Auto tune up Checklist of products needed to end bumper to bumper problems of all kinds.

My option using Mega Power additives are chosen because they  do what you thought your oil should do, that is remove dirty, problem causing internal troubles - but can't, and products that offer a "quick flush" - not a good idea ever.  Or, sold thick gooey additives to beef up lubrication - why add more goo to an already gooey situation?

My method should be yours! My method using oil-thin Mega Power Additives chosen from personal usage and street proven effectiveness and superiority against commonly known additives. 

They are favoured for their actual specialization to quickly remove dirty, problem causing troublemakersher products claiming to, can't! Find what's offered and purchable here in the following checklist pages about then to: 

  1. Tune up the motor 
  2. Tune up the power steering.
  3. Tune up the a/c
  4. Tune up the radiator
  5. Tune up  the transmission. 
  6. Tune up the axles and wheel bearings


  • In engines and other components they remove residues oil can't on critical parts freeing up their lazy problem causing actions. Causes of most engine problems.
  • The results stop oil burning. Blowby Loss of power. Engine miss, leaks, and tapping from sluggish valve actions. Removing sludge, and friction causes, etc.

Further improvement occurs as theses additives condition rough worn surfaces making them smooth ending the problem they cause.

  • They stop leaks. Rough shift. Tapping.
  • They fill worn areas to close wear gaps.

These features end the causes of those problems found in links  and menu buttons.

Extend good usage years longer. 

What to expect?

  • Performance loss returns after the tune up procedure.
  • Its tapping, oil burning, blowby problems subsides.
  • A quiet smooth operation returns. 
  • Its all explained and what to use  in the article about your problem. Its results return your cars normal performance.

Are you a mechanic looking for such tune up Products? Have them on hand when you need them. Inventory a months supply to use in every vehicle.

How to order a starting inventory special.

  • By online phone reordering.
  • With video, and site lessons.
  • Wholesale prices.

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Order one Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, Easy to follow directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Just $65+ $15 s&h= $80 total.One Kit covering fuel system moisture removal, fuel injector cleaning, combustion carbon removing, and and ring and valve lubricating in one 15 minute purge.

Order one or more Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatments. Each treatment includes a complete engine service. Covering fuel system moisture removal, fuel injector cleaning, combustion carbon removing, and and ring and valve lubricating flush in one 15 minute purge. Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, Easy to follow directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Just $65+ $15 s&h= $80 total. Order six sets by phone for $50 a set. 512 665 3388

This auto tune up checklist: The mechanics and repair shops profit increaser.

  • Shows you a new quick, better-than-a-professional-way to end your motor's miss, stalling, rough idle, power loss, and lousy mileage. Problems that replacing spark plugs, bad sensors, and just fuel injector cleaning, cannot fix.
  • 6 specific products - 3 for the top side and 3 for the bottom do the job fast

  • If you had a tune up, and still have those problems, this review shows you a new DIY pour-in-and-drive INTERNAL tune up that ends miss, stalling, rough idle, power loss, and lousy mileage performance problems. in 10 minutes or less. Driving does the actual fix! Nothing to take apart.
  • This is a Hi-tech cleaning method using "6" items as a treatment that research discovered. These 6 cleaners are the only ones found to Clean your motors dirty pistons. Clean and free the pistons 3 piston rings Clean your fuel intake and exhaust valve heads of carbon from the combustion side Clean then valve stems from the oil side Clean your hydraulic valve adjusters Clean your idling speed adjuster and your fuel injectors Clean certain sensors Clean your motors smog emission system - the hidden causes of your motor's problem.

Most times, the 6 items shown here are all your motor needs to get it running good as new, for a perfect auto tune up. We say this because...

    Many customers use it in their "good cars and equipment" to keep them clean, and to add years more great like-new dependable services from them -

    In older out-of-warranty motors, the restorative factor is really appreciated by the owner as a like-new zip and performance returns.

    Order more than one kit:

    It needs that kind of love for the love it has shown you so far. Right? They come with easy to follow steps - and my phone help as your installing the treatment, by calling me directly.

    Order a treatment for your motor now! It needs it, right?

    It needs that kind of love for the love it has shown you so far. Right? They come with easy to follow steps - and my phone help as you're installing the treatment, by calling me directly.

    Order one Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, Easy to follow directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Just $65+ $15 s&h= $80 total.

