The Perfect Boot Strap Business Part 2 For Contact Info ... call me, george at 512 665 3388 .
The Perfect Boot Strap Business Part 2 Continued, Why for me?
It's The Perfect Business Because:
This business will give you and many others in your comunity the key to a better life!
For you, a $50,00 to $100,000 or higher annual income are possiblities of a Mega Power Additive Distributor Opportunity.
While are products are used by auto repair shops, you do not have to know how to fix vehicles. What is needed is our message, and our program understanding of its potential awaiting prospects. This is what you offer that solves his income growing problems.
Our products provide the chemicals for servicing vehicles in a unique way that impresses customers with a terrific driving response. That surprising performance response from our products conditioning the customer experiences opens new doors to other services the shop also profits from - they now find impossible to sell. It fill the need to complete the repair process by helping older parts not now cared for, and adds the conditioning for them to work with the new parts, while anti-wear helps them last as long as the new parts replaced.
About 5 to 10 shops are visted in such a way repeat visits introduce more profit making they need to get in on from our profits.
Once the shop decides to follow our program the personel are trained in the products ways of doing so, over 30 to 90 days. Most shops will buy $500 worth of the product each month - which makes them $1000 to $2000 from them. Distributor profit from that amount runs $1o1. to $250.
Securing 50 to 100 auto repair shops nearby who are looking for ways to increase their income by $500 to $2000 a month. Who in business isn't? worth of our product to up their repair skills and an extra boost to their income of $500 to $2000 a month. Most shops settle in at around $1000 a month purchase as he keeps improving on his ability to add it to the repair process. products are shipped to them or dropped off by the distributor.
However, being able to help people take better care of their vehicles, helping them move along life's highway. that can have even more business result. That's a blessings. That's one more ideal perfect reason to be in this business. Here's others...
Let talk how income is made:
You work from a sales manual. It reviews are notitable history and product uniqueness. The many ways it opens doors to the clients more sales opps. His monthly profit growth potential. What he is now possible to earn and bring home to the mrs to pay more bills faster with.Produce the funds to make stheir life more memorables. That additives you would promote will do for him.
Start up orders averge $500 to $1000 of which he will now see how to make that cost back and double it for his extra income.
You have a100% or higher mark up. That Client will buy From $200 to $1000 from you from then on monthly. It will varry. I help him by doing demos to his customers to help spread the word.
Those $500 to $1000 sales have a %50 percent average profit in them.
You will after 6 months start doing $1000 to $4000 a day fro all sales.
You should call me and ask if you can have the local territory.
You keep all your earn. Account are mostly cash and carry. No limit except in you. Sell out anytime. Your shown how to start a route book of accounts and prospects. Ordering and an initial inventory suits you. Grow it as needed. But a take orders and we fulfill is an option for a small fee.
Once a competitive comparison point is made, discussion shows the shop owner the profitable advantages of using our products compared to others.
Wholesale Additive Distributor Business Is Perfect For You Because...
It lets-you-be-you - but when the need for money for next months bills are near, you can go gather that income - more, if need be. And it easily builds up a cash reserve. A mostly cash business. The potential is always growing. Non-existent competition. Then, resume your regular lifestyle until the next monthly harvest is ready.
Another reason why its perfect: You don't have to know a thing about auto repair. Previous contacts an advantage but really not needed. Any age, even retired. Man or women. a 3 month learning curve is typical - not yearss of time. You don't wait for business - you go get it. Can be an extra handy income source OK>
The business. When you find a Prospect, he checks out what you offer and orders from a catalog. A price sheet tells them the cost and suggested retail. If he decides to make our service mixture an every job inclusion, as a "completes the repair" option income improver. That price and directions is given him. If just for inventory, and use as needed, You can price tag them so the cashire knows what to charge. Any discounts for over minimum quantities is also given. An unusual deep discount given to make the first sale, if they chose to stock the whole line - usually about 3 each or 6 each of each of the 16. That order makes you about $100 to $200 or more profit. You can carry stock with you if having a suv or van - or arrange to deliver the items within a few days - from your your inventory, or we can ship it to him. They pay by check on delivery or by cc. Most times they have a spot where such items are keep. Some in a retail place for customers to buy, and if a shop, a location where such items are stocked foe when needed. Other pricing tips on their work orders: list a spot on ten such for products and labor for your product purposes. Some shops bump up the labor rates, but tell customers the higher rate includes about $200 worth of items they don't have to pay taxes on. The repair shop makes about $100 extra doing so. Other list your products as parts and its install labor, on the customers invoice. he can be informed of our "customer returns for morse services" program. When they normally wouldn't as one of your profit making incentives for them. Making more product usage and profit for both his and your benefit. More details... Mega Power Distributor Opportunity details....
