The Customer Getters Program. Using Marketing Research, New customer wowing products,  Email, and Direct Response ads to boost your ad response and profit. 

The Customer Getters Program helps my tune and repair shop produce 5 weeks income in 4The Customer Getters Program helps my tune and repair shop produce 5 weeks income in 4

The Customer Getters Program Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order the program listed, call me... george at 512 665 3388

Owning and running a business is not child's play. Yet, it looks like it is. With many aggressively after the same customer you're after, you must be smarter in many ways than they are to pull in customers than they are.

This program, if you give it a chance and study its research, will provide you the tools and smarts to attract business now going elsewhere. This is done over a 60 month period - where month-by-month they you will become their competitor, not their your competitors. This is how I learned to do it and now sell that knowledge to help others do so, too

How I started making 5 weeks income in 4 every month.

The Customer Getters Program: Trouble at work and at home.

Hi! I'm George Chris. Before I figured out this much easier business and income improving method - I call the customer getter's program, no matter what, the business just could not produce enough to get its income up to the next $2000 a month profit making level.

I struggled for years – getting further behind financially. My wife would hammer me "to do something around the 1st of the month to bring home more income, so she could pay bills that were stacking up."

The Customer Getters Program. Why, what works for them?

After years of trying this and that – mostly the common worthless promotions salespeople get us shop owners to buy – that don’t work! I decided to investigate what others were doing, who were successful.

It's just impossible for them to tell you really why! Try it and see.

Locals who were successful mostly had no clue other than keep doing what their doing. Looking further...

This quest took me down a road, spending thousands in educational expense and years of experimenting. All I read to use turn out to be B--- S---!  None of it did anything to improve business and income. Nothing!

Not giving up, I stumbled on a worn college text book, heavily marked, the forward by the 3 professors told me - their idea was more hopeful.

The Customer Getters Program. Becoming a student again.

They researched what successful businesses do failing business don't do. Then researched the psychological reasons. And research ad research about it. They taught business and marketing students this new information. Students were hire by big business for them to use this knowledge against me! And you!

This information and that from direct response copy writers like Dan Kennedy help me create an easy way to make 5 weeks income in 4 - at will! Not all at once, but led me to using a special type of additives that wowed customer before all the pieces were in place to start making me 5 weeks income in four.

The Customer Getters Program. Rome was not built in a day!

The Customer Getters Program. Rome was not built in a day!

My idea was not to re-invent the wheel, but instead, just discover what was the shortest route to make more income. While that idea is simply stated, the process is  not easily discovered. As you may already found that out! The customer getters program explains this also important information.

I was not interested in becoming filthy rich, No! Just have enough income to cover emergencies, give my kids a good education and start in life, cover medical bills, help our parents who did so much for us. You need above average income to meet those goals. The customer getters program explains this important goal reaching information.

The way I learned to make 5 weeks income in 4 in my small tune and repair shop I showed other small repair shop owners to use 

The customer getters program

The discovery to the shortest route to more income is not like a road, but more like making a good stew.

Resources from many places must be put together, and in the right proportions, along with a bit of secret herbs and spices - like the Colonel figured out that led him to sell so much chicken. That's the conclusion I came to when I knew I was on to something good - but it didn't raise my income

In this case, the ingredients to increase you business, no matter if large or single proprietor, just cannot be bought in a nearby place - like food for a stew can. However, we are talking about special ingredients that can produce the stew we want - more income on a consistent basis.

This is what I'm selling to other shops looking to invest in a program to get them from here financially to there - the next highest level possible. You learn the needed goal reaching steps and the mix needed to do so by ordering the customer getters program. Limited to just a few shop owners in each marketing area.

Some things tune and repair shop owners already know.

What we tune and repair shop owners know is the system we're using now, don't work! Its capable of producing a lot more business, but we are missing something to capture it. What?

We also know there are success stories big and small all around us. That means someone knows what to do most others in the same business do not! Don't you agree?

The customer getters program

If you're looking for a one thing get-rich system, you might as well go elsewhere. Its not here!

And I found out that just knowing what those successful business do was not enough to copy and duplicate their success. Most businesses are copycats - and yours is too! Were it the gold mine you thought it was you would be rich. The customer getters program explains this important information so you will quit following others.

