Engine Sludge Remover-
The better way to get your dirty motor clean and running great.

...Mega Powers Engine Sludge Remover

Engine sludge is a terrible state for an engine. It chokes down operation. It  happens for lots of reasons. Mega Power  Engine Sludge Remover makes engine cleaning and recovery possible.Engine sludge is a terrible state for an engine. It chokes down operation. It happens for lots of reasons. Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover makes engine cleaning and recovery possible.

...Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover

---- Makes this worrisome and costly engine problem easy, safe, economical, 100% recoverable.

  • Easy. Pour this in to the gas tank and motor oil. Starts removing sludge as you "drive." 
  • Fast Acting.  It starts your dirty engine operating recovery minutes after its circulates.
  • 100% effective. Unlike other engine flushes that can only stay in your engine for a few minutes - to avoid more oil blockage damage.
  • Sludge can't resettle. Sludge removed a week later. Not all at once which is often the problem causer.
  • Crawling feature opens oil flow blockage. 
  • MC+ feature removes friction and binding. Assures recovery no other product has.  
  • Unique. 6 Cleaners clean wherever fuel air combustion exhaust and oil flows furthering complete recovery
  • Satisfaction Guarantee- included with each purchase.
  • Avoids a new engine expense.
  • The real solution to engine sludge removal.
  • Sent to your home in 3 days.


 Mega Power does so --- not only in your oiling part of your motor - but assures recovery by cleaning all 6 of your motors dirty operating systems.

Mega Power's 6 dirty engine cleaners - See picture  is a dirty engine cleaner and recovery treatment. Actually "the greatest engine protector ever invented" - say many.

>>>Mega Power's engine rcovery treatment is worth it weight in gold - helping car owners remove sludge, the worst thing to happen to an engine. Avoiding a $4000 to $10,000 new engine expense for a few hundred dollars - or double your money back - if it fails to! A powerful guarantee but with few refunds  ever requested.

It should be what you use if that's your aim. 

Mega Power  - the products name is well put,  has been helping car and diesel owners around the globe service their engines and gears by cleaning the engine's muck out economically. 

  1. Breathing passage ways of muck, a hidden engine section where sludge trouble starts. $49. By hand $1500
  2. The fuel delivery system where sludge begins. Removing years of crude spoiling your critical fuel fogging ability - returning fuel economy. $69 By mechanic, $150
  3. Traveling deep into your motors combustion area, removing years of carbon choking down power in your power making engine section - now  making it feel old and worn, $69 By mechanic $2000
  4. Removing carbon choking the exhaust and mufflers, again allowing unrestricted flow of exhaust, now blocking exhaust exit - $99 By muffler shop $300
  5. - also important, the directly freeing and cleaning your engine 8 to 24 engine valves and piston rings, returning their like-new operation - $99 By mechanic $2000
  6. and traveling to every engine part that oil flows to, there removing sludge buildup retuning their free movement. $69. by mechanic $3000

To Order:  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $125 plus $15 s&h = $140 total.

A $49 Bonus For Ordering Now! A $195 value - just $140

    Transmissions has sludge problems too!  This bonus removes sludge from the valve body ending rough shifts. Promoting much smoother shifting.  A bonus to avoid this expensive to fix problem. 

    FREE with with your Engine Sludge Remover order today - as our way to acquaint you with one of our other Mega Powers bumper to bumper component protectors. Just what your transmission needs to keep it going years longer. A $49 value - FREE if you order your  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover Now! 7 items  just $140

Click cart button to start the best way to remove engine sludge  - 

Engine Sludge Remover Review. Contact Info: To ask a question, order items listed, call me... george at 512 665 3388 

"My Engine Sludge Problem - Solved" What people say...

     "Maybe, I'm skeptical about product claims, or just I'm just getting old, (IDK) but it's wonderful to receive a product that actually preforms as it is stated it should. Your Mega Powers' Sludge Remover is one that does what it say it does! 

