Worried About Your Truck and Equipment Operating Problems? Want A Product To Say-Good Bye To Them? Make Mega Power Additives Part Of Your Fuel, Oil, And Fluids. 

TBN TAN Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment reduces black exhaust smoke in diesel trucks. Order now.Our auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com Mega Power Diesel Engine High Mileage Problem-Solver uses science and chemistry to solve engine problems. No repair needed for this overhaul-like result! Just add its TBN TAN and it goes away!

Truck additive for large trucks Contact info: To ask a question, on a smartphone, to order products listed, call me USA at 1-512 665 3388 ...george

 Worried Truck and Equipment Owners Wanting A Good Solution To Lower Down-Time and Repair Cost. Please Note:

Hi! My name is George Christ.

Since I learned the Secret in Mega Power Additives to end the causes of operating and mechanical problems, my whole life changed for the better! And I want you to enjoy those same benefits! 

To enjoy those benefits, the real automotive and financial problem I needed to solve was this.

the power in Mega Power Additives solved for me, that made my life better, I want you to enjoy - if having the same automotive problems.

all other additives  could that made my life better.

Because my finances only permited me to buy used vehicles, starting with used bycles when I was 10, used scooters and then used cars later in life, I wanted them to run good as new and last a long time. 

I've always serviced them like you should, in hopes the qualities advertised for top brand synthetic oils and timely oil and fluid changes would help me provide me provide good protection and dependability to them they promised - but they didin't.

I became a mechanic schooling in it in hopes they would provide a better solution. Nope. They taught me to replace suspected parts with new ones. Said, always use the best oils and service them as suggested. 

I knew oil and servicing worked for brand new vehicles but not for older, higher milage vehicles - at least for those I owned - I just thought that was the way wear worked and lived with it - when one day a friend suggest, I look into this product some people were promoting. 

At their location, we talked about oils and servicing and why later in a vehicles life they failed to help them. Why wear and tear brought on problems suddenly later in a vehicles life.

He showed me a shinny smooth new metal bearing. He explained the smoothness of the metal surface could be counted by blowing up a picture of a dot size on it 1000 times so the surface look like rocks in a foot square of street blacktop.

He expalined  they counts the bumps. If polished they would have less bumps and produce less friction, and last longer. Expensive vehicles could have these bumps smooth out and therefore, take longer to wear out. But add to the cost of the vehicle.

Well, I said, if you use good oil you can forestall that wear out, right, I said? Perhaps better oil would help? Right I suggested?

He explained, did I know, if you magified oil it would look like marbles? Those balls or molecles of oil get squeezed out from between moving parts, he said, and allow metal-to-metal contact, a welding of the contact from its immense pressure, then, chunked away from the friction. That is how ear happens snd that speeds up wear out in older vehicles, he said. 

 He said several people have found ways to reduce the friction. The persons idea he liked and promoted, he explained did not use powerded metal to fill those rough spots to lessen the damage, but soaked into the metal. When friction ocurred a change of the metal went from rough to softer and that smooth, instead of roughen the surfa

>>>>ces.  were suppose to prevent  - but don't, and included Your solution is our truck additive for large trucks:

  • Auto-tune-up-and-repair-options.com and "me," and our amazing product for truck additives is here to show you our method to eliminate your biggest-business-headache and profit-eater. Those truck and equipement wear and tear problems that pop up! End them by use of our Mega Power Brand Truck Additives for Large Trucks. 
  • Provides bumper-to-bumper internal problem-solving for every known internal problem without need for downtime and costly repair expense. 

   Imagine the load taken off your mind and budget having our solution in inventory for ending such problems. We will train and gude your people by phone in their install and a bit of driving ends the problem! Vehicle is ready to go even solving mechanical problems - guaranteed!

The method to do so is easy. 

  1. Added item One to the troublesome fuel and engine oil. It starts the recovery while driving and Starts reversing problem. Its drain out within seven days.
  2. The two other truck additives are added just before and with new fresh motor oil. 
  3.  Driving then uses engine forces to start returning a new-healing - thought worn away. Drivers will report "The truck has never ran so well." You assurance the headach and profit eater is conqured! 

