Learn more Earn more: Marketing your way to success as a Distributor.
As an Auto Repair Shop Owner

Earn more Learn more in Marketing your way to success is an on going Program successful business owners practice.

Learn More! Call for perspective. 512 665 3388.

    While we are in the additive wholesale business, us distributors and the company is in the education business.

    The profit off such education for your auto repair business owner will put an extra $50,000 to $250,000 income into his pocket over the next 5 years - he will never earn without you and Mega Power's help.

    The profit off such sales your earn, will depend on your financial needs, its motivation, and your drive to help other succeed.

    I can tell you I eventually had over 100 accounts in my area, and each account made me $100 to $300 profit every month.

    The first couple accounts were the hardest for me. After that, I used them and their experiences to create curiosity for others to try the product in their truck - to get acquainted with Mega Power. That demo helps them see what's new and potentially profitable - they want products that makes them look good in the customers eyes.

    Your introduction to help them see how capture $50 k to $250 k income now slipping thru their fingers, and now driving in and out of their business - going into the pockets of competitors - with their help, is a promise no other additive selling company can match.

Help them make more income - in an easier, but better way

    Your marketing efforts, to help the local auto repair and service business owner provide an extra, much need $50 k to $250 k income, now slipping thru the business owners fingers - is what motivates Mega Power Distributors to call on prospects and identify their reason for being.

    What other level of profit-improving help is there for him? There is none but Mega Power. A business improving gain for both you and him, only Mega Power can provide. This is because...

You are there for them

    You and Mega Power satisfy the best way to fill the need mechanics have for profit-improving help. They need to buy from you, if they are to ever improve their tune up, auto repair, and maintenance expertise - and double their income, while doing so.

    This simple program produces an automatic, and unlimited income source for the Mega Power Distributor and each Mechanic he develops into this expertise.

2 goals you reach:

  1. Acquaint the mechanic with your way to fill his profit improving need. To do so with new, hi-tech problem-solving services that end his customers worrisome, hidden wear and tear. You are there to help profit by them.
  2. Educate him on how best to get started is by trying it in his car. And how to do so with each of his customers. Help him understand how You and MP are the only means for him and his family to raise $50,000 to $250,000 extra income over the next 60 months.
  3. Call me now to see how you can get started in your local area. Check to see if its open. Call me at 512 665 3388 .... george

Mega Power is unique in that

    Mega Power is the only product made to safely and instantly remove the growing accumulation of friction and problem-causing residues that bind pistons, bearings, valves, gears, an tune up controls - in cars, RV's, large trucks heavy equipment, and industrial machinery. This is possible because....

    Friction and oil breakdown residues both residues and absorbs 5 to 15% of the horsepower slowing your road speed 5 miles or more - as time goes buy.

    Actual problems can be stopped - like that making motors burn oil, cause engine valves to stick and tap, more engine noise, harder starting, rough idle, stalling, high emissions, and sticky and friction based problems to cause gear slip, rough shifts.

  • Supplying mechanics a monthly supply of needed car tune and repair products. These products provide special problem-solving capabilities.
  • Your business helps mechanics increase the profits by tens of thousands of dollars every year and is not possible in any other way.
  • Our products do so by giving the mechanic a new way to satisfy each customers car care performance restoring needs the car owner cannot get in any other way.
  • With my method, my auto repair shop accounts learn new repair techniques and powerful selling sentences in a monthly CD, online, or newsletter as part of the training benefits I provide. This helps the accounts motivation and expertise - and their customers become dependent upon it. Its true!
  • Unlike other products with limited capabilities, the mechanics Mega Power Product Expertise increases the car owners confidence that this mechanic is filling their unmet need for extending the dependability of the customer's car - even older, out-of-warranty cars.
  • As motor vehicles run years longer between major overhauls, Mega Power Product usage will grow the mechanics profits as they satisfy the need to maintain vehicles in their older, worn stage of life, competitors cannot.

You the distributor, sub distributor and sales person representing the distributor, need no car fixing skills or knowledge in this business.