Order Mega Power for two cars Save $30

    Order Mega Power for two cars: 12 items. Just $115 plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30. Comes with easy to follow directions and my personal phone help, if you need it.

Mega Power for your transmission.

    Includes 3 items with easy to do directions. Cost. $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

    Order Mega Power for your motor and transmission 9 items. shipped to your door in about 3 days with directions and guarantee. Just $135 total. Save $15.

    Phone in specials

      Order for 2 car motors and transmission save even more and your cars, too! Just $200 for 18 items needed.

      Phone in orders only on that special, please. Tell the operator you want the 2 engine and 2 transmission Treatment special phone in deal, for $200. A savings of over $100.

    Order now, or to ask a question, call me.... george at 1 512 665 3388

    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.

    Call in, or Email your order, or to ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ...Email: ... georgeCall in, or Email your order, or to ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ...Email:  ... george

    Auto tune up checklist

    How so, you may wonder? There are several very important reasons why... When you look at the picture, it shows how the Mega Power Tune up Treatment covers all 6 engine sub-systems. That is the help your motor needs to run great again!

    Motor tune up treatment ends miss, idle, stall, loss of power

    As you can see in the picture... You might say this is so because, Mega Power corrects hidden causes of your motors normal 10 to 15% of horsepower loss, that replacing spark plugs, bad sensors, and just fuel injector cleaning, cannot restore.

    Cleaning all areas affecting your motor negatively is the only and right way to end the following problems chemically, and gets your motor running good as new- when it was clean, again. Only Mega Power Cleaning ends

    • Spark mis-fire, engine stalling, and lousy mileage
    • Rough idle, power loss, oil burning, and motor valve tap
    • Smelly exhaust smoke, and high harmful exhaust

    And get your motor running like it use to when new. And get your motor running like it use to when new.

    One other reason.... for this improvement: Friction Modifiers

      Auto tune up checklist. Did you know that?

    • This INTERNAL TUNE UP service - is really the best engine and transmission anti-wear protector ever invented, from a company called Mega Power. Mega Power goes where oil and other additives can't go. Where's that? To the wear roughen surfaces of your pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such, to clean and smooth them, ending the problems they cause.
    • Over time, as you can imagine, your motor's parts became dirty, start sticking. Friction also responsible for choking-down your motor's power. And friction absorbs more of your motor prime power on the way to your wheels, and is responsible for cutting your remaiming motor life in half.
    • With less power developed and friction - you have internal negatives new parts cannot remove. This is what Mega Power corrects.

    While most mechanics...

      Do little internal engine cleaning, as part of their tune up service. That is because us mechanics are trained to that during your motors overhaul.

      What needs to be cleaned in your motor, to get it running right, and run its best, are these sub-system areas using this tune up Treatment. Order Mega Power today. It's what your all your motor's needs - not just those with a performance problem.

    Mega Power

      Cleans your fuel system tank, and fuel injectors
      Your air intake manifold, idle circuit, and PVC emission system
      Your piston rings, combustion area, spark plugs, and valves
      Your exhaust and smog-reducing catalytic converters
      And your motors oiling system.

    Cleaning all that ends the following problems chemically

    • Spark mis-fire, engine stalling, and lousy mileage
    • Rough idle, power loss, oil burning, and motor valve tap
    • Smelly exhaust smoke, and high harmful exhaust
    Auto tune up checklist products needed

    wear roughen surfaces that are internal caused motors problem.

Auto tune up checklist: Ordering

Order a treatment for your motor. You motor needs it!

It needs that kind of love for the love it has shown you so far. Right? They come with easy to follow steps - and my phone help as you're installing the treatment, by calling me directly.

Order one Mega Power Tune Up Treatment.

    Includes 6 items shown. Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, Easy to follow directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Just $65+ $15 s&h= $80 total.

Order Mega Power for two cars Save $30

    Order Mega Power for two cars: 12 items. Just $115 plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30. Comes with easy to follow directions and my personal phone help, if you need it.

Mega Power for your transmission.

    Includes 3 items with easy to do directions. Cost. $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

    Order Mega Power for your motor and transmission 9 items. shipped to your door in about 3 days with directions and guarantee. Just $135 total. Save $15.

    Order for 2 car motors and transmission save even more and your cars, too! Just $200 for 18 items needed.

    Phone in orders only.

    To order, call me.... george at 1 512 665 3388

    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.