     "Its need came about in this way. My car engine just wasn't running right. And it put off a dirty, oily smell. Visiting a mechanic, he said. "Your car runs bad because its full of sludge!" That was shocking to hear!

     "I don't think I knew exactly what that meant - but it couldn't be good!  The discussion that followed amounted to, "You can't fix this problem. Another $5000 engine was the only solution," in his opinion.

     "Telling him, 'I'll think about it,' I went directly to changed the oil to see if that helped. They put a flush product in it to see it it could help. They gave no promises, but, I felt it couldn't hurt. It didn't help! 

    "Later, I googled the problem to see what others did. They gave many ideas they tried  -  all with not much luck helping. On other google listings was your brief of your engine sludge remedy. It seem positive.

     "At your site I read your article a couple times, and you seem to have confidence in this product. And it was guaranteed! So, I ordered it and tried it, just like directions said to. It was easy to install. 

     "After a few days of driving, the car started running better and better.  And following directions a week later, did an oil change using the 3 remaining items. After that, my poor sick car again ran as good as before! However, I was still weary about its change back. 

     "Each morning, I started it up fearful it would run bad again. But, every morning and all day long, for over a month my engine continues to  run just great! It feels permanent. I want to order the "refresher kit" when my next 6000 miles oil change is due. 

     "I feel, your Mega Power engine sludge remover ended my dreadful, worrisome engine problem. Thanks for your great product. It saved me buying a new engine - at least for the present. I'll let you know if it acts up again."                                             Rhonda Cross. Temecula Ca

PS: Again. Thank You for your incredible engine sludge remover.

     If your engine problem is sludge, you would be wise to remove your engine sludge with it, as its the best way to get your engine back to normal. Its way cheaper, and you can do the service yourself!

Did I say includes a guarantee of satisfaction, also. So, no risk is involved. No refunds have been ask for in 315 days. You have everything to gain by its use in every engine. New or older, with its run like new feature MC+.

Mega Powers 2 step sludge remover also promises same day performance recovery.The Mega Power Sludge Remover Ronda Cross used to remove her Lexus engine sludge with. It's an engine and a money saver!

To Order:  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $125 plus $15 s&h = $140 total.

A $49 Bonus For Ordering Now! A $195 value - just $140

    Transmissions has sludge problems too!  This bonus removes sludge from the valve body ending rough shifts. Promoting much smoother shifting.  A bonus to avoid this expensive to fix problem. 

    FREE with with your Engine Sludge Remover order today - as our way to acquaint you with one of our other Mega Powers bumper to bumper component protectors. Just what your transmission needs to keep it going years longer. A $49 value - FREE if you order your  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover Now! 7 items  just $140

Click cart button to start the best way to remove engine sludge  - with its great transmission protector bonus from Mega Power now!

Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover comes as shown. Easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $125 plus $15 s&h = $140 total. 6 items plus todays $49 Mega Power Transmission Additive Bonus For Ordering Now

...Mega Powers Engine Sludge Remover

     Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover starts your dirty engine operating recovery minutes after its added to the motor. 

     Unlike other engine flushes that can only stay in your engine for a few minutes - and are just a cheap engine rinse - unable to actually free sludge choking the life out of your engine--- .

   Mega Power's Sludge Removers 6 sludge removers remove sludge --- not only in the oiling part of your motor - but assures recovery for its week long cleaning tme in your engine. 

   Mega Power is worth it weight in gold - and can save your engine, returning its normalcy by cleaning your engine's

  1. breathing passage ways of muck, causing sludge trouble.
  2. the fuel delivery system where sludge begins.
  3. the fuel injectors - removing years of crude spoiling their fuel fogging ability - returning fuel economy.
  4. traveling deep into your motors combustion area, removing years of carbon choking down power - making it feel old and worn,
  5. removing carbon choking the exhaust and mufflers, again allowing unrestricted flow of exhust, now blocking its exit - 
  6. - also important, the directly freeing and cleaning your engine 8 to 24 engive valves and piston rings, returning their like new operation - and completing the engine sludge remover process.

 the engine valves, lifters, and piston rings. 

