New product stops motor burning oil problem when other products cannot.

New product ends motor burning oil problem, works fast, last.

[On a mobilphon - to ask a question, or order products by phone call me... 512 665 3388 George]

For motors burning oil. Mega Power Engine Treatment

Products shown, when installed as explained, control oil burning in two steps. Introducing the Mega Power Engine Treatment.

  1. Top side of motor: By combining cleaners and conditioners in the fuel top of motor internal parts can be cleaned of carbon. And they can clean and free sticky piston rings - and valves, the cause of oil burning - you start the first step controlling problem.
  2. Bottom side of motor: This step uses 3 items:

          1- To clean and free bottom piston ring of sludge allowing it to help add oil film to the cylinder walls. This acts as a deterent to oil burning when its is clean and oiling.

          2- Sludge is removed from oil pump screen, pump, passage ways, hydraulic lifters, and valve stems. All contributors to increase oil consumption.

          3- Every part is smoothed and coated with MC+ for chemically filling worn spaces. This includes cylinder walls - closing down their wear space, also stopping flow of oil into combustion an out exhaust pipe.

There is a big difference in this new Treatment compared to common part store additives like Lucas, Restore, and STP, sold for that condition. For example...

Lucas, Restore, and STP depend on a sticky, honey-like ingredient to make oil itself sticky and tar-like to slow oil escape. That's good, but that's all you get - when your motor needs much more!

With those products, nothing is done to solve your motor's 6 other problems contributing to its oil burning negative, and to slow down to a crawl its wear out speed. How Mega Power does so...

Mega Power's Engine Treatment with its cleaners and conditioners stops motor oil burning. Using 6 powerful ingredients oil burning subsides.

The treatment cleans, frees, heals, smooths, and fills worn spaces while driving to do the fix.  Yes, Driving does the fix.

Motor Burning Oil Control Product from Mega Power

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

    Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

    Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h= $325 total. You save $180.

    Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

    Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

    Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

    Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Picture shows how Mega Power Controls oil burning.

    Mega Power begins its motor burning oil reducing advantages by neutralizing acids that pit your engine surfaces. Pitting increases horsepower stealing friction. Both sticky residues and friction stick and wear away close tolerance. wider tolerances allow oil to escape and burn. Chemistry can correct pitting, close wide tolerances, and clean and free sticky piston rings - stopping motor burning oil negatives.

    Mega Power then chemically friction-modifies to smooth out wear and acid pitted surfaces - changing them to smooth. A factor releasing once friction-absorb horsepower, and again sending it to the wheels to push you faster down the road - on a bit less fuel.

    One customer, Mike Harris, said it change his oil burner from a weak, powerless oil burning car to one that seems as if new - quiet, powerful - needing no oil between oil changes and sounding like music to his ears!

    Order one or more Mega Power Treatments - to end your motor burning oil problem at the lowest price, by calling me at 512 665 3388

    Motor burning oil problem product to order, below.

    Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, now!

      Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

        One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

        Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

        Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h+ $325 total. Save $180.

        Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

        Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

        Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

        Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

        Customers tell us, they get a "tune up thrown in," and a "smoother, more dependable car or tractor as the product works in. That because wear roughen surfaces on your pistons bearings valves and gears - changes from rough to smooth - reducing a serious friction condition older engines develop that multiplies wear out speed. Another ingredient MC+ then coats to fill worn spaces - making for more compression and smoother running motor. That is good!

        As you may know, engine overhaul at over $3500, is the repair approach. Mega Power is not equal to that but does returns years more great oil burning free service - at a fraction of overhaul cost. Ordering info below.

        Mega Power's method is 90+% effective and not harmful like thickeners that often block your engine oil flow - often causing sudden engine destruction.

        Mega Power's method uses water-thin cleaning and conditioning chemistry to free your motors sticky piston rings - that become lazy, fail to expand and block your motor oil escape. And Mega Power fills your motors worn spaces - filling sloppy worn spaces - that when normal, block oil escape and its burning out the exhaust.

        That's my experience with Mega Power! While other brands of additives for oil control have just one ingredient - thereby having a hit or miss effect, Mega Power uses 6 ingredients - to end oil loss from 6 places in your motor. The max way possible.

        This sounds like the help your motor needs! Order Mega Power below and let Mega Power recover your motors great running condition - again!

