Save Money. End Your Own Car problems With These Great Tune Repair Help, Tips, and Products.
Fixes Most Car Problems Mechanics Use To Fix.
You can't find anywhere else.

I experimented with additives until I found a product line like engineers used - but for older vehicles problems. I sold them to mechanics to make their job easier. Little did I know listing their instructions for mechanics online for the mechanics benefit cause individuals to buy them to lower their car problem repair expenses.

Tune Repair Help-

You, like me, not knowing a gas cap from a radiator cap, yet over my life I experimented with additives to keep my older car problems away and didn't have much success until I found a product line like engineers used - but for older vehicles problems.

Simplifying the most complex vehicle problem ending solution. 

    - I listed vehicle tune repair help products and the problems they solve in recipe-form. They are found on the menu on the home page. There with ordering and tips on the page it sends you too.

A money back if it does not work offer.

Tune repair help you can follow without a wrench:

The idea behind these fixes.

  1.    You can look at any page menu to see if they can do the same for your vehicle problems. Ordering, printed directions, and free phone help walks your through the install. 
  2.    I learned  to package them from the inventors from their research on many tune repair tips and their better tune up racing tips. 
  3.  Each is great tune up secret using 3 or 6 additives. One to clean away the cause, two to fix the parts to get it going great again.
  4.    Motors need 6. 3 for the top, air, fuel area and combustion problem ending. 3 for oiling section ending most any kind of dirty, sticking binding problem in just 10 minutes to a weeks time, or so. 
  5. Cost is usually $$75  up for cars. Triple that for big trucks farm tractors, and such. 

Their unique itune repair help is that they change dirty wear roughen problem causing years on engine and gear surfaces back to smooth - where the condition ends th motor or gear problem,

They offer the best ever improvement giving results that makes an older vehicle run as if new - then keep it that way as long as you want!

For me, an owner of older vehicles  - it was a tune repair help secret that saved me tens of thousands of dollars over ten to twenty years - keeping vehicles that should be dead - going strong.

They can do the same tune repair help for you!

Read more or go to the menu buttons

This Tune Repair Help Page Explains My Powerful Tire Spinning, Horsepower Producing, Zippy Tune up Philosophy and Method

When new.. What you must understand...

  • When new, cars and trucks produce maximum horsepower, great zip, and great fuel economy. Just moving the gas pedal down has you going 80 quickly. Going up steep hills is no problem.  

5 to Ten years later...

  • Yet, 10 years later its in the shop for engine transmission radiator work of some sort.
  • It leaves the shop, only as good as it was just before the problem. 
  • But not anything like when new. It doesn't get the tune up help it needs. Why?

The question...Why?

  • Not just why the loss, but what can you do to recover that 10 to 20 or so horses of power lost. What returns that "maximum horsepower, great zip, and to fuel economy" so you can once again enjoy its zippy, like new feel again?

            Tune up Help that returns like new zip, performance,                   good fuel economy

  • Few really know, but I do. I found out from experts who study this horsepower loosing phenomena. There are just a few such experts around. And Now I'm one of them!

Tune Repair Help that end wear and tear problems and restores like-new power to older cars and heavy equipment

The answer...

  • Basically, give this kind of tune up help to do this to the vehicle:

                Find a way to replace 2 to 5 horse lost in the A/C system.

                Find a way to do so in the power steering system.

                Find a way to do so in the radiator system.

                Find a way to do so in the engine system.

                Find a way to do so in the transmission system.

  • Make sure they slow-down wear out, as most methods speed up wear out.
  • Make it cheap, with good profit margins, difficult to duplicate.
  • Fix it so any person can repeat the results.
  • Have a missionary zeal to promote it.
  • Help the end user under the significance to him.  

Find a way to do all that - and who cares? Just a few. And not many mechanics.

So what works in all that?

The way I've done so is with tens of thousands of people, and repair shops who follow my philosophy.

I solve their car performance problem - the tune up help, or money growing income problem repair shops have doing so.

ou  gain

What should you do?

While there are many additives, most don't work! To find those that do for your problem may be even harder. That's where we can help with expertise in this.

