Contact info: auto tune up and repair avoiding options. The resource to easier bumper-to-bumper problem-ending solutions. Made even easier to get your car working great and back on the road. To ask a question, on a smart phone, to order items listed, call me at 512 665 3388 - I'm here for you.

DIY Auto tune up and repair options is Not like other sites:

   They show you what they sell, and you see if its what you need.

Instead ….Here, we list:

  1. Exact solution listed by your vehicle troubles. 
  2. Exclusive cleaners, conditioners, friction modifiers and protective coatings included in each service.
  3. And the choices and cost for its fix each way. 
  4. The good and bad of each one.
  5. See why our solution may be your best solution. 
  6. We guaranteed it to also end your car problem.
  7. Have it at your door in 3 days.
  8. Service all your components with our specials and have your car ready to go for years to come.

In 5 minutes reading you will know more than your mechanic about ways to end the problem.

So find in the menu what you need to do so and order it.

Your auto tune up and repair avoiding option gives you the knowledge to know, if doing the repair the mechanic knows the best and cheapest way to end your car problem.

Do this first to end the problem.

 Read this site over. Its the largest explainations of Do-it-Yourself fuel engine transmission radiator steering and a/c car and heavy equipment  servicing products to end your bumper to bumper automtive operating and mechanical problems -

 Each a cheaper faster amazing way to avoid their expensive overhaul need. Invented to chemically reverse the problem cause

#1. Car care you can count on

#2. Say goodbye to car troubles using these less known, but better problem ending options.

#3. Fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c  treatments & diagnostic tools you can trust

#4. The one-stop shop for your car's bumper-to-bumper, not seen, internal needs.

#5. Our guarantee : Enjoy - problems gone, more responsive vehicles NOW!

Start now!

Little Known Easy-to-do Services to return and keep your good-as-new car feel - End problems with a professional Tune-n-End Problem Ending Feature.

You now are about to learn the bumper to bumper component servicing treatments to end your new to older, even high mileage vehicle operating and mechanical, rubbing rolling pushing pulling -  part trouble. And the best part is…. they pay for themselves!

So find in the menu what you need to do so and order it.

Get the hidden problem ending service hidden from most people that ends vehicle problems - even mechanical ones in the:

Fuel system





A/C systems.

 It's secret is the ingredients that  - chemically changes the years of dirty, wear roughen, bogged-down with friction pistons bearings valves and gears troublesome causes back to the smooth clean smooth troublefree state it had when new.

I've gone with one more advancement to fixing your car problem.

I have a lesson on every know car and equipment problem that explains the cause and the additives to end them - for those who want to control their own cars destiny - instead of wear and tear and mechanics. 

Read what people say about the auto tune up and repair options for solving their problem. Give them a try and lok for the signs of change to identify the results I show you to look for. 

Once you try the auto tune up and repair avoiding option and see it work, youmay become a beliver and serivic al your bumper to bumper components with the brand I chose making it possibe to help you with each lesson.

It may be the fix in 95 out of 100 cars.
I want you to consider as the best way to not only 
end your car or deisel problem.
To use it to avoid avoidable wear and tear additives can control as part of your new car care servicing to.

Read a few pages clicking the menu button and reading this page to END your fuel, engine, transmission, and radiator and other component problems, chemically.  That's the option here.

It's secret is the ingredients that  - chemically changes the years of dirty, wear roughen, bogged-down with friction pistons bearings valves and gears troublesome causes back to the smooth clean troublefree state it had when new.

diy auto tune up and repair options.

   Solving engine, gear and cooling problems is not difficult once you learn this secret how to.

    The secret: END your fuel, engine, transmission, and radiator and other component problems, chemically. Why this way? Nasty chemicals causes their problem. 

    And, never is it a broken part problem. Just one or a few parts upsetting the whole good running state. Where acid pitting, varnish, sludge, carbon, and friction is causing their upsetting worrisome problem for you.

    You may know mechanics want to charge you up to $7000 to fix this problem, by hand clean up, and replacing the still good, but trouble-causing parts with new parts. I've done it hundreds of times - and saved the parts to do cheap overhauls for customers in need of such. However...

    Me and many others found the ingredients to freeup, cleanup, smooth out, and fill worn spaces - a conditioning that ends the problem by reversing the cause, invented in Mega Power Additives - I'll show you to use - making their add-n-drive the real secret to end to ending their problem possible.

    With me explaining their secret - you will have the fix option here. You will have a bumper-to-bumper problem solving remedy, but also giving your vehicles so treated,  an amazing, impressive, LIKE NEW driving improvement.

    This is because the cleaning, removing friction, and healing their damage changes dirty, wear roughen, problem-causing internal parts back to the clean, new state where the problem goes away.

