Ending blown head gasket problems in 2 easy steps.
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Mega Power's Bown Head Gasket Stop Leak has "no particles to plug radiator tubes." Its patented stop leak flows liquid ready to seal leaks like head gasket gaps, manifold, heater, and radiator holes. There, it turns into a sealant. It also ends other heat problems, as companion products stop overheating when towing, long idling, and on long grades. Service all your vehicles large and small with it—that's the real product to end and prevent problems coolant can't provide. See Bonus item. About $100.
Blown head gasket Contact info: To ask a question, order items listed by phone. Call me ...george at 512 665 388
Order Now, 1-3 day delivery to your door.
To Order Mega Power Blow Head Gasket Treatment click the cart button.
Ordering the MP Blown Head Gasket Stop Leak Details:
The Mega Power Radiator Blown Head Gasket Seal Service Kit #RS3 contains the MP System Pre-clean and Acid Neutralizer RS1. Stop Leak RS2, and MP Engine Cool RS3, and engine oil flush MP2 [not shown]. A, 4th item Head Gasket Stop Leak Bonus to remove coolant in oil for one more value your engine may need. FedEx 1-3 days with instructions and free phone help. End this problem faster, cheaper, better!= Includes shipping usa CA Total = $110.
Order here in one of these four quantities:
Mega Power Engine Head Gasket Treatment ends head-gasket problem faster, easier, for good.
Blown Head Gasket Stop Leak Deal! Order two sets. One for the needed car, and ond for your good car so you'll never regret not giving it service! 2 sets for 2 vehicles. Just $149 Save $49. Protect both vehicle engine, transmission from such troubles, too! Order Now Bonus> Get your engine protected with this heat-resistant lube we sell. But free Today for ordering Bonus. Included : Our $49 MP Engine Heat Lowering lEngine Protector. Because, the engine needs protection now more than ever - and 2 free if ordering now. Offer subject to end without notice. $149 - click cart button to order.
Directions for ending blown head gasket leak problems in a new, better way.
1- Add items to radiator.
2- Run engine or drive for 15 minutes.
3- Stop motor to cool off for 2 hours to "seal gasket."
4- Order below, and what you should know.
Blown head gaskets are breaks in the gasket that leak combustion, acids cause a bad running state.
Leaks may be smaller than a needle thickness to a crack. Once the opening occurs, it enlarges and causes coolant to go into the motor's oil, [ a bad 3rd problem] as well as push the systems coolant out of the system overflow while you drive - [ the overheating problem].
The fix!
- Replacing the head and maybe the engine are common solutions.
- Many "gasket fix" products are sold using fiberous materials as a solution. For over 50 years they have failed to work until a discovery with no particles was invented by Mega Power Additives. A different better solution!
- Mega Power's product offered here use 3 products to end the three devastating engine troubles blown head gasket causes! You may want them to protect your good engines from such devastating troubles.
- Unlike all other products, Mega Powers blown head gasket leak repair avoids plugging tiny radiator cooling coils. It actually cleans and opens those tubes so overheating worn't occur. Its a stop leak for any leak and stops heater core and radiator leaks. It also lower coolant temps with it 3rd ingredent assuring all 3 problems are addressed.
- Removes the blown head gasket problem in a DIY minute process.
- Seals away combustion and coolant leak problems. Stops coolant being pushed out of system. Lowers temps to 40 degrees.
- Returns the function of gasket sealing and cooling.
We include a forth item to make a complete end to head gasket troubles. We include our famous MP Engine Flush to clean the contaminated oiling system part of the motor - saving it from damage as and extra benefit.
TIPS. We advise tourquing the head bolts a quarter turn to speed up the process. Few do so and it still stops head gasket troubles. All, in an easy-to-install product to that will save your engine, and its expense of repair, while returning engine operation normalcy. Only $110.
More : Blown head gasket tips
- Unlike fibrous head gasket stop leaks Mega Power is not Fibrous. Its fluid flows where the leak is and coagulates at the head gasket leak point, sealing the leak. That is one difference.
