End engine tap -

using new products
to avoid repair.

Mega Power ends engine tapping freeing stuck valves, avoiding its costly repair, its repair down-time.Mega Power ends engine tapping freeing stuck valves, avoiding its costly repair, its repair down-time.

 Contact info: On a cell phone, to ask as question, order items shown here, call me... george at 512 665  3388

Inexpensive, easy to use products that end engine tap explained.Inexpensive, easy to use products that end engine tap explained.

Mega Power engine tap Treatment. 

Helping car owners avoid costly repairs. 

Engine  tap noise is a worrisome car problem. There are many remedies offered. This reviews Mega Power's Tap treatment.

Tap causes and remedies are not in  a mechanic's education.

They are trained to replace bad parts.

This is not that fix.

These are Mega Power's Tap Ending tips. 

Installing Mega Power To end engine tap.

  1. Install the 3 products -1, 2, and 3 into the fuel tank and motor oil as shown in directions.
  2. Drive for a week then do step 2. as follow. Add item #4 to motor oil. 10 minutes later change oil and filter. To new oil add items #5 and 6.

The engine tap will disappear. End of problem.

Its a much better solution to end your car noise. You add anti-wear to end your engine tap, and other wear and tear problems - at the same time. Cost? $250 if a mechanic does the install. About $100 if you do it. Its easy!

It avoids a costly $2000 plus repair.


Use of it at future oil changes will avoid tap reappearance. Mega Power is added again at future oil changes. However...

With twice year, and with companion products suggested service your engine will have less strain - and avoids common costly-to-repair problems these other components can create for you. 

A service for good running vehicles you want to protect. 

A lo-cost service investment to give you peace-of-mind avoiding what could be trouble avoided. Have ongoing sweet running cars and heavy equipment you control their destiny - not luck.

Look into our specials to service the transmission, power steering, and radiator to help you with maintenance to avoid thousands in avoidable costly, worn out premature replacement down the road in time.

OK, my whole car servicing sales pitch is done - now tap problem solving my way.

    The Mega Power Engine Tap Treatment.

    Includes the 6 different carbon removing cleaners shown, that have engine saving friction modifiers needed to clean and protect. 6 items total needed. Easy-to-install instructions, phone help, guarantee included. Shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $99. Not $3000.

    Order one Mega Power Engine Treatment $84+ $15 s&h= $99 total. Click cart button to start the quieting fix.

How Mega Power Works.

It does so by chemistry made to return the slower-wearing clean, smooth, close-fitting, like-new performance  now dirty and trouble causing. You paid so much for - when new!

I'm george christ, to help you, the country's expert to end you tap in an amazing way that will please you with benefits no one else offers.

What's offered is installed in the engine easily and just ordinary men and women vehicle owners - who don't know a gas cap from a radiator cap, end their engines tapping with my method. Nothing to take apart!

Just driving in few minutes to a day or so will not just end your engine tap, bur actually extend for years the trouble-free life of this and every vehicle you add the same treatment care to at oil change intervals. That's another option I'll teach you.

Especially your newer, good running vehicles, to avoid their common expensive engine repairs developing in them right now! They usually fail in some way just after the warranty ends - ever notice that? MMMMM wonder why?

My method does not cost, as its fix pays you back many more times than its cost.

Most people its adding hot rod performance, and 21 to 40 more miles distance on each weeks fill up of fuel! As you shall learn. Let's begin...

Engine tap.

Tapping an other motor noise, and rough idle indicates carbon won't let valves close fully. Not closing, a gap and tapping results - here explained:

  1. Your tapping occurs from a metallic hammer-like smack at each engine rotation -tap tap tap.
  2. Carbon causing the tap tap tap and carbon occurs in 2 or more locations to cause tapping. Oil is not able to remove that carbon. Oil helps cause carbon as it lubes. However, out product removes that carbon, and with its conditioning ends the tap - easily.

Engine Repair.

If tap tap tap is the sound you here from your motor, engine dismantling and valve machining is what removes that carbon and engine tap - by repair, if a mechanic ends the problem. Cost run $2000 to $5000. I know! I'm a mechanic.

How to easily rid your Engine Tap Remedy.

  1. Mega Power is made to remove that carbon chemically, stopping the tap. Cost run $200 for cars pickups, to $400 depending on more needed for large truck engine size. 
  2. Still a bargain! Not the $2000 to $4000 by repair cost if done by actual repair. My way makes for a better running vehicle  that never return,  actual repair can't offer!
Order Mega Power Engine Treatment to end your valve tap.Valve tap remedy. Order Mega Power Engine Treatment to end your valve tap.

Mega Power rids your motor of...

  • Tar-like residues from cooking hot combustion blow-by in your oil causes engine carbon. 
  • Those residues bind, hold open, or slow snappy valve-closing speeds. 
  • This causes valves and their lifters to close slowly - creating a space and at each engine rotation a tap, tap tap sounds. 
  • Mega Power ends this problem.

End your tap this way - my way. Its better and cheaper.

Mega Power is made to remove that carbon, stopping the tap.

  1. Mega Power uses the 6 different ingredients needed to get to, and dissolve the carbon, to let valves close fully and work quietly again, to end the problem. 
  2. The other choice, a $3000 top engine dismantling and valve machining is what removes that residue to end that engine tap problem.
  3. Thousands of wise vehicle owners chose Mega Power as their remedy of choice. Sure, a few times it did not work. 2 refunds requested last 267 days. That is an option that removes risk from trying Mega Power.
  4. Directions:

    It takes 6 different items to end the tapping. 3 items shown are added to the top of the motor, 3 are added a week later during an oil change. Driving does the actual fix. Nothing to take apart. Your purchase includes easy-to-follow instructions, phone help, guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days.

