DIY Auto Tune Up and Repair Options.   
Shortcuts to end your automotive problem faster easier better- yourself, with my help!

    Contact Info: DIY auto tune up and repair options:  On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, call at 512 665 388.

The problem you want solved.

      Many people do not know there are cheaper and better ways to fix internal car troubles.

     This article shows that method. It's a good one, and 9 times out of 10 is the fix! It keeps good running vehicles running great indefinitely trouble-free most people say.

      If not it makes the fix a lot cheaper and you end up preventing other future troubles. Are you here for those reason? Read on...

Old school repairs. New school includes   alternatives to fix your car truck better cheaper.Old school repairs. New school includes alternatives to fix your car truck better cheaper.


Why it's a costly problem when it doesn't have to be.

      Not knowing our DIY auto tune up and repair option, they end up spending hundreds to thousands of dollars to have internal engine, transmission, radiator, steering and a/c troublesome operating parts hand cleaned and or replaced to end their car or diesel running, operating, noisy, and sluggish operation.

Is this the real problem?

     Not knowing a better, lo-cost alternative, car equipment owners pay someone tear-down the engine transmission to find and replace good, but troublesome dirty parts.

9 out of 10 rule.

     Sure, replace failed parts, but 9 times out of 10 they do not actually fail, but troublesome parts are replaced with new to end the trouble. It's not the real problem which is explained below they ignore.

     And not every mechanic is good at problem solving, so often times the trouble returns. Even so, untouched parts remain in a half worn state  - soon to cause trouble. That makes it a costly problem.

What do I know, and how do I help car owners? 

     As a mechanic, to protect my own vehicles, and improve older vehicle performance, I tested and found chemical cleaners and conditioners can end and fix internal troublesome problems faster, better, cheaper.

     Others invent the products, I'm trained like a doctor to prescribe which for the additive cure.

    With my help -you are assured of a DIY auto tune up and repair option fix success in doing so.

What they fix.

    These DIY auto tune up and repair options:

  •  fix leaks, 
  • rough shifting, 
  • oil burning, 
  • gear growls, engine tapping, 
  • end exhaust smoke, compression lost,
  • and blowby,
  • and other problems.  
  • Better, cheaper than repair. Here's how...

     This DIY Auto Tune Up and Repair Option works like this to end motor, transmission radiator steering a/c operating problems.

DIY auto tune up and repair options:
 Better Repair Tips With How To Explanations

     The DIY Auto Tune Up and Repair Options Fix I discovered end complex trouble deep inside - in 2 steps I figured out always works.

     When you order what suggested, it comes with instructions anyone can follow. Nothing to take a part. Just add where show and drive to end your problem.

    Step one: Clean Free Neutralize and replace dirty fluid.

    Step two:  Install corrective items with new oil or fluid. problem al ways ends. 

How to order what you need.

Try it for 90 days at no risk.

Click one or more  DIY Auto Tune Up and Repair Options links below and that problem is covered for your fix.

Sludge Removal

Valve lifter tapping

Oil burning

Exhaust smoke

Carbon problems. Sluggish running.

injector cleaning the right way

Rough shifting,

Growling noise and gears

Steering fluid leak, roughness

A/C tune up

More DIY Auto Tune Up and Repair Options. 

Many men and women use my DIY auto tune up and repair options.

Many men and women car pickup truck tractor boat machine and motorcycle owners, not just mechanics, use my DIY auto tune up and repair options:

What People Say:

  • "I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with $100 worth of your suggestions. We were told it would take $3,000 for an overhaul. I'll come back for more to help our other vehicles in hopes your products may avoid what I see as avoidable and expensive repairs - with your product treatment." Mc

What Mechanics Say:

  • "3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.. Your method made it shift beautifully. We recommend your products and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of  extra income for us - and our customers respect our expertise, trusting us even more, when they experience the performance improvements they hoped for - following our unusual way to start the fix on all cars - using your product.. Thanks again. " DF Mechanic. Shop owner. 

Most important are these facts:

The products and methods recommended for your fix, are special

conditioners with anti-wear qualities that clean and smooth rough, fast

wearing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - promoting

additional years of dependability.

....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even

top car-makers recommend or use these – because they work well, work

permanently, and consistently.

HOW you, your customers, your family & vehicles benefit. Here’s the run-down.

Here Is How My Knowledge Will Help You!

Since not all the remedies are posted. You can call me or 

email me, and me or my people will help you with suggestions we

 know will be a good shortcut, and the products


We ship most any where.

$ See bottom of page for our great Business Opportunity

Phone USA 1-512 665-3388

Why these secrets worth knowing some mechanics don't want you to know.

I known you and your family will use my auto

tune up and repair options all your life. They will become your secret

collection of tips, tricks, providing you thousands of dollars of

money-saving tune up and repair remedies." ....George

You can Fix the following without a wrench.

Fluid Leaks - oil, coolant, overheating Transmission - rough shifts, chatter, tapping, growls  Tune up - Fuel waste, lack of power, exhaust smoke problems

Worn engines and transmissions and other components will

run  great again, and for years with-out-overhauling. All that

and more - to benefit you, family, vehicles, equipment, finances.


Click on a category below - or the buttons on the left. A new,

auto tune up and repair options page will appear with the info

you need.  Your new page covers your symptoms, wear and

performance problems and my repair method.  A cause-remedy

explanation and products to use are given.

 ...New Car.....Truck.....Tractor.....RV  ...Older,  Worn Car  ....Truck .....Tractor.....RV Help...Power generator  ...Motorcycle...Lawnmower, Chain Saw,  Trimmer.

Or, Click below to find auto tune up and repair options

to fix-your-problem-quick.

• Motor • Transmission • Power Steering •

Gears, Wheel Bearings, Flexible Drive Axles •

Transmission • Tractor Hydraulics

• A/C •

Radiator Cooling System • Tune up • Fuel Injector

Cleaning that is good for what’s brand new

....Once applied, quick results will correct 

the cause and symptom of your problem.

....These DIY alternative auto tune up and repair options are helping

thousands of vehicles run as good as new – trouble-free and

what  seems like indefinitely.

- Wish simple solutions could offer similar results for us


....Anyhow, the remedy's suggested are successfully followed by many

satisfied motorist. 

Your friends and neighbors will wonder how you do it.

Compared to others with similar vehicles and equipment, yours

will  continue to run great with my tune up and repair options

and repair  alternatives when others require expensive repair

or replacement!

Here’s how to get the DIY auto tune up and repair options  info you need here.

First, Bookmark me to find me easily.

2- Read my background BIO for tune up and repair tips. 

3- Click the Navigation "Problem" button - If you want help pinpointing your problem. 

4- Click the component name Button, if that’s the problem area.

5- Subscribe to my Free Auto Tune Up and Repair Options

Newsletter for new tips to keep you cars and equipment going

trouble-free. Thanks for stopping by – let me know of a problem or

success you want to share. ...George

Sale our products for extra sources of income?

PS: You can earn a living promoting my methods and products with just a small start-up investment and a period of time to learn the steps to making a reasonable offer mechanics see profiting them and their customers.

 A huge and profitable market is out there. Call or email me of your interest, questions : USA  512 665 3388 

Our privacy policy

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