- Mega Power works like blood in good systems. Its liquid flows on-duty in the coolant, ready to stop any future leak - even in "heater cores" without your knowing it - something fibrous head gaskets can't do.
Did you know: Last year, leaks and overheating ruin over 2 million engines and transmissions of unsuspecting vehicle owners?
A problem preventable when you keep your good vehicle radiator cooling system serviced, new and old with the same 3 Mega Power vehicle protectors shown above.
You risk losing an engine or transmission not doing so - as you have an avoidable problem in this engine for not using Mega Power to protect them.
The MP Engine Treatment, The MP Transmission Treatment, and MP Radiator Treatment are the best known anti-wear and vehicle protectors to date! Order them on this site. Look for our deals on them.
Order 6 sets - treat the fleet.
Great for annual fleet shop radiator servicing. Our option is a "radiator servicing" and if needed, problem solving product.
Order Six MP Radiator and Head Gasket Stop leak Treatments #PS3... 6 Treatments =$180 + $20 s&h= $200 total. $33 each.
Please Note: Large equipment with 5 to 20 gallon capacity systems like over-the-road and diesel rigs and trucks require two kits per service and for head gasket stop leak. No strings, pellets, fibers or powders ingredients.
Click cart button to order 6 kits.
The problem with common stop leaks.
The problem is that common head gasket stop leaks contain strings, fibers, powders, gravely mixtures, eggs, and pepper. Those fibrous material can plugs up the radiator coolant tube inlets in the core.
Mega Power's avoids fibrous material using a watery clear, head gasket stop leak. It's as good as any good stop leak. However, its clear, no particle nature will not cause a second problem fibrous stop leak brands can cause. Their being fibrous can seal over radiator cooling tube inlets - preventing cooking hot coolant from using the tubes to travel thru to dissipate the engine's heat. Overheating can result! Its the quickest event known to kill a good engine and automatic transmission.
Mega Power after sealing the head gasket, avoids that secondary overheating problem by removing scum in the tubing, which act like a fur coat blocking heat flow.
Another Mega Power feature removes lose oxygen molecules in the coolant allowing more coolant to touch and transfer heat outside. These 2 extra helpful features allows more coolant heat dissipation, an - take their negatives away from harming the engine and transmission. All as a blown head gasket sealer. These factors are the only know ways to stop head gasket leaks, and lower coolant and engine heat sink high temps.
If you were told you have a blown head gasket. "Blown" means, an opening in the main engine gasket has occurred. It leakage can:
- leak coolant into the oil
- upsets the normal engine operation
- force combustion to push coolant out, overheating the engine
- can ruin the engine.
- Mega Power Stop Leak stops ends those blown head gasket troubles
So, urgent help is needed. And Mega Power is it!
Fibrous stop leaks have a problem with clogging the radiator. Mega Power's stop leak won't clog yet is as effective on stopping head gaskets
- Fibers stop leaks - often clog up the radiator. They are too thick and stringy. Often they can't reach the hole in the head-gasket.
- Mega Power is all liquid. And is air activated. Air activated features make it the ideal head gasket or manifold stop leak.
- This means Mega Power will not clog up your narrow radiator cooling tubes, nor block circulation as do fiber stop leaks - avoiding a new problem.
- As such Mega Power works like blood that keeps flowing until when exposed to air, and coagulates the coolant to stop gasket leaks. No fibers in it!
To stop a blown head gasket. Follow these Mega Power Directions:
- Add the MP Pre-clean and Acid Neutralizer to the coolant and run motor 10 minutes. You can drain and replace the coolant if old or dirty. In the old coolant - the troublemakers are drain out.
- With new coolant, add the 2 stop leak liquid items marked R2 and R3. Sealing of the head gasket or hole now begins as you drive!
- Works on sealing any hole in the system and hold 30 lbs pressure - twice that of the system. The same product is use to seal new engine gaskets, and to prevent hole development and overheating problems.
That is the best way to stop a blown head gasket and its leak.
To order click the cart button.