Ordering and cost:

   Our truck addditives for large trucks from Mega Power Additives run in single treatments, for 6 treatments, and barrels.

  • One Engine Problem Fix Treatment: $200. It includes 3 items - a top to bottom engine servicing, beginning with cleaning and conditioning item to start the end any engine problem. Its tune up ingredient cleans the fuel injectors as it cleaner/conditioner starts the removing the internal engine problem causes. 
  • 2 other items finish the problem-ending with anti-wear and problem-ender. 

Shipped to you so you have the products to end your biggest-business-headache and profit-eater - sudden problem ocurrances and down-time cost. Could you enjoy their 50% to 80% or more reduction in downtime and repair cost?  

  • Mega Power truck additive for large trucks can do so. 
  • Its time to keep your trucks making you money by our products help to end operating problems.
  • Like turning back vehicle mileage 100,000 miles.
  • It's MC+ Problem Solver Is The One and Only Bumper-to-Bumper additives that will keep Your Trucks and Equipment Working "Full-Time.
  • "And Away From Costly Down Time for 9 out of 10 of your downtime problems. 
  • And Making Money"

Imagine a truck suddenly running as if having a good motor after addition of Mega Power Additives. it will make that possible for you!

TBN TAN Test are not that costly, but truck owners want shortcuts to end engine problems and we have one.

If you are looking for a truck additive for your large truck, feel free to contact me. You can ask me any question or place an order by calling me at 512 665 3388. My name is George and I'll be happy to assist you.

If an engine is burning oil, and  compression blowby  problems is upsetting its operation, This Mega Power truck additives for large trucks is what it needs to end those problems, keep it running year in year out.

What independant truckers say:

  Greg: “The estimate to rebuild my worn diesel engine to end its compression blowby was $6000. Online, I ran across your $400 blowby fix on Google and ordered it. I can’t believe the blowby fumes stopped pouring out of the engine in minutes! And its black exhaust smoke just receded. I don't know how long it will continue, but if it lasts a year, it will give me enough time to have some cash for a newer rig. I followed your tip to add some Mega Power products to the gearboxes and rear-end gears. I can’t believe the sudden return to smooth shifting; great running was possible from any additive - and I tried them all! For a fraction of an overhaul expense the repair wanted, your Mega Power "fix" helped that one truck. My other trucks are also responding nicely - all signs, your additive I believe, will work in anything. And that's the product that will make my life easier. Thank you for promoting it.” Greg.

Consider using Mega Power's Engine Treatment to enhance the performance of your older trucks.

  • End oil burning and blowby performance problems. 
  • Truck Additives for large trucks are "avoiding overhaul expenses" often for years, for tens of thousands of truckers and equipment owners.
  • Why not you? As for our free 30 dqay trial and pay then, if that helps.

Order Our Mega Power Truck Additives for Large Trucks  to Keep your Diesels Going: How they arrive looking.

TBN TAN Mega Power Additives for Large Trucks show here, helps older engines  overcome oil burn smoke and blowby problems.TBN TAN Mega Power Additives for Large Trucks show here, helps older engines overcome oil burn smoke and blowby problems.

If your trucks have heavy miles behind them and showing its due for help,  Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment may be your low-cost solution to keep them on the road and out of the shop. For Example: 

  • Ends oil buring.
  • Ends exhaust black smoke - Mega Power stops black, blue, and white smoke.
  • Stops higher fuel and oil consumption -  Mega Power lowers fuel and oil expense.
  • End compression blowby -  Mega Power stops excessive Blowby.Puts off overhaul expense often for years. 
  • MC+ and TAN TBN is in Mega Power'sTruck Additive for Large Tricks. 
  • Addi fuel and oil at oil changes returns the previous newer operation. Turnd back the wearclock on older trucks.

It's not like wearing garlic around your neck to keep trouble away. It's more like prescribed medicine, but for trucks to end a problem they have. Read on!

