Does the engine need Emission Cleaner to help it run great again?
It does to keep your vehicles going troublefree.
Sticky residues and friction are a vehicles worse negatives causing power-robbing friction and adding poisonous exhaust pollutants into the air, while causing years early repair needs. No wonder prudent vehicles owners have these services done every 25,000 miles.
If left along in time it they develops running and mechanical problems. Its no wonder oil changes are done to rid the engine and transmission of their growing presence. But oil can't stop it! So extra additives are needed to do so. Pictured above...
Recognizing the need
Emission system cleaning ends or removes those problems. Have the product sent to you in 3 days.
Cost of service at the car dealer
Dealer 25,000 mile service price over $400.
The Mega Power Do-It-YOURSELF Emission System Cleaner install - detailed BELOW under $100.
Order below:
Install directions:
Carbon Knock At Start Up Removing:
Drive the vehicle hard after cleaning for 10 minutes to purge the carbon out.
Emission Re-testing after product usage.
Wait a week after doing the Emission 5 gas Testing reread. Drive the car for a week and then do an oil change and include installing items items 4, 5, and 6 in the kit during oil change. Proceed to Smog Test station anytime after the oil change service sugesstions above. Retest are usually done for free. This process lowers the emission output to below specs. Written Instruction are in the kit as well as phone help number.
Ordering: Cart
What wrong with my engine?
The Mega Power Emission System Cleaner is installed to see if any system are still not working after the clean period. If so, those contain parts needing replaced. This method avoids hundreds of dollars of replacing good parts that just need cleaning.
About the Mega Power Emission System Cleaner.
This engine cleaner has been use for years by techs and mechanics as the proper way to help out-of-warranty motors run great again.
It is the only product known to rid the motor of layers of crude accumulation over the years now causing you trouble.
Ends dirty emission power loss, rough idle, stalling problems. This helps older vehicles pass State Emission Test.
Cleans smog system, cat converter, injectors, combustion area. .
We packaged it easy to use; so any car owner can end their motor wear and performance problems. You get the same results as a mechanic does, installing the product yourself!
The Mega Power Emission Cleaner; shown here, is the inside part of what makes a tune up - a great tune up. Most times, it is the motors tune up remedy.
The Mega Power Engine Emission System Cleaner. Easy to follow Directions included. At end of article, also.
The 5 minute, Do it yourself, engine tune up Service.
Instantly lowers emissions and restores power by:
Ending... rough idle, valve tap, oil burning, mis-fire, combustion carbon knock & more.
The cause of smelly, smoky exhaust, lousy mileage, and high emissions.
After cleaning results include:
Power and zip instantly returns. Sluggish motors are revitalized.
This occurs because this product cleans 6 sub-systems - ending many other problems - not just dirty fuel injectors.
Emission cleaner ingredient usage information:...
This product contains the 2 strongest, safest, oil-side penetrating and cleaning action made in a cleaner [yellow bottle]; to frees stuck valves and lifters - ending the tap in just five minutes.
Cleans dirty, slow-closing valves - [yellow bottle] from the top combustion side - the cause of loss of power, rough idle, mis-fire and the resulting high exhaust emissions.
Did you know all this as the cause & remedy for your problem?
A $1,500 to $3000 expense for the vehicle owner.
Now, anyone can chemically do so - and extend their cars life for under $100. $150, if your mechanic does it for you.
Cleans and frees the sticky compression and piston oiling rings - the cause of excessive blow-by, contributor to high emissions, oil burning, exhaust smoke.
Cleans dirty emission-smog recycling parts like the EGR, PCV Valve - and catalytic converter, ending their cause of high emissions. [The combined cleaning power of the six products].
Also cleaned by this Emission Cleaner is:
With every part and system cleaned - the job is only have done. There is one more important addition needed...
What about every worn and wear-roughen piston bearing, cam, valve and gear?
These wear-roughen parts can now become smoothed and layered-over their worn-away surface with a slippery, wear resistant co-polymer. [Black bottle contents purpose].
That would be a real benefit to ending wear and tear and their performance declining causes.
That is what this Emission Cleaner does.
The Emission cleaner products pictured above is a complete Emission Cleaner Treatment ---- made to Revitalized your older, and motor, after ending its emission or performance problems.
In just minutes your car will drive with lots more power and zip - as if it had a bigger motor.
The Mega Power Engine Emission System Cleaner
This Mega Power Engine Treatment
Cleaning 6 related sub-systems.
Including catalytic converters.
Revitalizes sluggish motors.
Clean injectors, ends rough idle.
Stops valve tap, oil burning,
and power loss.