Ordering the MP Blown Head Gasket Stop Leak Details:
The 3 Part Mega Power Radiator Head Gasket Seal Service Kit #RS3 contains the MP Pre-clean and Acid Neutralizer R1. Stop Leaks R2 and R3. Just $95 + $15 s&h= total $110.
Order two sets to protect your other good engine or if a big diesel engine. Comes with directions and free phone help if needed and satisfaction guarantee. Shipped overnight to your door via FedEx - Just $149 total - click cart button for delivery info .
The head gasket problem.
Head gaskets are a combined metal, fiber seal set between the engine head and engine block the head is bolted to for engine operation.
That its "blown" means its not sealing to keep your engine combustion, motor oil, exhaust, and coolant separated to maintain your engine operation. It has failed.
Repair cost can escalate if allowed to overheat and ruin the engine. Repair cost run $2000 to $5000 and a week in the shop. Some friction increases and usually cause future engine problems.
I use and promote Mega Power Stop Leak and Engine Tune Up Products. The only head gasket stop leak that's safe to use. And engine treatment that also ends the friction and future problems - blown head gasket problems cause engines.
The blown head gasket product and its install quickly and scientifically ends the entire engine head gasket problem. ... and cost run $250 to $700 [for diesels] if a mechanic installs it - few want to. But its easy and way cheaper for you to install - and nothing to take apart. This details the products directions and cost for your specific vehicle.
How to repair blown head gasket in 2 easy steps using 3 products shown.
- Add Cooling System Flush #RS1 to your radiator. Shown above -This item begins gasket stop leaking by neutralizing acidity causing the leak by electrolises: Remove some coolant to make room for #RS 1 cleaner. Do so with a suction pump or loosen the radiator pet-cock to drain a quart of coolant out. Add the MP System Flush RS1 to radiator coolant. Start and run or drive motor for 10 minutes or so.
Stop motor and drain old fluid out. Save old fluid and return to the parts store for recycling. You should drain out about 2 to 4 gallons depending on the size of your motor.
Rinse the radiator system with water, running motor for a few minutes, then drain out that water. It can go on the grass as its not harmful.
- Protection:Add anti-freeze coolant, and items RS2 and RS3 in the kit to the radiator system and new coolant. Add more coolant over 5 minutes to allow air pockets and bubbles to work their way out. That stops blown head gasket leaks and its coolant lost.
To order click the cart button.
Ordering the MP Blown Head Gasket Stop Leak Details:
The 3 Part Mega Power Radiator Head Gasket Seal Service Kit #RS3 $95 + $15 s&h= total $110. On Sale. Save over $100.
Order one or more set to protect your other good engine or if a big diesel engine. Comes with directions and free phone help if needed and satisfaction guarantee. Shipped overnight to your door via FedEx - Just $110 total - click cart button for delivery info.
Begin blown head gasket reseal in the following way.
Now Add the two remaining Mega Power items #R2 and #R3 to the radiator. Item #R3 - not shown, but included.
Begin Step Two this way. After adding #R2 and #R3 to the empty radiator - begin by mixing one gallon anti-freeze and one gallon water - and add to motor. Repeat the mix with motor running one more time if a 4 cylinder. 2 more times if a v6. 3 times if a v8. Air pocket dangers the entre spot and burn you badly. Be careful!: An air pocket might want to bubble out and push your antifreeze out. Reduce coolant loss this way. To avoid problems, put radiator cap on to the first lose catch and run motor 10 minutes so the bubble could escape out the lose cap and stop it blasting out the coolant and bublbe. Coolant is hot so wear gloves and long sleeve shirt to avoid hot coolant bubble out burns.
Refill and top offs.
Remove radiator cap and top off coolant by adding more coolant until its filled. then cap it tight. Some cars have an air-bubble release valve - see your car manual for location. This vent expels air pockets when the system is serviced so you expel air pockets as you add more water to the system, to the full point. At the full point coolant tighten the vent. System is full.
If not, watch for a bubbles to finally stop. A rag or gloves should keep HOT coolant off skin.
And hour later, when car motor is cool check coolant level again and top off if need be.
If you suspect or been told you have a head gasket problem - do this.
