Mega Power Additive Products.
List of products, description, price, online ordering info.
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This page begins with our Special

Then list of products includes:

A brief list of product features, items included, and install info...

Each part of a vehicle with a service product covered separately.

For detailed product features and benefits, go here.

Our Specials:

Our TWO SPECIALS END 12/30/2024

 Select from these 2 Deals:

SPECIAL: A FREE can of Mega Power All Purpose Penetrating Spray #120 16 oz. $14.95. FREE with any or each $200 order off this page. 

SPECIAL: Select our Mega Power Worn Motor Engine Treatment. $99.  Purchase our top Transmission Treatment with it to protect both your engine and transmission.  $75. Both just $150. Save $25.

   Video: See what makes our engine transmission additives the Hi-tech protectors and nut buster, lube spray so well loved in this demo - Learn new uses for Mega Power Spray Penetrent #120. 

Have several MP 120 Spray Penetrent Cans Around Saving Hours of Tough Nut Busting Time for You!

  1. Frees stuck, rusted nuts and bolts instantly! End any squeaky, sluggish moving rusted nuts, bolts, hinges, on manifolds, free locks, oil guns, fishing reels, steel cables, garage door wheels and its opening chain. 
  2. Buy a 12 pak and save $20 on shipping.
  3. Each case of 12 Just $125 plus FREE snh = $125 total. 


  1. Order $400 worth of items - pay Just $300 total as this specials - bonus. 
  2. But 50% Off any other items purchased. 
  3. On a cell phone, to ask a question, order items and specials listed. Call me to total up your order and for your savings. Phone order only. Call me now... george at 512 665 3388
Combo Engine Tune Up so Powerful it Cleans Fuel System Tank Filter Fuel Injectors Idle Port Manifold Combustion Area Rings and Valves Spark Plugs Emission Reachable Sensors and Motor Oiling PartsFISC Combo Engine Tune Up so Powerful it Cleans Fuel System Tank Filter Fuel Injectors Idle Port Manifold Combustion Area Rings and Valves Spark Plugs Cat Converter an Emission Reachable Parts

Mega Power FISC Fuel Injector, Combustion, an Emission System Cleaner with friction reducing features for race car horsepower recovery performance.

3 Item Professional Tune Up Cleaning Service Treatment.

  1. A total tune up assist service for where ever fuel, air, oil, combustion goes. Includes over $500 worth of serving products in one easy to install package.  Add red to fuel tank. Black to motor oil. Fed yellow into vacuum system. That quick! Done! Retail service $150 to $450. Sold in single box 3 pack, and 6 3-pac's to a case. Features....
  2. Picture above and below show kit and features.
  3. Cleans the fuel tank, filter, even removes moisture. 
  4. Cleans fuel injectors quickly. Ends rough idle in minutes. For smoother idling in minutes during a tune up.
  5. Cleans sticky rings, valves, combustion area. Frees and quiets noisy valve and lifters for increased vacuum and horsepower development.
  6. Cleans reachable emission system including catalytic converter to lower emissions and for passing exhaust emission test.
  7. Results: Motors instantly idle smoother, quieter, noticeably stronger running again - guaranteed, or free. 
  8. Ordering info: 
    One #FISC 3 item pak. $79+$15s&h=$94 total. Plus $7 tax= $101.

 Order 6, 3 pak for 6 engines, 18 items, just $50 each 3 pak. Free shipping. Total  $300+ $24 tax. Total $324. Save $200.

 Order 12, 3 pak for 12 engines, 36 items, just $35+$3 tax= $38  each 3 pak. Free shipping. Total  $454  Save $600.