    It blew my mind away when I discovered this secret mega Power figured out. 

    So effective - I found, as the right way to  clean a components sludge out before adding new oils and fluids, when doing the cars every 2 years component servicing, they had a secert life it not only end wear and tear problems. Customers told me so after a few weeks of driving it took away the cars little running problem of

  • burning oil 
  • stop its valve tapping, 
  • stops its smeely compression blow by
  • smooth out its rough shifting, 
  • stop its overhating 
  • endded the whine in the steering system 
  • make the vent temps cool better.
  • Had the strong but quiet state of a new car. 

  - its added value is to treat every part soon to fail in a way they will last as long as the longest wearing parts.
    After 40 years of seeing it so, I guarantee you will have the same result at my risk, after one try.
    That is why my auto tune up and problem ending option I sell to car buffs, auto mechanics, repair shops. However, if you give them a try for this problem - I guarantee the will be your cheapest, fastest, most amazingly impressive problem solving method ever -

    One, you and your family will be grateful for knowing all your life.  I'll have your treatment at your door in a few days with directions easy to install by anyone, with me by phone, to end such problems together...




It offers the missing ingredients to ending performance and operating problems...

Instead of doing so by repair.

Why People Choose Mega Power as their car and diesel problem solver...

It services away their car problems.

The M P Service Product is cheaper, faster, and has better results!

Better because its the only product I know of using 6 MC+ ways to end vehicle problems - without repair. 

MC+ is the acronym for metal conditioning features that give it its power to end and prevent wear problems.  

They make possible such possible at a fraction of the cost and time involved actual repair takes.

That's my experience with Mega Power additives.

And I've made Kits of what's needed to end your problem a simple choice.

So, ending all sources of your car equipment problem at a low price - not a scam idea to bait you with a low price, then cost you a lot more to get all that's needed. Not Me or Mega Power!

For example of 100% covrage:

Question? Don't all additives offer 100% coverage?

Try them and see like I did. Trying all I could find, dozens of them and found all are a joke on the buyer. Not Mega Power - nor Bud Esterline, its inventor... He is a total problem-solver guy.

It my job to show you the Mega Power Engine Treatment to end your problem - guaranteed. For example; engine problem solving:

  • Covers every aspect of the engine from gas gap to exhaust tip - and all in between its problem. 
  • That's because each needs care for cleanup and friction reduction contributing to your car problem.  
  • And Mega Power 100% aspect is its secret to get you running in a hour or so time  - economically.

 It covers:

  • Removing moisture rcausing rust in the syste.
  • fuel injectors, and 
  • also cleans spark plugs, ending misfires caused by being dirty
  • Removes combustion carbon knoch as it does so. 
  • Even cleans the smog system. 
  • I enjoy no more fuel waste,
  • No more lost fuel economy and 
  • No more smelly exhaust. 
  • And no more repair need.

No matter. Coverage is 100% from each of the 6 service products. One for each component. They get the job done to get you back on the road trouble free. 

  • 100% fuel, engine, transmission, cooling, steering, a/c.

As for my operating problem that worried me so, it has gone away! This is beacuse...

Mega Power's invented  friction reduction MC+. It features a smoothing away of any, even wear caused surface problems.

No more horsepower absorbing negatives.

With no more piston bearing valve and gear friction to suck away horsepower.

So find in the menu what you need to do so and get it in 3 days.

For new to older vehicles. Even if  older and worn. They are not!, when their not!

MP extends the cleanliness of the fluids and oils. MP also protects by removing the acidic condition that cuts a vehicle’s life in half - oil is suppose to but can't!

And I like that fact MP can also be the same service product for my new, as well as older cars and diesels.

Their anti-wear value exceeds the car and diesel makers service service warranty requirements. This feature also saves me more money and time because I can do the MP serving myself if I so chose to.

And finally, I enjoy the amazing hot-rod-like, racy tire burning tune up power my vehicles now have. Performance they never had before. With plenty more horsepower output - no longer sucking up power, I now can carry the heaviest loads with ease.

Climb the steepest hills a gear higher for better fuel savings. Spend $5 or more less at the gas pump as my vehicles are gaining 20 to 40 more miles on each tank of fuel.The MP brand does not actually cost me a dime! It pays me to

use it because of its fuel, engine and gear problem-solving features. I benefit every day from their life-improving exclusive ingredients.

If you want to enjoy the same life improving benefits take a test drive with MP inside! MP keeps more hard earned money in your pockets by ending car and equipment trouble instead of by repair.