Why Mega Powers Truck Additive for Large Truck Engines? 

  • Offers an almost immediate end and control of engine problems.
  • Gives the engine a strong operating feel.
  • Exhaust smoke turns clear even under load and up hills.
  • Keeps oil level up and takes away the blowby problem.
  • Keeps the oil free of carbon black for 10,000 miles.
  • Fill worn spaces, providing an inexpensive way to keep power up.
  • Needed at each oil change. It can keep trucks out of overhaul for years.
  • For 3-gallon to 10-gallon motor oil capacity engines. 
  • Or 10 car and pick-up engine servicing where an additive is needed.
  • Cheaper than a $10,000 engine overhaul. 
  • Started by ordering now, and in a few days, enjoy the power to help that truck run great again!
  • The only form of care, repeated at oil changes, suppresses vehicle problems.
  • Anti-friction MC+ features improves combustion, adding distance 20 to 40 more miles yo each tnk of fuel.

Order Mega Power Additive For Large Trucks to end your engine problems. Reverses problem cause to do so. With fuel injector cleaner, combustion carbon remover, emission cleaners and piston bearing valve and gear cleaner, and MC+ slippery conditioners, the engine will bounce back like nothing ever was a problem. Includes "3 pak gallons, plus a Bonus gallon Fuel Conditioner total 4, ends engine problems, and revitalizes performance in any rig, tractor, dozer. Just $$199.00 including shipping.

Mega Power Removes Acidity and Residues to send the cause of engine problems.

TBN Tan is helping engines recover a strong workable state. Stopping oil burning and blowby. Imagine a truck suddenly running as if having a good motor after addition of Mega Power to make it possible.

Its  facr; older trucks can continue to be in service - "sometimes for years," claims many truck owners with large trucks. 

Simple  install for such a complex improvement

Mega Power for large trucks uses 3 cleaners to clean and free sticky rings and valves- giving a tune-up-like power to neutralize acids  - to stop further troubles acids cause,  friction modifiers to smooth, heal and fill worn surfaces, and several conditioners to boost compression. This returns the new-like power to continue working.

Truck engines - and transmissions run stronger, smoother, quieter! Then stay that way with Mega Power !

Mega Power, a formulator of engine Problem-Solving Cleaners, and Friction Modifiers and Fortifiers are additives made to add to oil and fuel, having revitalizing advantages older, high mileage trucks tractors and machines will immediately benefit from.

The Mega Power Truck Additive for Large Trucks:

       Restores compression. 

       Ends oil burning.

       Ends blow-by.

       Enhances slippery movement to boot.

       Fills worn spaces

       The above advantages reduces drag and wetness of fuel during combustion - a wear factor removed, for added horsepower development under load.

That's the kind of truck additives for large trucks it takes to keep them going years longer - dependably.

That's the best way! 

The normal way to rid the motor of those wear characteristics is usually fixed by some downtime where a mechanic dismantles the engine and rebuilds it anew - at thousand$ in cost. However...

Truckers and equipment owners report a Mega Power treatment for under $500 has their older rig driving as it did years earlier!  And thousand$ cheaper to keep your finances in tack.Is Mega Power the best way?

For way less money Mega Power will provide more years of overhaul avoiding expense - and get the over the road job done just as nicely!  That's what you really need done!

Order below. Have it in a few days to get you down the road strong and powerful again!


    Restores power by blocking oil escape pass sticky and worn oil rings and valve guides. This stops oil from being sucked into the combustion zone. One way results add a power-restoring benefit.

    Reduces Blowby.  Blowby occurs as piston rings become stuck and can't flex outward to block and keep combustion above the piston top. Freeing piston rings stops this power-causing loss. A power restoring benefit.

Mega Power's engine treatment chemically corrects those problems - returning engine operation back like it did years early - before wear became a problem.

Agreement with the use of additives for these purposes come from many sources.

Why this product works!

With help from research and chemistry a new product made to be added to the fuel and oil fills those worn spaces and binds oil molecules. These 2 advantages return worn engines to a strong workable stage so the truck can continue to be in service  - avoiding eventual overhaul - sometimes for years, claims many truck owners with large rigs and small trucks. 

