residue hampered, and having metal-to-metal friction, that cause some operation or running performance problem they end

    They are the fix, or are the inside part of a good tune up and repair! 

    Megapower additives contain the most powerful of unique Cleaners, Conditioners, and Anti-wear ingredients: they clean, free, smooth, and protect: to end noise, leak, performance, running, shift, cooling and wear problems in both new an older, even worn cars pickups trucks tractors boats motorcycles.                                                                                                                                           Diesel and Gas Bio Additives

    While all mechanics are trained to replace worn and broken parts, we are not trained to fine and correct problems leading to their premature failure. We are Not Taught How to prevent problems.

    That's because the schools training mechanics are funded by billion dollar car makers and part suppliers whose sole purpose is to profit off the replacement of parts.

Megepower Additives should be the choice to do the fix your car and equipment needs! 

Just as when us humans become ill and medicine and therapy can end our health problems, and often prevent the need for surgery - Megapower automotive additives work the same way.

I'm The cardoctor2 Way to help you find what your car needs.

    To help, you have me and this site providing the education needed in a non-tech way so you, or any man or women can have this powerful aid to having troublesome vehicles running good as new again.

  • My background comes from being a special kind of mechanic - and not just taking many engines apart for overhaul, but using additives as part of the repair for better results.
  • To have a meaningful result with additives helping in the fix requires lots of education and experimentation - and I have plenty of both. Like a doctor with years of schooling and field testing...You benefit with a need to know given you on what ends or solves what performance running problems.

Deep Insight: With this help and this page you see how problems develop, the problem they cause, and what product or ingredient in a product helps cure or end the problem.

  • Problems in anything mechanical occur from raw friction, oil breakdown, sulfur in the oil and fuel turning acidic, combustion, extreme pressure, and metal-melting temperatures and pressures.
  • Various test - test each of those: raw friction, oil breakdown, sulfur in the oil and fuel turning acidic, combustion, extreme pressure, and metal-melting temperatures and pressures.Then test to see if there is improvement. Mega Power additives tested the best!

Of course, mechanics are not trained in any of this! They tell you to use good oils and change your fluids as scheduled. When it fails, bring your vehicle in and thy'll overhaul it. That is their expertise.

My Expertise:

    From years of such Various testing - to discover what additives end  raw friction, reduce oil breakdown, finding those that acidic conditions, improve combustion, reduce extreme pressure harm from metal-melting temperatures and pressures - few have challenges my advice - backed by such support.

    If medicine and therapy will cause noticeable improvement and a return to full health -where surgery is often the cure - so to the right kind of additives and install method  will produce a return to  like near new health of any vehicle  - regardless of age or miles.

    MegePower Additives are my choice to do all the things mentioned here. Use of my advice by thousands of mechanics and field results prove the claims I make.

    My claim: If the story seems to fit your trouble, the Megapower additives remedy given will be the best fix for it!

To protect your new and troublesome vehicles use our Megapower additives treatments in your engine transmission, radiator , power steering, and a/c systems.

When installed as  part of your old oil or fluid replacement - Good running vehicles run quieter and better. Quick results shown!

    By using a special program that gives live readings of a dozen or more actions going on in your engine and transmission - any improvement from negative to positive, or positive to negative shows what works deep inside. Megapower additives prove best!

    And by talking to the few experts in the additive research and sales field - who actually invent real products, I've chosen Mega Power additives, oil treatments, engine, transmission, and fuel treatments from such findings to produce what you might call a revitalizing factor cars need as time goes by.

    Those are expert-gaining experiences showing the use of one particular brand of additive called Mega Power, prevents common wear-out speed rates of your pistons, bearings, valves, and gears. My personal experience, and those of motorist and equipment owners using Mega Power have help us gain years longer life, and a like-new performance in all our new, even older, worn vehicles. With Mega Power, our vehicles avoid many common, costly engine transmission radiator repairs - others, using other methods of care have This may give you reason to test for yourself as this page suggest.

    By such Mega Power usage experience, we Mega Power "believers" come to the conclusion you pay for Mega Power benefits - even if you don't use Mega Power in costly operation and much shorted vehicle life.

    So, investment in bumper to bumper Mega Power treatments are money saving. Why not get them by making Mega Power part of your maintenance care? This page show how...