Enjoy the only ideal care and protection for your new vehicles, too! I hope you experience the MP brand servicing products. Test its cheaper, faster, better solution for your car care and problem-ending needs. You are paying for it even if not using Mp. try a service pack today and get them at half price.

So Mega Power Researches, lead by the owner, Bud Esterline used a holistically approach that not only clean up aand freed every trouble causing engine part or component system - but the causes of them! Quite an accomplishment! ! The problem causing problem is healed with MC+ - and ingredients in 2 steps - my addition to the problem solving. This returns the vehicle to normal - amazingly. As you use driving to do so.

The right additives are made by the Mega Power Brand. Their Engine Conditioning Treatment - detailed here on

The way to end transmission problems, radiator problems, steering problems - even a/c problems instead of replacing their dirty, wear roughen, trouble-causing parts - to end their problem? Or prevent them!

That is the auto tune up and repair option solution, made to end the problem, does so by reversing it - with the same results as a repair! But, cheaper and faster! And adding yaers additional driving usage by doing so.

NO ONE HAS EVER SAID, NOT SO! 2 refunds have been given in the last year!

If acid, residue, sludge, and friction, [wear and tear] or- you don't know what's causing your car problem, Mega Power Additive Conditioners Can End the Problem! OR EXPOSE IT! How so? Mega Power Additive Conditioners End Internal Problems By Reversing The Problem Cause!



They are my auto-tune-up-and-repair-and-repir solutions, here to help you understand the causes, remove them, and enjoy a new power of control over when repair is really needed. I hope I convinced you to give them a try.

It's your car. How do you want to protect it !00% of the way -oooooof course!

Read over the site and its solutions to get the How-to sense of it. I'm your Expert in, for ending your vehicle problems 100% oof the way. george christ

REVIEW: You may know, a mechanic ends your car problems by taking your engine apart. He may spend a few days to clean the mucky residues off everything he can reach, as he replaces your cars troublesome parts with new ones. I know I'm a mechanic.

Other parts we may ignore as still good. However..

It is seldom ever a broken part! Just dirty or binding causing the problem. If one  of many identical parts have the problem. Like pistons, rings, valves, lifters, bearings, gears and such, all of them will be replaced with the trouble causing ones. Cost can run thousands of dollars for the vehicle owner....

That's how cars are fixed .HOWEVER...

Did you know, since residues - and friction bind to cause all mechanical malfunction problems, additives that remove both residues - and friction, then heal the damage can also end the problem?

Here's How I can help you select the right additives to end your problem!

  • It takes conditioners. Not just any additive. The Brand that does so?

Introducing Problem Ending Mega Power Brand Additive Conditioners.

Mega Power Conditioning Additives perform a variety of internal conditioning jobs that combined, end the problem - that new parts also do - but, way cheaper! And better!


Mega Power Brand Additive Conditioners Fix or End and remove imbalances that cause over 400 vehicle performance and wear problems. Any one of them causes your problem mobility. By returning internal parts to normal, by reversing the negatives causing your car problem. The problem just goes away!

Opposers to these auto tune up and repair options!

Why they tell you, not to use additives?

Yet, every car and equipment maker says - "SERVICE YOUR VEHICLES LIKE I TELL YOU TO - to protect the cost of your investment from harm. Don't add additives or they may void your warranty!

Yet, every oil and fluid maker says - "To protect the cost of your investment from harm. Don't add anything to the oils or fluids - they are the ideal formula - and adding additives will cause harm!" However.... That's not true! Their dealerships are full of new cars being repaired!

Auto tune up and repair options offer additives for bumper to bumper component problem solving anyone can easily install to end their car engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems

Index Home Page : CONTACT INFO: To ask a question, order items listed, get advice from a mechanic - call me... george at 512 665 3388

The Big Question Answered Here Is... How Can Additives Help Me Solve My Car Problem.

Questions answered about additives.

How Can Additives Help Me Solve My Car Problem.

Nearly all internal vehicle problems - even the most expensive to repair, are caused by sludge and friction. These bind your cars weakest parts. Since some additives remove sludge and friction they are reasons to want their benefits. Its worth trying for those economical reasons. 

More important reasons for friction modifying.

Using these auto tune up an repair options avoids another more expensive problem. A premature new car and equipment debt. Their revitalization features to modify friction do that. Would those two additive benefits -

  • Ending your car problem.
  • And being able to avoid years early vehicle replacement be secrets to help your life along?
  • This is what auto tune up and repair options will help you  do.

Are they just for mechanics?

Repair shops profit off their amazing customer-pleasing repair results. Unique options people want helping their vehicles run cheaper, better, longer. Think of the good those features can give you to. How so...

Can additives hurt my engine or component?

