Diesel Truck Additive News.
Newest fuel, engine oil additives can keep your rig going by solving your fuel, engine, and gear problems.

Diesel truck additive news: Contact info: On a cellphone, to ask a question, order items listed...call me...george at 51`2 665 3388

For the latest diesel engine news on additives, here are those additives that keep your rig going by ending wear and mileage performance problems, oil burning, blowby, tapping, combustion carbon, high emission problems, and such.

Their diesel truck additive news biggest advantage to you is Mega Power's engine restorative benefits that keep them and you working, and your budget in the black. Those benefits come from those new additive product recommendations. 

Problems new additives from Mega Power Diesel truck Additive News Ends.

  1. You notice a slight decrease in cranking time, and a bit quicker start and ready to roll smoothness operation.
  2. A higher horsepower boost  from 2 areas will have you going through the gears faster.  And climbing hills with full loads, easier.
  3. A return to a  former, like near new recovery by an end or reduction in wear and mileage performance problems, end to oil burning, end of or reduction of blowby. Stops valve tapping, removes combustion carbon, and ends high emission problems, and such.   

If you feel your engine problem is like those above, and want to avoid or put off for years, overhaul expense and down time - that can amount to $5000 engine overhaul and loss of income. This is an options that may serve you very well!

Mega Power is the way to reduce that expense to under $500 and chemically remove tar-like sludge and carbon film on your pistons bearing valves and gears, then fill their worn spaces with a tough, slippery co-polymer fill  - to get and keep you on the road for maybe years to come.

The Mega Power Worn Diesel Engine Treatment is what to buy to run that strong again. Shown here. More diesel truck additive news below...

More diesel truck additive news: Mega Power Problem Solvers

  1. Mega Power removes the decrease in cranking, start, running laziness that even friction causes- which shows its presence during cranking. Both residue and friction deters crank and starting and load hauling efficiency - Mega Power corrects.
  2. Fuel systems collect micro-wax molecules and clusters them. When those clusters collect a slower start up to idle speed than formerly  occurs - and a bit of black smoke shows up if you’re able to watch the exhaust at idle and under load pull - all of which Mega Power ends by removal of those negatives.
  3. Start our program form our diesel-truck additive news and you will see other diesel additives are a rip off for their lack of providing such advantages for your truck needs. 

How your motor and your budget can benefit from new fuel additives

Reviewing both factory approved fuel additives, and aftermarket brands, those found in part stores and truck stops, it is found that those made of soy help little - See forum: Pure soybean oil as a fuel additive?  http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/1743757/1

Detergents: Those made of detergents help some – but may harm some engines and gears.  Not our car or large truck diesel truck additive news on Mega Power. Car additive treatment shown here. Both are whole engine top to bottom treatments.

Car additive treatment ordering info.

Order this Mega Power Diesel Engine Treatment to end your car or pick up running or performance problems. 6 items needed. Includes easy to follow and install directions. Phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days. Just $85 plus $14 s&h = $99 total.

Chemical detergents combined with cleaners work better as a fuel additive and starting aid. And ours help more so under full load, full throttle conditions also –

We like and sell the Mega Power Brand Fuel conditioner/cleaners [shown above for diesel car/pickup and small equipment engines] as they provide these latter chemical detergents combined with cleaners advantages.  And heal pump and injector wear damage to help avoid premature failure and extend pump life. 

6 items show [metal canister for mechanics $125, and not needed for single install] are what we call an engine treatment. For top side and oil side of your engine, fuel system combustion, emission, oiling system - ends slow starting sluggish performance.

This product pays for itself usually by adding 20 to 40 more miles to fill-ups. Under $100. Sold satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Order now by phone -Free MP Radiator Service Treatment Free. A $45 value included. Order online Just $80 plus $14 s&h=$99 total.

Diesel truck additive news. Engine additives helping older engines run almost as good as new again!

Reviewing both factory approved oil additives, and aftermarket brands, those found in part stores and truck stops, it is found that those additives mostly made of solvents are more harmful than beneficial.

Those made of honey-like oil thickeners help little.

Those made of chemical cleaners, with anti-wear and friction modifiers  work better, and those that also include co-polymers work best to restore faster cranking, easier and faster starting, and almost instant worm up operating benefits.

Diesel additive news summary

Mega Power fits those brands offering chemical cleaners, anti-wear and friction modifiers, co-polymers with ability to restore your diesel engine that has more than a few miles on it, and acting up, with the above performance problems. [Shown above for diesel car/pickup and small equipment engines]. Shown below, Mega Power protection and problem solving products for heavy equipment size engines, large trucks, boats, power generators.

Ordering Mega Power Diesel Truck Additive News Treatment

The 5 items shown are what we call the engine treatment for heavy equipment size engines, large trucks, boats, power generators. Install easily to fuel tank and motor oil.  Or enough to treat several cars and pick ups.

Mega Power pays for itself in many ways as you can see, and also usually by adding 20 to 40 more miles distance on fill-ups.

Order Mega Power for diesel trucks Here.

5 items shown plus 2 bonus engine care items worth over $50 for free. Sold satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days, with easy to install directions, free phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $400+$50s&h=$450 total.

Order for 2 or more truck engines and save more.

Order 2 Mega Power for diesel engine trucks Here.

10 items needed, plus 4 bonus engine care items worth over $100 for free. Sold satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Shipped by FedEx to your door in 3 days, with easy to install directions, free phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $600+$50s&h=$650 total. Save almost $400.

Diesel additive news. Order now by phone - Includes above 5 items, plus Free MP Radiator Service Treatment Free. A $85 value included with your HD Mega Power Engine Treatment.  A $535 total value, now $450 with shipping.

For cars and pickup, small equipment motorcycles includes 6 12oz  as the treatment needed, $90, plus  MP Radiator Service Treatment: Free. A $45 value included. 9 items total. $90 includes shipping. Special ends soon.

To ask a question, order items shown, for fleet or repair shop resale,                         call me... 512 665 3388 ...george  End Diesel additive news review.

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