    I'll show you what to use and how and when to use Mega Power on this web site and by phone. I also personally guarantee you will see a power, zip, and bit of fuel economy improvement in any new to old and worn-out car truck tractor, or machine you add Mega Power into - as I show you how to use Mega Power!

    In performance comparison test - where you do a tune up, and add any other brand additive to the motor and drive around the block for a road test, if ---

  • Pressing the gas pedal to the floor from standstill, holding it there as the car shifts thru the gears to 60mph- with your additive choice.. Then..
  • You add Mega Power to the fuel and oil, you will see that Mega Power gives your car a significant zip and power noticeable increase -This is because Mega Power is the only brand to do so.
  • Mega Power's MC+ cleaning freeing  smoothing and coating of every part releases more horsepower, other brands don't have the ingredients to do so.
  • Because Mega Power goes where other additives and oils can't go and restores original function to the affected - problem causing areas - deep inside your engines and transmissions - your original like-new function and horsepower output returns - showing what our claims provide you.

While doing so, Mega Power slams the brakes on the wear-out cycle -promoting years longer life - and that is what you thought all additives and synthetic oils should do - but only Mega Power does!

    Isn't that what you're really after? Sure - and only Mega power provides it! Order Mega Power below now, and get on with real protection.

    Therefore, my argument is favorable for only this specific brand called Mega Power for those reasons.

    Mega Power product ingredients produce those superior advantages by going to problem areas of your brand new - and even worn older cars and equipment, where no product, no motor oil, even synthetic oils and fuels cannot go to stop acid damage, removes residues, and friction drag. Doing so produces the results I speak of.

    That speaks for the case of one brand of additive called Mega Power!

Mega Power Engine Tune Up Additives

Mega Power - megapower additives, oil treatments, engine, transmission, fuel treatment comes packaged in a 12 oz size treatment form for cars, pick ups, and such. In gallons for large equipment with big oil capacities. And in the set-up shown in the picture for mechanics. Mega Power is made to upgrade your factory 3000, 6000, 50,000, 100,000 mile engine transmission, power steering, and radiator oil and fluid change services. They exceed Mercedes Benz, and all equipment maker specs.

Megapower additives: engine, transmission oil treatments and fuel treatments  with cleaners, conditioners, friction modifiers, and super slippery additives

- which are installed and work in a 2 step manner. Our 2 step easy-to-do steps is what recover power deterring and power absorbing conditions in your engine, transmission, radiator, power steering a/c and drive axles and fuel.

  • The Mega Power Engine Treatment is a 6 item treatment to service both top and bottom of your engine.
  • The Mega Power Radiator, Power Steering, and Transmission Treatments come as a 3 item treatment - and provides the same benefits.
  • The 2 product install steps are: Add the pre cleaners. Drive. Then replace the old oil and fluids with new. Then add the Mega Power conditioners and protectors to the new oil or fluids. That's it! Driving does the actual fix, improvement, and protection! These 4 Mega Power Component Treatments come with easy to install directions, phone help, guarantee, and shipped to your door by FedEx in about 3 days.>

Mega Power treats to clean restore and protect your cars fuel system [Dealer price $98 or more], cleans fuel injectors [Add $50 to the $150 price], clean idle and air intake system [dealer includes this service], Cleans combustion system [$125 more at the dealer], cleans egr and emission smog systems, o2 sensors [$500 more at the dealer], cleans catalytic converters [$500 up].

Bottom cleanings of your engine valve system [$1500 if replacement], the piston ring system [add $1000 more to the $1500], and the oiling system [add $300 more to the bill. You can see...

Ordering page click here.

Mega Power cleaning and problem-solving conditioners provide the ideal your cars and equipment need for anti-wear features no other product has.

    One such anti-wear feature is the ability to neutralized acids - the predominant engine, transmission, fuel, and cooling system killer, or trouble maker. Monthly additions to your fuel tank keeps acid damage away. Added during fluid changes keeps acid damage away in those areas.

Mega Power is a leader in the development of problem-solving, problem-preventing chemistry. MC+ friction modifier is one example.