    Order The Mega Power Engine Noise Ending Treatment.

    The Mega Power Engine Tap Treatment includes the 6 different carbon removing cleaners shown, that have engine saving friction modifiers needed to clean and protect. 6 items total needed. Easy-to-install instructions, phone help, guarantee included. Shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $99. Not $3000.

    Order one Mega Power Engine Treatment $84+ $15 s&h= $99 total. Click cart button to start the quieting fix.

Tap 101:

  1. Valve adjusters, called lifters cause tap and motor noise when sludge and residues block oil to the adjuster, and it drops. A space appears making the noise with motor parts banging  due to the space.
  2. Mega Power uses the 6 different ingredients known - some proprietary, needed to get to, and dissolve the sludge, to let the adjuster part close the gap fully and work quietly again, to end the problem. 
  3. Otherwise, a whole engine dismantling is needed to get to and replace the 8 to 24 lifters with new ones as the engine tap remedy.

Of all the products out there, only Mega Power is sold and guaranteed to Save Your Motor, Your Budget - and end your anxiety as to what to do.

Engine taps, knocking, and thud sounds emanate for different reasons. Here is what each means - and this remedy solution.

Engine tap...

The Thud. The Carbon knock. Other engine noise Mega Power ends.

    6-This heavy thud-repeating sound - from the top of your motor - usually in the mornings, like it wants to come apart, is caused by carbon buildup on top of the piston that collects there - A $3000 plus "Valve Job" - is the common method to cleaning the top part of your motor, and Mega Power can also be the common fix choice here.

    Worn bearings causes a heavy thud-repeating sound - from the bottom of your motor - usually just before or after you take your foot off the gas - and sound like it wants to come apart -it does! This needs a new engine, but I have a formula for that  - call for it.

    Instead, use the Mega Power Engine Treatment with new chemical technology to remove the carbon in minutes - and end the knock for a great running car again. Do it yourself with this under $100 product that works every time. shipped to your door with directions by FedEx in 3 days, phone help, guarantee. 


    3 items shown are added to the top of the motor, 3 are added a week later during an oil change. Driving does the actual fix. Nothing to take apart. Includes easy-to-follow instructions, phone help, guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days.

Order The Mega Power Engine Noise Ending Treatment.

The Mega Power Engine Treatment includes the 6 different carbon removing cleaners which have engine saving friction modifiers needed to clean and protect. 6 items total needed. Easy-to-follow instructions, phone help, guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $

One Mega Power Engine Treatment $84+ $15 s&h= $99 total.

Engine tap negatives Mega Power corrects to return noisy motors to quiet and strong running again.

To order by phone or ask a question call me at 512 665 3388. "Gets you on down the road running quiet and smoothly again, "avoids an expensive repair," "kept my newer car running trouble free, years past after the warranty ended, too," customers tell us!

Order Two Motor Treatments. Clean and protect 2 motors. Just 120 for 2 cars. 12 items. Plus $15s&h= $135 total. Save $25.

Order a Mega Power Transmission Treatment #RS3 also.
Protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting. Includes a cleaner flush, a conditioner, and protector. A problem-solver and preventer.
Just: $50+ $15s&h= $65 total.

Order both Engine Motor Cleaning and Transmission Treatment for one car. Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $125 total. Save $15 on shipping. [Engine and Transmission Treatment shipped to you. $125 total].

Double above order for 2 engines, 2 transmissions. $200 total. Free shipping. Save $50 - and get this $12 bonus Free! Our $12 Mega Power Lube and Penetrating spray for Free - Lubes, frees, stops anything squeaking, stuck, frozen. For home, shop, vehicle use. Offer Limited. [2 engine and transmission treatments for 2 cars, + our bonus $12 spray lube shipped to you. $200 total].

A thud coming from the bottom of your motor, is bad news.

    A heavy, deep in the motor thud sound that may go away as you pick up speed, then return is a grinding away of bearings, and reapears in between the next increase in speed. Rod-bearings connects your crankshalf to your pistons. The remedy?

    A good new, or good used motor, or a complete engine rebuild. Time for a motor overhaul. Cost? Maybe up $2500 to $4000. The Mega Power Engine Treatment will get you buy for a while - not letting it get worst, if that's important, until finances for a better choice is taken.

    This calls for use of the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. 6 Items. Easy to install. $84 +$15s&h= $99 total.

Engine Tapping Noise: May come and go - sound like hanner tapping on the motor - tap tap tap.

    Explained below, valve or lifter tap is commonly fixed by a $1500 to $3000 engine overhaul. It is an oil related sludge problem the Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment, explained below quickly ends the tap for $84 +$15s&h= $99 total.


    Ping may sounds like glass soda bottles bouncing around your motor. Like "carbon knock," eventually removing your engine top off and cleaning is the usual remedy. Pinging occurs with a load on your motor going up a grade.

    Ping is cause by bit of carbon stuck to your piston top. Combustion makes it glow like an ember - at engine load it sets off the gas combustion just before the spark occurs - creating two combustion point that smack into each other - making your ping sound. The remedy?

    Towing, and hot rod type engines ping because they need higher octain fuel. Cleaning with Mega Power and use of MP Octane Boost is a good remedy. Raises octane 5 points.

    On some motors your worn "timing chain" slack positions spark a little later - so ping occurs. New "chain," About $700.

    The Mega Power Engine Treatment, ends ping - explained below.

    Mega Power octane boost is a triple action "non-caustic" ping ending remedy.

Order now by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388. Get on down the road humming quietly again! End your engine tap, now!

Learn more about ending your valve problem with this simple tip.
Engine tap and other motor problem cures

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