Yes, but not all. Mainly quick flushes using solvents that clean to well. This loads up the oil with sludge which quickly resettles often blocking oil delivery to critical parts. A week or two later those parts will fail - for lack of oil. Never use a quick flush or solvent based stop leak in your engine or tranmsission to correct any problem for those reasons. Source:

Why use these options

Using automotive tune and repair avoiding options give you the power to act quickly. Lower the cost of ending your vehicles problem. Ending or preventing car problems is a strategic way to lower car ownership cost. Mega Power Brand additives also offers those anti-wear features. And they are known most for ending these operating and mechanical problems.

  • Can additives fix all automotive problems? 

    Not an actual broken part. They, everyday fix operating, and mechanical problems by removing friction and sludge causing the problem and smoothing the rubbing surfaces, just as new parts do being smooth, clean and free of frictions binding negatives. But do so chemically and at lower cost. Source:

  • What additive will fix my car or diesel operating problem?

    Just as an aspirin can't kill germs - its a pain reliver, you need a germ killer. So too, someone needs to know your vehicle problem and know which additives address and end the conditions causing their problems.  If you want to try additives for your problem, visit this website : Source:

  • What are the main causes of automotive problems? 

     Acids. Acids sludge the oil and fluids. Over the years they pit the shinny smooth surfaces of every part and create footholds for friction and sludge. They cause the operating problems. Acids are not completely removes from fuels and oils during refinning. And air, heat, and combustion processes create more acids - which is why we are told to change motor oils every 6 months and component fluids every 2 years. Acids are the main cause of vehicle problems. Source:

  • What additives will fix my vehicle problem? 

     Just as a doctor identifies your health problem first, and medicine for healing or killing germs to then use. Someone needs to identify your problem and recommend the additives to reverse the problm to end your cars problem. Us mechanics are not trained to fix cars that way. We are trained to identify and replace the affected parts. However, over the years of daily additive usage I found those that do end your cars problesm. You can identify the additive fix by problem inaction, noise, or hangup problems. Do so for each of your cars or diesels components at: Or by calling me for that advice. Source:

  • Why doesn't my mechanic recommend your Mega Power additives?  Nor my parts store?

     We are the prefered brand of many franchise repair  and part store busineses. However, when their accountants check a products value by price only, they chose and promote cheap products for the profit made, over that of more expensive, higher quaility additives. I'm not sure why we can't train mamagement to know the difference. So, what's recommended is what's most profitable, not what testing show works - for the lack of that knowledge.

     And most mechanics see the harm cheap additives cause their customers cars when they limp in for repairs, after using harmful additives. Seeing they failed to help - and often cause a worse problem, they come to believe all additives are bad. Not being schooled by Mega Power reps they never learn that there are good additives - and their profitable side. Although thousands of repair shops make Mega Power Additives part of the total fix of each repair. Source:


Mega Power additive problem prevention can double a vehicles life, thereby cutting in half a lifetime cost-per-mile expense. Discover that power in the Mega Power Brand of additives which end hundreds of automotive problems at our website. To do so read a few pages of the source material. Source:

Learn more about additives here to empower your car care and problem ending.

Using additives everyday I identified problems additives end by going where oil can't.  There, to remove surface varnish and liquify them for filtering or drain out. Smooth out damage, wear-roughen parts ending automotive performance, or mechanical problems.

    Mega Power Brand Additives sold here and sent to you door

  • To have vehicles always start, run, and go trouble FREE.

  • Avoid tens of thousands in repair expense and replacemnt because of their repair and endurance features. 

  • Learn which additives are harmful to avoid them.

You, after reading a few pages will know how to order and install spefic additives to prevent or end most any wear and tear automotive problem. , and I'm an expert ihelping people end their car problems. I'm using auto tune up and repair options to pass along this additive method of car and equipment care and problems solving.

Great additives have impressive features.

By personal usage, by usage asa mechanic, and training by the additive inventors I have the means to known what they do and don''t do.

For example, additives that are detegent based only remove soft residues. They can clean the varmish on the injector pittle - but not hard carbon on its nozzle, or on pistons and valves causing performance problems. Detergent fuel injector cleaners are the widest type of cleaner sold - and no wonder people say they still have the problem after their usage. It takes a chemical composition to un lock the carbonascious grip to rid the motor of carbon and resins. Its in the recipe I have for those problems.

For example, ending valve tapping, and oil burning are caused by both friiction and sludge binding. Yet, thick gooey, honey-like additves, and quick flushes are sold for they relier. Adding more gooey stuff to an already gooey motor just never unstick a sticky valve or tapping lifter.  A quick flush removes sludge but cannot stay in the engine more than a few minutes to prevent oil delivery plug up. Its also a popular part store item you want to stay away from

Mega Power Additives gets your cars running in a like new operation. They are a penetrating cleaner to free and clean Piston rings. Free sticky valves, and open glogged oil pasage ways. How so?