  • They work on the molecular level. At that level, Mega Power uses friction, heat, and pressure to assist the chemistry's ability to reverse and end the cause of many problems.
  • Mega Power does so safely and completely by providing the exact cleaning, freeing, healing, smoothing, that ends the cause of the problem and power loss.
  • Some problems end in minutes, others take a day or so.
  • The total of all Mega Power Advantages working together is how Megapower additives increases power; power once absorbed, to free up and go through to the wheels - as more available power.
  • You may notice 20 to 40 more miles distance between fill ups.
  • Occasional touch-up applications, as recommended in your fix, can continue the benefits years past what any other method of care can provide.

End all of your cars and equipment avoidable wear problems, and restore their performance - like me, and tens of thousands are doing, with my Mega Power tips, and product suggestions - listed below. megapower-additives

Specific Megapower-additive Tips to protect your

  1. Radiator Click here
  2. Fuel system
  3. Motor
  4. Transmission
  5. 4X4, Stick shift, Differential gear
  6. A/C compressor system help, here

Need personal help? Call or email me for help with any of your vehicle problems, or to have a product usage question you want answers to.

Call, I'm here to help you. I'm George Christ, answering the megapower-additives help line desk at 1 512 665 3388 Or, email me at,

Use megapower-additives for like-new power and zip.

Use megapower-additives to see your problem disappear.

Meet the inventor of Megapower-additives, Bud Esterline, one of two of America's genius additive formulators.

    Out of all the additives and oil companies in the world, Chrysler found his Mega Power the only product capable of stopping pre-mature engine failure, in brand new vehicles.

    For this reason, it was added to brand new motors on the assembly line. A benefit to Chrysler and future owners of their vehicles.

The purpose and use of Mega Power Additives -

    Has been for millions of motorist to purchase them for an inexpensive way to correct dozens of costly-to-repair, performance problems their vehicles and equipment experience, from when new, until the time they are sold or traded in.

How Megapower-additives, work compared to other popular additives

    Most people have seen the dirty, messy condition of a motor taken apart for repair. Since the 1930's, solvent-based additives have been used to clean and free binding internal parts.

    Solvents have their bad side, also. They destroy the oil film between moving parts. With today's tighter, extra power-producing designs, solvents create instant, added friction by destroying the oil film separating moving parts. PLEASE NOTE ABOUT THIS NEGATIVE...

    More metal-to-metal abrasion always occurs when solvents are added to the motor. Solvent-labeled products made for engine and transmission care will cause pre-mature wear-out.

    Down the road in time, one never suspects the solvent based additive speeds up their engine and transmission failure.

    They is why solvent-based products labels warn you against increasing the motor speed - and revving-up the engine speed up. Now, you can see why.

    With Mega Power products you don't have that problem - ever!

Bud Esterline invented a new cleaning formula chemistry - free of solvent, that depends upon moving parts and hi engine temperatures to liquefy that harmful, sticky goo.

    Add the "our Mega Power Cleaner" to old oil or fluid, run 5 minutes, then change oil. Lube jockeys always say, your old oil comes our thicker - not watery, as is common.

"From my experience, Mega Power is the best engine, transmission, power steering conditioner, I ever tried," say many first-time-users. So will you!

    The "extra-benefit factor," keeps oil cooler; by its ability to friction modify - as it cleans. Less friction drag produces less heat for oil to carry away, dissipate. To keep oil cooler where it needs the most strength.

    A point easily noticed on vehicles with an oil temperature gauge - and easily noticed when mixed with axle gear fluid and wheel bearing grease 10%.

    Usage at oil and fluid change intervals extends for years a vehicle and equipment dependability and usage, and fuel economy - better than any other method.

megapower-additives, an anti-wear...cleaner

    Mega Power additives removes sludge, motor oil, transmission and power steering fluid, and cooling system anti freeze leaves behind, and responsible for doubling the rate of wear, even tho older, dirty oils and fluids are replaced with new.

As an anti-wear...friction reducer and friction modifier with its "MC+" ingredient

    Mega Power stops fluid leaks. Go 20 to 40 more miles on fill-ups. Fixes over 20 problems. Free Menu of Care available.

Go to this web site for problem solving and tech help tips - or call us at 1- 512 665 3388

To Order for personal use or resell in your garage or business.
Call 1 512 665 3388
Email your interest to:

megapower-additives. My favorites

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