End your stick shift transmission into next gear hang up. Enjoy smooth easy shift into any gear with Mega Power Gear Treatment.

George Foreman and Gun Slinger use Mega Power Stick Shift Transmission Treatment.George Foreman and Gun Slinger use Mega Power Stick Shift Transmission Treatment.

Stick shift transmission Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order this product, call me at 512 665 3388... george

If your car truck, even heavy equipment has a rough gear grinding, shift resistance, or growl, a new product will end those troublesome issues for you.

Rough shift into gear wear, and wear roughness creates the problem. Sometimes roughness keeps gears rotating when they should be at rest for the shift. It takes more push to overcome the resistance and Mega Power will end this problem..

Even brand new equipment has this shift mesh problem as the precision you thought you was buying in new equipment is not present for gears to center exactly, and slide and mesh smoothly. However, Mega Power corrects the problem even in brand new equipment.

Stick shift transmission rough shift is solved by means of the Mega Power Additive.


Mega Power is added to both new and even worn out engines - extending the time new engines take to wear out by 50 to 100% - many users say - I'm one of them! Join us!

And by adding and restoring a few more good working years of engine/gear service to their owners - before down time, overhaul, or new replacement.

Mega Power returns smooth shifting EVEN in frozen and cooking hot weather in 3 ways:

  1. Mega Power will remove residues that cause sticky resistance.
  2. Mega Power ends your trucks gear growl in the tranny and differentials, when nothing else can, with Mega Power's. This is a mechanical wear problem and - by chemically changing those rough surfaces to smooth - takes away that cause of your rough shift.
  3. Mega Power co-polymer also adds a slippery coating to surfaces that fills worn away metal - helping to again line the centering match in the shift shift process - restoring smooth shifting - doing so.

Even George Foremen and Gun Slinger take advantages of Mega Power advantages! With Mega Power....

    Enjoy the nice clean feel of having a more powerful running, smoother shifting truck. You are paying for it but not getting its benefits. Order Mega Power now - get on down the road of life shifting easier and ending that worry.

    Pull heavier loads, climb most hills a gear higher. Really!

    Enjoy quieter operation, easier shift from neutral to first gear, and into and out of all other gears.

Order Mega Power in 12 oz, gallon, or drums, as your needs require.

For cars: In 12 oz for one transmission or differential. $15 plus $5 s&h= $20. Chose quantity.  Click cart button. 

Two Mega Power Oil Treatments. 12 oz for one transmission and one 12 oz for one differential. 2 items 24 oz $30 plus $5 s&h= $35. Save $10.

For pick up trucks add 24 oz to the transmission and 24 oz to the differential. 6 pak 6 items 12 oz each. $75 plus $5 s&h= $80 total. Save $30

For large trucks add a gallon of Mega Power to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. One gallon Mega Power. $99 plus $10 s&h=$109.00 total

For large trucks add a gallon to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. Order 2 gallons, add 1/2 gallon to motor for protection. 2 gallons just $150 plus $10 s&h= $160 total. Save $45.

Fleet and resale quantities: Protect large trucks: 6 pak gallons. For engine transmission differential gears. Add a gallon to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. One gallon to the motor.

End your stick shift transmission problems by removing your gear box friction with Mega Power.

Call for 55 gallon drum prices. 512 665 3388 ....george

Mega Power makes your gear shifting smoother, easier -removing the hidden hang up into gear again, and reduces gear and bearing growling with its MC+.

    Mega Power is a new Hi-tech complex anti-wear, anti-friction formula you add in to the fluids and oils - that chemically changes once-smooth, but now wear roughen surfaces to smooth again!

    This makes easier moving in and out of gears velvety smooth. Slams the breaks on wear out -

    Other Mega Power Conditioners included makes fluids and oils more slippery - a second advantage exclusive to Mega Power that customers tell us add a new extra life-time to their cars and equipment!

    Because Mega Power reduces actual raw friction, so your normally hot running gears and bearings run cool as the cause of the heat, friction is reduced.

A Test that sold me!

 Feel the transmission housing a couple times after a several hour run. It will give you a feel of the heat produced.

    After a couple days with Mega Power in the gear box and differential - after you run the truck for a couple hours. Feel the housing of the transmission and differential.

    You can feel the outside temperature housing change from hot to cooler to the touch, as a result of Mega Power's two friction reducing, conditioning factors gained. Imagine the good protection this can have adding years more smooth shift life - by  ending your shift growl problem our way.

What's not to like about all that!

Here is how to order and install Mega Power for your transmission and differentials. Driving does the actual improvements...

    Mega Power is added to make 15% of the fluid volume. A little more if having a problem, or worn.

    Mega Power is shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Comes with easy to follow and install directions. Includes phone help if needed, and guarantee. Call me if you have a question, or to order by phone, or online.
    Call now 512 665 338 ...george.