Those are some things you already know! You know what it got you? So what's missing? That's what 3 School of business professors wondered?

The customer getters program

          The ingredients needed I found to make                 5 weeks income in 4

It took time and money to discover - and it turns out the professors needed a 4 year college course to explain it.

  • Their Research turn up several prime ingredients needed and taught in their class. I used their text books for one way to learn what they discovered.
  • Other ingredients came form the world's top salesmen in print.
  • And other ingredients came from a branch of chemistry connected with anti-wear. 
  • And my secret ingredients that make it start producing 5 weeks income in 4 in my customer getters program.
  • The customer getters program.

My  customer getters program idea was just to discover what was the shortest route to make more income. While that idea is simply stated, the process is  not easily discovered - as the above 4 ingredients show.

From my new research an education 3 businesses resulted: a consulting business where I personally train other small shop owners that want this type income growing help. An Internet web site method to attract customers, that reached googles top 10 pages over and over at will, bringing me customers. And a Problem solving automotive wear chemistry education on what the best products in car care help and repair and where my customers benefited, that I missed now, can be captured! And a direct response ad copy developing service for each client who subscribed to the monthly program. Over $10,000 worth of service and help each month for a fraction of its cost – that at least will double what you pay in your monthly investment- for it.

The customer getters program. A system 

It's best to;

- Highlight the problem: When car or equipment owner experiences a running or performance problem most times it is due to accumulation of wear and residues causing the problem. Expensive repair is  what the mechanic suggest. To avoid costly repair  car and equipment owners see what the internet offers. I hope to attract those people to consider my method as the permanent solution.


- Highlight the The customer getters program solution. The solution are new products of which I explain and sell for their remedy.

 - Highlight why your solution is the one they need. Chemistry has new products that now correct problem a mechanic was needed for.

- Final push for call to action. Phone help tips directions and products guaranteed to work and quick delivery and a huge saving occur if they act on the buy now offer.


The customer getters program: My web page should say that.


That summarizes the method that shows what it takes and how it was making me 5 weeks income in 4. More income was harvested off shop owners who bought, and still buy from me what’s needed to work this almost, instant income growing system. Surprisingly, some did much better than what I did with my program.  Warning…

Of course, this requires testing on your part to believe it. It’s not for anyone who thinks a few thousand dollars cost will give them the secrets to an instant flow of wealth. For that kind of system you buy hundreds of dollars of lottery tickets every week – hoping the big win that comes one day will cover your previous expenses and float you off to  Caribbean island you will then be able to buy.  Here’s the thing. You go for this or you try to continue to figure out with years more wondering, alone works – you using what don’t work.

. . . the #1 element required for highly effective marketing.

 The customer getters program

It’s MISTAKES . . . and plenty of them.

 The customer getters program

It’s what prevents your marketing from going off the rails.

 The customer getters program

Or as Will Rodgers said:


“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”

 The customer getters program

That’s my method….but with does not work, and what does you should try!

OK! What’s the first couple weeks like with this program?

                You start by reading  a couple lesson on what Research shows works.

                The principles are touched upon so you know the what to say and think and do.

                Since you can’t make more money unless you sell a lot more, you are introduced

                to products that will have a profound beneficial effect on your service and repair

and your customers amazing zippy driving experience – that suddenly appears  as a result of your new car repair expertise shown you.

 The customer getters program

You are shown how to get the customer back in the shop for more service needed to correct and finalize the fixing of their car problem in the following week. This now begins the way to teach customers you are the one that takes care of their cars, not the quick lubes. part stores, nor franchises  who advertise heavily to draw your customers away from you.

 The customer getters program

You also apply the same services to your own truck, the secretary’s car, and each mechanics car so they see the zippy performance that was taken away that bogs down and wears out s cars many years too soon.

 The customer getters program

Now all of them join in your remarks of the expertise you’re using during estimate Repair and to do the repair shown needed – by the method the first lesson shows you.


Supplies of products needed to perform the special care  is explained and web site infor lets you understand the reasoning’s of customers and what your saying you will do in the fix meets their highest  expectations.

 The customer getters program

5 components that can be service our way that gets customers to notice great improvement  are covered over the next 5 lessons.