Ordering and shipping info
Price, $75+ $15s&h= $90 total
The Feeder Bottle $125+ $10s&h= $135 total
Rent this tool for $25.
Order 2 sets for two cars, $170+ Free shipping. Save $25.
6 sets. $410 total. Save $100+ Free shipping.
Shipped Fedex or USPS 3-5 days delivery
Ordering: Cart
For details or to order call 512 665 3388
Mega Power Emission-System-Cleaner.
Product Info.
A fast-acting Emission Cleaner.
State Smog Testing, Tip. Next-day, or there after above product usage, have your Emissions Exhaust Test performed. Reason why: Takes one day of driving to complete "converter cleaning" and "lower" high emissions.
To order this Emission cleaner, which is shipped to your door by Fedex, or USPS, call 1 512 665 3388
Ordering and shipping info
Price, $75+ $15s&h= $90 total
The Feeder Bottle $125+ $10s&h= $135 total
Rent this tool for $25.
2 sets for two cars, $170+ Free shipping. Save $25. 6 sets. $410 total. Save $100+ Free shipping.
Shipped Fedex or USPS 3-5 days delivery
For details or to order call 512 665 3388
Product Directions Included and my personal installation help by phone, if needed. george 1 512 665 3388
Sorry, PayPal is not in use. Call our order desk direct to order.
[Tip. To order these products, for your auto repair customers, call number below, and specify your quantity, and ask for discount suggestions].
To order this product by phone.
Call Mr George. Mega Power Distributor 1 512 665 3388.
Pay by Visa M/C PayPal
Address products are shipped from:
210 Durango Street, San Marcos, Texas 78666
Product Directions
Mechanics using fuel rail or vacuum feeder devices, click link.
To clean dirty Injectors and combustion area
The patented tool, shown in the link above, cost $125=s&h. Shipped to you.
Rent it for $25 for one week. It makes cleaning instant to restore power and revitalize your motor. Can be used with fuel rail, or vacuum-feed methods. Return the tool, receive $75 credit on your credit card.
The device pictured in the link above, feeds - into a vacuum source, a metered amount of our cleaner, [yellow bottle in picture above] into the motor.
Instantly cleans the dirty air intake manifold, the dirty fuel injector tips, dirty combustion coated piston tops, its sticky compression rings, dirty spark plugs, dirty valve head and sticky valve stems, O2 sensors, and catalytic converters. Easy to use. Produces customer-loving results.
To lowers emissions, clean fuel injectors, and revitalize your sluggish motor at the same time, install the 3 above-pictured products as follows:
Tip This method is what I recommend to the average Joe or Jane who is not handy, working around the motor. It does Total Engine System Cleaning, as you drive.
What I tell my customers to do after product installation. I want you to do the following after installation. (directions included with your purchase also).
I like to have the vehicle driven for about an hour, to give the converter time to heat up. This normal converter heating period, gives the chemistry installed, good cleaning action where-ever oil, fuel, air, combustion, and exhaust goes.
Driving provides just the proper action for cleaning the catalytic converters. This highly effective cleaning-cycle continues as the fuel is consumed.
This method describes the best way ever discovered to clean, protect, and add years more dependable life to the engine you want to last.
Time to order and get your cars cleaned and protected.
First, Fast Response Bonus. Get your engine running great and add years longer dependability with the "kit." Receive a $12 bonus gift, also. Mention this page to receive this bonus.
Your Fast-Response Bonus. When ordering this product mention you were on this page and receive a $12 gift of our #120 lube and penetrating nut buster spray, Free. Limited to the first 100 callers. Stops squeaks, and frees anything stuck, or rusted.
Second, Fast Response Bonus. Order two or more kits and pay the same shipping as for ordering one kit.
To order this Emission cleaner product, have questions answered, call 1 512 665 3388 Ordering and shipping info
Price, $75+ $15s&h= $90 total
The Feeder Bottle $125+ $10s&h= $135 total
Rent this tool for $25.
2 sets for two cars, $170+ Free shipping. Save $25.
6 sets. $410 total. Save $100+ Free shipping.
Shipped Fedex or USPS 3-5 days delivery
For details or to order call 512 665 3388
Sorry, PayPal is not working. Please call to order this product.
[Tip. To order these products, for your auto repair customers, call number below, and specify your quantity, and mechanics prices].
To order this Emission cleaner product: Call Mr George. Mega Power Distributor @ 1 512 665 3388. Pay by Visa M/C PayPal
Address products are shipped from:
210 Durango Street, San Marcos, Texas 78666
Product Directions Included. Product Guarantee included.
Emission cleaner review end 11/10
Emission Association Spotlights Pollution /control Devices, Here
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