    Order Mega Power in 12 oz, gallon, or drums, as your needs require.

    For cars: In 12 oz for one transmission or differential. $15 plus $5 s&h= $20.

For cars: One Mega Power Oil Treatment 12 oz for one transmission and one 12 oz for one differential. 2 items 24 oz $30 plus $5 s&h= $35. Save $10.

For pick up trucks add 24 oz for the transmission and 24 oz for the differential. 6 pak 6 items 12 oz each. $75 plus $5 s&h= $80 total. Save $$30

For large trucks add a gallon to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. One gallon Mega Power. $99 plus $10s&h=$109.00 total

For large trucks add a gallon to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. Order 2 gallons, add 1/2 gallon to motor for protection. 2 gallons just $150 plus $10 s&h= $160 total. Save $45.

Fleet and resale usage: Protect large trucks: 6 pak gallons. For engine transmission differential gears. Add a gallon to the gear box and half a gallon to the differential. One gallon to the motor.

End your stick shift transmission problems by removing your gear box killers.

Call for 55 gallon drum prices. 512 665 3388 ....george

If your car truck, even heavy equipment has a rough-into-gear grinding, shift resistance, or growl, it can mean a costly repair is in the making.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment Provides protection. Helps it needs to shift and operate even better. If it has so much friction heat you can hear it sucking up power as it goes down the road.

Add this great stick shift transmission fix to your transmission. End all that!

Enjoy the nice clean feel of a more powerful running, smoother shifting truck. You are paying for it but not getting its benefits. Get Mega Powered!

Pull heavier loads, climb most hills a gear higher.

What's not to like about all that! Here is how to start...

These are the 6 places to add Mega Power besides your stick shift transmission anti-wear.

  1. Motor
  2. Transmission
  3. Differential
  4. Power steering
  5. Wheel bearings
  6. Fuel

You know those are the places

    That contribute to friction and sticky residues.

    Those that at up you lunch money, your profit, and create excessive down time - when when unprotected with no Mega Power.

    And with Mega Power, truck ownership more enjoyable, less costly, provide a much lower cost per mile expense - keep you competitive. Let you sleep at night - because it works!

Here's one reason why...

    Mega Power cleans and cuts the friction drag.

    Mega Power changes dirty, sticking pistons, bearings, shafts, cams, lifters, vales, gears, fuel and combustion system from dirty to smooth, clean, shinny, freely sliding rotating and turning. For smoother starting, idling. pulling, coasting like when near new again!

    Stick shift transmission, transmission products, stick shift help, Mega power Oil Treatment. More...

    Mega Power will end those Stick shift transmission conditions and the wear friction drag cause - amazingly! Stick shift transmission power loss disappears even as age and miles brings on.

    Get Great motor, stick shift transmission fixes, end rough shift problems, extend years more great running time.

    That's how us Mega Power users get to flying down the road with ease - years longer than non product users.

Stick shift transmission, transmission products, stick shift help, Mega power Oil Treatment

Mega Power for motor, Transmission, and other components.

    15% is the ideal motor, Transmission, and other component volume recommendation. Reduce to 10% from then on.

    The fuel takes 1oz for each 2 gallons in winter, and every other tankful in summer.

    Treats 3,4,5,6, speed stick shift car, pickup, large truck, equipment transmissions. Cools and protects for greater power pass-thru to turn the wheels more rpms.

    MP Oil Treatment #10. One gallon size
    Each gallon $99+ $15 s&h= $114
    6 gallon pak $400+ $25 s&h=$$225

    ***Mega Power Automatic Transmission Conditioner
    $60+ $15 s&h= $65 total
    6 gallon pak $200+ $25 s&h=$$225
    Cost $50+ $15 s&h=$65.

    Mega Power Diesel Fuel Conditioner $49+ $15 s&h= $64 total.
    6 gallon pak $350+ $25 s&h=$$225

    For power steering service and to solve performance, leak,whine problem. Contains a problem-solving flush cleaner, and 1/2 gallon flush/rinse product and replacement fluid. Stops leaks, rough turning, whine. Works on all vehicles.
    Cost $110+ $15 s&h=$125. 4 pak $300.

Why Transmission Help for the Radiator May Be Needed

    **Mega Power Radiator Service Kit #RS3 Cost $100+$10 s&h=$110.
    One item removes a film on radiator tubes and elsewhere, which acts like insulation, and slows heat transfer out. Another, packs coolant molecules closer so more touch the surface and transfer more heat, faster to the outside. The 3rd item protects against acid decay, prevents and stops leaks, and keeps seals and gasket from hardening - a cause of leaks, like acid is a cause of leaks.

To order or ask a question call me at 512 665 3388 ...george

Say, I want to order MP Oil Treatment.I seen it on this web page. If you have a question, want to buy for your business to resale, or want distributor info, I can help you.

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