FISC Combo Engine Tune Up so Powerful it Cleans Fuel System Tank Filter Fuel Injectors Idle Port Manifold Combustion Area Rings and Valves Spark Plugs Emission Reachable PartsFISC Combo Engine Tune Up so Powerful it Cleans Fuel System Tank Filter Fuel Injectors Idle Port Manifold Combustion Area Rings and Valves Spark Plugs Emission Reachable Parts

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Call 1-512 665 3388

Our TWO SPECIALS END 4/30/2018 Select from these 2 Deals:

  1. SPECIAL ONE: A FREE can of Mega Power All Purpose Penetrating Spray #120 16oz. $12.95 FREE. One Free with each $200 purchase. Learn new uses for Mega Power Spray Penetrent #120. Begin your day with #120 spray nearby. Save $40 shipping also before 12/30/2018 for more than a $50 in savings.

  1. $200 SPECIAL DEAL:Buy $200 worth of items on this page: 50% Off items totaled pass $200:
  2. Call me to total up your order and your savings. Phone me at 512 665 3388

Please note: Mega Power Additives..

    Are the best quality with unique features offering the strongest, fastest-acting results you restore and protect your cars, trucks, and heavy equipment.

    Their results -  ending the problem, also give a bigger engine power performance is due to the ability to go where oil can't to end the problem. Doing so provides a clean, smooth problem ending operation. Times reveals its friction and wear end, and like-new performance.

    Our products cover the motor, transmission, gears, and steering anti wear using our Mega Power Additive MC+.  Unlike parts store additives. Mega Power additives are of the newest new, proprietary formulas. A sound nethod that follows a cleaning, smoothing, healing, and slippery coat to protect wherever fuel, air, oil, and exhaust go.

    Advantages you ar after to restore the like new performance, keeps it years past what any other additive can. Offers greater driving pleasure. Great ways to keep your car care and repair expense much smaller.

We start the product description list with Mega Power's All Purpose Penetrating Spray Lube #120 16oz
Super lube, and super fast nut/bolt buster. Keep a can handy. Frees anything stuck, rusted, frozen, ends squeaks. Removes moisture. Marine, shop, home use. Locks, chainsaws. A good ejector, gun barrel oil, too.

    One #120. $15.95.00+ $5 s&h= 20.95 each.

    Money Saver: 6 pack, $48+ $15 s&h=$650 total. Save $40

    Mega Power's Additive list Fuel and Tune Up Products next...

Mega Power FISC Fuel Side Fuel Injector, Combustion Carbon Removing, and Emission System Cleaner
A 3 Item Professional Tune Up Internal Cleaning Service Treatment.

  1. One total service for where ever fuel, air, oil, combustion goes.
  2. Cleans the entire fuel system. Removes moisture condensation.
  3. Cleans fuel injectors. Ends dirty injector problems, rough idle in minutes. For smoother idling in minutes during a tune up.
  4. Cleans sticky rings, valves, combustion area. Frees and quiets noisy valve and lifters. 
  5. Cleans reachable emission system including catalytic converter
  6. Results: Motors instantly idle smoother, quieter, noticeably stronger running again - guaranteed, or free. 
    One #FISC 3 item pak. $39+$15 s&h=$54 total. A 6 pak, includes 18 items for 6 motors. $125+ $15 s&h= $140 total.
  1. One item for the Fuel Tank side.
  2. One item for the Oiling side below.
  3. One for combustion carbon removing.

Contains the 3 strongest made cleaners and MC+ Friction Modifiers for fast restore of loss power due to friction wear and sticky residues caused problems.

Mega Power's Fuel Injector System Cleaner #IS 3 part. For pressurized installation.*
Ends dirty injector problems, rough idle in minutes. Makes motors instantly idle smoother, quieter, noticeably strong running again - guaranteed, or free. Includes Fuel injector cleaner, combustion cleaner, and includes a spray to clean throttle plate and idle circuit.

1- 3 item kit $40.

6 - 3 paks, 18 items. $150+ $15 s&h= $165 total.

* Tools for above two products is our Fuel Injector Cleaner-Install Tool.

The "Vacuum FEED Method" to Cleans Fuel Injectors and combustion area instantly. $125+ $10s&h=$135 total.