  • Today's new chemistry is complex and so are additives. 
  • With 30 years selling them, and as a mechanic, I can tell Mega Power will do the fix and offer anti wear benefits, also.
  • Our customers pay us well for this expertise. 
  • Now, I'll show you the same advantages you can gain yourself.
  • These Tune repair help and tips work in the engine, transmission, steering and other components. 
  • They clean and free moving parts causing your problem. 
  • This is not possible in any other way - except by costly hand-cleaning of each part.

I'm George Chris. I'll show you a better, cheaper kind of
auto tune up and repair to always use.

Tune repair help you can follow without a wrench:

Amazing proof to help reduce your car care repair expense Tune repair help

Even - worn engines and transmissions and other components will run great again, and for years with-out-overhauling with Mega Power's reconditioning ingredients. Their usage will benefit you, your family, vehicles, equipment, finances.

Many men and women – like you, not just mechanics, use my auto tune up and repair additive options. They are inexpensive fast-working options that throw in a great bonus.....

The Tune repair help we give provide the extra edge to avoid or reduce your expenses - when an additive can do that for you.

How so?

  • This is because the brand we recommend, "Mega Power," contain ingredients that -in-the-fix-process, slams the breaks on wear. You can read about this exclusive wear-avoiding group of characteristics by reading about the inventors story of Mega Power on this site. Link to his story; bottom of page.
  • Its his formula inventions, and my expertise spelling out how to use his brand for your problem-solving that provides extra years of dependable service no other brand can offer.
  • I have dozens of cars and trucks with 250,000 to 350,000 miles of free-of-the-need for major repair and overhaul - running everyday, when normally, a new engine, transmission, power steering, and air conditioning rebuild is the norm. Not just me, but many others, too!
  • Now, its your turn to test if this is so or not!

A Better, Cheaper Kind of Tune repair help and Avoidance Care to Always Use

What People Say:

      I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with $100 worth of your suggestions. We were told it would take $3,000 for an overhaul. I'll be back for more of the same and to try your other products to help our other vehicles avoid expensive repairs." MC

What Mechanics Say:

      3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.Your method made it shift beautifully. We recommend your products and your methods to every customer.

      They are now a good source of extra income for us - and our customers respect our expertise even more, when they experience the performance improvements they hoped for. Thanks again." DF Mechanic-garage owner

Most important are these facts:

The products and methods recommended for your fix, are special heat activated cleaners, fluid, oil, and metal surface and seal conditioners with anti-wear qualities.

You won't find them in 90% of the garages. They are not sold in parts stores.

  • Those who promote Mega Power are specially trained in this science, and become experts by actual experience learning what works and what won't.
  • You benefit as they restore and promote a like new zip, performance.
  • With additional years of dependability. With here-to-fore-unsolvable tune and repair fixes and tips for your car, truck, equipment, RVs, boat, motorcycle, and even industrial machine problems.
  • .....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even top car-makers recommend or use these – because they work well, work permanently, and consistently.

NOW you, your family, your budget & vehicles will all benefit. I like that idea! Don't you?

Here’s how to get the help you're after.

  • Hit the blog button to get updates and new tips to keep you cars and equipment going trouble-free. And great reminders, too!
  • Click the buttons for help pinpointing your problems fix. Order the products suggested. If they don't do as advertised, I'll refund you your money. You have 12 months to test results.
  • Call me anytime or email me, for help you with suggestions we know will be a good shortcut, and the products needed.
  • See bottom of page for our Great Business Opportunity

Phone me, George Christ USA 1-512 665-3388
Email …

I known you and your family will use my auto tune up and repair options all your life. They will become your secret collection of tips, tricks, providing you thousands of dollars of money-saving tune up and repair remedies." ....George

Business Opportunity for your area. Low investment. Growth market.

PS: Earn a living promoting my methods and products with just a small start-up investment. A huge and profitable market is out there. Call or email me of your interest, questions; USA 1-512 353-1165

Tune repair Tune repair help

..Tune repair help from the inventor of Mega Power...

Tech tune up steps to a great tune up.

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