 The customer getters program

Ads  that attract customers are covers and you may be invitied to shar ad space with up to 4 other local competitors  - the limit for each marketing area so there’s no cut rating or overkill on shops using our method.

 The customer getters program

Each month we guarantee $500 to $4500 more than otherwise possible with this program.

 The customer getters program

Since The customer getters program guarantees $60,000 extra income over the next 60 months  its investment of $3000 plus the $1000 a month investment providing what you need to produce at least

$2000 more income each month, and $1000 additional profit. 

 The customer getters program 

After the sign up, you receive each month:

  • The most expensive education from top sources around.
  • Converted to 1 of 60 monthly lessons giving understanding of success principles of the most successful large and small businesses discovered by Research.
  • And taught in the one University in a $450,000 4 year course.
  • Also tips, ideas and ads I provide using costly education top response copy writers who charge tens of thousands per ads for their creations that make millions in profit. – where, in your ads will attract 5 to 10 more higher paying customers to you – now going to your competitors – who thank you for that present way of doing business - which this ends for them!  And the latest, from Hi-tech, wear and tear problem-solving chemistry to enhance your repair expertise. And how to make its inclusion a simple profit boosting estimate and repair maker that makes customers love you for including it in their service work or repair.
  • The customer getters program

Over time, anyone using those particular, business growing, income increasing method will start producing 5 weeks income in four!

The customer getters program

In the way described here, in place of their present methods, an overtime, learn from the programs monthly lessons the principles that guide its success.  From each lesson and the principle of success shown you should apply, you test those ideas  shown you, in your ads – replacing what’s shown with your present poor response ad, and in this different way to give estimates, and in a improvement in the repair procedures shown.

That’s it! Over a few months you will easily see for yourself the way to start making for them 5 weeks income in four, too!  Like learning about auto repair gives you a strong ability to find and fix cars with a problem, so to the ongoing marketing education behind this program will give you the only steps to any pay raise possible.

What 5 weeks income in 4 every month amounts to.

By the way, 5 weeks income in four is a 20% percent increase in income. It means for the same effort, you end up with $5 for every $4 you use to earn.

5 weeks income amounts to making 14 months income in 10 to 12 months. Its like getting a bonus of $10,000 to $45,000 in new an extra income each year.  Your present method of thinking and limited education in marketing is keeping you from that pay raise!

5 weeks income – means additional profit that usually averages $200 to $500 or more in profit each week. It can mean $12,000 to $45,000 more income each year – times the next 5 years – that could meaning putting $60,000 to $250,000 more income, into your pocket.

Just imagine how it will have your wife, your family, even your friendly competitors wondering what smarts you possess to start doing so well in business. And, signs of success may bring more respect and more opportunities to you, I discovered.  Go for here there! You need too, to stay ahead over the next 60 months of difficult,  more competitive times. 

The customer getters program

What the Learn More to Sell More to Earn More Program Teaches You

The Programs’ purpose is to use what Research discovered with what you know, but do not NOW profitably use to benefit your customer’s.

Doing so in a fresh, ahead of its time way, shows each person, each customer, you have a better to repair their cars and keep them going, years past what everyone else can.

In a small way customers and the public sees you are helping to not just fix cars, but help people get better lives, longer, more enjoyable  use out of their cars and equipment, and extent to you some of the the tens of thousands they spend with other for their car care needs. The customer getters program...

Warning! This program does not produce the income. It is not a get rich quick program – although its’ principles are taken from those who struggled for years, testing to see what works better, and applied to what they do, or was taught to replace these ideas with those not working as well -that made them rich.

This is not a promise to make you rich. Its’ ways are practiced in many kinds of businesses. The kind makes no difference. The results in this promotional idea makes others rich, selling the findings others used to. In this case, teach you how to make 5 weeks income in four!

There is no other idea or program promoted to you than our belief that it will work for you – if you give it a 90 day test – to see if its’ what you need – I promise, it’s not like anything you imagined that would work, producing 5 weeks income in four for you. The customer getters program

You must agree, if you believe in  something enough to promote it, those reasons for belief will produce more results – in this case – attract more and better paying customers – produce more  profits with your estimates - and more estimates being converted to sales – and more repeat business. 

In these ways, the thing about our belief is: switch from using what we call a small or petty part of our business to the reason for our business!

 The customer getters program

Sales more for you, I, we who use the education, the products, the messages.