        Order one or more Mega Power Treatments - to end your motor burning oil problem at the lowest price, by calling me at 512 665 3388

        Motor burning oil problem product to order, below.

        Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, now!

          Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

          One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

        Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

        Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h+ $325 total. Save $180.

        Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

        Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

        Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

    Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Shipped Fedex or USPS with 2- 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Motor burning oil problem and remedy.

Below, you can read Mike's Mega Power experience. His is one of thousands that Mega Power have made into believers - and thousands of mechanics, too! You're next....

Motor burns oil remedy using new anti-wear advantages

What else you should know

    For the last 20 years our Hi-tech cars are made with very close tolerance spaces between every piston bearing valve and gear moving part.

    This lube space between motor and transmission moving parts are is small they require 0W or 5w designated oils. Those oils have a watery-thin structure so lubrication can squeeze in and keep those parts separated easily and continuously.

    The idea for honey-thick additives may have come from the model A car days in your grandparents day, when oil in new motors started out using a thicker 20w oil to fill larger spaces that engineering age produced.

    As a car motor burning oil problems worsen, more oil was sucked up into the combustion process - so cars owners added thicker motor oil like 30w, or 40w oil, as that made engine functioning smoother and quieter.

    Even so, as wear gaps increased in cars of those days, it made for a faster motor burning oil problem. You would have to add more oil every week or so, less the motor run out of oil.

    So, thick, honey-like, sticky additives helped reduce the problem.

However, for the last 20 years our Hi-tech cars are made with very close tolerance spaces between every moving part.

    They require 0W or 5w designated watery-thin oils so lubrication can squeeze in between, lube, and not hindered.

    Adding a thick additive will block oil delivery even when wear gaps appear. That is not good, right?

    Therefore, when your modern car has a motor burning oil problem...

    Mega Power's new worn motor treatment is made of watery thin chemicals with much stronger lubricating characteristics which stop oil burning almost 95%. But did not add faster wear out as do thick additives.

    Mega Power should be what you should used to control your motor burns oil problem.

Each order comes with a money back guarantee. It is the best of the best!

    Your motor really needs this product. Its crying-for-help...

    I'm here to walk you or your mechanic thru the simple installation by phone, if needed.

    Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, now!

      Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

        One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

        Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

        Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h+ $325 total. Save $180.

        Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

        Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

        Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

    Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Shipped Fedex or USPS with 2- 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

    To meet new government fuel standards, car makers are producing smaller spaces between moving parts, and using a "0"w-10 or 5w-15, or 10w-20 watery-thin-oil.

    This thinner oil for your motor has a bit less resistance to spinning the motors crankshaft and less resistance for your pistons bearings valves and gears to move, roll, push or pull. So, less horsepower is lost and makes for more horsepower on less fuel. That's good for fuel economy, of course.

    The crankshaft weights 25+ lbs. It is a big hunk of steel fasten across your motor and attached to your transmission such, when your motors pistons spin the crankshaft, the gears make your car wheels spin and go.

Those thinner oils and thick additives don't work

    Because a motor burns oil problem is caused by dirty rings, wear on pistons, and dirty, worn valve guides, do you want more sticky stuff covering them?

    While using those heavier additives like those promoted on TV and sold in parts stores like STP, Restore, and Lucas, with their thick, gooey nature, may reduce your motor burning oil. Doing so, may reduce fuel economy, and may increase wear-out, as their sticky nature reduces the needed flow of oil to every motor part. Of course, more fuel is needed to overcome sticky resistance.

Additives for watery-thin lube space requirements

How new motor treatment additives stops motor oil burning

    The common way to stop oil burning is to have a costly $3000 motor overhaul, or more debt for a newer car for 4 to 6 years.

    But, not anymore...

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is the only product so far, using watery-thin anti-wear chemistry to stop your motor oil burning successfully.

    Motor burning oil problem and its remedy!

    For many car and equipment owners with a motor burning oil problem, its easy for the piston to suck up motor oil when its sucking in gas to burn. Mega Power stops this negative!

    Mega Power avoids overhaul or replacement for many years, customers tell us. That is the option we promote. I feel its right for you, if you read this far...

    As a Mechanic, I know a motor overhaul is truly better. However, this car care method is nearly equal to overhaul in that years more driving dependability is restored - but at lower cost for those needing such.

