Forget  a Expensive New Engine. This is the best engine sludge remover to have your engine "good-as-new," and in an hour, too!

Mega Power's Best Engine Sludge Remover. Safe to use while driving. Won't let sludge resettle. Gets your car, diesel truck, machine working great and clean again in no time.Order Mega Power's Best Engine Sludge Remover. It will have your car, diesel truck, machine free of sludge and working great in and hour as nothing else can!

Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, or order items listed, call at 512 665  3388

This quick, safe, low price product from, the Leader in Automotive Problem Solving Treatments will have your dirty engine troubles over with in an hour following our install method! Enjoy a great recovery in an hour and a huge repair expense savings instantly!!!  It's what you want isn't it?

sad girl who ignored car problemDon't fret a dirty sludge choked engine. Mega Power's Best Engine Sludge Remover Treatment is easy even for women to use like a pro! Saves your engine and your budget. Order below.

Order now below! Have your car running great starting in minutes after the install! Comes with easy-to-install directions, free phone help and ready to install, shipped to your door in 3 days. Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Our  auto tune up and repair option Mega Power best engine sludge remover comes with needed 6 items shown -  A $400 value if a repair shop installs it!

Now the mechanics price, $150, with easy to install directions. This get acquainted offer will hopefully want you to try our other problem preventive yearly bumper to bumper treatments. The only additive product line to help end and then avoid a costly $5000 to $10,000 new engine need! Tens of thousands sold.

Click cart button to order.

 This review covers and the picture shows the Mega Power Sludge Remover Treatment. it's the one that I recommend as the best around and reviewed here.

With Mega Power's easy to install Directions you'll have the best  sludge removal method and amazing, fast, and guaranteed to please results!

Mega Power's best engine sludge remover Does What It Says It Does. Customers agree...

  • ..."Maybe I'm just getting old, but it's wonderful to receive a product that actually preforms as advertised. I don't think you can not go wrong with it:" says Rhonda Cross. Temecula Ca. "It saved my engine from a sludge up destruction using it! 

               Thank You for your incredible engine cleaner!" RC

Mega Power's Engine Sludge Remover. See picture.

This cleaner method is the best way to get your dirty motor problem-causing residues out and motor running great again! And it can't harm your motor like some part store and quick lube flushes may! It's better, as you shall see.

That's because it solves the operating problem sludge causes - and its concern is not the immediate removal of sludge just sitting there doing nothing -like all other products have as their purpose.

Getting to the actual problem sludge causes, brings back its operation, and is a unique major improvement to your car care solution.  Removing sludge just sitting there aggravates the operation shutting off oil flow.  

Our treatment has you back on the road again trouble-free the same day because its ingredients  crawl to where other products and oils can't - to clean, free moving hangups.  Then adds MC+ lubrication to every dry lube point, while over time gently doing the general sludge removal.

 A great tune up like response is your evidence of why this is the best engine sludge remover method.

Best engine sludge remover "method."

2 Steps to using the best engine sludge removal Treatment product.

Using the best engine sludge remover product is to follow the simple  2 step install and let the products complex ingredients - 6 of them, to restore your motor's clean operating state.

  1. Step One: is to add 3 items marked to your gas tank and motor oil. These: Clean. Free stuck parts. Start healing, conditioning damage surfaces. Advantages no other product claims!
  2. Step Two: At an oil change add the 3 remaining items shown.  They continue the best engine sludge remover process and continue a long anti-wear advantage your engine surly needs! To get started, order here...

Ordering Mega Power's Best Engine Sludge Remover

Ordering Mega Power

    Chances are both your car "motors" - and not just this motor, but all your motors and transmissions need this cleaning and anti-wear conditioning advantages, to clean protect and promote their clean zippy life  - with Mega Power. Mega Power also exceeds the recommended every year new car warranty service recommendations for engines and transmissions.

Order Mega Power here

    One Mega Power Best Engine Sludge Remover Treatment. An add-n-Drive Solution. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Phone help if needed. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $150 with free $40 shipping today. $150 with s&h= $150 total. 

Order 2 Mega Power Treatments - Protect both car engines...

  • Order Two Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover Treatments: Clean up this dirty car engine fast. Protect and keep clean your good running engine in your other good car.  2 sets do so.  Keep  both your cars healthy - as your restore this cars health - using the same products and tips.  Just $195 total for 2 motor treatments. 12 items.  $195 total. Save $45.

Protect both engine and transmission with treatments for one or both cars. Save $30 per set right now!

  • Order one Mega Power Engine [$90]and Transmission [$75] Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help, if needed. 9 items. Just $120 plus $15s&h= $135 total. Save $30. Transmission service items not shown. 

What makes Mega Power the Best Engine Sludge Remover?

We recommend Mega Power for its research to find and offer the world's best engine transmission cleaners - an anti-wear, and anti-friction modifying ingredients to get troubles vehicles going faster, better, and a lot more economically. Anyone, not just mechanics can use. 

Because Mega Power has a friction-modifier ingredient that cleans,  lubes, and protects where sludge is blocking you motor's oil to each part! That's its engine saving, cleaning advantages you need for your engine.