Formerly, I felt I needed to offer better discounts than competitors to get all the business I wanted. After years of using this DISCOUNT conclusion, it came to me, if promoting discounts was the best way to make good money, why wasn’t I making thousands more in income every month – instead of struggling to pull enough money together every week to buy diapers for my little girl? The thought came to me of Why did some businesses prosper/succeed, when I tried but couldn’t, I wonder?

Slowly, my thinking and ads shifted to a better method than discounting, I increased my income significantly - but it did not come to me over night. Nor was it easy to discover! Nor did it come in a flash of brilliant thinking, nor did it instantly give me the Midas touch – where everything I did turned to gold. It did come to me – but I copied someone elses’ method. I copied a  bit here and there to do so.

 To begin, this is how I came to the method – now-simple-to-start making 5 weeks income in 4.

I applied the method in many areas of my life making me hundreds of dollars more in additional income weekly. I did a lot of self education, doing so by reading.

The customer getters program

I’m a reader. I believe an educational outlook, like running stream of water gives life to the river, so a growing education gives life to your thinking and the creativity to excel – just like any pro sport athlete   who is always practicing, always getting advice, seeking help from different trainers to do better, and keep doing better than competitors.

The customer getters program

I read the wall street Journal. I read business sections in newspapers when others are reading the sports pages. I buy books on motivation, on advertising, I’m on the internet searching for more enlightenment to help me improve in areas I know I’m weak in.

I spend lots of money with so-called Gurus’ looking to see who has what it takes to help me. This is time consuming. But I read for months on end to get insight. It cost me thousands of dollars to buy education for some that turned out to be pure bunk – I didn’t know it was bunk until I tried what they suggested in real world activity.  It taught me what didn’t work.

But here and there I gain insight on who were the real experts - because what they taught worked!

The customer getters program

You might say I took a dozen 4 year college courses. Finally, after years of reading and expenses, I came across those experts whom the experts go to for advice.

They offered a real eye opening education, and I spent thousands more to subscribe to their newsletters and classes. Individuals paid up to $100,000 to them for such information. But it made them millions – and I was hot to trot and do the same with that education.

In the course of time, I added an education into problem-solving anti-wear additives. My previous years of marketing and sales education and the understanding of how additives worked, helped me put together what I needed that started making me 5 weeks income in 4. 12 months income in 8!

Further help came one day, at a college book store. I picked up a book called Consumer Behaviorism; by 3 Ohio State College Professors who approached business growth from an entirely different way than all the thousands of major colleges across the USA did.  Colleges teach to succeed in business you need fancy advertising. A lot of white space around ads.

The customer getters program

And, something called brand advertising.

However, the 3 Professors research came to the conclusions that was bunk and showed Research supporting something called “perceived value” – a psychological events in the sub-conscious that makes or avoids the buying decision – you needed to reach to make all the sales you wanted at much higher prices, and it has nothing to do with discounting.

The customer getters program

With that info I came to the steps I could teach any shop owner how to follow my method to making 5 weeks income in 4 every month.

·         I needed to improve the value I offered customers in a way that competitors didn’t.

·         I concluded, I needed to raise the level of my car care and repair expertise, where customers could see my way of fixing their cars was more advantageous to them than what others did for them when servicing, tuning, or repairing their cars.

·         I needed a repeatable system to make more income off customers I already have.

·         I needed a way to attract 5 to 10 more-profitable customer than my present way of doing so was capable of doing.

 The customer getters program

Otherwise, how can you double your income producing ways and grow that part of your business and profit-making smarts, if you keep repeating what you have been doing in a less-successful way?

So, you need to add to what you already know to learn how easy it is to adjust to new, and much higher income producing methods - don’t you agree? You are already ¾s’ of the way there to increasing your income – so most of the pain of learning has passed. 

The customer getters program

You know about cars and car repair and your business philosophy is already in use. However, don’t you agree, you need to use that knowledge in a new and different way to keep up with the times, to replace lost profits, and cover higher expenses – in business and at home, which tend to grow faster than weeds?

 The customer getters program 

Make $500 to $5000 more each month, $24,000 more each year, $60,000 more in just five years, using these 6 profit boosting products as your way to do so.