Their unique feature of opening clogged oil pasageways stops engine tapping noise in the valve lifter. It opens blocked oil movement. Allowing oil to  push the lifter adjuster up, to close the wear gap, stopping that hammer like tapping. 

Its in the recipe I have for those problems

These cost a bit more, but so does a good laywer, good doctor, good bug killer. 

I give you, on the page your problem is covered, those chemical tools to put you vehicle quickly back in service. They are the tools for your success. Not just any additives, but the right ones will play a significant role in ending any type of vehicle problem internally. 

Who says they are bad?

Some badmouth additives. They should as they are the wrong ones, or useless ones - but not all. See our testimonials button.

Additives are in every part of our life, enriching foods, as medicines, and vitamins. There are many components in additives, and you need the help of professionals that understand the nature and features of additives to suggest what works for your car's problem. 

How I'll help you end your car problem cheaper, faster, for the long term.

One of the many winning race teams gaining a winning edge using Mega Power's bumper-to-bumper problem-solving additive treatments - boxer George Foreman invest his money in

Introducing liquid “mini engine mechanics” who constantly cleans, free fix as you drive, to  so you have a new-like running car... Gives you that winning edge over repair.

Why- you should use these

auto tune up and repair options

About...Your usage to end your car problem

 Save $Thousands in Costly Engine Repairs

These “mini mechanics” out of a can help you as they constantly clean, free, fix and protects your engine as you drive! And, why shouldn't they? 

Try them risk free for 60 days to prove it!

“I’m confident you’ll be delighted with your Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment powerful liquid mechanics, you will feel confident you found what your vehicles need in them. Refund their expense, if not. Please note: No refund request last 267 days. 

“You will feel your vehicle’s performance return and after after 60 day run, just let me know, if not, and I’ll send you a full refund – that very hour, and pay for your $75 oil change - to boot - if you say so - no questions asked.”

Designed and formulated by engineers at Mega Power - an inventor of automotive problem solvers and endurance of thhe highest quiality all design to do as advertised.  Products sold world wide. 

Their, what I call a Worn Motor Treatment is a complete engine treatment system for your vehicle engine:

  • Discovered by a race car team for going faster for longer.
  • Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment end problems  internally reducing friction, and ending operating problems to boost horsepower output, and skyrocket their engine’s endurance. 

Gradually their cars were outlasting everything on the track – and needed less repairs after racing. The crew call it their “winning edge.”

An edge that led to more wins, mega-money sponsor-ships, and championships. Now labeled as the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, it will help you get years more life from your vehicles…

Here’s how it works… Friction and other negatives are eliminated. There happens to be 6. They are the causes of  6 Most Common Engine Issues :

  1. Oil blockages – When oil can’t circulate, parts of your engine have no lubrication. sure oil splashing around helps, but is limited. Rubbing results raw metal to metal friction causing severe wear of their surfaces. 
  2. Friction creating “hot spots” leading to even more dangerous overheating. Friction – Leading to  drag, roughen surfaces, and reduction in those parts life, and horsepower inefficiency. 
  3. Carbon buildup – That chunky type deposit causes valves to not close fully - allowing one of the 2 combustion power loss, and rough idle, and engine spark miss problems.
  4. Residues – Leading to fluid blockages and collapse of valves automatic valve adjuster -  causing the adjusted  space and that horrible tapping noise,  which goes on to damage other vital engine parts. 
  5. Binding – of piston rings. When these parts of your engine become sticky and stiff they stop stretching outward.  This allows combustion that should push your piston down to spins gears and wheels fully. They spin a bit less, and cause acidic sludge. Engine moving. 
  6. Wear spaces - just add to the problems. 

    When you eradicate these issues you instantly increase the lifespan of your car and reduce the chance of expensive repairs. That is what a $5000 to $7000 new engine offers you. There is our alternatives...

    Inside your Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment package, you’ll find six products, each one designed to work its magic on a different part of your engine. Here's how each product rejuvenates your engine:

  1. Cleaning Conditioner –  Removes sludge. Cleans sticky valves and their lifter tight, noise free, keeping them working longer.  Cleaning of seals giving a supple grip which increases the life of  them and your engine.
  2.  Lubricates with MC+ giving you smoother and more power output.  Circulates as you drive, keeping every part friction free, protected. 
  3. Oil Treatment –  Reduces oil breakdown, and wear to extend engine  oil life.  Keeps oil seals and gaskets supple reducing the likelihood their failure. 
  4. Anti-wear eliminates further causes of wear adding to the slamming of the brakes on wear.   
  5.  Fuel Injection Cleaner –  Flushes carbon, sludge, and oil deposits out of your injection system, giving you increased fuel efficiency.  
  6. Carbon removers. Reduces engine emissions AND reducing your carbon footprint.  Guards against varnish and gum build up, the common causes of fuel blockages.   Cuts through engine carbon knock avoiding one more expensive to repair negatives.