That week of driving is step one. It starts the recovery of your  messed up dirty engine. An easy-to-install step assures an almost almost instant performance recovery. After a week in your sludge filled engine you do and oil change as the step two method.  

This cleaning method is superior, as the next picture shows, because it also cleans those hard to reach parts removing the residue build up in 2 steps. No other cleaner claims to reach. In that sense, its worth a 10 times its cost!

Picture shows areas cleaned where power and performances operation in your motor is recovered.

Mega Power Sludge Remover Is Number 1 because it cleans the engine of these residue troublemakers.Mega Power Sludge Remover Is Number 1 because it cleans the engine of these residue troublemakers.

Contact Info: On a cell phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me, george, at 512 665 3388

Engine sludge remover and performance recovery was complex and costly until Mega Power came along. 

Our Mega Power method for engine sludge removal is quite different. And better, in this way!

Mega Power leaves most of the sludge where its at mostly, at first.

It's just sitting there doing nothing anyway.

Removing en-mass like other cleaners do is what causes oil delivery blockage elsewhere. However...

Removing it a bit slower over time, like Mega Power with MC+ does, to spend time conditioning each part to move, slide, turn, push again as they should, gives your ailing motor the safest, cleanest, fastest way to return your engine to its great running state again.  

Compare Mega Power's method to How mechanics remove sludge.

Us mechanics take apart your engine to hand remove sludge, Then rebuild it. Cost can run over $2000 and a weeks time in the shop.

Is Mega Power's way better?

Sure, I favor a complete teardown and rebuild to restore your motor's long term service. Most mechanics do! However, Mega Power's method does the same for your motor at way less cost - designed for budget conscious vehicle owners. And.. its made to service and protect your transmission from costly repair wear failures, too!

And many mechanics side with Mega Power by offering it as a continuing service aid during oil changes to extend your clean engine car life - and hopefully pick up other work your car needs, as a future income source.

Cost comparison:

  • Mega Power cost about $250 if a mechanic sells the service.
  • If you do it, it runs under $100 and is guaranteed to be just as effective! 
  • Now, with Mega Power, you control recovery cost. 
  • You are assured of a complete performance recovery.
  • Order below and in a few days have your motor back to normal again. It's easy to install. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the cleaning.

Order the Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment here.

To Order:  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $125  plus $15 s&h = $140 total.

A $49 Bonus For Ordering Now!

    Transmissions has sludge problems too! A This bonus removes sludge from the valve body and ends, or better, avoid its rough shift expensive to fix problem. 

    Get it FREE with with your Engine Sludge Remover order right now - as our way to acquaint you with the 2nd of Mega Powers 6 bumper to bumper component protectors. Who knows, if this is just what your transmission needs to keep it going years longer. A $49 value - FREE if you order your  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover   Total just $140 now!

Click cart button to have this engine cleaning and protecting combination from Mega Power now!

Order Mega Power to protect both car/truck engines. Both engines need this kind of care for their longer, trouble-free life. 12 items. Just $199 total shipped to your door or business. Save $40 per engine but, protect both engines during this special! May end without notice.

Order this service idea your vehicles may be pass-due for.

Engine and transmission sludge removal continues as Mega Power cleans before and between oil changes, continuing to heal, protect, and trap sludge removed.

How about this sludge remover service idea you may be pass due for.

You can bet sludge is also getting ready to upset your transmission shifting.

Mega Power's Transmission Treatment provides cleaning of your transmission's shift valves of residues that lengthen shifts, cause hard shifts, and seal drips. All of which it stops, if present. This treatment exceeds new car transmission specs and adds - like it does to your motor, a co-polymer MC+ to fill worn spaces - also assuring a second life of dependable service from your cars for a low investment.