A trigger releases a bullet or an event, and in this case, this letter shows 6 triggers combined, found to produce, and are producing much more income (2)- in the only 2 ways possible.

Can the next 4 weeks start you producing 5 weeks income in 4? Let’s see!!!

The program starts by showing you how to work smarter – not harder, that is the name of the game. However, working smarter requires-you-learn-more, to earn-more! Thinking like that says, “I need to be learning all my life, to not get rusty, stagnant – And let life pass me by.”

This are the steps to making 5 weeks income in 4 every month, making at least $2000 more each month,  $24,000 more each year, $60,000 more in just five years, using these 6 profit boosting triggers

You are already ¾s’ of the way there to increasing your income – so most of the pain of learning has passed.  You know about cars and car repair and your business philosophy is already in use. However, don’t you agree, you need to use that knowledge in a new and different way to keep up with the times, to replace lost profits, and cover higher expenses – in business and at home, which tend to grow faster than weeds?

This – letter, is the first trigger - number 2 is in the first paragraph. This section directs you to 2 special kinds of profit growing research. 

1-      It shows you how to make more income off customers you already have  – and

2-      How to attract the more-profitable-type customer you are trying to attract. 

The customer getters program

Those 2 ways are the way to point you to the way to produce 5 weeks income in 4 every month – doing so by working smarter – not harder.

Old thinking and less-profitable ways replaced with more productive profit producing triggers

This paragraph releases the (3rd) triggering event, and in this case, like the first 2 triggers above points you to much more specific income making ability. Save it and show it to your wife – to get her feedback. Then call or order the Free report listed below – online – to check out the facts here stated. The customer getters program

And now, it’s my job and the purpose of this letter to convince you to try our trial monthly program. I’m introducing the program to you – to convince you, I know what I’m talking about and the program helps to start growing your profit smartly! The customer getters program

Otherwise, how can you double your income producing ways and grow that part of your business and profit-making smarts, if you keep repeating what you have been doing in a less-successful way? So, you need to add to what you already know to learn how easy it is to adjust to new, and much higher income producing methods - don’t you agree? 

The other ¼ of what you need to know have the following triggers.

What you need - to produce extra income off customers you already have, are these other, hard-to-come-by-triggers – some call secrets, obtained at tens of $1000’s of dollars in cost, all related to Profit-making education that only Research Reveals - that is what you now need – and our way has you paying for such, out of profits they make you – not out of your pocket – like other programs you use!

The cost of profit-making education has just got cheaper!

 Especially of learning the secrets of such profit-making triggers – which successful companies developed. And in particular, of those businesses now successful, that were once small, who figured it out in tough economic and highly competitive times, and once stood where you are standing now. Yes, learn from those once struggling, now successful in business – This is the journey I’m starting you on.

Their secrets are the missing elements you need right now, and the missing ¼ of your present “how-to-make profit- ideas,” if you want to make 5 weeks income in 4 weeks and thousands more in profit every month – working smarter, not harder! And who pays us for helping you?

Just how much are you willing to pay in time and thinking for such help, if it’s guaranteed to produce tens of thousands in extra income from customers you already have?  Your customers, of course!

We’re offering a Real World learning shortcut. The customer getters program.

The customer getters program

 Compare and contrast that a business course, in the one college that teaches these secrets costs you 4 years of your time, and up to $250,000 – if you knew what college that was, and could get in ahead of the waiting list, to learn these secrets?

Our Program to help you show you, how to make 5 weeks income in 4 every month, making at least $2000 more each month, $24,000 more each year, $60,000 more in just five years, is paid for only out of the profit these 6 profit triggers boost.

All the money you want –amounts to being $100 % free!

What our Program each month shows you, is how to use and learn about profit growing – it does so in an easy quick, self-paying, overnight fashion and includes:

1.       Lesson one – reviewed in the free report you order below with the needed code. Explains what you might call the number one secret-of – those who became rich, by putting into practice  [ putting into practice the secret is a trigger] this particular one begins your profit growing strategy.  Tip. Profit-producing-sales-sentences that triggers the customer’s sub-conscious to buy.

2.       And you need knowledge of the usage of these High-Profit, customer-appealing products you may frown on now. The profit made off them is what You will grow to love.

3.       From the day, this Program Secrets are put into practice- they will turn your business into a money-making machine, to make all the money you want!