The Megs Power Worn Motor Treatment removes those engine conditions 

  • Ending blowby
  • Oil consumption
  • Valve tapping
  • Ending friction
  • Rough idle
  • Engine miss
  • Lousy fuel economy
  • Need for overhaul
  • Need for premature replacement
  • Give greater worn parts longer life
  • Ideal engine life enhancing

      Order for Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment. Shipped to your home or business in 3 days. Includes easy to follow directions, free phone help if needed. Guarantee. All the help your engine needs to gain endurance - end problems listed.

Includes " 6 items 12 oz each. Avoids Problems. Ends them too. More than a $500-1,500 dealer service. Way less than overhaul or replacement expense. Save More Protect Uniquely. "Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. An ideal way to add endurance, while servicing the engine from top to bottom."   $149.00" 

    The method behind the directions. 

  •  Flushes carbon  deposits out your injection system, giving you increased engine efficiency.  Reduces engine emissions giving you more mileage out your tank AND reducing your carbon footprint.  Guards against varnish and gum build up, the common causes of fuel blockages. 5 - Engine Treatment –  Helps your engine run cooler lowering your risk of overheating.  Eradicates “cold starts” meaning you can just get in your car and drive. No more idling.  Defends against friction, increasing the life span of your engine using carbon technology.  Compatible with all synthetic motor oils  Restores power and lost acceleration - Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment lubricates and forces sludge out your injector, so it runs like new. 6 – PRODUCT NAME –  Wipes out misfiring spark plugs so no more false starts or stuttering as you drive.  Increases air intake to your engine, vital to keep it working efficiently.  Unblocks your catalytic converter eliminating dangerous gases from your car, and preventing engine stalling. <> - <> Flush away the sludge, dirt, and contaminants silently damaging your engine in just 10 minutes You don’t need any knowledge of cars to use this formula. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions…and drive! BUT if you need help, call me. We can even Facetime so I can look over your shoulder. Click here to order and stop your engine health deteriorating today Don’t forget your cast iron, no quibble, 100% money back guarantee I’m so confident you’ll be delighted with your Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment you can try it risk free for 60 days. If you don’t feel it improves your vehicle’s performance after 60 days, just let me know and I’ll send you a full refund – no questions asked. <> - <> C lick here to protect and rejuvenate your engine AND save $ thousands in costly repairs today.

Welcome to auto-tune-up-and-repair-avoiding-options.

What we are about:

When  your car and diesel engine or component has an operating, noise, oil usage, problem, I'll show you the problem cause and additives needed to end their problem.

When you want the extra advantages of additives to prevent such avoidable problems, I'll show you those.

In any case, these products solve your car and diesel troubles - before they happen. End them if havinga problem. This is possible with:

  1. Several types of cleaners made for each dirty condition.
  2. Several conditioners to lube and free.
  3. Conditioners that heal damage.
  4. Conditioners to fill worn spaces.
  5. Anti-wear to stop problem formation.
  6. Me! To show the products to do so. 
  7. Shipped them to you with directions to do so.
  8. In this way avoid the thousand for repair.
  9. Provide many more year life - you knew could be in your vehicles.
  10. Have a better life from these auto tune up and repair avoiding options.  

This is not a sleek Madison Advertising Agency Ad.

It's my thing - I'm your cardoctor2 to avoid vehicle problems like human doctors End Human Problems. 

You would think all mechanics do that - but oh no, they are parts changers. You go to them they change out parts -though actually not broken..... I show how to....

Cut the actual repair in half. However, I've been doing it for 50 years since their discovery. Learned from the originators. Sooooo, want .... to try it?????

Have your vehicles fixed this way. Run from then on as-if-new! 

Just a dream  - yes - but its true! That's because 995 internal repairs are not broken - just hung up to seem that way. Chemical inventions end those problems.

- Additives return a good, near-new-like state –  no matter mileage, age, brand - or even to end a problem-

This is the option I found [millions use] that always returns anything mechanical to its former like-near-new state. -

That's the secret I discovered and used all my life - that by savings by it, profit by it, made my life better - ending the slavery to common repair methods -

And hey, I'm a mechanic who makes my living off it - or use too! and millions more too! Not only do I fix my own vehicles this way [ have many do the same ] ..