How Mega Power's method ends motor burns oil problem

    To help improve motor running and reduce motor burns oil problems from several advantages. Rather than thicken, Mega Power's water thin cleaners unglue, cleans, and frees your sticky piston rings - allowing them to flex fully outward, blocking oil escape, ending one cause of oil burning.

    Mega Power also stops motor burns oil problem by layering a slippery co-polymer film over the piston and cylinder wall to close down the wear space, thereby stopping that source of motor flow to the combustion and out your exhaust.

Ordering and installing Mega Power for these results is easy for any man or women, not just mechanics! Order Mega Power below.

The Mega Power Engine Treatment includes 6 items found to do the job when other products cannot! Easy to follow directions and phone help and guarantee included. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 2-3 days. See out of 50 states USA shipping info.

3 are for top cleaning and conditioning and 3 for bottom motor conditioning to stop motor burns oil problems.

Your motor really needs this product. Its crying-for-help...

I'm here to walk you or your mechanic thru the simple installation by phone, if needed.

Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, now!

    Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

      One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

      Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

      Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h+ $325 total. Save $180.

      Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

      Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

      Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

Call me to ask a motor burning oil problem question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

Shipped Fedex or USPS with 2- 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. Shipped Fedex or USPS with 2- 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

More info on ... Click link for details.

Those Mega Power advantages and addition of a smooth conditioning of wear roughen piston bearing valve and gear surfaces create formerly lost or consumed horsepower. Results send more horsepower to the wheels as it ends your motor's wear, residue, and motor burns oil problem.

Longer life and great running dependability is benefit customers tell us about. That's my experience adding Mega Power in over a dozen older, worn, oil burning cars and trucks I purchased - with from 125,000 or more miles.

You need Mega Power to help your motor also.

My experience with Mega Power.

Mega Power has help 6 cars and trucks run great again, some to over 250,000 miles - and running as if like new. Once you try Mega Power you will also enjoy somewhat the same long term vehicle experience!

Friction reduction using Mega Power's MC+ means horsepower-loss due to friction increase is eliminated, and more power can pass through to your wheels to up your zip, performance, and speed - on a bit less fuel requirements.

You would want those advantages, I'm sure.


    Order this product below, and try it at no risk for 90 days. If not happy with results, just tell us what you did for improvement, and we will refund your entire cost back to you.

Stopping motor burning oil by motor overhaul.

    The common way to stop oil burning is to pay a mechanic $2500 or more to tear into your motor and replace worn pistons and valves - the cause of motor burning oil problems.

Shown below

    You can see, Mega Power is a treatment using 6 ingredients. 3 products to stop the causes of your motor's oil burning problem from the top side of your motor - and 3 for the bottom, oil side. Because that is what works to stop oil burning.

Directions and Ordering info:

    Add the 3 products with the "3" on the carton to the fuel tank, motor oil, and air intake as shown. It's easy and anyone can do it - not just mechanics.

    Drive for a week to let the chemistry clean, free, and heal the wear and oil burning space problem inside your motor burning oil.

    Add one of the remaining 3 products to the dirty oil at an oil change to remove acids, and sticky residue accumalations.

    To the new oil add the add The anti-friction MC+ chemistry reduces friction by smoothing rough worn surfaces, and then adds a slippery co-polymer anti-wear to fill worn areas, and stop the oil burning causes.

Driving does the actual work.

    A small touch-up of Mega Power at 6000 miles - the oil change time with Mega Power in your motor, keeps the advantages going indefinitely.

    That may be the cheapest and best solution for many car owners who find their budget limited.

    Use with any kind or weight of oil. Works in any worn car, truck, diesel tractor, boat motor, or stationary power generator motor of any size.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment #TS3

Motor burning oil with valve tap - remedy

Order one or more Mega Power Treatments - to end your motor burning oil problem at the lowest price, by calling me at 512 665 3388

Motor burning oil problem product to order, below.

Order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, now!

    Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment $70+ $15s&H= $85 total.

Two Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments for both cars $125+ $15s&h= $140 total. Save $30.

Six Mega Power Treatments as shown 36 items total: Farm fleet and resale: $300+ $25s&h+ $325 total. Save $180.

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Mega Power Treatment for your motor; $85 total, and a similar Treatment, the Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3: $75 total, for your transmission you also want to protect - good for 4 or more years trouble-free protection: just $115 for both, plus $15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

Shipped Fedex or USPS with 2- 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.
Motor burning oil problem and remedy.

Stops oil burning treatment.

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