    Call in, or Email your order, or to ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ...Email: ... george

    Auto tune up checklist:

    6 steps for a perfect tune up

      These steps end wear and residue caused problems that also consume 10 to 20% power needlessly - its like running with one piston not working.

      Today's Hi-tech vehicles need that type tune up to run as good as new again - if that is important to you.

      This Auto tune up checklist method restores power now absorbed by friction and dirty conditions that speed up wear out by many years. Not doing so makes driving seem wear and tear is getting the best of it.

      It's costlier to ignore than pay for this extra service benefit.

    The 10 steps work

      They do so on internal sub-system areas where no other product or tuneup can go to end your problem. Its easy. I'll show you how. Experts will not do as good a tune up as you will -

      I know! I've tested every possible product and tuneup method and found which did the job.

      At first, I did it fore my own cars and equipment to keep them running race-car perfect. Now, I sell and promote the idea and products that work.

      Bud Esterline and his Mega Power Company invented this product to prevent performance problems. I added ingredients and the auto tune up checklist that end the performance problems you came here for.

      That is the remedy I'll want you to buy for your problem - because that is what works - order info below.

      My testing - using equipment like doctors use, like they use on heart attack and surgery cases in the operating room in hospitals - on thousands of my customers cars shows what works and what does not.

    This review explains how and why this is so.

      Take a few minutes to read through it and it will save you thousands in new and old vehicle and equipment upkeep.

      And I guarantee you will have the easiest cranking, fastest starting, best idling, smoothest running motor. This auto tune up checklist needs to be installed on every motor you own - if you want the cheapest way to double your motors life.

      If this Auto tune up checklist sounds like too much for you to install, have a friend or mechanic install the products as I direct. I'll give you over the phone help -its easy. That's what I'm here for.

    Problem Solving Mega Power Tune Up

    Doing this Auto tune up checklist, tune-up-treatment first

      Cleans before a tune up frees all other parts -so the bad one shows up like a bad penny. Many customers find this site looking for help the tuneup did not correct. That is just one value of this method.

      Other benefits are also included like friction modifying are critical to your fix and just as important, are described below. Ordering info and my contact info is also below.

    This auto tune up checklist

      Gets to the causes of what ends those wear and residue problems that cause rough idle, stalling, lousy fuel economy, black or blue smelly exhaust, low compression, blow-by, engine miss, down-shifting of the gears going up hill, and such wear causing problems.

      This is possible because this method cleans the motors fuel, emissions, combustion, catalytic converter, oiling, valve lifter, and fuel injectors, too, besides dirty fuel injectors.

      Why would you want to do less than have the very best? Why do half the job when you now know the right procedure. You are paying for many times over in fuel waste, a car that wears out faster. Why?

    That is why

      If you follow my method, you will correct those problems that causes wear and performance problems you cannot end by a regular tuneup.

      Take a few minutes to read this auto tune up checklist review, them try it on your car! If you want more detailed steps like a technician would follow go to this tune up page.

    Tune up check list from Mega Power

    Order a treatment for your motor.

    It needs that kind of love for the love it has shown you so far. Right? They come with easy to follow steps - and my phone help as your installing the treatment, by calling me directly.

      Order a treatment for your motor now! It needs it, right?

      It needs that kind of love for the love it has shown you so far. Right? They come with easy to follow steps - and my phone help as you're installing the treatment, by calling me directly.

      Auto tune up checklist: Ordering

      Order one Mega Power Tune Up Treatment.

        Includes 6 items shown. Shipped by FedEx to your door in about 3 days, Easy to follow directions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Just $65+ $15 s&h= $80 total.

      Order Mega Power for two cars Save $30

        Order Mega Power for two cars: 12 items. Just $115 plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30. Comes with easy to follow directions and my personal phone help, if you need it.

      Mega Power for your transmission.

        Includes 3 items with easy to do directions. Cost. $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.

        Order Mega Power for your motor and transmission 9 items. shipped to your door in about 3 days with directions and guarantee. Just $135 total. Save $15.

        Order for 2 car motors and transmission save even more and your cars, too! Just $200 for 18 items needed.

        Phone in orders only on that special, please. Tell the operator you want the 2 engine and 2 transmission Treatment special phone in deal, for $200. A savings of over $100.

        Order now, or to ask a question, call me.... george at 1 512 665 3388

        Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.

