Order and Keep Handy Mega Power 120 Lube Spray - Stuck Nut Bolt Freer 
Automotive. Industrial. Marine Usage

Learning from its early race care history, I have sprayed Mega Power 120 Lube spray on every car engine nut and bolt for easier removal - I ever loosen. It avoids needing a blow-torch or hack saw to free those stuck. Other uses? 

3 oz's l added to lube a/c compressors lowers warm vent a/c cooling temperatures. The best a/c system flush out there.

For the best cooling spay clean hoses. evaporator, and condenser to pemove stuck on varnish - for even better vent temp cooling. One product - Several uses to make car care and repair easier.

To Free, Anything Stuck, Rusted, Tight, tp male it run cool, nothing else can - That's MP #120. Keep em handy!

Lubes anything to work smoother. Stops Squeaks. Nothing better avoids the frustration stuck nuts and bolts cause. Order Below...

Mega Power 120 Lube Spray. Frees anything stuck or rusted tight. Stops squeaks.Gun ejection lube, and barrel cleaner protector.Mega Power 120 Lube Spray.

A couple squirts to Clean. To Lube. To Free.  Mega Power 120 Lube spray owes its nut-freeing, squeaky ending success from its  engine transmission anti-friction and internal problem solving ingredient called MC+. In this spray form...

Frees anything stuck or rusted tight. Stops squeaks. For smoother movement. Gun shell ejection lube. Great gun barrel cleaner, protector. 

All purpose Mega Power 120 Lube Spray.

Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed - call me... george at 512 665 3388

An amazing Mega Power product line addition, using the mechanics use of our Mega Power engine transmission additives - in spray form to squirt a little to loosen rusted, stuck, nut, bolt, lug nuts, and other parts easily.  Now formulated into spray form and marine usage.

Save time! Avoids  frustration!

A couple squirts Cleans Protects Lubes & Frees. 

120 owes its nut-freeing, squeaky ending success to quickly free any stuck nut, bolt, part to an engine transmission due to its active smoothing, lubing,ingredient called MC+. Sold online. Not in stores.

Ordering Mega Power 120 Lube Spray Here:

Order one. A case of 6, or 12, in 16 oz size

To try one can 120 spray. $15 plus $5 shipping. Total $20. Click this cart button

For Regular Users Who Buy 120 6 at a time. Click cart button.

Just $12.90 each plus $20 s&h total $97.40. Save $20 over single can price.

Bonus: While they last Bonus: 2 MP Octane Boosters. Gives a tune up and tire spinning power to any vehicle! And an extra 20 to 40 more miles distance to each tank of fuel. Something premium fuel can't do! $10 each but, 2 free while supply's last. A racing power octane booster: Add 1 12 oz per 5 to ten gallons fuel. Not harmful or caustic like part store octane boosters.

6  MP #120, 16 oz items plus, 2 FREE MP Octane Boosters, 12 oz Free.  Total 8 items. Just $97.40 total. Includes shipping. $Save $40 with FREE bonus items"

Order 12 cans, $10.95 each: $131 total, plus $20 shipping= $151 total. Save $40. No Limit! While supplies last!

History of Mega Power's Engine and Geat Savers. Frees Stuck Parts with the MC+ ingredient:

Only Mega Power and one other company have similar engine and gear, and package this way  - a surface penetrating lube - that, in engines and gear boxes end the friction, stuck part problem. In a spray form, frees any stuck, rusted nut or bolt. 

I'm amazed that all other such lubes can't! It frees any stuck nut or bolt, or rusted stuck part quickly - when attempt by impact wrench can't! Mega Power #120 makes working on cars and machinery easier - reducing its trouble-causing stuck nut, bolt problems, one squirt at a time.

Mikes loves for  Mega Power 120 lube spray.

  • Mike the mechanic, I supply additives to, left the conversation for a minute, disappearing behind a car ... where I hear His impact wrench banging away.
  • Came back, and picked up the conversation with me. A few minutes later leaves for that same car - there again is the sound of his impact working.
  • He returns again and continues the conversation. Shortly thereafter, he breaks away, heading to that car. I follow him.
  • He tells me these mag wheels weld the lug nuts to the wheel and just are difficult to spin lose again!
  • I go to my truck, grab a can of 120, return and tell him to spray each lug nut twice, a minute apart. Then impact them off.
  • This time, the impact bangs twice and spins the nut off. 4 more repeats get all the nuts off.
  • 5 times there's a couple banging sounds as the impart pounds, and 5 times there is whirl and the nuts come off.
  • "What is that stuff," Mike says. Give me a case that stuff saved my butt on that car!"
  • Mike tells me, he's been trying to get those ***#* wheels lug nuts that Mercedes for 2 hours and couldn't. He had the shop pressure up to 150 lbs, for impact, too! 
  • And this stuff did it in minutes!  
  • Now he has several cans of 120 around the shop for handy usage. 
  • Like me, and thousands of mechanics, first thing we do is spray 120 on any nut or bolt - and now have the way to avoid a stuck item from ruining your whole day!
  • Use 120 to free, or end its squeaking.
  • Find out what's in Mega Power 120 Lube Spray