The Pressurized Fuel Rail Direct Connection Tool. Use with Kits above or any cleaner. $250+ $10s&h=$260 total.

Diesel All Purpose Treatment 12oz
Diesel Treatment #5. Fuel conditioner. Anti-gel. Algae retarding. With pump and injector Lube Cleaner. Stops Smoke, even under load. Treats 25 gallons. Add every 3rd fill-up. [Double amount to clean dirty injectors. Cleans as you drive].

1 - $19+ $5s&h= $24 total. 

6 pak 6 items, $90+ $10s&h= $100 total. 

One Gallon $124+ $10s&h= $134 total.

6 gallons $64 each $384 total + $20s&h= $404 total. Save $40

Mega Power Additives. To-order, Call 1-512 665-3388

Single Bottle Fuel Treatments & Cleaners

Fuel Injector Cleaner Professional strength #90 12oz
Add to fuel tank. Cleans dirty injectors as you drive in one
day. Smooths rough idle, ends stalling. The strongest, safest,
fastest acting cleaner available.
$22+ $5s&H=$27 total.

6 pak of 6 items, $90+ $10s&h= $100 total. 

One Gallon $124+ $10s&h= $134 total.

6 gallons $64 each $384 total + $20s&h= $404 total. Save $40

Fuel Injector Cleaner #70 12oz
Keeps fuel system and injectors clean. For city-driving vehicles to keep injectors and combustion area clean. Add to fuel. A Cleaner/Fuel Conditioner.
$12+$5s&h=$17 total. 6 pak $60 total. Free shipping

Fuel System Cleaner #98 12oz
Add to fuel as needed. Conditions. Cleans. Removes water.
Neutralizes acids. For vehicles not driven regular, or those
that sit for months. Keeps fuel fresh. Easy starting.
1- $22+$5s&h=$27 total.

6 pak of 6 items $60 + $20 s&h = $80 total. Free shipping

6 pak 6 items, $90+ $10s&h= $100 total. 

One Gallon $124+ $10s&h= $134 total.

6 gallons $64 each $384 total + $20s&h= $404 total. Save $40

Gas Treatment #93 12oz
Add to fuel as needed Conditions fuel. Lubes valves. Removes
water. Keeps fuel fresh. Easy starting in hot and cold climates.
Ends stalling, hesitation, rough idle. Cleans combustion area,
spark plugs, as you drive.
$10+$5s&h=$15 total. 6 pak $50 total. Free shipping

Carburetor Cleaner #1
Add to fuel as needed. Cleans carburetor, combustion area, spark plugs, as you drive. Smooths rough idle, ends stalling, hesitation.
Lubes valves. Removes water. Neutralizes acids. For vehicles that
sit for months. Keeps fuel fresh. Easy starting.
$12+$5s&h=$17 total. 6 pak $60 total. Free shipping

Octane Booster #2
Add to fuel as needed. Reduces ping.
When you need more power. Boost Octane 2 points
per 5 gallons fuel. Non-corrosive formula racing quality.
$12+$5s&h=$17 total. 6 pak $60 total. Free shipping

Strong, Fast-Acting Motor Valve Conditioners and
Motor Oil Conditioners

Engine Tune up #9 Add to oil Frees sticky valves,
rings Quiets tapping Improves oiling Friction Modifies $12
Oil treatment #10
Add to oil, reduces oil burning. Increases compression. Frees sticky valves rings. Friction Modifies                      1- $22+$5s&h=$27 total.

1 gallon $124 = $15s&h=$139 total

6 gallons $64 each $384 total + $20s&h= $404 total. Save $40

Engine Treatment #95 Add to oil, Stabilizes oil. Excellent in new engines. HI Performance, HI RPM, and Race Car Motors. Cam/lifter anti-wear EP feature 1-$19 =$5s&h=$24
Engine Stop Leak #11 Add to oil, Stops oil seepage Seal leaks Frees sticky valves Rings $14
Engine Oil System Cleaner #15 Add to dirty oil. Run 5 min, then Drain Frees sticky valves rings. Friction Modifies 

1- $22+$5s&h=$27 total.

