Mega Power's Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner is more than an injector cleaner - Its a whole motor cleaner because, your engine needs more cleaning help when it has a problem - don't you think so?
That is why Mega Power Offers a Hi-tech total engine cleanup treatment.
Cleans the injector trouble away and whereever:
How so?
Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner, oil portion, goes on cleaning with MC+ conditioners every dirty part. There ending other causes of your rough engine, power losing operation. Ending black smoke, engine miss, and its low power causes, too.
How the conditioning works? During the fuel injector cleaning time period, Mega Power's other famous MC+ cleaners and conditioners - added to the oil as part of the treatment, will be cleaning and smoothing away friction on every engine part.
Mega Power's Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner famous MC+ cleaners and conditioners change the surface chemically from rough to smooth. Its this transformantion to clean and smooth in its total treatment that now sends power to the wheels. This feature ends that premature wearing out problem for you, making it not just a fuel injector cleaner, but the total problem solver for every vehicle you have.
The Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner - works in gas powered vehicles as well. Its usage in all your vehicles - just prior to and oil change usually, takes your engine problem solving to new demesions in those ways.
By this injector cleaner process, you will feelthe sending to the wheels the horsepower now dirty engine parts use to consume.
Spend a few hundred dollrs to do so and buy Mega Power. In a day or so after the install - its easy, your reward youwill have you enjoying the smoothest, most powerful operation. It will last for years - with touch up at oil change, ending engine friction stealing, and dirty injector power loss problems.
Shown here: Mega Power's Total Engine and Fuel Injector Cleaner. Order now, clicking the cart button to provide your injectors and engine parts a friction free quick return the smooth, strong, economical performance you need recovered.
Get Started with this whole engine Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner Engine Treatment. 6 items - needed for the total engine cleaning. Easy to do in 2 steps. 3 items added to fuel and motor oil twice.Here for car engines. Gallons, down below for large diesel servicing.
Ordering the Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner For Cars
Add this to your car pickup fuel and motor oil to protect it, end their motor's dirty caused trouble. Add to good running vehicles you want to slam the brakes on dirty trouble developing in them.
Click to order the car 6 item treatment shown. Just $90 plus $15 s&h= $105 total Shipped tom your door with directions, phone help free if needed, with our guarantee.
Order this item: Click cart button.
Mega Power's Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed for your vehicle, call, email, or text me…george ... at 512 665 3388 I’m not a robot! for email contact.
When your diesel rig acts up, most just clean the injectors... However...
When engine performance trouble shows up, dirty engines internally cause most problems, but most people just clean their fuel injectors. They are part oof the problem.
That's like washing your dirty hands and skipping the shower. Cleaning injectors only gets part of the engine clean, just as cleaning your hands only gets just one part of your body clean. However,
If you're the type that sees cleaning the entire engine at the same time, Mega power is what you need to order.
The above Mega Power Brand Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner starts cleaning:
Ordering the Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner For Cars
Ordering the Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner For Big Diesels
Add this to your Bib Diesel Fuel Injector Problem and dirty motor problems to protect it top to bottom. That ends your motor's dirty caused trouble. Adds good running condition you want, as it slams the brakes on dirty trouble developing in them.
Click to order the big diesel 6 item treatment shown. Just
"6 gallon pak $399+$25s&h+ $434. Save $170 Get Acquainted Sale
Shipped to your door with directions, phone help free if needed, with our guarantee.
Order this item: Click cart button.
What about the rest of the motor. What I mean by that is this.
You wash your hands many times each day. Usually take a shower once a day to clean your entire body of toxins and sweat. What about the same for your motor and transmission?
Solvents clean well, to well! However, they strip the system of muck, washing it into the combustion process. This can gum up piston rings, which then allows more combustion to escape and mix with the motor's oil.
Mega Power dissolves te muck and turns into aclean burnable power for you - it came out of the fuel. This puts it back in.
See downward pointing arrows dirty conditions allow power to escape. A sludge maker, for sure. Valve tapping and nosier sounding, faster wearing conditions appear.
Most people and most mechanics think that's normal. However, a couple years down the road a $5000 engine overhaul often results from friction and acids doing their harmful thing - but not in my motor!
Discussed elsewhere on this site, Mega Power cleaners are chemical cleaners with lube value that smooth acid pitted surfaces - a problem in some diesels. Cylinder pitting can create holes at around 400,000 miles and requires extensive work to replace cylinders and pistons which are the weakest parts, and leak oil.
The way Mega Power Triple Action Diesel fuel Injector Cleaner gets around those 3 negatives with:
Conditioner, and friction modifier. All product features your engine surly needs. So, its not pricey - but will save you from taking apart the engine to clean up. Just about $400 for big diesels. Under $100 for small engines.
What you don't know about your engine, Mega Power does and supplies it in its diesel fuel injector cleaner and engine treatment. The six item package shown.
