The Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector2. A fuel, combustion, oiling - performance problem solver. This, fuel tank to crankcase tune up additive provides powerful ingredients needed to get your motor running great again! Avoids or puts off repair need with MC+ engine conditioners - guaranteed!

Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector2.

The Mega Power Diesel Engine ProtectorThe Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector. You're paying for it! You might as well enjoy its benefits! Call for usage and ordering at 512 665 3388

Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2.

Call to ask a question, on a smartphone, to order items listed, for advice call george at 512 665 3388

Mega Power:  Your best improvement to diesel engine care and wear, residue problem-solving....

Special Features:

Powerful Diesel Fuel, and Fuel System, Combustion, Oiling System, Fluid, and Coolant System Tune up and Protector.

For the first time diesel car truck and heavy equipment owners will improve the performance and protection of all their vehicles with Mega Power. The first improvement in Diesel care in 50 years!

We guarantee Mega Power's Diesel Engine Protector 2 to have instant and noticeable improvement indicating the advertised claim Mega Power or Free! A 10 minute drive proves what we say!

While actual engine repair can run pass $5000 and weeks of down time, Mega Power provides powerful ingredients needed to get your motor running great again! Avoids or puts off repair need with MC+ engine conditioners - guaranteed! And at a lower cost, too!

The Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2 contains fuel air injector combustion exhaust and oiling benefits come in this 7 pack - some items not shown but cover coolant and hydraulics are just $450 shipped to your door or shop with easy to follow directions and phone help if needed.  

For any size diesel. Just $450 includes shipping.  

For fleet  amounts or resale.  Please call for those prices.

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Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2.

Mega Power lower the cost-per-mile expense up to 50% because it is a holistic, Whole Vehicle Additive Protector.

  1. This is seen by its wear residue friction removing advantages.
  2. Provides amazing tune up producing features to "instantly restore" the overall operating performance ,and full-load performance improvement - compared to such products like Lucas, Howes, and other truck stop additives! Which do nothing for such negatives.

 Mega Power's Diesel Engine Protector 2

Servicing directions are easy: Add to the fuels monthly regardless of miles driven. Add to the oils, fluids, and coolants when they are replaced.

Mega Power is added in small percentages to the fuel tank, air intake, motor oil, gears, hydraulic and coolant fluid. You're paying for Mega Power. You might as well get its benefits. 

The Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2 fuel combustion oiling system, top to bottom, tank to exhaust tune up additive cleans neutralizes acids quiets revitalizes and protects with a noticeable improvement in 10 minutes or less or free!

Mega Power is a premium quality fuel fluid oil treatment which boosts the performance and stability of any diesel vehicle it is added to.

Mega Power yields maximum engine performance, fuel economy, emissions reduction, wear protection, and fuel storage stability, for all types of diesel engines.

 Mega Power's Diesel Engine Protector 2 Unique features:

M including cleaning, freeing, acid neutralization, smoothing and anti-friction  advantages lifts the cetane value of the base fuel by 3-6 numbers, which greatly improves combustion, increases performance and power, and reduces emissions.

The lubricity agent prevents wear of fuel pumps and fuel injectors.

Contains a powerful detergent package which both removes and prevents carbon build up on injectors and in the combustion chamber .

Removes and prevents carbon build up in and in the diesel particulate filter.

In addition to all that, Mega Power contains anti-oxidant fuel, oil fluids, and coolant stabilizers to prevent oxidation and break-down during hill climbing,, load from stop through the gears, as well as prolonged storage or down times.

Unique Benefits

  • By cleaning dirty fuel injectors including High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) injectors black smoke, residue, wetness of incomplete burning is maintained for an eco, and premature servicing down time is avoided..
  • Boosts cetane up to 3-6 numbers. Engines run smoother with less power lag and faster cold starts. More power through the gears, up hilly terrain when needed most!
  • Decreases fuel consumption up to 8%.Saves on fuel costs.
  • Boosts power. Reduces need to downshift during high-load conditions.
  • Contains maximum fuel lubrication. Protects fuel injectors and pumps against accelerated wear from Low and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuels.This extends the time by years for servicing the non-Mega Power way contends with.
  • Prevents thermal/oxidative breakdown of diesel fuel. Protects against sludge formation that plugs fuel filters and injectors.The easy million mile provider.
  • Stabilizes stored fuel.Less starting, idling, black smoke poor performance  
  • ULSD compliant. Contains less than 15 parts per million (ppm) sulfur.

Cetane Boost Benefits

Mega Power contains Diesel Fuel Conditioner + Cetane Booster, Friction Modifiers and their Cleaning Freeing Advantages in Mega Power raises its cetane value by 3-6 numbers. Increased cetane value leads to better and more complete ignition of the fuel, resulting in increase in felt horsepower, better fuel economy and reduced emissions.

Fuel Lubrication Benefits

Mega Power contains a lubricity agent which compensates for the loss of lubricity caused by Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel requirements. This lubricant contains no sulfur and preserves the ULSD requirement of less than 15ppm sulfur in the fuel, while providing excellent protection against wear in fuel pumps and fuel injectors.

Fuel Injector Cleaning

Mega Power's Diesel Fuel Conditioner + Cetane Booster provides injector-cleaning additives to remove and prevent carbon deposits on fuel injectors and in the combustion chamber. It protects high pressure direct injection systems and helps boost fuel economy and engine performance.

Those advantages makes Mega Power the primer way to save your equipment, get more out of them, do so years past what any other method of care can provide - including factory servicing. Instant improvement that is noticeable!

Guarantee Benefit

Mega Power is your guarantee of the promised made to you for your Mega Power usage!   Free if not as advertised!

Order Now!

The Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2 contains fuel air injector combustion exhaust and oiling benefits come in this 7 pack - some items not shown but cover coolant and hydraulics are just $450 shipped to your door or shop with easy to follow directions and phone help if needed.  

For any size diesel. Just $450 includes shipping.  

For fleet  amounts or resale.  Please call for those prices.

This cart buy button is for 1 or more treatments         

Mega Power Diesel Engine Protector 2.  Applications:

  • Effective in all diesel fuels including ULSD and biodiesel blends
  • Heavy Duty diesel engine fleets of all kinds
  • Diesel passenger cars
  • Stationary diesels used in power generation, compressors, pumps, and industrial work
  • Mining equipment
  • Municipal diesel engine fleets – sanitation, bus lines, school buses
  • Industrial Marine Diesels burning #2 fuels

Call to ask a question, on a smartphone, to order items listed, for advice... call me... george at 512 665 3388

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