Call to ask a question, find out if a spot is open nearby. How to get started. Training details. George 512 665 3388
What is done next.
I volenteer to stock the shelves for him. That location of shelving is, usually with a lot of older, no good products taking up shelving space. I put then in a box and show him, to dump them if he choses. Then at eye leve shelving put my items in a certain order. Fuel, engine, transmission, radiator steering a/c. A quick left to righ scan lets him quickly find the products needed. The soon fills a never ending monthly need. Some times I take their customer billing invoice and at the bottom hand-write in a "/." Left side your products profit up to now, new total righ side - he transfers amountd to the next invoice. It lets him see a running profit off your part of his business. Or when feeling brave ask for 6 invoices. I then show him a imaginary use of our program on 6 jobs. Then explain that "/" meaning. That extra income, I ponit out, pays your $100 phone bill keeping $100 more in your pocket. By the time you do this 20 such installs of Mega Power during the month. You will have $1000 more in income you never could make before, and how hppy your wife for bringing it home. Sign up for this area exclusive. A business making you income while you sleep, play, take little vacations at will. Even while working a regular job.
It's perfect because you are the Boss: Call to ask a question, find out if a spot is open nearby. How to get started. Training details. George 512 665 3388
Stop being a slave helping others profit off your smarts. You keep all you earn. You work from home - no overhead, and your minimal investment can start producing income in just a week aftert you start calling on prospects - needing what you have to boost their income maing ability.
You venture, and profit where most can't! Let's get started with answering your questions about the business.
Someone may ask?
Someone ask,"What Do You Do?" You say, "I help local businesses improve their take home income making ability."
To do so I have an automotive additive distributor program with products mechanics use when servicing, tuneing, or repairing vehicles that helps them run amazingly more powerfurl, yet get bette fuel economy. This is possible because we supply them products we invented to remove the years of wear helping them deterioate faster, to be condioned as if newer and to run as if newer, to keep them on the road years longer. This is what can help you make more in a week than most people make in a month.
They are an ignored yearly billion dollar market with huge profit margin, in a 9 billion dollar potential.
As vehicles age their potential for problems and additives becomes more critical. A growing field for sure.
Most people go to their mechanic to have the problem fixed - and supplying the additives to them can play a prime income making feature for repair shop owners - always in a crunch for more income. Monthly restocking means a 20 year potential income from each account.
Our Distributors enjoy a repeat business with income of twice that of the best hourly jobs - It can give retired people a good source of extra income.
With the average client making the distributor $200 profit per month, repeated 10 times out of 12 months a year, you can pencil the potential and see why this is such a good opportunity. And it closes the area with each distributor.
How the market is worked.
The MARKET. The market we serve is the automotive service, repair and rebuilding market and can number many. They are hungry for more and better ways to attract and hold customers, to profit more so.
Your teaching them of our Mega Powqer Additive Usage Benefits will give them an amazing winning profit edge. By developing 50 to 100 clients the local distributor income potential cn reach grow as you add accounts to whatever your need needs.
With a billions of vehicles over ten years old in the problem developing state, our additives will cover their needs for fuel injectors, engines, transmissions, power steering, and radiators problems. Servicing to avoid trouble is a big market. And their problem solving needs is growing.