Have a mechanic remove the motor's valve covers and torque the head bolts a 1/4 turn tighter than they are now. That's what I do - with servicing the radiator - to stop any leak withe mega Power Radiator product listed below... that tightening the bolts can't reseal - in my shop ... along with installing the Mega Power Engine Treatment to end friction and sludge and valve problems that usually cause problems later.
More blown head gasket Tips
You should make sure your hoses do not have cracks in them. Replace them if older than 5 years old. Make sure your thermostat is good. If in doubt, replace it during the first flush. Rarely, water pumps will leak air in and a basket ball size air bubble will push out that much coolant as you drive. Replace it if suspect. Make sure the electric fans go on -
Blown head gasket Product Ingredients
The cleaner product installed, will remove acid - a cause of holes, and scum - both causes of overheating.
The other two products will provide stop leak and remove air between the coolant molecules, so more coolant will contact the radiator, transferring up to 30% more heat to the outside - for more positive cooling control. Exceeds car maker specs as a radiator service product. None clogging guaranteed, also. Ordering just the Head Gasket Stop Leak
The 3 Part Mega Power Radiator Head Gasket Seal Service Kit #RS3 $55 + $15 s&h= total $75. Order two sets to protect your other good engine from such troubles. Comes with directions and free phone help if needed and satisfaction guarantee. Shipped overnight to your door via FedEx - Just $75 total - click cart button for delivery info .
Blown head gasket deals right now!
Ordering Two #RS3 Treatments= 6 items.$70 + $20 s&h= $90 total. Save $60.
Ordering for annual fleet shop servicing. Auto repair shop inventory for servicing customer radiators and problem solving.
Order Six MP Radiator and Head Gasket Stop leak Treatments #PS3... 6 Treatments =$180 + $20 s&h= $200 total. $33 each.
Please Note: Large equipment with 5 to 20 gallon capacity systems like over-the-road and diesel rigs and trucks require two kits per service and for head gasket stop leak. No strings, pellets, fibers or powders ingredients.
Click cart to order 6 kits.
Diesel Cylinder Wall Holes: This Product stops cylinder pitting and holes in diesel cylinders cause by acids. This product exceeds vehicle makers specs. Includes easy-to-follow instructions. My personal phone help if needed. Guarantee. To ask me a question or order products needed.
Call me at 512 665 3388 day or evening... to ask a question and phone order. ...george.
How Mega Power Works
People come to us when they are having car trouble, seeing their present car care methods isn't good enough to handle, or end their car problems. Especialy, as their vehicles age. Suddenly-appearing problems can be worrisome, and they fear a budget busting repair.
A sure way to get your life back. No matter new to older or even worn vehicles.
From lawn mower, car, diesel rig, RV, boat, motorcycle to giant sized equiment. Easy to do. Self paying. Maybe pay you for its problem solving. I feel it does that for me.
If you feel an alternative service may end the problem, help avoid an expensive repair problem. Or at the least, put off expensive overhauls for a few more years. We provide that help for you -and the following:
If an equipment owner. They seek a way to end operating problems in equipment. Put off such, or instantly provide a fix without too much cost or down time. We provide that help.
New car and equipment owners know of such troubles are looking for upgrade help to keep their costly new cars and rigs protected from such troubles - as they age. Keep them going great, indifinitely. We provide them that help... even for...
For Race Car Owners. Race Engine Builders. Heavy Machining
And auto repair shop owners want to offer more value, to keep customers returning, and attract better paying customers with some form of care competitors don't offer. Have customers feel the higher rates a bargain for the better perfomance provided -other can't. We provide them that help to you.
In each case, auto tune up and repair options - and me your guide, gives vehicles the needed boost to keep end a problem, keep going years longer, after ending its problem. Prevent such problems from appearing. Do you want such help?
Get that help at our links for your problem. Call for a one on one consultation - Free, to all.
PS: auto tune up and repair avoiding options you can trust when vehicles need repair, overhaul or replacement avoidance - no more letting time and chance do so. ...george... call for more help at 512 665 3388
End blown head gasket review. Links that may help.
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