Valve lifter noise var2? If your motor was this clean, it would not have a tapping noise. I'll show you how to clean it up to stop tapping...

Say - Adios To Noisy Valve Lifters var2
In 2 Easy Steps.

Its not as complicated as it seems!

And its a fraction of the cost of repair to do so. 

Here's why...

Imagine pouring a couple products into your gas and oil and wammo!

Driving start the quieting process. 

Around $100 for any car pickup engine treatment.

Around $400 if a big rig, anything from # gallon capacity motor oil to 10 gallon capacity.

A week late you add the other item to the same place to complete the process along with new oil at an oil change.

The problem just goes away and the engine returns to normal.

Simple, right? Order below!

Bonus gift worth $29 with today's order (Power Steering Protector). Let the representative know if you phone your order.

Order Now, this Valve Lifter Noise Ending Aid. Go for a Quiet and Complete Engine Treatment. 6 products needed, shipped   to your door in about 3 - 5 business days.

Money Back Guarantee if it requires actual repair!

Just $90 includes shipping.


Since 6 negatives develop to collapse one or more of your engines 8 to 24 fuel/exhaust valve lifters - the space ...banging close on each engine rotation is making your motor's tapping sound. The solution?


Get a new engine is one solution.

This one on this review is better! Its simple.

Install these 6 items to remove each of those negatives.

Step 1. Add items shown with #1, 2, and #3 on cap to the gas tank and motor oil. 

Step 2. Add items with #4  #5 and #6 on cap to your motor oil, while doing an oil change a week later. Now...

Step 3. Enjoy your quiet running engine again, and how smart you are to fix your car yourself - and the money this idea saved you as you didn't have to spend on an engine overhaul to do so.

Simple, right? Order below!

Contact info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed by phone, call us at 512 665 3388

Want to know more... If you want the tech side on all this read on...

Why do Engine Valve Lifters tap?

Lifters - about 8 to 24 of them, are essential thumb-size metal devices that help open and close your 8 to 24 valves.

Lifters have  a pencil-size movable piston adjuster that closes wear gaps on valves, using engines oil pressure, to do so and this keeps your motor working strong, yet quietly.

Even though you use synthetic oil, sludge forms, and blocks oil delivery to the lifters piston-adjuster. Blockage causes the lifter piston adjuster to drop and a gap appears.

Now, with engine rotation a bang or tap tap tap sound occurs. That’s how the noise starts. That's not good, of course.

But what can you do if your engine is tapping already?

Two Ways To End The Annoying and Noisy Valve Lifters.

The Traditional Way.

That's when a mechanic says, he, can dismantle your engine and fix it for between $2000 to $5000 to change out the "dirty lifters."

It requires you to be without your car for a week while your engine is disassembled, the new valve lifters installed, and your engine is reassembled. 

That’s ok if you have the money and don’t mind being without a car.

The Mega Power Way.

The 3 Easy Step Process To End Noisy Valve Lifters You Can Do Yourself

Thousands of car pickup diesel truck tractor boat and motorcycle owners installed Mega Power - explained here to regain the great performance valve lifter noise took from their engine.  3 steps to do so...

Step 1. Add items shown with #1, 2, and #3 on cap to the gas tank and motor oil. 

Step 2. Add bottle with #4  #5 and #6 on cap to your motor oil while doing an oil change a week later.

Step 3. Enjoy your quiet running engine again, and how smart you are to fix your car yourself - and the money this idea saved you as you didn't have to spend on an engine overhaul to do so.

Simple, right? Order below!

Bonus gift worth $29 with today's order (Power Steering Protector). Let the representative know if you phone your order.

Order Now, this Valve Lifter Noise Ending Aid. Go for a Quiet and Complete Engine Treatment. 6 products needed, shipped   to your door in about 3 - 5 business days.

Money Back Guarantee if it requires actual repair!

Just $90 includes shipping.

How Does Mega Power Quiet Valve Lifter Noise?

Many additives claim to clean your engine, but our 6-additive package cleans your entire engine as well as your gas tank, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel lines, injectors and catalytic converter. It also restores your engine to a just like new condition. How does it do it, you may ask?

New Problem Solving and Engine Restoring Chemistry

Mega Power facilitates what motor oil can't to keep 40 lbs of pressure against the movable pencil-size lifter adjuster pistons to keep them in touch contact with each valve - moving outward as wear occurs, keeping the motor operating quietly.

Even though you use synthetic oil, sludge forms, and blocks oil delivery to the lifters piston-adjuster. This causes the lifter piston adjuster to drop and a gap appears. Now, with engine rotation a bang or tap tap tap sound occurs. That’s how the noise starts. That's not good, of course.

Also, your motor's many valves, that let fuel in and exhaust out of your motor work in near metal melting conditions - making them wear twice as fast as any other part.

Not only wear is a problem as valves also will gum-up and become sluggish and slow-closing. This also creates a gap, causing a second type type  - our engine valve treatment also correct by cleaning and freeing to quiet your motor noise. 

Included in the Mega Power engine Treatment:

Mega Power also contains MC+, a proprietary friction reducing metal conditioner, helping to extend your engine’s life as it contributes to valve lifter noise elimination.

Other anti-wear ingredients are a co-polymer coat to fill and restore the surfaces of worn engine parts.

Together, cleaners, conditioners, and protectors offer a return to a smooth, shiny condition - again operating quiet-  and trouble free just like when your engine was new

If you feel your car, truck, tractor or motorcycle have the conditions mentioned above or a mechanic suggests you plan a major engine or transmission overhaul, Mega Power is definitely worth trying first.

Order Now, this Valve Lifter Noise Ending Aid. Go for a Quiet and Complete Engine Treatment. 6 products needed, shipped   to your door in about 3 - 5 business days.

Money Back Guarantee if it requires actual repair!

Just $90.


Order today and get our Engine and Transmission treatment, a total of 9 products, sent to your door in 3 – 5 business days for only $140, regularly priced at $170 –


Our MP Radiator Cool and Protector for free an $80 Savings.

A Total of 11 Products for $140.

Order Now while supplies last.

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