Truck equipment additives End motor fuel transmission cooling and hydraulic wear and tear problems.

Equipment Additives from Mega Power ends truck, equipment motor fuel transmission residue problems.Equipment Additives from Mega Power ends truck, equipment motor fuel transmission residue problems.

Maximum weighted loads with Mega Power will let your rig climb hills at road speed a gear higher - no mater the age or wear.

Equipment additives. Ends truck equipment motor fuel transmission problems. The new breed of equipment additives include "treatments."

"Additive Treatments" for your truck and tractor engine transmission, cooling systems, and such are comparable to what you get when at your doctor. The doctor decides on what the problem needs and medication for it. A "treatment" regiment follows to restore health.

"Additive Treatments" methods of care for your truck or tractor are also more powerful, covers more serious problems, and require special methods of introduction - This is the type "Treatment" we have here to end your equipment wear and tear problem - before the tear part occurs.  

As you already know

Additives like STP, BG, Lucas, and typical truck stop additives provide poor results - as they are one ingredient fixes - usually the same as sold 25 years ago for trucks - and do not meet the needs of today's high-tech vehicles.

For that reason, some equipment additives have proven harmful.

Equipment additives treatments include up to 6 ingredients. There is one for each major wear, residue, oil, fuel, top, bottom, even your trucks sub-systems - of which 5 need cleaning, including its smog system, to avoid need for taking apart and expensive hand cleaning.

Mega Power is a company leading the way with equipment additives treatment. Mega Power -Treatment ends truck equipment motor fuel transmission and cooling system problems. The new breed of equipment additives include "treatments."

"Additive Treatments" for your truck and tractor engine transmission, cooling systems, and such are comparable to what you get when at your doctor. The doctor decides on what the problem needs and medication for it. A "treatment" regiment follows to restore health.

"Additive Treatments" methods of care for your truck or tractor are also more powerful, covers more serious problems, and require special methods of introduction - "Treatmet" to end its wear and tear problem.

Additives like STP, BG, Lucas, and typical truck stop additives provide poor results - as they are one ingredient fixes - usually the same as sold 25 years ago for trucks - and do not meet the needs of today's high-teck vehicles.

Some are even harmful.

What do treatments cover?

needed to cold weather fuel conditioners, injector cleaners. Motor oil& coolant conditioners.

Friction modifiers: These smooth your pistons, valves, bearings, cams, and gears surfaces. Easier movement results - to improve faster warm ups, smoother idling, greater pull power, smoother shifts, aiding longer engine transmission life.

When your truck and equipment need for additives becomes apparent

    You may want to try the new breed of additives to end your older, Hi-hours, Hi-mileage motor and gear power-decline wear and residue caused problems. Leading the way to help is Mega Power...

    Mega Power" friction modifier - and surface conditioner stops and prevents the fastest, most destructive kind of engine and transmission wear brand new vehicles often have, and rebuilt engines and transmissions have - called metal migration.

    Even if you waited until the problem appears, and damage already has occurred. Mega Power in 20% ratios in your oil and gear fluids will stop the problem and heal - restoring your former great performance.

    Rebuilt engines and transmissions all have shorter lives for that reason. Mega Power helps rebuilt engines and transmissions  to last twice as long, some say. That's my experience, too!

Those Mega Power Friction Modifying ingredients, called MC+ -

    And Mega Power's Hi-tech anti-wear chemical cleaners, mixed as a problem-solving treatment, just so happens -

    - to help restore the power and performance of large, heavy duty trucks, tractors, generators, ships, and industrial machines with wear, friction, and residue problems - avoiding a period that headed for repair.

    This Mega Power induced repair avoidance assures the gaining of years more like new power.

If this is what you're after - read on

Our equipment additives from Mega Power allow maximum weighted loaded trucks climb hills at road speed a gear higher - no mater the age or wear.

    Then order the products listed below. Mega Power will help you get on down the road of life, while saving your equipment for a longer, more productive life, and tens of thousands in repair and premature replacement expense avoidance.

Compare new and common additives

    Part store and quick lubes offer profitable to them products.

    Their additives: some are solvent based, some thick as honey-like additives that only rinse your motor out, or slap stickiness to each part. That's no good!

    Mega Power goes where those additives, oil and even synthetic oil cannot. To free, clean, smooth, and fill worn surfaces with friction reducing, problem ending protection. Plus...

    Mega Power restores the like-new function of your pistons and rings to end excessive compression blowby, and sticky valves and lifters tap. Mega Power ends power sapping friction wear on your motor cams, bearings, and gears, so they again push, pull, turn and spin cleanly and smoothly again - like when near new again! That is very important to your car problem solving.

    This Mega Power easy-moving smoothness gives 20 to 40 extra miles distance on fill ups - truckers tell us, as Mega Power brings back more combustion horsepower, and lets more horsepower be delivered to the wheels - instead of having friction absorb it. Think of that help you will gain.

    Maximum weighted loads with Mega Power will let your rig climb hills at road speed a gear higher -  by benefit of friction reduction and more horsepower creation! Truckers tell me this also. Lower rpms same speed.

    Emissions will lower under "full load and idle" - even when coldest weather persist - customers keep telling us. Start and drive with little warm up needed - due to fluid, fuel and metal surface conditioning and cleanliness - in your older vehicle. Want that help?