        Call in, or Email your order, or to ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ...Email: ... georgeCall in, or Email your order, or to ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ...Email: ... george

        Mega Power Radiator Treatment

        Ends problems from leaks to overheating deep inside your cooling system.

        Engine tune up areas inside the motor

        The products we found that end friction

          And dirty conditions are from Mega Power, the leader in anti wear and tune up chemistry. Residues and friction do cut a couple years life off your motor. Removing them recovers them for later use.

          This picture show the part of your motor that needs Mega Power Attention. Auto tune up checklist

        Fuel injector cleaning tool from Mega Power

        These auto tune up checklist method I learned from dyno-tuning. The 10 steps greatly improve the overall performance of a tune up.

        It does so by reducing friction and cleaning and freeing sticky moving parts. All such are power eaters, in themselves. Pay attention - knowing the following will keep thousands more in your pocket - instead of others.

        Here's the problems friction drag and sticky residues cause...

          Slow closing valves - I found, prevents 5 to 15% of the fuel delivery charge from going to each cylinder.

          This reduces the combustion-burn time - with a bit less fuel to burn, combustion ends sooner and fails to push the piston all the way down - and so less power push is developed. Also...

          As friction and age continues, more friction-drag develops - and this "drag" also robs 10% to 15% of the power away from the wheels speed.

          People and mechanics usually think wear is the cause of power lost. Don't you?

          Do you think the truth is that "friction-drag" and "sticky, slow-closing valves" are the cause of power decline - not old age directly - as I just described.

        By using Mega Power you are restoring the power your motor had when near new!

        And this auto tune up checklist story shows you what I use. Even without a tune up!

          Normally, of course, everyone pushes the gas pedal down more and more over time to introduced more fuel to kick-up the power and the speed - a, we shall overcome with more fuel, idea.

        Here's my point. If these negatives are not corrected, after your tune up and new parts:

        • Your car will only run as good a those dirty valves and friction drag, deep inside will permit.
        • A vacuum gauge will show dirty motors lose up to 3 inches vacuum breathing efficiency - denoting sticky valves is also causing a big problem.

        • These 10 steps cleans and frees those valves valve lifters, cam lobs, pistons, bearings and gears. and friction modifies.

        I think this is a super plus advantage.

        Sound good to you? A good Auto tune up checklist point.

        The following will show you what to use so you can clean like an expert - like "me," [nobody does it better than me]; and eliminate friction drag - and sticky valves; Thieves that steal power, increase wear out, and waste extra fuel.

        Always start with cleaning. Inside, and outside - listed in the checklist, ten count down, below.

        Step 8 in the Auto tune up checklist point, above.

        The Mega Power FISC Kit, Item I, yellow bottle, is being fed into the motor [as we watch]to clean where ever fuel, air, combustion, and exhaust go. The red #S bottle, Fuel Injector Cleaner is added to the fuel tank to do that job. The black #F bottle, is an oil-side cleaner. Its contents is added to the oil to free valves, clean the emission system parts, and smooth friction-roughen surfaces. The Auto tune up checklist way.

      Mega Power Fuel Injector Cleaner 3 part

      These 3 auto tune up checklist items free rings and valves, and clean the emission system - both of which, help restore proper aspirating and lost power. I

      This unusual step in the Auto tune up checklist often restores 5 to 15 missing horsepower, and yields a more-responsive, longer-lasting tune up - than a regular tune up can provide.

      The six items are the Worm Motor Treatment.
      Cost.$60+ $15 s&h= $75 total. Comes with easy to follow directions and my personal phone help, if you need it. To order, call me.... george at 1 512 665 3388

      I'll shipped the product to you FedEx to your door.

      Call in your order or have a question answered at 512 665 3388 ... ... george

      Order online easy quick

      Auto-tune-up, Checklist Basics - Ignore them at your own risk!

      I'll walk you thru the Auto tune up checklist point, if new to you... Here goes

      1- Clean the battery - my way. > Dirty connections fool the computer and reduces voltage the spark needs - to be strong, and a/c system needs for its power. A dirty battery can overheat and burn-out the alternator ($150)- and causes a sapping of power. So, clean in this way....

      Clean the battery terminals and wash the battery with soapy water, followed by baking soda sprinkle [taken from the frig your wife has stashed there]. If the B is nasty looking or acid wet. Sprinkled soda on the post and cable connections. Rinse clean after fizzing stops. A spray from a parts store, made to clean terminals, is good to use. I like to add those 3 inch "felts" the part store sell, that slip over the post before the cables go back on.