Simple  install for such a complex improvement

Mega Power for large trucks uses 3 cleaners to clean and free sticky rings and valves- giving a tune up like power, to neutralize acids  - to stop further troubles acids cause,  friction modifiers smooth, heal and fill worn surfaces, and several conditioners to boost compression. This returns the new-like power to continue working.

Truck engines - an transmissions for that matter, start running stronger, smoother, quieter! Then stay that way indefinitely!

The same Mega Power formula works and is installed in brand new and rebuilt engines and transmissions, And a bit more of the formula works for worn engines to help truck owners about to need an overhaul - put off that need sometimes for years.

The older vehicle treatment is as follows:

3 to 10 gallon engine oil capacity engines.! Let Mega Power chemistry keep you rolling at a much lower cost per mile. Your trucks need this help! Reduce each item to 15 oz per additives for car engines.

Directions - A simple 2 step install results in a revitalized truck

Step One: 

  • Add the gallon/to 50 gallon fuel, Mega Power red-cap to fuel tank.  
  • Add one-half gallon Mega Power Engine Cleaner/Conditioner  to your motor's oil. Drive for a week with those items working. Then do an oil change like this...

Step Two: 

  • Add one-half gallon Mega Power Cleaner/Conditioner to your motor's oil and drive for 15 minutes to 4 hours. 
  • Then change oil and filter
  • To the new oil, add one gallon Mega Power 1001.
  • These are the products and steps your truck needs to run good as new again. That's  the install you will do, now, especially if your truck is complaining its got a running problem! Order Now!

Ordering Mega Power Additive for Large Trucks. 

Mega Power truck additive treatment is a 3 gallon truck motor Treatment. # gallons needed shiped by FedEx to your door, with directions, phone help, our guaranteed. For 3 gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity engines. Or 10 car pick-up, and car size vehicles. Reduce install quantities to 12 oz.

Select quantity and savings

Order Mega Power 3 Gallon Truck Additive for Large Trucks shown below. Just $199 including shipping.

Order Additive for Two Large Trucks. 6 gallons shipped to your door for just $400 total. .

6 treatments for 6 trucks 20 gallons, or for resell. Shipped to your door.  Just $800 total. 

Mega Power Truck Additive for older, worn, oil burning, fuel wasting,and high mileage large trucks gives them a second useful like-new life - chemically.Mega Power Truck Additive for older, worn, oil burning, fuel wasting,and high mileage large trucks gives them a second useful like-new life - chemically.

Trucks Additives for large trucks from Mega Power stops oil burning.  Restore great performance. Give trucks the conditioning they need! Order Now! Enjoy the ride day after day Their benefits offer.

Since oil escapes pass sticky oil rings and valves that no longer can block oil escape, a truck additive for large trucks should use 3 cleaners to clean and free sticky rings and valves , neutralize acids while doing so - and then fill worn spaces like the Mega Power Engine Treatment does. We recommend and offer Mega Power with a guarantee of satisfaction to do just that as as advertised.

Besides cleaning both top and bottom of your motor, a good truck additive for large trucks should friction modify every part  -

This video shows how Mega Power truck additive for large trucks modifies friction using Mega Power's MC+ .

MC+ also restores power by adding a co-polymer protection to fill worn away surfaces between every part.

MC+ tightens up wear spaces between all parts, and the piston and cylinder walls to stop oil burning by its ecapes from wear spaces.

MC+ build compression, while it stops oil burning in those ways, and some users claim Mega Power puts-off overhaul in 95 out of 100 truck. I'm one of those who experience the same benefits from Mega Power.

Your truck needs Mega Power before it needs the shop mechanic to over-haul your engine. And doing so the Mega Power way will avoid $4,000+  overhaul cost. Mega Power cost under $500 not $4000, an avoids a couple weeks down time for you.  Order Mega Power below....