Sub-distributor inventory investment starts at $2500

Mega Power Distributor Options: What we offer:

Check out Mega Power's Car Tune and Repair Products. Mega Power offers exclusive, unlimited profit making options to let you work from home and be home every night. Call for perspective and your investment or sales opportunity. 512 665 3388.

What you would do as a Mega Power Distributor.

You provide profitable new income producing service products to mechanics from Mega Power. Mega Power Products are top quality and unique in that Mega Power Products gives mechanics a new source of much needed income.

Your accounts, those you create, buy a starting inventory from you, get promotional help from you, and depend on you as a monthly source to refill their products needs. You work off a price sheet.

You are shown how to develop accounts, and trained them to know how to show how to detect hidden wear and tear problems in their customers cars. This education extends their tune and repair expertise.

The mechanic's customer's quickly see those car problems could be much costlier to end, if not treated with Mega Power. The profit off such conclusions for the mechanic easily amount to several hundred dollars extra profit nearly every day!

This can amount to $1000 extra service income off each customer, not possible for the mechanic to earn, except with Mega Power. The average mechanic has 1000 customers. And sees about 50 a month.

Mega Power is cash and carry type business, meaning most of your accounts pay for items purchased in advance, or at delivery.

Mega Power Distributor Options: Investment needed

Mega Power Distributor Inventory Investment required: $5000 to $25,000.

Unlimited Income is possible in many businesses by learning to market yourself and product to sufficient prospects who see they can better themselves my following your advice.

Like all skills, mastering the marketing skill is not a one time event, but one refined by testing your message. Testing is an effort as difficult as learning a new language.

Marketing is the message that gathers most likely prospects and says about you: They have what I need.

Selling from your inventory, keeping the amount over cost as income, and using the cost portion amount to replace your sold inventory.

Add Mega Power to your check list of business opportunities for your area. Do so by learning more about Mega Power, their products, your affiliation, and start up help.

Mega Power Distributors make an above average income providing problem-solving wear and residue caused engine, transmission, cooling, and steering system products so local area mechanics can have a local source supplier.

Your Mega Power re-sellers usually stock a months supply - which they draw from, as sales of services to customers occur during the month. They depend on you to refill sold inventory.

Distributor options. Mega Power 's work from home business. Call now to ask a question about your area. 512 665 3388

Who would benefit from Mega Power Products.

Mega Power satisfy's the car and equipment service, tune up, and repair needs of car dealer service departments and their used cars departments, also.

Auto repair franchisers, like Midas, Mineky, and independent auto repair businesses, small fleet owners, heavy equipment owners, industrial equipment owners, and individual car and equipment owners are all prospects who need Mega Power.

Call if you have a question, or for more details at 512 665 3388 ....george

Mega Power Distributor Options: What is Mega Power?

Mega Power is a new type of fuel, engine, radiator, transmission, steering, and air conditioning anti-wear, with wear and specific problem solving and problem avoiding advantages - no other product has. Mega Power is unique because its proprietary ingredients are not harmful like other additives.

Mega Power slows down the rate of wear out such, in 5 components every vehicle has. Many car and equipment owners brag of gaining a second life span by using Mega Power in their new cars and equipment compared to those who use other methods of car care. Mega Power products are different and superior than common part store additives. Mega Power Distributor Options: The niche you can own.

A big and profitable niche. Mega Power fills this niche solving wear and performance problems in out of warranty vehicles. Mega Power does so by cleaning and freeing of problem causing performance problems. Internal parts are cleaned and friction modified, and with surface protecting ingredients, the mechanic makes any car, truck, tractor, Rv, run good as new again. This is where a huge unmet need exist. A huge profit maker for the mechanic, whose income producing ways are limited - if not subscribing to the Mega Power Program. Once understood, Mega Power trained accounts become your lifetime customer - having a lifetime customer value of income amounting to $5000 to 10,000 each, for the Distributor.