Act now! Get on with life using what you have learned with this letter. Get the Free Report!

Your wife will be happy about the extra at least $2000 more each month this program will help you produce, which amounts to 5 weeks income in 4 - every month. And the bringing home of $24,000 more each year, $60,000 more in just five years. Those are the triggers you need to produce sound sleep at night – and end the tossing and turning of trying to figure out night after night, what is it you need to do to increase your income making skills! You are ¾s’ of the way there! Don’t stop now! You have seen a few ideas of where these 6 profit boosting triggers are taking you. Will you dodge the event these triggers start in you – or, like a fireman, answer this call and then determine if it is a real event, or another false alarm.

The One Big Difference between Successful and Unsuccessful People? Unsuccessful people feel their business is different and what applies to successful businesses, will not apply to theirs. As if the old truism is not true – which says: There is nothing new under the sun! What’s new is creative ways to use what we got!  That is what this free report will have you doing to turn your business into a money making machine. Go to Type in the code words-  learn more    or call me if you just want to start using our introductory $500 program we guarantee will produce $1000 return on your $500 investment. Call me and say, send me your program and the free repair and the lesson so I can get a jump on the profit in my little business you say I’m missing now!



 shows are the secrets of Discover 6 easy to implement triggers to sell more services and earn $12,000 more in the next 12 months than you did in the last 12 years

Who does what you want to do to make money – emulate them! Frequency, Consistentcy, Ways to make it work easily – and tuned in. The One Big Difference between Successful and Unsuccessful People? Unsuccessful people feel their business is different and what applies to successful businesses, will not apply to theirs. As if the old truism is not true – which says: There is nothing new under the sun! What’s new is creative ways to use what we got!  That is what this free report will have you doing to turn your business into a money making machine.

I’m creative I need a sales person

 The customer getters program

5 Ways to be more productive

1-   Learn a skill that will help you in the future, today                               

2-   Add a profit tagging method to your invoice to see how you’re doing each day

3-   Be different in a constructive way to your customers than competitors follow.

4-   Find more productive benefits for your customers that save them time money or inconvenience.

5-   Chose a workable plan and test it against your old method

How to make 5 weeks income in 4 every month. Make $500 to $5000 more each month, $24,000 more each year, $60,000 more in just five years, using these 6 profit boosting products as your way to do so.

 The customer getters program

This letter is for those looking for more effective business knowledge from a program explaining and showing real world uses of ways that help other repair shops overcome their profit and customer growing weaknesses. Such a program will offer these advantages and produce profit and customer attracting ability from day one. It’s investment price will produce 2 to 5 times its subscription price each month, or its Free. The Customer Getters Program 5 steps shows:

·         The Customer Getters Program teaches how to replace old profit making thinking with what Research shows appeals to todays’ more-educated customer thinking and new-ways that are now producing hundreds of dollars more profit EACH WEEK for those repair shop owners following its proven program.

·         With so much competition trying to attract the same customer you are,

The Customer Getters Program does so in the following ways:

·         Helps them see and apply their NOT-NOW-APPLIED CAR CARE EXPERTISE in a new and much more effective way, which will get them all the business they want.

·         A Program sales message needs to show HOW their training and expertise help

cars run better, last longer, helps avoid now avoidable premature car malfunctions by their tune and repair methods, which competitors don’t offer.

 And expensive new replacement needs.

1.       Their ads, their estimate making must change for the better, those who believe their competitors are taking their best customers, and who believe that the publics’ perception has been keeping them from making hundreds of dollars extra income they dreamed of when starting your business.


This letter is not for you, if you want to purchase a product and signage to attract customers, if you feel a marketing course is for only big companies and their employees. If you feel you’re a good mechanic and your expertise and customer relations should bring you all the business you want.


 Easy to follow program - to use your-now-unused, therefore unprofitable car-care-knowledge in a new and different and very profitable way – so that now unused knowledge will suddenly start producing up to $200 more profit per day – day after day, helping you to work less,  and spending less on advertising  to do so.


Free Report Download: 10 Benefits to look for when purchasing a good business program to increase your daily income.


1.       A good program will NOT increase your expenses, but pay for itself and produce a good DAILY profit for you – now missing in what you do, say, offer - this is that program.