    Doug's truck responded very nicely, he says.

How Mega Power Helps End Your Hidden Caused of Your Problem

    Mega Power ends surface friction wear and it drag on your car, and removes residues oil can't, that causes problems.

    Surface friction wear and residues are what you didn't buy when your truck was new - but you got em now!

    Side note: Surface temperature of gear boxes, bearings, and differential housing will noticeably drop 20 to 40 degree to the touch, as friction wear drops - In additions to other problems diminishing.

    Now is the time to treat your whole truck - and get on down the road of life with the truck zip you bought and paid for - that friction and residues has a grip on now.

    Order Mega Power now. Your paying for in faster wear out and a bit less distances each fill up, and a truck that could be better, and needs some Mega Power loving - to do so again.

Order Mega Power now!

Call me if you have a question, and to order these products. Shipped by Fedex to your door in 3-4 days.

A Full Mega Power Treatment has 6 items: Cleaners, conditioners, protectors, and friction modifiers, as described above.

One each to treat as a:

  1. Radiator conditioner
  2. Fuel, fuel pump, fuel injector cleaner
  3. -air intake and combustion and emission cleaner
  4. Engine cleaner
  5. Engine conditioner
  6. Transmission conditioner
  7. and Differential conditioner

Ordering 1 to 6 Mega Power Equipment Additive Treatments

    One or more component treatments, gallon size, listed above. Just $65ec + $15s&h= $80 total.

    Order one gallon each, total 6, listed above Just $45 each gallon: $270+ $15s&h=$285 total. Save $90. protects the whole truck.

    Ordering for 2 trucks, 12 gallons. Just $380+ free s&h. Save $160 more. Protects 2 entire trucks.

    Fleet quantity: Please call with number of trucks and diesel tank storage tank capacity. We train your maintenance people in Mega Power usage and keep them on our future training schedule, so you're people understand the anti-wear goals your want to have.

    Call Now! ... george at 512 665 3388

New! Truck equipment additives end motor fuel oil radiator and transmission problems. Mega Power helps them run and start and operate good as new in minutes.

When you vehicles and equipment were new

Their internal pistons, bearings, valves, gears, pumps, and such were clean, smooth, close fitting, and operated and worked with great ease.

That is when they had the most power, operated with great ease, and had the best fuel economy. Usage takes it all away, of course.

New anti-friction, penetrating cleaners, and fuel, oil, coolant, and metal conditioners perform a great service for equipment owners by chemically restoring those worn-away conditions.

The leader in the problem-solving field of car truck and equipment wear and tear avoidance and problem solving is

How the need for new truck equipment additives become apparent

When you vehicles and equipment were new

    Their internal pistons, bearings, valves, gears, pumps, and such were clean, smooth, close fitting, and operated and worked with great ease.

    That is when they had the most power, operated with great ease, and had the best fuel economy. Usage takes it all away, of course.

    New anti-friction, penetrating cleaners, and fuel, oil, coolant, and metal conditioners perform a great service for equipment owners by chemically restoring those worn-away conditions.

    The leader in the problem-solving field of car truck and equipment wear and tear avoidance and problem solving is Mega Power's Mega Power's car truck RV equipment additives. car truck RV equipment additives.

What you should know.

This review shows you what is new you can order and use to end your vehicle equipment problem.

    Each time you change oil

    The thin watery fluid runs out, but a sticky, acid loaded residue remains coated on each part.

    With friction developing

    Along with metal melting temperatures, that newness wains. Wear speeds up. Soon, repair becomes necessary. Down time and repair cost become worrisome.

    I'll show you what to do to end your wear and performance problems, avoid repair and down time - often for years, and double the time between overhauls.

Here is what I call the Mega Power Equipment Treatment

    These end motor, fuel, transmission, steering,hydraulic, and gear problems. They are the additives to add to your car truck RV and any motorized equipment to slam the breaks on wear - and give them the best tune up they ever will get!

Mega Power Equipmment Additives

The 3 above are for the top of the motor, fuel, injectors, combustion, and valve head cleaning.

The gallon is for motor oil, gear boxes, differentials, and to boost hydraulic pump pressure.

Mega Power Equipmment  Transmission Additives

The bottle items and gallon together ends

Your equipment leaks, burning of oil, overheats, restores lost power,

End blow-by, stops spewing black exhaust smoke, ends lousy fuel economy,

Gives a rough, or teeth jarring shifting - a smooth quiet shift. Ends gear growling - and such wear problems.

Mega Power has the strongest, most protective truck equipment additives made.

    They end internal wear and performance problems and restore driving and operating efficiency as if new again. Our customers tell us so.

    That is my experience. too!

    They are easy to install and results occur immediately.

Order these products now! Call me if you have a question, and to order these products. Shipped by Fedex to your door in 3-4 days.

    The 3 products and the gallon product treat one engine.
    One treatment, 6 items: $99 plus $16 shipping = total $115.

    Each Gallon Mega Power for Oils or Fuel: $52 +$15 shipping= $67
    6 pak gallons: $200 +$20 shipping = $220

    Order a gallon for the fuel, transmission, and rear-end, and 4x4 gears. Each product sold guaranteed to do as advertised or your money refunded.

    Call Now! ... george at 512 665 3388

New! Truck equipment additives End motor fuel transmission problems. These additives have them run start operate good as new in minutes.

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