The logic and science behind DIY Tune Repair Options:
If you didn't know, this explains what and how to end your diesel engine operating, tapping, lousy fuel economy, power loss, blowby, and leak problems are caused by acids, sludge, vanish, and wear-increasing friction buildup.
The logic behind How tune repair options work.
Smart mechanics do what doctors do.
Doctors, after locating the problem areas of your illness, prescribed medication and then watch to see if that is the fix.
That is the way we show you at to fix your vehicles problem - since operating, tapping, lousy fuel economy, power loss, blowby, and leak problems are caused by acids, sludge, vanish, and wear-increasing friction buildup, and they should be removed as the second step before parts are replaced.
The scientific stoichiometric goal
While fuel injector cleaner is the desired additive, an idea 40 years old. Long before car engine control by computers took 100% control and need more additives - 6 of them in our tune up kit to tune your engine to its ideal working smoothness. Its goal is to return its stoichiometries. Its ideal designed operation.
How tune repair options return ideal engine performance
To return the ideal peak engine performance and not the common 90% range you need an end to those engine operating problem causes. The engine cleaning products and install is made easy for anyone to do, and be assured the cleaning and conditioning features will do the following by addition of the 6 Mega Power Tune Additives:
Those problem-causing tuning issues are returned by use of the products addition to the gas tank and motor's oil and then a 15 minute driving after install of the Mega Power Tune Up Additive Kit.
While the logic of most mechanics is to replace sensors, spark plugs and add fuel injection cleaner to the gas tank.
So the common tune up method ignores the 6 issues the engine has keeping its stoichiometries away.
The problem our Mega Power tune up removes
Remember, its mostly just one or two of the hundreds of engine parts causing your diesel engine operating, tapping, lousy fuel economy, power loss, blowby, and leak problems are caused by acids, sludge, vanish, and wear-increasing friction problem - though not actually broken parts. Got that?
Just think about it!
Just 1 or 2 of your engines dirty parts cause their operating problems -
causes over 400 internal performance upsetting problems.
The mechanics way versus our how tune repair options work.
A mechanic can run up a costly $2000 + Repair Bill to find and replace trouble operating parts for the problem to go away.
Instead, use my DIY tune repair option. That's your best tune repair option! Have A Better Remedy As Your Fix!
Reverse those negatives by cleaning out the mess to return your engine ideal state! It ends your internal problem - as you drive -
All your vehicles need this DIY Tune Up and Repair Options: Fix, Avoid-Fix Solutions
This re-conditioning I call it, is what good, and troublesome vehicles need! Its more than an a fix option!
Its the fix now needed! Saves your budget and will keep all your new and older cars going strong as long as you want!
Select one of these DIY links below,
or on the left side to get started.
Compare the old way to end engine transmission problems To Our DIY Tune Repair Options Work.
The old way to end your engine transmission problem is to take apart the unit, hand clean every part, replace the trouble-causing parts. Pay the mechanic for doing so. Causes those $3000 plus repairs to get your car working great again.
The new smarter way to do all that to order and our DIY Tune Up and Repair Options Additive Kit
This tune repair option introduces products you can use I teach and sell to mechanics to use that remove internal toxins - and restore your cars performance at a great savings for you!
How to end your engine transmission radiator steering and a/c service products It's the new, easy to use, smarter way to restore your engine transmission performance to normal again!
Troubles this tune repair option ends
Tapping, sludge, oil burning, blowby, engine miss, power loss, rough shift, and gear slippage problem - to name a few.
What this option does guarantees to prevent other common toxin caused trouble with its ant-wear feature, for years more trouble-free operation.
Installed as a service that exceeds every car maker specs for 25,000, 50,000 mile warranty service for new vehicles.
And In This Way This Option Helps you Now, And Later. It Pays For Itself! More here...
How Tune Repair Options Work Contact Info: on a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me... george at 512 665 3388
Auto Tune Up and Repair Option:
Here! The auto tune up and repair options... Cheaper, faster, better way to end vehicle problems yourself!
Do It Yourself How-to site.
The add this, Drive, End your problem Option
No fancy pictures. Just expert tune and repair articles - with your fix explained for quick professional results. At Do It Yourself help and prices.
Includes FREE phone help if needed. And… Plus car truck cross-over anti-wear benefits.
Fix your problem, and use the solution to keeps troubles away in good running cars, equipment. No hokey poky. No ads. Just the solution you want!
Try our options, on the page we send you to, you have a NO-FIX NO-PAY Guarantee Promise. Options opposed by many mechanics but in use by men, women, mechanics around the world.
Requires a bit of reading - and driving afterwards to end the problem. However, if now broken, seek other sites for that help.