Alan Fincke Testimonial about Mega Power Additives.
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Subject: Customer Review of impressive performance improvements results after using Mega Power Engine and Transmission Treatments...
From: Alan Fincke
To George Christ. Mega Power Product Distributor.
"I have just completed the Mega Power treatment you sell to help the engine and automatic transmission on two of my vehicles: a 1998 Lexus LS400 and a 1985 Toyota camper.
The amazing improvement in performance is quite impressive! I completed the first steps and ran the vehicles for about a week, but I noticed the improvement started to smooth out several operating, almost immediately.
To end your Engine Problem, order the above pictured engine treatment. In a quick service its ingredients tunes every part and every section of the engine, cleaning, conditioning and protecting every part to free it of hangups. Enjoy a product that removes engine operating problems while adding problem-free operation with this treatment. Comes with directions, phone help, guarantee. Delivered to your door in 3 days. Order now! Just $80 +$15 s&h= $95 total. Click cart button.
Alan Fincke Testimonial continues:
I had just changed the oil about a month before the treatment so the oil was still clean, but when the oil came out 7 days later after the first treatment step, it came out heavy and black, so it was evident the treatment cleaned the engine the oil changes did not!
After I completed the second step engine flush and additon of the other items with it, the driving experience was like a new car having great zip and a very strong power, I thought was worn away!
When driving, I have to watch my speed now, as the vehicles now easily climb to 80 - 85 mph so easily I'm relearning to press the gas padal down less to keep the road speed at 65 mph.
The camper was always under-powered with the four cylinder engine.The treatment has also given its engine the same extra power boost, too. Climbing hills, its zips up them like its supercharged. I can tell you, this improvement has telling others of your products help. They may look into it too!
With both engines now purring, and shifting faster and smoother, I don't detect the engine valve slap with the truck engine, and 50% more zip in the Lexus..."
What was used in the transmissions to serviced both vehicles shown here.
Ordering Mega Powers Transmission Treatment. Pictured above. Includes 3 items, easy to follow directions, and my phone help if needed during installation. Guarantee. 2-4 day delivery by FedEx to your door. Just $60+ $15 s&h= $75 total.
Alan Fincke Testimonial continues...
"The Mega Power Transmission Treatment also smoothed out the shifting nicely on both vehicles I didn't feel any additive could do!
I was somewhat skeptical, but now I've found in your products, reasons to believe in them.
Nothing else I found in the way of a product or service made any improvment, although, others claimed to clean and reduce friction, but really can't, I feel.
Thank you and Mega Power Additives for showing me how to add new life to my older high milage vehicles!
Alan Fincke Testimonial Boston MA
Buy this treatments to enjoy seeing what a real additive Treatments can do for your vehicles.
Experience what Alan Fincke from Boston MA and millions of others enjoy by servicing your engine and transmission the Mega Power way they did.
How to get started?
Order The Mega Power Engine $95, and Transmission Treatment $75 Below at a special get acquainted price.
Offers to protect the integrity of your engine and transmission - by solving wear and tear problems, like smoother shifting; stops oil drips, prevents leaks. Releases power absorbed by dirty conditions promoting the endurance and protection oils can't! Extend life of both.
Enjoy real vehicle operating improvements that show you are driving protected in the only way you can notice immediately.
Our deal! Order Two Engine and Transmission Treatments [18 items] for both cars. Ejoy their big savings. Just $199 total for servicing both your vehicles 4 components in one saturaday afternoon. Your wife will like the iperformance resulting. It shows her you are protecting your vehicles. Made easy to install for both your cars - special $199 today! Save over $100 this deal.... george