My Easy-to-add air conditioner tuneup oil instantly sends cool  air into hot vehicle interiors.

Mega Power #120 Multi-Purpose Spray Lube. Keep a few cans handy for anything stuck rusted tight, needs lube.Mega Power #120 Multi-Purpose Spray Lube. Keep a few cans handy for anything stuck rusted tight, needs lube.

This air conditioner tune up oil from Mega Power lowers interior Vent  temperatures

  • Restores lower air vent temperatures.
  • Avoids need for an expensive A/C system new compressor.
  • The servicing tips

     This air conditioner tuneup oil cools and quiets your A/C compressor avoiding its replacement. Order it below.

The Mega Power A/C Tune up Lube #120 Oil. A super product to lube and free anything stuck rusted or noisy. Order several to have handy when taking things apart. Take engines apart easily, and avoids busted studs, free stuck nuts and bolts that won't come lose. 

Right now to tune up the a/c. The little know product ingredient really works in many other applications include tuning up the a/c system when its blowing less than cool air.

This, a mechanic/race car owner showed me. It has saved many a compressors and made cool driving interiors again.

Mega Power makes for the best a/c repair pre-clean system flush product. Its residue lubes the compressor pistons, lowering its high temperature. Cleans out the interior trash.

How to flush system: Spray the oil into each hose, condenser, evaporator - followed by a small blast of shop air will put all the ugly stuff time and usage built up. 

How to add tune up feature to the system. Add 3 ozs Mega Power to the low side of a charged up, or just repaired system. Also add recommended compressor oil the system calls for.

If your a/c compressor is running, but not cooling as it should, the product #120 may be all that's needed. However, your mechanic might say, "You need a $2000 A/C repair as the remedy." Some cases - true. Most likely, this air conditioner tune up will suffice.  Try it and see for yourself.

Order the Mega Power Air Conditioner Tuneup 16 oz Oil. A/C, All Purpose Spray, Flush, Lube

  • One can: $15.95+ $5 s&h= $20.95 Total 
  • Two cans: $25.00+ $5 s&h= $30 Total
  • 6 pak: $60.00+ $10 s&h= $70 Total 
  • 12 pak: $95.00+ $15 s&h= $110.00 Total
  • Call for pallet amounts
  • Ship FedEx to your door/business in 3 days.

To Order One can Mega Power #120

One can: $15.95+ $5 s&h= $20.95 Total.

Order two Mega Power 16 oz Penetrating Oil Spray Lubes

Two-cans, 16 oz just $24.00+ $10 s&h= $34 Total. Order 2 Now! Save $2

12 items,  Just $125.00+ $15 s&h= $140.00 Total. $10 - + each. Order now

Mega Power 16 oz each Penetrating Oil Spray Lubes    Just $125.00+ $15 s&h= $140.00 Total. Order now. Click cartbutton

Learning from its early race care history, I have sprayed Mega Power 120 Lube spray on every car engine nut and bolt for easier removal - Avoids needing a blow-torch or hack saw to free those stuck. Other uses? 

3 oz's l added to lube a/c compressors lowers warm vent a/c cooling temperatures. The best a/c system flush out there. Clean to remove hose, evaporator, and condenser sludge - for even better vent temp cooling. One product - Several uses to make car care nd repair easier.

Frees Anything Stuck, Rusted Tight, or makes cool, nothing else can - That's MP #120. Keep em handy! Better than WD 40. 

Lubes anything to work smoother. Stops Squeaks. Nothing better avoids the frustration stuck nuts and bolts cause. Order Below...

Air conditioner tuneup tips to get cooling faster cooler tips

This review covers the Mega Power #120  air conditioner tuneup service.

This covers product features, when installed as directed:

  • Restores cooling by lower air vent temperatures.
  • Avoids need for an expensive A/C system overhaul and a new compressor.
  • The servicing tips. 

Our tip

    You add 4 oz to the low side system tube inlet and the compressor will instantly turn cooler. Your vent Temperatures will also drop to real cool air flow again. The hidden problem - removing trash in the system.

    How to flush out sytem debrie if the compressor failed 120.

In cases where debris from a failed compressor - spread metal particles and sludge thru-out the a/c system: 

  • Remove all hoses and spay 120 into each one. and the evaporator and condenser in this manor.
  • Take each hose, one at a time and spray 120 into it for 2 seconds, then softly blow air into the hose. With a shop rag at the other end catching the crud and debris as the air sends it out.  
  • Do this twice for each hose and evaporator and condenser in this manor. 
  • Add 3 oz 120 in addition to spec oil and refrigerant. 120 is above required spec oil amount. It soaks away and aids the cooling process. 
  • Please note:

    Mechanics use a solvent flush that is toxic to the environment and educated to use only it. Why, I don't know. They must account for its use by filling a special form showing proper disposal method.. So some skip this step to their customers detriment. Our a/c flush product is not dangerous, nor considered harmful to the environment.