I now buy such troubled cars pickups, diesels, RV's, boats and motorcycles now -  dope them up - meaning service them with this product that end most any problem internally. Have them run as if overhauled, sell them at premium prices because buyers fall in love with their zoom and fuel economy. Go on vacation looking for more such - visiting parks, family friends like the wealthy from it. 

My neighbors laugh at my repair suggestions...

My neighbors hear me say what I do using these additives to end my trouble and say they should also.

They laugh and sneer and follow their mechanic's advice - "fix it - sure its costly. There is no mechanic in an Additive!"

Not all laugh if they give it a try.

Those that feel I'm nuts about these additives spend thousand's, while I'm ending similar problems doping up cars with similar problems -for a couple hundred dollars servicing their 5 components of every system into its original pristine clean smooth, prime operating state with additives, -  and some recovered vehicles I made My Own.

Bought them cheap = Doped them up for a few hundred dollars, changing out all their fluids with the additives in  the process, then add more to the new fluids.

They THEN amazingly run "like new" thereafter, [ the power in them does so] for years pass - what my neighbors cars can, who spend thousands on their problems - and I sell my recovered ones, after years later for what I paid for them. With more money in my pocket as a result of this tune away problem option.

That is what I want you to do ... I'll help you.

These auto tune up's - are repair avoiding. I give them are serving procedures many now follow to have a better life by eliminating the one thing cars and equipment cause you - tens of thousands to fix or replace.

The money save I invest in more ways to make income - not possible with the common ways to fix cars - as they leave you broke! And, oh yes. I'm a mechanic.

But I fix cars, trucks, diesel rigs, tractors, dozer, Pusher Rvs, boat engines, and motorcycles  - out of a can  - because I found the source product and its principles that do so - explained as you read pages here. …george


 Welcome to ABOUT:

Here, we solve your car and diesel troubles - show the products to end, then prevent them. 

This is not a sleek Madison Advertising Agency Ad.

It's my thing - I Avoid and End Avoidable Problems.

Cut the actual repair in half.

Have your vehicles run from then on as-if-new! 

A dream  - yes - but its true! Have them so they are always in the good near-new state – no matter mileage, age, brand - or even if having a problem-

This is the option I found [millions use] that always returns anything mechanical to its former like-near-new state. -

That's the secret I discovered and used all my life - that by savings by it, profit by it, made my life better - ending the slavery to common repair methods -

And hey, I'm a mechanic who makes my living off it - or use too! and millions more too! Not only do I fix my own vehicles this way [ have many do the same ] ..

I now buy such troubled cars pickups, diesels, RV's, boats and motorcycles now -  dope them up - meaning service them with this product that end most any problem internally. Have them run as if overhauled, sell them at premium prices because buyers fall in love with their zoom and fuel economy. Go on vacation looking for more such - visiting parks, family friends like the wealthy from it. 

My neighbors laugh at my repair suggestions...

My neighbors hear me say what I do using these additives to end my trouble and say they should also.

They laugh and sneer and follow their mechanic's advice - "fix it - sure its costly. There is no mechanic in an Additive!"

Not all laugh if they give it a try.

Those that feel I'm nuts about these additives spend thousand's, while I'm ending similar problems doping up cars with similar problems -for a couple hundred dollars servicing their 5 components of every system into its original pristine clean smooth, prime operating state with additives, -  and some recovered vehicles I made My Own.

Bought them cheap = Doped them up for a few hundred dollars, changing out all their fluids with the additives in  the process, then add more to the new fluids.

They THEN amazingly run "like new" thereafter, [ the power in them does so] for years pass - what my neighbors cars can, who spend thousands on their problems - and I sell my recovered ones, after years later for what I paid for them. With more money in my pocket as a result of this tune away problem option.

That is what I want you to do ... I'll help you.

These auto tune up's - are repair avoiding. I give them are serving procedures many now follow to have a better life by eliminating the one thing cars and equipment cause you - tens of thousands to fix or replace.

The money save I invest in more ways to make income - not possible with the common ways to fix cars - as they leave you broke! And, oh yes. I'm a mechanic.

