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Enjoy Keeping Car Trouble Causes Away.
Car Care Tips To Do So:
Me and are giving you two tips for better car care. For their problem ending shortcuts.
This TIP explains their cause and why problems unexpectedly appear - and why oil and fluids can't prevent troubles. What will?
The big 5 negatives start when new and you drive off the showroom floor.
They increase the strain on movement, increase friction drag binding, and start a rapid micro-wearout - usually of the components weakest parts. That shuts everything else down.
Continuing the good operation you paid for.
After all, enjoying the new car and equipment zip, power, fuel economy you invested in so heavily, has you thinking the oil changes and servicing prevents troubles - That is a half truth Ill expose to show you what you really need as we go along here in the story.
To end a common costly appearing troublemaker you can:
How so, you may wonder?
By their unique way of slamming the brakes on unexpected wearout, nothing in oils and fluids offer. Oh, they say they do so but offer no proof. We do!
How the sollution you can use was found.
Mega Power Additive researchers went tino auto repair shops to see for themselves whats engine and transmission and radiator causing problem looks like.
Unlike others profiting off sales alike a store might, who say," These are the various products listed we foun 10 best. Choose the one you need. However, you are actually looking for that help - you are not the experti.
On the other hand Mega Power Researchers went looking for ingrdients to end each of the problems. I added the recipe to follow for their install. You now have 2 experts in one source for both. They are your solution to them.
How you can end and keep car troubles away.
By adding to each oil and fluid change interval the components treatment kit our option treatments from Mega Powr Brand start ir slamming of the brakes on wear at the monement. And healing any damage betwen oil and fluid change intervals, push major repair problems out of the next 100,000 miles.
That is how they avoid your costly repair expenses and replacment burdens.
Think about it, night and day negatives eating away your vehicles life or stopping them. Which is better?
If you value your vehicles tens-of-thousands investment debt, made to make your life eaiser; to make work easier, more profitable. Order my Me and Treatments to service them fcovering the next 2 years. It becomes most important .....Slow down how pistorings and valves thstay inside from poping up serious operating problems - like mushrooms poping up on your lawn after a rain. Like a police stop for not coming to a full stop.
Unlike the transmission, radiator, steering and a/c systems which are best cared for with service treatments every two years, engines need this care at each oil change - which should be around every six months.
Engines are constantly bathed in a constant cut-its-life-in-half soup that causes those sudden oveheating, valve tapping, oil burning, seal and gasket leaks that shut them down, and their $3000 to $10,000 engine repairs,- needed - years to soon. Or worst! Premanture replacement?
Is $100 for the Mega Power Engine Treatment - made to avoid them worth it, along with the $75 oil change cost every 6 months when engine oil changes are needed?
Is $100 for the Mega Power Engine Treatment - made to remove every trouble brewing negative that makes those costly repairs necessary - but can be avoided by its covering:
the engine acid removal -
removed by its sludge removal items #2, and #4,
and fuel system cleaner and combustion piston ring and valve
carbon removing cleaners with items #1 and #3 in the kit.
friction reduction item #5,
and #6 conditioners
heal the last 6 months damage,
fill worn surfaces,
and return the like new clean smooth, powerful, zippy
performance worth its $100 cost? Every oil change?
Its like caring for your heart and organs.
You either do or die sooner.
In the meantime, the cost, and restrictions of life style,
messing with daily pill taking, standing inline for them at
the pharmacy when you could be golfing or fishinh with good
Doctors checkups,
and see the passing away of friends who started
health care when finding one foot in the grave!
So to, the effort to install our Mega Power Engine Treatment to protect your cars innards.
I make my living helping you keep your car living. Its not that costly to do so.
Its costly when sudden trouble boils over into your life.
This tips answers the question ?
Is $100 for the Mega Power Engine Treatment - made to avoid them worth it, along with the $75 oil change cost every 6 months when engine oil changes are needed?
Call me as all your cars need bumper to bumper servicing. and its way better than the dealer stuff gives you.
If you cannot install them, have your mechaic do them with my phone guidence - its frre. He may do so for a $100 bill plus the oils and fluids cost.
What is the cost for our products packaged to flush clean, treat, condition, and protect each component? [They are the compnents problems-ending fix; avoiding their repair cost].
Cars/Pickups ... Diesels/Equipment Drums/pallet
Engine Treatment $100 $200 Call
Transmission Treatment $75 $125
Radiator Treatment $75 $ 75
Power Steering T-ment $75 $ 75
A/C Treatment $49 $ 49
Race cars and Sports cars, taxies, Towing vehicles, buses, delivery vans, police cars, classic cars life is harder on those vehicles. But the sme treatments work equally well for them.
Mega Power Slo-Wear additives will keep your fuel delivery injectors and combustion area CLEAN - along with its valves and piston rings. cms, lifterss, oil pump and lines clean. When dirty, power drops, and oil turns to sludge, acids eat away part surfaces. wear increase, problems results. They restore.
Tip: Service youur vehicles bumper to bumper now. The flush and protectors will turn back the wear mileage 20,000 miles to drive over again. Prevent the cause of their problems.
Maintenance and Care Product setup for part stores and auto repair garages with their normal price discont for volume buying.
Review of popular products bought recently.
Job outlook looking dim? Try building a local monthly route supplying our products to the many businesses around you. Start up cost as low as zero. Potential income $1000 to 5k monthly. Call if interested. Canvessing for accounts starts you off.
To order products to keep your vehicles going and going call me geroge at 512 665 3388 Sales world wide.
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