This special is to service and protect both engine and transmission.

You can bet sludge is also getting ready to upset your transmission shifting.

Mega Power's Transmission Treatment provides cleaning of your transmission's shift valves of residues that lengthen shifts in-ordinarily, cause hard shifts, and seal drips - stopping those, if present. This treatment exceeds new car transmission specs also, an adds - like it does to your motor, a co-polymer MC+ to fill worn spaces - also assuring a second life of dependable service  from this component in your cars.

Our specials to service and protect both engine and transmission.

Protect and service to change out your engine oil $125 and your transmissions $75 too, the superior Mega Power way. A 9 item treatment $175, included as the free MP Transmission Conditioner mentioned above as a free bonus. Smooth's and assures smooth shifting as it slams the brakes on faster wear out - for years longer trouble-free life. Just $165 for each car. Save $40. Bonus included.

Protect and service to change out your engine oil $125 and your transmissions $75 too, the superior Mega Power way. A 9 item treatment $175, included as the free MP Transmission Conditioner mentioned above as a free bonus.

Directions: In 2 steps:

  • Step 1. Add the 3 items marked, to the gas and oil.
  • Drive as usual for a week.
  • Step 2. At an oil change a week later, install the 3 remaining items to the oil. That's it!

Mega Power's 6 different complex anti-wear chemical cleaners have the way to get your engine sludge out, as it lubes your dry, now oil-starved dirty surfaces.

Mega Power takes away the grinding loud noise that makes your motor sound like your grandma's sewing machine and gets you on down the road of life again - at a fraction of the cost of overhaul.

Mega Power Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover

lts important to leave the muck along not actually on moving parts, so Mega Power works on the following to get your car truck tractor motorcycle running good as can be again:

  • Mega Power cleans the oil lines so oil flows and lubes again.
  • Mega Power crawls where oil cannot go, from the fuel air and combustion side of your motor! Power and quiet running returns as cleaning spreads.  Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover reduces friction.

This engine sludge remover even cleans hydraulic lifters and valves. This is what will be quieting down your noisy tapping sounds.

This Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover Provides Ideal Results

  • Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover cleans, every part.
  •  MC+, an ingredient restores smoothness to rubbing surfaces that sludge has damaged.
  • Valves and pistons gain a chemical lubrication so every part is clean again. 

Your car needs Mega Power...

  • By removing sludge from your oil pump check valve full oil pressures is restored.
  • Hydraulic lifters are cleaned, freed and pump up. This is will be quieting down your noisy tapping sounds.
  • As for piston rings they will expand and stop blowby - ending sludge - and power loss.

Cleaning continues as you drive between oil changes, packing your filter with more sludge is removed - after the initial cleaning. Order Mega Power now!

In that way, Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover does what flush products cannot!

Order the Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment here.

To Order:  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover comes as shown, 6 items needed. With easy to follow directions, phone help, guarantee of satisfaction. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days. Just $90 plus $15 s&h = $105 total.

A $49 Bonus For Ordering Now!

    Transmissions has sludge problems too! A This bonus removes sludge from the valve body and ends, or better, avoid its rough shift expensive to fix problem. 

    Get it FREE with with your Engine Sludge Remover order right now - as our way to acquaint you with the 2nd of Mega Powers 6 bumper to bumper component protectors. Who knows, if this is just what your transmission needs to keep it going years longer. A $49 value - FREE if you order your  Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover now!

Click cart button to get this  bonus cleaning and protecting power from Mega Power now!

Protect both cars with Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover

Protect and service your engine$95 and transmission $75, too, with Mega Power. A 9 item treatment. Cleans, smooth's and assures smooth shifting and great running engine service as it slams the brakes on sludge and wear out - for years longer trouble-free life. Just $135 for each car. Save $40.

This info : Engine sludge remover works as your drive. A 2 step method  assures almost instant end to engine sludge removal. Order above at cart button, or call to order by phone ...george 512 665 3388

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