      Next. You may have to take the cables off and clean the cables and post. The parts store sells a $2 tool made for cleaning terminals and cables. Removing cables has a right way and WRONG WAY. Note: The negative(-)cable comes off 1st, goes on last! Got that? Clean both post and cables with the tool you bought. Shinny, clean and dry here is good.

      2- Test your battery - my way. No gage needed - with my method. Just leave the lights on high-beam, and the a/c fans switch on high - key on, motor NOT running, for 3 minutes. Them, see if the motor spins and starts easily. Bad? Replace battery. Maybe that's your problem? The next Auto-tune-up, checklist item....

      3- Check the alternator for good out-put at-the-same-time. Here my simple method. Notice if lights go from dim to bright, to slightly dim, after 30 seconds or so -in this manor.

      As soon as the you start the motor, [during test3, above] with the headlights and interior lites on [turn them on before your crank and start the motor], once the motor starts, lights will go from dim at cranking, to bright - motor running, and after a minute, dim slightly. If this happens your alternator is good. If not, the parts store can meter-check it for you for a second opinion, for you for free.

      4- Replace your spark plugs with the factory brand. Gap them. The radiator gives you the gap. The part store guy may gap them for you. Look at the spark wire ends and cables for burns, or oily soaking. Replace them with factory same if damaged. Not anything else. Got That?

      5- Are there strange icons lit up on your dash. A tech or your parts store guy can pull your codes and print out what they mean. Get that taken care of. They may have to trigger them "off" a certain way - or your mechanic can, to turn off the icon.

      6- Six is checking the "codes" is generally first in a tune up. But, I'm not nuts on the above steps. It's the vocational tune up book steps we learn in school.

      To check the engine code, a connection, usually just under the dash, has a plug for a code-reader to connect too. This device retrieves messages from a variety of engine related systems- in code form, if a malfunction is about.

      A little home work reveals and outlines the next step in the process of finding the problem system and problem part. Once found its corrected - by cleaning and or a new part.

      7- Next, is a review/double check of the above, and an eye-ball of the engine and all its hoses, filters, and coolant levels - and a check to determine what else to spot, check, repair, and replace, if needed.

      So far, so good. What's next on the Auto tune up checklist point?

      8- Fuel injector cleaning. There are two ways to do this.

      One way is just clean the injectors.

      The other way is to clean every thing possible connected to the engine - including the fuel injectors. Shown in the picture above.

      I can never understand old-school-thinking of avoiding additives.

      Well, wait a second, Yes I can understand the problem. Its a special skill [like a doctor specialist would have to pursue].

      This additive expertise also takes a lot of time to learn. Most are not into the time. Mega Power Products help sick motors get really well and help them perform as good as new again. So, why not use those I recommend for a really great a tune up?

      9- A week after the above "Tune up and FISC Cleaning Procedure, I recommend doing an oil change using the Mega Power ES Oil Side Cleaning Kit.

      Mega Power worn Transmission Treatment

      Why? Friction and varnish absorb 5 to 10 horsepower - which this product frees and releases, to smooth shifting, and push the vehicle easily. Want that power back? Order the 3 kits. I'll send them to you. Just $75+ $10 s&h.

      Suggest to you mechanic - you want him to follow the Auto tune up checklist, using Mega Power Products and techniques. You want a complete your tune up - inside - where most of today's engines and transmissions have their problem, as well as outside! That is part of the auto tune up checklist, too.

      Nothing is better than what's outlined here. Other products are not half as good! Our products are sold your cost back if not as advertise - you have the say on that! That's the Auto tune up checklist way.

      That completes my auto tune up checklist.

      Call me to order Mega Power, ask a question, for 512 665 3388 [USA] for suggestions and additive products. I'm at 210 Durango Street. San Marcos, TX 78666 We ship N America. Shipping may be higher outside the USA

      Learn how ending friction can help your motor last years longer.

      Auto tune up checklist Home Page

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      The Money? An above averag income where you are the Boss and determine your income. Making it easy is our job. Enjoy a business where you help auto repair shops improve their weak marketing skills to help them double their income making ability. Our Programs does that and is what being a Distributor For Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is all about. Imagine earning 5000 to 10,000 thousands dollars every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? Find out! No obligation to askquestion or try it out to see its potential for yourself.

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      Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

      Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

      Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it.  And thanks for passing it along. george...