Why its results are amazing!

Mega Power's success clean and have your motor running great in 15 minutes. This due to Mega Power's MC+ ingredients. These have ability to crawl into tight, sludge packed engine parts to clean, free, and lube  the dirty trouble-causing parts, where other additives do not have ability to go. That's very important in the product you select and the engine saving secret needed!

  1. If the product you are looking at does not say, it cleans out sludge where oil and other additives can't go - why buy it!
  2. Because the combustion-side piston rings, valves, sensors, and fuel injectors get the overfill of sludge - Mega Power cleans those top of your engine items, from the gas tank to injectors, combustion area rings and valves, to start the sludge removal process.
  3. Mega Power next adds a powerful anti-wear lubricant that goes where oil can't, to lubricate sludge covered pistons bearings valves lifters and gears. The special lube aid is called MC+. MC+ begins the healing freeing process.

  4. Cleaning oil delivery lines and the oil pump is next, an its oil pick-up screen, to restore full oil pressure through-out your motor.
  5. Valve stems are cleaned and freed - to end their sluggish way and close faster - one of the 6 ways power is restored. Valve lifters are cleaned, removing sludge blocking oil to them. This stops their noisy tapping. Ending that worry,  for you also.
  6. Liquefied sludge is removed during an oil change with one of the products. New oil is added to the cleaned engine.
  7. Then Mega Power adds anti-wear to smooth wear-roughen,  pistons, bearings, valves and gears - This slams the brakes on rapid wear-out - and further cleaning continues any sludge removal needed and fills your oil filter. 

This process get your motor running clean and running great, quickly again. That's what works and what you should order for your motor!

Order Mega Power below. You need Mega Power for those reasons, and for this one, too!. 

That's the product your "motor" needs - not just this motor, but all your motors and transmissions need this cleaning and anti-wear, to assure an end to this problem, returning them back to their earlier clean zippy life with Mega Power.  Transmissions service every 2 to 4 years. Engines every years- as engines are much dirtier and much hotter and need more help.

Mega Power uses 6 different anti-wear cleaning chemical ingredients for  engine sludge removal over a weeks time, as you drive - driving does the work of cleaning.

Ordering Mega Power

    That's what your "motors" needs - not just this motor, but all your motors and transmissions need this cleaning and anti-wear conditioning advantages to remove negatives for a clean zippy life  - with Mega Power.

Ordering Mega Power

    One Mega Power's Best Engine Sludge Remover Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help if needed. Just $75 plus $15 s&h= $90 total. 

Order 2 Mega Power Treatments - Protect both car engines...

  • Order Two Mega Power Best Engine Sludge Remover Treatments: For 2 cars: 12 items. Keep  both your cars healthy - as your restore this cars health - using the same products and tips.  Just $130 total for 2 motor treatments. 12 items. Plus $15s&h= $145 total. Save $35.

Protect both engine and transmission with treatments for one or both cars. Save $30 per set right now!

  • Order one Mega Power Engine [$90]and Transmission [$75] Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help, if needed. 9 items. Just $120 plus $15 s&h= $135 total. Save $30.

One additive company Mega Power, is providing new safe, Hi-tech chemical cleaners to clean all six areas - for about $250 if a mechanic does the install. Under $100 - if you do so. Its an easy product to install by any car owner.

And before after results are impressive. See picture...   Nothing to take apart - Mega Power does the cleaning as you drive! A factor all other sludge removing additives do not recommend.

Is that what you're after? Our review...On Mega Power

  1. Mega Power removes sludge safely and neutralizes acids too: While your engine critical parts are cleaned and freed, Mega Power neutralizes acids ... a major sludge maker. Something no other flush product does! 
  2. Mega Power opens clogged oil passageways: Having chemical cleaners, Mega Power uses them to dissolves the 6 different types of sludge for filtering out, and drain out at oil change removal. While 100% of sludge is not intended or needed to be removed, sludge that binds and restricts  movement is guaranteed to be removed. This restores  strong motor function - not sludge on non-moving surfaces. 
  3. Mega Power restores your motors proper breathing: Breathing is restored  by cleaning piston rings, dirty intake and exhaust valves, and several smog reducing components related to breathing. Like cleaning congested lungs.... helps you when ill.
  4.  Mega Power is a simple 2 step cleaning treatment for both top an bottom of your motor. It includes freeing and cleaning of your fuel system, combustion area, piston rings, and their valves, all sludge maker negatives.  You want this product to do all that - and your budget may, also!
  5. Mega Power Best Engine Sludge Remover Treatment provides 3 conditioners. They heal, smooth, and protect worn, dirty surfaces  after cleaning. You might say this is an extra life preserver function helping your engine to recover and gain years more service for you. Is that what you want?
  6. As you can see... the Best sludge remover 
  7. This quick 6 point education shows your motor needs the best sludge remover. That means Mega Power for more than sludge removal! Order Mega Power Now!

Ordering Mega Power by selecting one of the specials above.

Best engine sludge remover. End

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