Order a couple cans to keep in your tool box, work bench, car trunk. 

Works on stuck things as a stuck, rusted nut, bolts studs.

As you can see, Mega Power 120 Lube Spray needs to be handy.

Ordering Mega Power 120 Lube Spray:

Order one. A case of 6, or 12, 16 oz 

To try one can 120 spray. $15 plus $5 shipping. Total $20

Order 6 cans of Mega Power 120 lube spray 

For Regular Users Who Buy 120 6 at a time. Click cart button.

Just $12.90 each plus $20 s&h total $97.40. Save $20 over single can price.

Bonus: While they last Bonus: 2 MP Octane Boosters. Gives a tune up and tire spinning power to any vehicle! And an extra 20 to 40 more miles distance to each tank of fuel. Something premium fuel can't do! $10 each but, 2 free while supply's last. A racing power octane booster: Add 1 12 oz per 5 to ten gallons fuel. Not harmful or caustic like part store octane boosters.

6  MP #120, 16 oz items plus, 2 FREE MP Octane Boosters, 12 oz Free.  Total 8 items. Just $97.40 total. Includes shipping. $Save $40 with FREE bonus items"

Order 12 cans, $10.95 each: $131 total, plus $20 shipping= $151 total. Save $40. No Limit! While supplies last!

Mike tells me, he's been trying to get those ***#* wheel lug nuts off that Mercedes for 2 hours and couldn't.  And this Mega Power 120 Lube Spray stuff did it in minutes!  Wow!

My experience with Mega Power 120 Lube Spray

After seeing 120 come to my rescue, I trashed  all the other worthless sprays i bought at part stores, and use 120 exclusively when tearing into a repair where nuts and bolts must come off.

I believe the ease 120 give removing nut and bolt on the engine, wheels, suspension parts, and exhaust nuts and bolts make 120 my must-have spray helper. ...george.

Other uses:

Quiets squeaky door hinges, tools needing lube help, guns - gun ejector and barrel.  Stuck wheel lug nuts. Manifold rusted nuts and bolts. Mix with wheel bearing grease to water-proof bearings on boat trailers - any trailer.

Yes, anything stuck rusted or that squeaks. Double your money back if not so! For industrial marine automotive and home usage. Ordering info below.

Mega Power 120 Lube Spray Review.

    With new deep penetrating chemical ingredients, Mega Power #120 will go where common sprays  lubes with silicons, and even WD40 can't penetrate.

    A special rust-dissolving ingredient easily breaks the rust bond. then Mega Power #120 crawls in with its extreme pressure lube called MC+ - providing great extra superb loosening and freeing capability - no other product has matched.

    Mega Power #120 Cleans in that it washes loosen rust and sticky residues bonding agents free - a bond releasing benefit.

    Mega Power Protects because its freeing agents adds a surface conditioner to retard rust and residue sticking.

    A natural Lube that easily frees nuts bolts studs hinges tools guns wheel lugs machines anything stuck rusted or that squeaks, better than any other spray or I'll double your money back - if there's something better!

    Nothing stronger! Nothing protects better!
    Frees rusted stuck nuts bolts when other sprays cannot!

What people say about Mega Power 120 spray

    "Ended my car door hinge squeak when WD 40 could not do so!

    More.. Mega Power 120 Lube Spray, rust buster, oil lube

    "I thought for sure my ignition key would break! It was so hard to turn the key trying to start the car. I imagined a costly key and lock replacement was needed. Nope! A quick shot of #120 did in one second and ended my ignition key turning problem.

    "For two hours I have been trying to remove the lug nuts off this customers car to do a brake job for her. The impact wrench could not do it. George sprayed them with Mega Power #120 and they came off in 30 seconds - imagine that! That is the best!

    "My gum ejector would overheat and quit ejecting. I spayed it with #120 and can fire it all day with no problem what so ever.