But I fix cars, trucks, diesel rigs, tractors, dozer, Pusher Rvs, boat engines, and motorcycles  - out of a can  - because I found the source product and its principles that do so - explained as you read pages here. …george



Having trouble with your cars - there's a problem deep inside? It sounds serious - and cost to repair 

Your vehicle trouble is due to its diet. Right now, its diet of minimal care promoted by the industry suits those who trade for new their cars and equipment at the first sign of trouble.They want to spend the lease as that is their system and always have new cars and equipment  - which most of the time is trouble free and ready to go. However…

Until now, that minimal care causes premature operating problems. It has meant we spend thousands for repairs and tens of thousands for newer cars and equipment many years to soon. Then, repeats with problems appearing as premature wear and tear caused by the minimal care system causes new costly  expenses, usually  us who keep out vehicles trouble  - shortly after the warranty period ends. 

has allowed new, clean, smooth, shinny pistons bearings valves gears and sensors have changed to rough, dirty, trouble causing. And the diet that corrects that is Engine Fuel and Gear Fixher. They end the problem by removing the trouble causing negatives no other product can or claims to - or cares too! That of acid pitting, friction drag, and residue binding that cause all internal problems in the fuel engine transmission, radiator, power steering, drive axles and a/c systems. 

And I’ve made it easy to do yourself. Or by a tech or mechanic doing the install for you. With me by the phone for gudance if needed. And guarantee the results to end the problem.

Change its diet to engine fuel and gear fixher to end the problem. Then reverse the causes to keep troubles away with engine fuel and gear conditioner. The total and healthy way to keep new to old and worn scooters, cars pickup diesel rigs, dump trucks tractors dozers Rv’s marine vehicles, motorcycles and machinery running years longer than the norm. Keep tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket - not others andhave better running cars and equipment to boot around in.  complete

Your vehicles are what they eat! Make it Complete! Complete Engine transmission and fuel Fixher, Complete fuel engine and transmission Conditioner to end its problem.Then keepit healthy years longer. the Total Diet is a leading website offering education of automotive problem causes, and education of service products needed to end mechanical, poor operating, and performance problems. And new engine and gear break in problem solving, and their rebuild breakin problem solving. Covers high mileage wear operating decline problems solutions. Provides the solution and prevention along with fluid or oil change.  For car, truck, heavy equipment, RV’s, marine and boat, and motorcycle fuel, combustion, exhaust, de-smoging, mechanical, and oiling problem solving and prevention. Specifically those caused by fuel and oil breakdown residues, by metal to metal friction, by acids, by extreme temperatures, and wear.

Such education helps even non-mechanically incline men and women vehicle owners make their decisions to repair, choice of additive, or not to repair easier and therefore, their lives and transportation investment better and up to 50% lower over a lifetime. 

How these options fix mechanical problems

Using our recipe as your care and repair solution you gain the missing ingredients in oils and fuels. Their addition to your fuel, motor oil, transmission fluid, anti-freeze coolant, power steering fluid, and a/c compressor lube end  the vehicle’s problem as the ingredients reverses the negative causes of the internal problem.

Also what results is smoother quicker cold starts, quieter smoother idling, quicker warm ups, quick racy take offs, quicker zippier entering on freeway ramps, and ideal power to zip away from vehicles faster, avoiding close contacts,  finding speeds to going  higher , great zip up hills, even if fully loaded, climbing of hills a gear high, 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel. End of problems.

Avoidance of the need for repair.

The pushing of overhaul years into the future. Always gives a racy tune up feel from release of horsepower absorbed, and from fuel always staying fogged.  Stoichiometric's is restored and lowest exhaust pollutants result.  Better, longer  combustion peaks, loss of combustion blocked. Ends  internal automotive problems.

What results over the years is one's person’s wealth and asset management grows. That benefit from this auto tune up and repair option helping you better END engine problems by reversing it. No other way know so ideal!

That is my auto tune away you fuel injector, engine, transmission, radiator, steering power take off, and a/c problems for a better life after.  Laugh at your own expense if you wish. Those that use it warmly smile at such a solution - found as their auto tune up and repair options. Below? 

Order for Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment. Shipped to your home or business in 3 days. Includes easy to follow directions, free phone help if needed. Guarantee. All the help your engine needs to gain endurance - end problems listed.

Includes " 6 items 12 oz each. Avoids Problems. Ends them too. More than a $500-1,500 dealer service. Way less than overhaul or replacement expense. Save More Protect Uniquely. "Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. An ideal way to add endurance, while servicing the engine from top to bottom."   $149.00" Or the expensive repair result. Click for this one...

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The Money? An above averag income where you are the Boss and determine your income. Making it easy is our job. Enjoy a business where you help auto repair shops improve their weak marketing skills to help them double their income making ability. Our Programs does that and is what being a Distributor For Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is all about. Imagine earning 5000 to 10,000 thousands dollars every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? Find out! No obligation to askquestion or try it out to see its potential for yourself.

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Like this idea? We are looking for local reps to open and service towns and areas across North America with our products. Above average income can make your life better. 

That's the life we have, enjoy, and offer. Learn about its freedom. Its has unlimited income potential. Offers a satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many locals - who will become your clients profiting off our products. 

Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

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