The same Mega Power formula works and is installed in brand new and rebuilt engines and transmissions, And a bit more of the formula works for worn engines to help truck owners about to need an overhaul - put off that need sometimes for years. Order now! Let chemistry keep you rolling at a much lower expense.

Directions - A simple 2 step install results in a revitalized truck

Step One: Add the red label can to 100 gallons fuel. Add one-half  gallon label F item to your motor oil. Drive for a week.

Step Two: Add one-half gallon label F item to your motor oil and drive for 15 minutes to 4 hours, then change oil and filter. To the new oil, add one gallon 1001. Now, drive a truck that now runs good as new again. That's  the install you need to do, now, especially if your truck is complaining its got a running problem! Order Now!

Order Mega Power truck additive for large trucks. Mega Power truck additive treatment is a 3 gallon treatment for large truck motor's  and transmissions. Includes shipping by FedEx to your door, directions, phone help, guaranteed. For 3 gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity engines.

These truck additives for large trucks clean and free sticky rings and valves and adds co-polymer protection to restore compression, stop oil burning, even put-off overhaul in 95 out of 100 trucks. Order Mega Power and have it shipped to your door in about 3 or so days.

Mega Power is a new, hi-miles truck additive for large trucks  that stops exhaust smoke, oil burning, and fuel waste. What results from this is a strong running truck again that last for years.

Truck additive for large trucks:

Contact info: to ask a question, on a smartphone, to order products listed, call me at 512 665 3388 ...george

Mega Power Chemistry will stop those problems by cleaning and freeing parts now resisting movement, or jerky in movement, by using friction modifiers to  heal the damage. And by adding co-polymers - a slippery film that layers itself over worn surfaces to stop oil burning.

Those advantages end the problem, and restore former, like new operation - avoiding the need for repair - or puts such need off for years! I'll show you what's needed to end your problem, and with easy-to-install steps, enjoy again what you thought was worn away!

Mega Power truck additive for large trucks is an anti-wear with problem-solving help, using special cleaners and conditioners that work as your drive. By cleaning what no other product can, and by freeing restrictive movements, and by smoothing wear roughen, dirty piston rings, bearings, valves and gears, and by then adding a protective film - MC+, over worn surfaces - you will enjoy chemically ,  new life to older trucks and equipment. It is an overhaul out off a can!

This is what your truck or tractor needs - we guarantee it! Order below.

This truck additive for large trucks cleans and frees sticky rings and valves and adds co-polymer protection to restore compression, stop oil burning, even put-off overhaul in 95 out of 100 trucks. Order now!

Order Mega Power truck additive for large trucks. Mega Power truck additive treatment is a 3 gallon treatment for large truck motor's  and transmissions; for 3gallon to 10 gallon motor oil capacity engines.

Mega Power Truck Additive for Large Trucks. How to Install Mega Power.

Mega Power  truck additive for large trucks is added to the fuel and oil. Even new motors  run amazingly quieter and much stronger. It ends a number of residue and wear caused problems in Hi-mileage motors.

Mega Power  truck additive for large trucks does so in an easy to do 2 step treatment done a week apart. Driving does the actual improvement. It is a permanent restore with a touch up at oil changes to keep the benefits going.

The alternative is down-time for 2 weeks and a $5000 expense for engine overhaul.  The Mega Power truck additive for large trucks  avoids taking apart the motor to do so. Other advantages...

  • An acidic neutralizer included, offers shielding to each part to stop  acid etching of your motor parts, and prevents future acidic damage - a wear reducing factor. This takes place during the initial cleaning freeing process - and often one of 2 reasons for its use as a truck additive for large trucks, and their new engines and transmisions.
  • A smoothing effect from MC+ returns surface smoothness  to your now cleaned pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such. A power restoring factor. And.. with
  • Further conditioning, Mega Power adds a co-polymer protective film to each part. This extra protector fills worn spaces  and closes your cylinder wall wear gap. Most truck owners tell us Mega Power brings back lost compression, as it puts the damper on their oil burning problem - That adds to Mega Powers ability to put off need for overhaul - customers tell us.
  • Mega Power is an anti-wear with cleaners and conditioner and with MC+. This combination - as your drive, cleans and frees and smoothes and coats your engines dirty sticky piston rings, bearings, valves and gears, then adds a protective film - MC+, over worn surfaces - chemically providing a conditioning that adds new life to older trucks and equipment.
  • You need Mega Power to get on down the road of life again worry free of engine  power decline from Hi miles, oil burning from wear, and such problems.

