Professional strength powerful cleaners conditioners and protectors from Mega Power additives for oil treatments, fuel treatments, engine, transmission, fuel, radiator and power steering protection and anti-wear treatments.
Quick acting results assured. Works while you drive. Is the repair. Is the dirty motor clean up part of what recovers lost horsepower, end residue caused problems and makes a better than average repair. Got all that? Ordering choices...
Order Mega Power products below. For heavy equipment protection, call me for gallon and drum, fleet service, and mechanic resale needs now at 512 665 3388. Order online for anyone.... now! Otherwise order below on line.
Mega Power Complete Vehicle Service: Our Service Treatment include Cleaners, Conditioners, Surface Smoother, MC+, worn surface re-builder, anti-wear protection.
Ordering Mega Power Automotive Products
No better engine care has ever been invented except Mega Powers Engine Treatment. Add #1, 2, and 3 to the gas and oil and drive a week to let them recondition the motor. Then do an oil change to add the 3 remaining items to complete the treatment and produce an amazing performing car.
Ordering the Mega Power Automotive Products: Engine Treatment:
- The Mega Power Engine Treatment offers the maximum servicimg and protective features available for any size engine - where performance and endurances is a key goal.
- In one service in about an hour you can, clean, free, smooth engine performance problems our, while its MC+ anti-wear to both top air fuel exhaust side and lower motor oiling side bottom of your engine.
While this is an unusual way to service your vehicles, its pereforemance and endurances last two years. A touchup set of 3 items to be used at future oil changes keeps the amazing performance going - a racing benefit race car owners gain when adding this Mega Power Engine Treatment.
The kit cleans, frees, smooths, and helpds valve body, pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such spin, slide, and turn easily - when they don't as they age.
Treats up to 3 gallons motor oil capacity engines. Can be split into two for two four clylinder engines. 6 items valued at $28 each included. Directions. Phone help if needed. Shipped to your door. $16 each on special. $99.
Transmission Treatment and Tune Up Service:
- The Mega Power Transmission Treatment is a clever way to clean, free, and smooth out shifting problems of all types in an hour.
- The Mega Power Transmission Treatment contains our anti-wear surface smoother MC+ to help valve body shift valves work freely for smoother shifts and longlivity. Add enhance lube to help pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such work as if new again! Treats any car, pickup units using ATF fluids.
- 3 items includes our System Ceaner, #1 you add to the dip stick tube and then drive to a quick lube or transmission shop to do the fluid change out. 2 remaining problem-preventing and fluid protectors go in with the new fluid.
- The kit cleans, frees, smooths, and helpds valve body, pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such spin, slide, and turn easily - when they don't as they age.
- # items valued at $28 each included. Directions. Phone help if needed. Shipped to your door. On special. Includes Directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipping inckuded to your door. Just $75
Mega Power Brand Radiator System cleaner, anti-leak, stop leak, anti-rust treatment.
- Radiator Treatment: The Mega Power Radiator Treatment is a 3 item treatment service to clean, free, provide stop leak, add MC+ Cool aid to radiator, heater cores, pumps, and such.
- The kit cleans, frees, smooths, and helpds valve body, pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such spin, slide, and turn easily - when they don't as they age.
- Treats up to 3 gallons systems. 3 items included. With Directions.
- Mega Power Brand Radiator System cleaner, anti-leak, stop leak, anti-rust treatment. Phone help included. Shipped to your door for $75 total.
Helps valve body, pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such spin, slide, turn easily - when they don't
- Power Steering Treatment: The Mega Power, Power Steering System Treatment is a 2 part kit. A hand fluid pump removes old pump fluid and add Mega Power to clean, free, smooth, and help valve body, pistons, pumps, shafts, gears, seals and such spin, slie, turn easily - when they don't as they age. Treats up to 2 gallons fluid. Remove dirty fluid by truning steering wheel and sucking out fluid. Add moore - do it again. 2 items does not include pump. Directions. Phone help if needed. Shipped to your door. Just $75.
Order the above set of four to service all your vehicles. Their complete 25000 mile service. Covers engine, transmission, fuel treatment, radiator. power steering Service Treatments to protect bumper-to-bumper. For cars trucks tractors RVs.Motorcycles. Large equipment require larger size items. Order by phone at 512 665 3388. Me? george on the phone.
Order one or more complete sets here.
For one vehicle Mega Power additives = 15 items total as described above for radiator, fuel, engine, transmission and power steering. For one vehicle just $290 + $25s&h= $320 --Save $200 with this special. Now just $190+ $25s&h= $215 total for one vehicle.
Order up to 6 sets - for 6 vehicles, choose how many sets at check out, for 2 or more vehicles = Just $150 each set X 2 = $300 for 30 items + $25s&h= $325 total for 2 cars total servicing. Save $150 on each 2 additional sets. Order up to 6 sets - choose amount at check out.
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