Mega Power #120 as a flush cleaner

    MP #120 is a really fast penetrating spray made to loosen rusted and stuck nuts, bolts and such.

    What makes it great is it contains a rust, oxidation, and acid removing agent.  No other product has such. Those factors give it asuper strength to quickly do the job intended. I feel its among the best all purpose rust, oxidation, and acid neutralizing spray product around.  Did you know....

    However... rust, oxidation, and acids are your A/C, engine, and transmission systems #1, 2, and 3 killers. Those 3 negatives cut the life of anything mechanical in half.  But, get them out with these tips....

    Guest what removing them can do to the life of the component Mega Power is installed in? Much longer life before wear-out, of course. You want that benefit, don't you? Start using Mega Power in everything you own. Its a vehicle and budget helping aid. Explained below.

Mega Power contains anti-wear MC+

    MC+ is a friction modifier, which helps both brand new, and older, worn compressor pistons seal better, and smooths their wear-roughen surfaces, so the oil film Mega Power restores, seals the cylinder to piston space properly again - stopping blowby, which reduces cooling efficency. That becomes the second cooling improvement aid for your compressor - and friction reducing and cleaning is first and third benefit.

    This Mega power advantage removes compressor friction and heat and makes the compressors housing run cold, instead of its blistering hot normal way. You'll want that Mega Power advantage for your engine and transmission - to protect and exttend their life, too!

    Therein is the secret to our air conditioner tuneup tips for restoring your cooling efficency, and adding longer life to your compressor, seals and system. Removing friction is better! It takes Mega Power MC+ to do that!

    The conventional repair is to replace the compressor, filter, dryer and metering valve, and re-charge the system at $2000 cost.

    The tune up products from Mega Power sold here remove negative harmful conditions and then restores the compressors suction and compression levels by friction modifying, cleaning and freeing sticky valves, and by conditioning the compressor oil to become stronger.

    That is the way - the only way known to avoid a costly $2000 repair - Order these products for the best air conditioner tuneup possible - or spend the money for the $2000 fix option.

Think about this. When your A/C system is new

    When new, your cars compressor pistons and shafts are shinny smooth, rub and slide against each other easily and freely, and are bathe in free-flowing, clean oil. That is when the system cools the best, the least friction is present, and the sub-systems operate at peak cooling efficiency.

More air conditioner tuneup tips, problem solving, and my remedy

    When those conditions deteriorate - become friction roughen, collects sludge, and coats every part, compressor body heat raises to the boiling point, cooling suffers, wear increases.

    This method using Mega Power ends those conditions and restores cooling efficiency again.

When a/c system wear occurs - five major negatives occur...

  1. Metal migration occurs - the removing of metal by actual contact abrasion and gluing of the two surfaces for a fraction of a second. Continued movement breaks the weld and now two surface have a most destructive wearing pattern and more friction.
  2. The destruction of the oil and coolant, called oil breakdown, forms sludge and sticks and bind rings and valves, and chokes down critical oiling passage ways.
  3. Electrolysis, the transfer of the protons [?] of metal to another location.
  4. Acids, which also eats metal, and also hardens and shrinks rubber seals, to cause leaks.
  5. And hi temperatures. This last killer, adds to the speed-up of your a/c system deterioration - and our Mega Power tips ends all those air conditioner tuneup negatives for you - that new compressor oil cannot do alone!

Click on can. See the impressive Mega Power difference demo

Air conditioner tune up oil from Mega Power

Order Mega Power 16 oz A/C, All Purpose Spray, Flush, Lube

  • One can: $15.95+ $5 s&h= $20.95 Total
  • Two cans: $35.00 includes s&h= $35 Total
  • 6 pak: $97.00 Includes s&h= $97 Total 
  • 12 pak: Includes s&h= $140.00 Total
  • Ship FedEx to your door/business in 3 days.

Have a question, and to order by phone right Now! Call me at
512 665 3388

Sold Money back, if not satisfied with results as suggested.

Here is what Mega Power customers say

    I've found this service is what most anyone can do, its simple, inexpensive [I charge $100-$200, plus freon for it] overcomes those conditions - saving my customers hundreds more the alternative would cost. You need to catch the problem before complete failure.

    Some people tell their mechanic to follow my directions - to see if this averts a costlier repair.

    It does a great job of restoring lower cooling temperatures, as well as reduce excessive compressors temperatures.

    The product - I call a air conditioner tuneup oil is Mega Power Penetrating Lube #120, from a company called Mega Power Inc, at

    A/C Tune Up Product details and ordering info

End Air conditioner tuneup tips
Air conditioner tuneup.

Mega Power engine, transmission, radiator, and tuneup additives.

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