Ordering Mega Power truck additive for large trucks. Mega Power truck additive is a 3 gallon treatment for large truck motor's with 5 gallon to 10  gallon motor oil capacity engines. For brand new, rebuilt, worn engines.

  • Included in the 3 pak, are: the 3 anti-wear cleaners for injector cleaning, combustion area and valve cleaning, and piston ring, and oiling system cleaning. 
  • For stopping engine problems. 
  • For reducing friction and adding ati-friction coverage. 
  • Directions detail the easy-to-install procedure - along with phone help, if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Satisfaction guarantee to do as advertised. Please note: No refunds asked for last 267 days.
  • Order Mega Power Additive for Your Large Trucks now. Fleet pricing and auto repair shop owner pricing options given by phone. Ask a question, Order by phone, or online: Call me at 512 665 3388 ...George

Directions to use Mega Power for heavy equipment and large trucks to end your noisy, loss of power, oil burning problems, dirty injector problems.

Mega Power uses a simple 2 step engine treatment using 3 products. It works on any size or brand of engine to prevent problems and often end them –giving you more years of trouble-free service. To start…..

I put a number: 1, 2, and 3  on the products to make it easier to reach for, and install as you follow the steps.

Step One Directions:

  1. Add 2 quarts MP Diesel Fuel Conditioner, I put a #1 on its can, to each 50 gallon fuel tank.
  2. Add a pint of the same Diesel Fuel Conditioner, in small, one-once amounts into the air intake. This quickly cleans the combustion area and throttle plate.  If not possible, driving will do this cleaning from the conditioner you added to the fuel tank, but takes a week to do so.
  3. Add 2 quarts, MP Piston Ring, Valve, and Emission System Cleaner to your motor oil – I put #2 on its container.  This has seal stop leak in it for that problem. Please note: You will have 2 quarts left over to use in Step Two below.  Please note: If you have an emission system, make sure it has the proper fluid amounts for that purpose in its tank.

Now, drive for a week and then do Step 2 during an oil change, this way.

  1. Add 2 quarts, MP Piston Ring, Valve, and MP Emission System Cleaner I put #2 on its container, to your motor oil. You can drive up to 400 miles. So, drive anytime from ten minutes – to  400 miles of driving   before you change your oil today.  
  2.  To your new oil, add one gallon MP Oil Conditioner I put a #3 on its can. I prefer you add this item on top of the new oil.

If you need more oil during the future, due to oil burning, add more MP Oil Conditioner I put a #3 on the can. Drive as usual and enjoy Mega Power benefits. If this stops oil burning, install the 2nd gallon of MP Oil Conditioner into your gear box for the quietest smoothing shift ever!

  1. Afterwards, at future oil changes add one gallon MP Oil Conditioner I put a #3 it can to your oil change to control oil burning. Add one quart MP Diesel Fuel Conditioner, I put a #1 on its can, to each 50 gallon fuel tank – once a month.

If you have a question, to order more, call me at 512 665 3388. Email me at  megapower@grandecom.net  Thanx again for your business. …George.

See How Mega Power truck additive for large trucks works demo.

To Ask a question. Or to order by phone: Call me...at 512 665 3388. Day and evening. ...george.

  Email: g5126653388@gmail.com

Discounts for 2 or more trucks and fleet servicing. Ask about them.

Give your truck and cars a new life for years to come. Even put -off overhaul 12 to 24 months in 9 out of 10 trucks. Order Now. Get on down the road of life. Install after a repair to damaged parts, then install for like new performance for years to come! USA 48 state pricing. Call for other area shipping amount.

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