auto tune up and repair options:

Do-it-yourself, tune, tap, oil burn, blowby, sludge, shift, leak an other running, performance, wear, and Hi-mileage problem-ending products an alternatives to their repair. The prime internal revitalization part that completes a tune, repair, or fluid change service

Better, cheaper, faster Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, establish your repair shop as the local source for these options, call me... george at 512 665 3388

If a vehicle owner having a vehicle running, noise, or performance problem, these tune repair options will correct or end them in your vehicle.

If a tune repair shop owner wanting to do more for your customers having a running, noise, or performance problem, these tune repair options can become that half of your expertise you've been looking for to correct those  dirty, wear roughen piston bearings valves and gears needing just a conditioning to bring them and the actual repair to a tire-burning, zippy, customer pleasing result customers will come to you for more of - not others.  

Since there are hundreds of such products claiming this and that...

These auto tune repair options offer:

  • Car,  pickup, diesel truck, tractor, RV, boat, motorcycle, and machine owner.... With any 
  • Engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or lubricated part having a mechanical, noise, or running operation problem  the best known chemically repairable treatment.
  • They are the fix and the required service those components need!

How these auto tune repair options do so.

  • All vehicles experience internal wear and residue running, performance decline problems over time. 
  • They cause premature part failure and dozens of running performance problems that actual repair was their fix. 
  • Now, chemistry can now correct the problem caused by the parts so troubled, avoiding the repair. Of course, if broken a replacement is needed.
  • The page where your problem is covered outlines the chemical re-conditioning needed for return of former performance.
  • That's our option for you!
  • These auto tune repair options are alternatives to use with problem solving chemical features to correct, or end your car problem.
  • Few mechanics are trained, or even know about the use and understanding of such tune, repair aids, and repair avoiding options. 
  • They are just trained to find affected parts and replace them as the fix. 
  • You will discovered new problem-solving additive products to end common car and equipment wear and performance caused problems - probably like what you want to end, too.
  • Even High-mileage caused performance and power decline problem, also.
  • I have these problem-solving fixes and put them in a recipe format for anyone to follow, with an explanation of how you can chemically end your cars problem, so you will have the greatest confidence to end your engine transmission and other component problems.
  • To help you, each uses specific additives made to work, to avoid a repair need.
  • They are listed showing what car additive products work for your problem and those additives that don't work.

Bookmark this Site-purpose page for

To get the most out of your vehicle fix, to save time, frustrations, and an avoidable expense Do you have a tap, rough shift, leaks, oil burning, blowby or such negative you want a product for?

Click the buttons on the left that suits your need or problem.

    These are really your options and alternatives to avoid, or put off certain costly repairs.

    If actually broken part replacement help you are after, you may have to go elsewhere for that help to tear apart and replace bad parts.

    Here at auto tune up and repair we are trying to show you how to avoid the repair possibility - if nothing is broken.

    You no longer have to wait until your car or truck problem breaks something, then have an expensive repair, to get your car running right again.

    Not any more.

    You can follow these site-purpose options and alternatives - given in a recipe-type-format, to end dozens of friction and residue caused problems. That's good!

    For many people, options - are actually remedies, and they become an upgrade to the oil change service for people who want the best care for their vehicles... They are such for new and older vehicles.

    They are also installed in thousands of cars and trucks each day as part of the inside cleaning, protecting, and tune up of their radiator, motor, transmission, and steering component during their required fluid change service.

You will like what I found as the best car and equipment care

    For ending your internal caused problem - yourself. Driving does the actual fix.

    Hopefully, they will help you end your problem and gain years more usage from all your vehicles - why not join this group, and save your cars and money, and enjoy a new, more enjoyable driving experience...

    All vehicles experience problems the additives listed can correct, but few mechanics know know the skills and understanding of such chemistry to use them.

    This knowledge is not taught to mechanics in vocational schools. If they learn about such expertise it would be because me and a few other have taught them. This, web Site-purpose, site is helping more mechanics, techs, and ordinary vehicle owners like you, learn how to use Mega Power chemistry inventions as part of their vehicle problem solving methods.

What I like and so will you, is this Site-purpose fact

    That my recipes constantly help me - and now you, to avoid the need for repair and its expenses as well as provide many extra years of usage from my vehicles, and a return to like-new driving performance. Yes, you read that right!

    I've bought dozen of cars and trucks used, with high mileages, sounding and shifting terrible and thought about-worn-out. Then, given my recipe treatments [Those I'm encouraging you to test and experience], and had them all go another 100,000 plus, trouble free miles.

    The brand I like and recommend is Mega Power for these options. A leader in this field.

This is because Mega Power Products

    Promote have "friction modifiers" and "penetrative cleaners" not found in any other product - that do what others cannot!

    Its this chemistry, [installed as we tell you] that have been helping thousands of owners of cars, trucks, RVs, boats, and heavy equipments enjoy and gain many extra years of dependable service from their vehicles, also.

    We all are saving tens-of-thousands of dollars reduced cost-per-mile operating expense. Now, its your turn to enjoy these advantages. That's the Site's-purpose.

Order the recipe treatment I suggest for your problem

    You will have the cure and your vehicle will suddenly have its lost power restored you thought you would never see again – regardless of years or miles driven so far. Then stay that way years pass what any other method of care and repair can provide.

    I know this is a leap of faith for some to believe. However, when you read about the site, you may gain enough confidence to try My Mega Power Recipes just once. That's all we ask. Try it once. "The proof is in the performance" - that's our motto.

Friction modifiers and cleaners

    Are formulated into the Mega Power Brands of additives as a value-added advantage.

    You gain those Mega Power value-added advantages when you use my recommendations - as the fix for your vehicle problem.

    Do these sound like benefits you want to gain? Get em here!

Now lets get you started.

    Use the buttons to go to the info page you need.

    There, I'll explain how your problem develops and how the fix – fixes.

    There, you can order the products needed. This knowledge is power.

    That is this Site's-purpose - and my method will help avoid avoidable wear, friction, and residue problem-causing conditions.

    A review of the site contents is located at the bottom of the HOME Page. Each listing has a title and comment to help with your problem solving need.


    Your Site-purpose tool in all this is specialized knowledge I listed for you about Mega Power Brand smart chemistry – invented by a genius – Bud Esterline. His story, and mined, are listed below.

    Get the most out of your vehicles, new or worn, save time, fustrations, avoidable expense with these new tune, tap, shift, leak, and repair avoidance products

    That's my auto tune up and repair options Site-purpose. The best to you... And you will have my phone number if you have a question and to order the products to end your problem.... george christ

Site-purpose page sends you to the Home page. Click here

Bud Esterline. Additive formula inventor

George Christ. Additive expert. My Bio

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