    "120 is our primary spray around our garage and for engine and transmission and muffler nut and part removing. It has helped us avoid the busting of rusted nuts on exhaust studs and nuts, a thousand times! That is a self paying feature worth 100 times its cost! Thanz for a great time and problem avoiding invention for mechanics. GC"

    A natural Lube helping nuts bolts studs hinges tools guns wheel lugs machines - anything stuck rusted come lose, easier to remove.

    Did you know: Millions enjoy these same Mega Power benefits by installing Mega Power in their new car and equipment motor and transmission. An easy to do method during oil change. That's because Mega Power stops common wear-out, and it penetrating ability ends over 2 dozen performance problems cars encounter with usage.

    Those Mega Power advantages will maintain your cars like-new power, zip, and fuel economy many years pass what others get from theirs - Just add and drive. A smart car care secret that avoids premature engine transmission overhaul and costly replacement - years pass what car and equipment owners get, using other methods of car care. Mega Power pays "you" in that sense many times over.

    Nothing stronger around the house or shop - or inside your cars! Nothing protects better! Frees rusted stuck nuts bolts when other sprays cannot!

    Considered the "best spray for rusted stuck nuts bolts parts."

    What's in it that makes it so good? See why nothing else is better for industrial, marine, automotive, handyman, and home usage. Considered the "best spray for rusted stuck nuts bolts parts."

    What's in it that makes it so good? See why nothing else is better!

As you can see, Mega Power 120 Lube Spray needs to be handy.

Order one, a case of 6, or 12, 16 oz Mega Power Spray Lube's now.

    One can 120 spray. $15 plus $5 shipping. Total $20
    Do so with one of the following choices.

For Regular Users Who Buy 120 6 at a time. Click cart button.

Just $12.90 each plus $20 s&h total $97.40. Save $20 over single can price.

Bonus: While they last Bonus: 2 MP Octane Boosters. Gives a tune up and tire spinning power to any vehicle! And an extra 20 to 40 more miles distance to each tank of fuel. Something premium fuel can't do! $10 each but, 2 free while supply's last. A racing power octane booster: Add 1 12 oz per 5 to ten gallons fuel. Not harmful or caustic like part store octane boosters.

6  MP #120, 16 oz items plus, 2 FREE MP Octane Boosters, 12 oz Free.  Total 8 items. Just $97.40 total. Includes shipping. $Save $40 with FREE bonus items"

Order 12 cans, $10.95 each: $131 total, plus $20 shipping= $151 total. Save $40. No Limit! While supplies last!

For Pallet pricing? Please call me.
Shipped to your door by FedEx in about 3-4 days

Have a question about Mega Power? Want to order Mega Power for shop or car or equipment?

Call Me Now.... george at 512 665 3388

210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666

More about Mega Power 120 Lube Spray

    "I work on boats. Rust and rusted nuts and bolts are a huge and constant problem trying to loosen them. They usually break off. They then take hours messing with drilling and re-tapping the drilled-out shank. A daily occurrence. Now MP #120 has ended all that. Life is easier around here with Mega Power to complete more work faster. Bill M

    "Intake and exhaust manifold bolts always break when removing them. Its just a fact of life for all mechanics. We use WD40 or other product sprays - but they still break or refuse to come lose. 120 on the nuts and bolts head for 5 minutes ends that problem for us. We love 120 around here. GC

    "I followed the directions for tune up flushing out of my tired, poor-cooling A/C system with Mega Power 120.  After recharging the system, it blew ice-cold air like never before! Its what you need if having this problem!

    "My A/C compressor ran really cooking hot. The system cooled poorly. I knew the cookin hot compressor needed replaced. However,  4 oz of MP 120 added to the low side made the compressor instantly run cooler. And the air blows colder now, again like it use to. Great product! Install low side.

    120 has beneficial machining and machine shop uses.

    Add to coolant or spray on machined parts. Triples cutting knife life. Speeds machining process. Add to lathe gear box, too!

As you can see, Mega Power 120 Lube Spray needs to be handy.

Mega Power 120 Lube Spray, rust buster, oil lube

Order one, a case of 6, or 12, 16 oz Mega Power Spray Lube's now.

    For Pallet pricing? Please call me.
    Shipped to your door by FedEx in about 3-4 days

Have a question about Mega Power? Or to order Mega Power.

Call Me .... george at 512 665 3388

210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666

Find out what's in Mega Power 120 Lube Spray

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