Engine flush your car troubles away. 

Warning! Some flushes help - Others are harmful. I'll tell what to use to solve your dirty engine problem

Engine flush tips, product reviews.

Mega Power Engine Treatment Is the best cleaner to use on sludge and performance recover.Mega Power Engine Treatment may be the best flush for sluggish cars and commercial equipment.

Engine flush, when needed?

To remove sludge...

    Many years ago, Grandpa and dad always mixed some kerosene in dirty oil  as an engine flush for our ill-running car engines. This rinsed-out the gunk on those dirty pistons, bearings and gears - and kept the new oil bit cleaner, longer.

    Those cleaners were harmful and you took your chance - using them. Most people knew that!

    Then part stores started selling engine flush additives with solvents.  Still solve today, those flush cleaners clean to well! 

    Part store and quick lube solvent flushes strip the oil lube film off moving parts that keeps them lubricated. A possible danger to the motor often occurs as friction increases.

    Not all of today's engine flushes are safe! We favor engine flush treatments like those from Mega Power shown here and sold, here.

    Mega Power cleans the engine better, with no damage, and promise a huge performance increase with their anti-wear MC+. Results quiet valve tapping, reduce oil burning, and blowby. Avoids costly engine overhaul. 

    Sold with a money back satisfaction guarantee.

    Install Directions for Mega Power install is easy. Add 3 shown to the gas and motor oil. drive as usual to let cleaning and freeing of troublesome parts occur. Some thing solvent flush can't do!

    In a week add one more cleaner for 10 minutes, do and oil change.to the new oil add the anti wear cleaner, and conditioner. that's it.

I noticed there are online experts:

    I call, Shade-tree mechanics, who still are suggesting a little kerosene, thinner, or transmission fluid, added to the dirty oil, to solve some sludge problem - is a good Idea. That is not a good idea. Here is why...

    In the taking apart of engines - the parts that needed to be cleaned - sticky rings, valves, lifters and combustion areas. That is where the cause of most problems are located.

    They cannot be helped by adding solvent flush or automatic transmission fluid to the oil - as they are way to weak - and also harmful.

Back in the old days,

    The most common use of one solvent or another was to clean out the sludge, just before the mechanic torn apart the motor for repair.

    It did not matter if the kerosene and solvent cause any damage as new parts would be replacing the worn ones, anyway.

We all thought it helped some! But...

    But, back then, every engine was overhauled every two or three years. So, if it helped, who knew?

Did you know...

    Motor flush additives sold in parts stores and quick-lubes today are kerosene or solvents mixes from the Model A days a hundred years ago?

    The bad thing about kerosene and solvent additives as a cleaner for today's engines is this:

Today's cars use

    A thin oil - Ow, or 5w, or 10w weight, because today's engine tolerances are just a hair-width wide - compared to yesterdays engine tolerances of 3 hair-widths wide.

    Larger spaces back then required 30w or 40w weight oil - to lube properly - thin oil would get sucked-out and burned.

Part store, and quick-lube

    Solvent and kerosene flushes sold today are even more harmful to today's engines because of the close tolerances in today's motors.

    There is not much of a film there between moving parts separating your pistons, bearings, and gears.

    With solvents removing the film - damage and danger may follow. So those kinds of flushes are no good!

What is a good cleaner for my motor - to clean & protect it?

    I'll get to that answer in a moment.

    As you can imagine, those part-store, and quick-lube solvent flush products can increase metal-to-metal abrasion and friction. As they circulate, those solvents wipes-away the oil film, and moving parts touch.

    That is no good! And, those products tell you to "never rev up the motor with their product inside.'Does that sound safe to you?

    Read their labels because...

    That type cleaning starts abrasion - and down the road, eats away many years of life off your car life.

What's better? What cleaner can safely end my cars problem?

    Shown below is one of these new cleaners that can...

Picture. Mega Power Products. 512 665 3388

Mega Power research has developed

    Engine flush treatments to specifically target a chemical for each of an engines dirty, and friction-prone, performance problems. One will be your remedy!

    Upon use, minutes later - most problems end. Driving continues the good, and remaining problems disappear in a day or so. The motor will hum as good as when near-new again - regardless of age or miles - after this products cleaning treatment - I promise!

    The demo explains how an ingredient called MC+ in the the companies product line cleans and protects - a big improvement over just cleaning, most certainly.

    Take a moment to see this demo... The Mega Power Product Demo...

More Helpful tips

Mega Power Engine Flush. When and which for my car?

When the motor is 4 to 6 years old, or older, it will show signs that it needs cleaning. You can bet its pistons rings, valves, valve lifters, are dirty - and may tap.

  • More oil is consumed.
  • More fuel is wasted.
  • Wear, friction, and residue buildup is a suspect.
  • For today's motors, that is not good.

That is when Mega Power provides a good, safe cleaning method to get the motor back in good, clean operating shape again.

The new safe way to clean older, and worm motors

Learn more, following these links...

Engine, transmission, radiator problem-solving cleaning treatments

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