Shown, the treatment with 6 items works in 2 easy steps to correct your motor dirty caused malfunctions.
Servicing Directions:
Mega Power's Triples Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner Protector cleans, anti wear's all your engine parts in 2 steps.
With just 2 complaints over the last 267 days, we decided to offer Mega Power on a 100% money back guarantee to let others enjoy Mega Power advantage testing its claim and benefits with no risk - if your car needs actual repair - instead of just a good cleaning.
And as Mega Power diesel fuel injector cleaner works, it removes engine carbon, and frees piston rings an sticky valves - all negatives that must be removed for ending black exhaust smoke - and to restore strong hill climbing power. Results improve fuel economy, and for smoother quieter engine running - customers tell us.
2 ways to clean your injectors.
Now you have a two choices: Just clean the injectors - with our Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner for cars and pick-ups. Shown here. Just add it to the fuel tank.
Order just the injector cleaner.
Ordering for Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner Conditioner
Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner Fuel Conditioner Product Review
Six Gallons MP Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner: $399 plus $25 s&h= $434 Save $170
To order, ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
Mega Power replaces
Three older diesel fuel products - found on parts store shelf's because Mega Power works better, is cheaper, avoids and ends common problems - other brands do not!
Works better!
Mega Power cleans and leaves no residue.
Most diesel additives use a 35 year old detergent the government outlawed the fuel companies usage in fuel - because when it burned - it cleaned, but also left a sticky gum coating on the inside of the engine.
Most gas station diesel additives are weak compared to Mega Power strength, and cannot continue cleaning pass the fuel injectors like Mega Power will.
Store bought additives seldom if ever eliminate smoke because they cannot remove dirty interior surfaces which build up a carbon film - that acts a blotter to keep fuel liquid - in that state it burns incompletely. Mega Power ends that negative with its super strength to end smoking and revitalize lost power.
Mega Power stops black exhaust smoke in minutes. And adds cold weather fuel flow and better starting in the coldest weather. No other additive does as much for your diesel car, truck, tractor, equipment, power generator.
To order, ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner
Conditions the fuel to flow normally when cold, removes and makes water/moisture in the fuel and tank burnable - a second cleaning advantages, and will not trap it in the fuel filter. Mega Power:
Lubes and cleans and protects the fuel pump from moisture damage,
cleans dirty injectors in minutes, and
cleans combustion area.
This type cleaning keeps fuel in fog spray removes the cause of fuel wetness - which burns poorly and causes black exhaust smoke.
These advantages stops smoke and lowers emissions. Cleans the catalytic converters in the process. Often adds 20-50 more miles distance per tank. Pays for itself easily!
Drivers report climbing hills a gear lower.
Big rigs, equipment: Add a quart of Mega Power to 50 to 100 gallons fuel. Results last. Gallon size treats 35O gallons fuel.
Shipped fedex to your door in 3-4 days. With directions. Guaranteed as advertised.
Ordering info Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner Conditioner
In pints - treats to 25 gallons. $12 ec plus $5s&h= $17 total
6 pak of pints $60 plus $15 s&h= $75 total. Save $12
Order a 6 pak receive our famous Mega Power Engine Treatment Conditioner you add to the oil. A $29 valve- Free! order now!
24 MP D I C&C $150 plus $15s&h= $165. Free 6 MP Engine Treatments Save $190 offer subject to expire anytime.
Order one Gallon Mega Power Diesel Injector Cleaner Conditioner $115 plus $15s&h= $130 total. Good for cars trucks heavy equipment.
Six Gallon Pak $399 plus $25s&h= $434 Save $170
As you can see in the picture, many other areas of the motor are dirty and show wear, and these - if left dirty, cuts engine life in half.
The total cleaning job done right, with Mega Power
Mega Power returns the proper spray pattern to a fog-like spray.
Most products can do that as well as Mega Power.
Reducing actual friction drag and cleaning of valves is another matter. And, only Mega Power can help you with this.
Friction drag increases over time and need reducing.
Mega Power adds this benefit, exclusively.
12 to 24 valves, 4 to 8 combustion areas needs cleaning, and 12 to 24 piston rings all need cleaning.
Mega Power adds this benefit also, exclusively.
And cleans the fuel system. Removes condensation. Sweetens sulfur based fuels.
Note the places fuel injector cleaner cannot get to in the picture below.
There are products for these areas - like MC+ to reduce friction wear, as shown in the demo link, above.
These dirty,
This type cleaning is missed or ignored by most tune-up mechanics - but included in our Mega Power Diesel Fuel Injector Cleaner, for the conscientious mechanic and car owner who wants these advantages.
When valve stems get gummed up with oil-breakdown residue, the tar-like, gummy residue [see left valve. I colored it gray to show sticky area] slows down the valves rapid closing speed.
The drawing shows the common problem that they are still closing as the piston compresses the fuel. So, some fuel is squeezed back out. This is a major cause of various performance and power-decline problems - not dirty fuel injectors.