Mega Power Product Coverage. Each of these

  • Fuel systems
  • Engines and their cooling systems
  • Transmission
  • Steering, and
  • Air conditioning systems
  • provide anti-wear - a power boosting aid, and problem-solving profit-making opportunities for the mechanic and vehicle owner.

Each of the above Distributor Options provide a potential profit growing avenue. Using an unending educational means to acquaint more and more prospects in your locale is what grows the business for you.

Your Mega Power Distributor Options include a Wholesale Distributorship. You're shown how to promote a profit making solution no one else can!

Your Distributor Options Market: Primarily, automotive service and repair and also industrial engine, transmission, lube oil change businesses. They will like your fuel, oil, fluid conditioning aids, each packaged to prevent or end an internal residues and wear caused performance problems - their many customers have. No one else sells a preventative and problem-ending product. The potential market is huge for them and you.

Each requires and education - we call selling.

The Distributor options income potential: Unlimited income.

Please note: Price markup includes cost of doing your business and your profit - Gross profit is more or less 50% to 100% markup. Example: Small sale of $250 might be 2 cases of products a mechanic will buy and consume every month - if he wants to earn an extra $500 profit. Your profit +- $50-$100 from that sale.

That method has made me and my family a life style that lets me work 8 months out of the year and travel and do charitable work for four months, I feel, no other type product or business opportunity, other than Mega Power can offer. It's an enjoyable type business acquiring many new friendships along its profitable way. Mega Power fills a new need...

In new vehicles and equipment,

By friction modifying with anti-wear cleaners and MC+ in the fuel and oil fluids. Friction is highest when tight new parts mesh and wear in - called seating, by mechanics. 2 out of 5 or 6 cars and trucks never end this break-in period. That means, they will have years of future life worn away - surprising the owner of such by their having a shorten engine and transmission life.

How do you know which vehicles have more friction?

I wish I knew that answer. You do after you install Mega Power as directed - and the car suddenly starts easier, runs smoother when cold, and has a bit more power pulling away from red lights, climbing hills with heavy loads, and by going 20 to 40 more miles on each gas fill up.

The car or truck when new seems to require no additive improvement, but has it wear pattern put set from new. Then 4 years and about 75,000 miles, sticky residues and friction is such those cars and equipment will show a noticeable improvement - showing Mega Power advantages at work. Many start with Mega Power in every component when new, to slam the brakes on wear at that stage. Longer life and fewer repair trouble results, compared to what neighbors have, using other methods of care. 

In out of warranty vehicles: Mega Power avoids costly and premature avoidable wear out, providing years longer usage of a vehicle than any other method of care.

Mega Power solves over 400 wear and tear problems with less that 2 dozen products. A profitable market 

Smoother operation and a bit lower energy or fuel consumption designates Mega Power's hidden anti-wear advantages, customers see as an assuring possibility for them.

In older vehicles, Mega Power restores an older vehicles like-new power, performance, and dependability for the vehicle owner - and retailer you supply possible in two ways.

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The Money? An above averag income where you are the Boss and determine your income. Making it easy is our job. Enjoy a business where you help auto repair shops improve their weak marketing skills to help them double their income making ability. Our Programs does that and is what being a Distributor For Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is all about. Imagine earning 5000 to 10,000 thousands dollars every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? Find out! No obligation to askquestion or try it out to see its potential for yourself.

Request a report to learn how to get started. Perhaps, if not for you, you may know someone who could benefit from this opportunity. Send them a note with our phone number. Add its info on your blog, website, forum, Facebook or Instagram account by using the HTML link code below. Thank you for considering this opportunity. George. 512 665 3388

Sales positions.PNeed more income? Can you sell? 

Imagine a part-time monthly income, making you hundreds, even thousands in EXTRA monthly income while you sleep, play, do other things.  

Like this idea? We are looking for local reps to open and service towns and areas across North America with our products. Above average income can make your life better. 

That's the life we have, enjoy, and offer. Learn about its freedom. Its has unlimited income potential. Offers a satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many locals - who will become your clients profiting off our products. 

Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

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