The breath and with of the market will never end for our products. Prospects will want these products when their potential is shown. They turn them into clients who will always appreciate the distributors efforts to making their life better. Keep their inventory replenished each month.
The HASSLES. Having a business is great, but some businesses are more trouble than they are worth. Selling our additives are simple. Do some grass root visits with a flyer of the potential for the repair shop owner we show you how to use. Do an amazing product demo. Show their monthly potential for $1000 or more income each month, make them an offer they can't refuse we show you to offer. Pocket their check. Friendly future visits refill sold inventory, pass on tips to get them up to speed. You make the schedule your way to do so. You're the Boss on time and harvesting the potential.
On top of that, our proven system is design to make your starting simple. Complete at home instruction with instruction for the bumper to bumper install and problem avoidance service for all your vehicles -at deep discount. - seeing and feeling aids sincerity. And phone help as needed to work over problems. This give you the confidence about your winning edge, and you can start in 30 days from now. And no other business can be entered into so easy, for so little, for so lucrative an opportunity.
Our MEGA POWER ADDITIVES. Our program helps you start with a small investment that never ends returning income. Sure we do things differently than anyone one else, and no contracts, subsides, or franchise fees. - our products are different and our program gives you the fastest way to reach your monthly, and life's goals with them.
The investment: Starts with what's needed to open two accounts. Two bumper to bumper sets to service you own vehicles. pricing tips and introductions. What demos you can do that are free. cost some bucks offering a better way to get customers quicker. you decide. A sales book flyers. Business cards. Adverting. All the phone help you need. The area to work if in a big city. Once given is yours until you sell it or not by products on a monthly arrangement. Bigger purchases offer more discount. $5000 is the start . Some start as salesperson then by the area they work . One distributor per area. Other rules common to every business apply.
The Mega Power Distributor Opportunity The Go Father Risk ... You Are Willing To Take To Reach The Life You Seek for Yourself and Family.
Compare what we offer; the strongest potential. Where your drive and your needs work to prodper you - not some big greedy organization.
The Risk: An 8 to 5 job has little risk of not getting a $500 paycheck every Friday - but slim chance of getting $1000 instead. Although, you keep earning the boss more income, you still get $500 a week, while your efforts may earn the owner thousands each week from such efforts. Think about it. For him to do so, he or they took more risk - and if average, failed 4 times before figuring out his winning strategy.
The Mega Power Business Opportunity seems to follow the same strategy. Your little daily failures gives you the next day to overcome them. Not years away
Now-famous people who went further in life took risk in hopes its outcome would make a better life may have failed, but came back with a different plan, failing, as they improved their winning ways in the next effort to gain a better life for them and their families. Some now-famous people who went further are the owners of Dell computers, microsoft, google, amazon, facebook, and tesluve electric car inventors - who now manages the NSA Space Program for us. They and many others went into unchartered waters few would dare, but seen opportunity there fora better life and pursued it. Knowing, failure meant to try again another way - not give up. Are you like that? The Mega Power Business Opportunity Distributor seems to follow the same strategy to reach their income level they deem success as. Is this your nature - read on...
We want you to discuss your life goals and how our opportunity for you might be the good fit you are looking for. The following briefs you on the opportunity. If you want to learn more, apply for local area distributorship details at 512 665 3388. Tell us what you are seeking. Read more to see if its worth a look.
I like the fact the Mega Power Business Opportunity individuals offers a rare, low risk investment, with an easy-to-master program to have a better life from some one who also is seeking a better life financially. Even though what is sold is for a trade you know nothing of, but buyers see and order from you each month, Is being a vendor a way of life you would enjoy? If so read on...
Investment: This under $25,000 investment includes inventory you may store in your garage and draw from and replentish from us from sales made, keeping the differences as your profit. Vendors turn-over inventory [sell and restock with a profit in each turn over ] quicker as more accounts are gained. That makes it different than a job where more effort helps the boss, not you. But this grows your income as your accounts grow month by month.And higher income amounts offer a better life for those helping those in our niche, see you offer the way to help them get to their next higher $1000 monthly income level, we are doing to help you do so.