1 gallon $124 = $15s&h=$139 total

6 gallons $64 each $384 total + $20s&h= $404 total. Save $40

Oil Change Engine Service Cleaning Kit #ES 3 part 3 items.
Quiets Frees Removes contaminants Anti-wear. Doubles oil life              $39 +$15s&h=$54

6 kits 18 items. 
Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. A 6 item engine treatment treats top and bottom of motor to end oil burning, combustion blowby, restore lost power. Cleans, frees, smooths, coats to instantly restores lost power and restore like new performance, chemically and mechanically. 6pak treatment $90. Details: Worn Motor Treatment Description

To-order, Call 1-512 665-3388

Automatic Transmission, Stick Shift, Differential Gear Treatments

Transmission Fluid Conditioner #3 Smooths rough shifting. Cools
Doubles as an ATF Fluid Stabilizer. Stops converter chatter. $15
Automatic Transmission Stop Leak #12 Contains no solvents. Stops oil seal leaks fast. Ends Rough shifting. Stabilizes ATF Fluid $15
Stick shift, 4x4 Differential Oil Treatment #10 Makes shifting easy, faster, quieter. Reduces gear howl, whine and leaks. Water-proofs grease. $12
Automatic Transmission Service Kit #3TS This transmission "saver" uses 3 different products to restore your transmissions shift, life, long-livity. Instant results. Cleans during flush/oil change with one product. 2 others smooth, heal, free to restore shift smoothness, stop seal leaks, add cooling anti-friction help - good when towing. cars, truck, large equipment. One, $60 + $15s&h= $75.  6 pak,  18 items. $150+ $15s&h= $165

Mega Power Additives. To-order, Call 1-512 665-3388

Mega Power Additives for Radiator Cooling System Treatments

Radiator Stop leak #SL6 Add to coolant
Seepage, gaskets, holes cracks Non clogging Water/antifreeze $12 Radiator Cleaner #8 Add to old coolant Run 5 min Drain With new coolant, also add #SL6 #RC7 $12
Radiator Cool #RC7 Add to coolant
Engine and transmission run cooler Lubes Cools when Towing $12
Radiator Service #RS 3 items. Flush cleaner. Cleans. Stop leak. Cool. Lowers high temperatures. Neutralizes acids. Stops leaks. Protects $36+ $15s&h= $51

Mega-Power-Additives. To-order, Call 1-512 665-3388

Power Steering Service, Stop leak, Tune up. #PS
Includes Pre-cleaner flush, and half gallon power steering fluid. Stops rough turning, whine, leaks. For all systems. $55+ $15s&h=$70

Mega Power Additives. To-order, Wholesale, Retail Call 1-512 665-3388

Mega Power Additive Tools & Equipment

*Pressurized or Vacuum Combo, Fuel Injector Cleaning, Feeder Tool Holds 24oz liquid. Zero to 90lb line pressure adjustment. Delivers injector cleaner, carbon removing cleaner, motor revitalizer, using direct fuel rail connection. Or by any direct vacuum source. $250

*patented Metal Canister to feed Fuel Injector Cleaner into a vac source. Vacuum method. Cost $125 Delivers injector cleaner, carbon removing cleaner, motor revitalizer, via any direct vacuum source. $125

Automatic fluid flush out and fluid fill machines Made for hard, daily use. Simple and Fast and years of dependable profit making. Rugged On wheels. Lease/Buy/Parts 512 665 3388

Brake fluid Flush and Fill Exchange
Power Steering Flush and Fluid Exchange Robot
Radiator Flush and New Coolant Exchange Robot.
Automatic Transmission Flush and ATF Fluid Exchange Service Robot

Mega-Power-Additives, tools, oil filters, fast fluid exchange machines.

To-order Mega Power Additive Products or for help, Call 1-512 665-3388

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