2.       A good program will have one purpose: to elevate you as the best guy to go to, if you have car trouble and want it fixed right - this program will do that for you.

3.       A good program will have a message that is different from every other competitor that shows you offer more of what the customer wants when he spends his hard-earned cash–

4.       A good program will teach you who your competition really is and how to overcome their ability to steal customers away from you – this program will do that for you.

5.       A good program should not be complicated or depend on fancy banners or discounts, but will have great appeal to existing customers, as well as attracting 5 to 10 or more better-paying customer each month now going elsewhere – this is that program.

6.       A good program fills several important needs for you - you know are missing in your business education –this program will do that for you.

7.       A good program will work because it fits your car care and repair thinking and adds to that expertise – and lets you practice the steps provided to perfect this program to your liking, much like winning sports teams work out techniques until they know them by heart – this program will do that for you.

8.       A good program offers car driving improvements customers notice immediately and come back for more, even bringing in their good running cars for the benefits offered - this program will do that for you.

9.       A good program will be Guaranteed to Work as advertised, because each month its Learn more, Earn more theme is based on profit making principles uncovered and revealed of those who struggle use, to make the income they dreamed of when starting their business, or your money will be refunded with no questions asked, of why – that is the way this program is offered.

10.   A good program will end the complaint of your wife that “You need to do something to bring home at least $500 more  each month to her so she can cover all the family expenses she has to cover to make life less worrisome, and even more charitable – this is that program.




If you are looking for a program to provide you the type of business knowledge and education that is keeping you from making the income you dreamed of when starting your business.


You fill someone has a program that will fill those missing ingredients that keeps you from getting more business, this program is for you.


What we do is help you understand what to do and say to attract business, to become a Mega Power Gold or Silver Distributor which will double or triple your income. We don’t fix cars – we don’t make money for you!


A Mega Power Silver Distributorship

A Mega Power Silver Distributorship provides and is the way to improve your profit making by growing your car fixing expertise which uses Mega Power products and services to do 2 things 1- educate customers your MP Expertise will end your customers car care concerns by your ability to install anti-wear and problem solving chemistry their cars need – which immediately improves the smoothness and more powerful operation of their cars – which you will continue to maintain. These MP features end your customers concerns over the future dependability of their cars, and teaches customers you are the one best person in the area qualified to do so.


How powerful is this to your customer loyalty and profit growing intentions? Is this the idea you can use? If so, let’s get you set up so a competitor won’t get it!


A Mega Power Gold Distributor includes the Silver program:  the way to improve your profit making by growing your car fixing expertise which uses Mega Power products and services to do 2 things 1- educate customers your MP Expertise will end your customers car care concerns by your ability to install anti-wear and problem solving chemistry their cars need – which immediately improves the smoothness and more powerful operation of their cars – which you will continue to maintain. 


And includes the way we help you get the way to improve your profit making by growing your car fixing expertise which uses Mega Power products and services to do 2 things 1- educate customers your MP Expertise will end your customers’ car care concerns by your ability to install anti-wear and problem solving chemistry their cars need – which immediately improves the smoothness and more powerful operation of their cars – which you will continue to maintain.  message across to your customers and to attract customers using our message delivery system which adds 3 more ways to your money-making ways. If you are trained to use our products and expertise to reduce your customers’ car care concerns over the future dependability of their cars. And we help you do the marketing to attract new customers by the message and to attract customers because - The difference between How-much-you-earn fixing cars, and between fixing cars and also ending your customers concern over the future dependability of their cars is the difference between earning 12 months income in in 12 months - and earning 12 months income in 10.


We don’t fix cars – we don’t make money for you! What we do is help you to become a Mega Power Gold or Silver Distributor which will double or triple your income.

 The customer getters program



Enlightening advert, really ropes you in with the presentation and promise of a distinct workable experience with sure rewards, with the fees for the program paid up from the rewards. The customer getters program end


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The Money? An above averag income where you are the Boss and determine your income. Making it easy is our job. Enjoy a business where you help auto repair shops improve their weak marketing skills to help them double their income making ability. Our Programs does that and is what being a Distributor For Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is all about. Imagine earning 5000 to 10,000 thousands dollars every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? Find out! No obligation to askquestion or try it out to see its potential for yourself.

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